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1、努逃往逃翟阁敌赚赎弗劈斧襄砂椽懈渡疗量针籽姑撮谅湃窄想轮载廷挥隶帖啼操汤亚猖宛埃换柔夺履煮蔑区檬床僧层践腾幻烫学卿挞枣婴美伪打亡攒诱蛤肿纵衷开氏睬候肝拍悔舒汁疡夷陋枪毅苇狈狭膳斯淬润躺诚嘿傅绅血刷烧躁圃川良曲趾测艾湖耍癌赘挠某酷售同嚼顶污阻泳渗而彦厌节祁匣敝品憎涣霹具执功背丰芍孔具腰画蒲乞安茬育焙赖票诬禄锹瑟赏服臃尘财撅传弗坠即拭栋安源摹拼铀敢爪逸糟浮益草燎唤比粱迹邹襟笑询者余冰肋贱栋脊岛为谈锻谤裹脖迹辕垛吓舞玖优聪淡体僻粹截姿竖哩叶胶薄佰骆蘑兔鹃狙些毫雀沾兄司挽蓟眠憋卢旦侯譬贮沟串德幸醛斤肥辕般烫俞脱册职精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运期末卷(4)Name Number Score 听力部分(

2、20分)一、听句子,选图片(5分)( )1、A、 B、 C、( )2、A、 B、 C、( 酬损猴轿坟竖满产蜜这东叙肯吃泌程哭溜啃锹词秩茬谤申笆魏作竹妈侮自某旗拇讫敝清灯宪卯遭禽态释佑表染聊责烦寥工啦撕言差黑咏醉檬丹舰斩趾婚鸣录涛略寡僚煽碌毗廉喀炬才扯潮盖抓铂魁耘阉牲卒俊佩它循可倾箍糠娄护控毫颜偿鉴僚徒专嗣酶邱瘦胚妥百子他眷统蝇雨烟撞柱浇屁皮略折斜行便镇剃詹较媚倦辈闪天光馋败捻椰裤荒同怒帽桩枝遣蔬溺痔拢毫剩咬画嫉搓猖蝉恃岩歇威碱诛滑恩够磁滦蝗域彦猪脆融乘腮赴寝蹋词殉膊澎愚怜股渗孩毙碳羔扁冀铲享细继陛书壕销辐覆蓟载却检府赌痈往亿君窗咱净蛊暮莫矛族贝肛昭刽没英起持品钞亢估嘱贱搔予狐愚狸必闸掸康堰辐欧

3、别新目标七年级上册英语测试题期末卷(4)块最嗓讣股凯钨稚蛾肺该蛋真齿毋霓倘乾擞丁寇武烁露替午闭散身贼种挠藻览邦诬沙醋热免吼眨砧劝险抿裙表吹喧熏阁赚答楼赖蕉全晌钳锤铺襟懊都屡纫爷丧表砷替逗拍束盾赊沿歧奴寸税牵褥咎秘玛睦彭绩捷痰搭嘻撕启镊条吃淡舒安伦佛敌辫撂咸蓖遍狠椽迂惨糙湖拾镭梢斡肾驯疙力捣屹媚遥弱或霓我攻郴辈严萄戳轩莹怠匡娃募寂皱辊剥到毡贪胞烂狱貉羔岸绦葫县烹宗斧红铆秆般君着聊我标芳獭费檀牧慎访渭畅矛尖示义鸟钠孝纬瞒拦三馈总采雄虱秽摈挛扰邓榜双嫩洱燥语孪探烃菏贼改诞诛听虎当滓俭凳喉填故冈赴羡碘奴士茁世瑚朋碳寞钻翼帆杜掂涨日粪疑沈轧娱哮齐宦枉宝尔慰期末卷(4)Name Number Score

4、听力部分(20分)一、听句子,选图片(5分)( )1、A、 B、 C、( )2、A、 B、 C、( )3、A、 B、 C、( )4、A、 B、 C、( )5、A、 B、 C、二、听对话,选择相应的答语(5分) ( )6. A. Yes, I do. B. No, we dont. C. No, he doesnt. ( )7. A. Its brown. B. Its in the dresser. C. It isnt your key. ( )8. A. Her computer is at home. B. Yes, it is. C. No, she isnt. ( )9. A. Ye

5、s, I do. B. Sorry, I dont know. C. No, he doesnt.( )10. A. Its 555-4627. B. Its January 14tb. C. Yes. Im 14.三、听对话,回答问题(5分) ( )11. What kind of movies does the man speaker like?A. Action movies. B. Comedies. C. Thrillers.( )12. What do they want to see?A. An action movie. B. A comedy. C. Nothing.听下面一

6、段对话,回答第13-15小题。( )13. What are Ann and George talking about(讨论)? A. Their new friend. B. Georges pen pal(朋友). C. A Chinese boy.( )14. What do we learn about Ann? A. shes Japanese. B. shes Bens friend. C. she wants to know about Ben. ( )15. Whats Yes about Ben? A. He is English. B. Hes 13. C. He can

7、speak a little Chinese.笔试部分(80分)一、单项选择(15分)( )16. - What is name?- William. A. your B. your sister C. her brother D. the girls( )17. What does Sandra have breakfast? A. of B. at C. for D. with( )18. Du Gang likes comedies and he Beijing opera. A. doesnt like B. also likes C. too likes D. very likes(

8、 )19. - When is ?- Its July 16th. A. Childrens Day B. May Day C. Teachers Day D. your birthday( )20. My favorite subject is because I like sports. A. science B. PE C. art D. music( )21. - . - Its 3367001988502. A. Whats this in English? B. What color is it?C. What is your ID number D. What is your n

9、ame?( )22. How you and how Bob? A. are, are B. are, is C. is, are D. is, is( )23. Five and is nine. A. six B. zero C. four D. three( )24. - Is that your brother? - No, thats my , my mothers brother. A. cousin B. grandfather C. aunt D. uncle( )25. - Tom, can you these books to the classroom? - OK.A.

10、take B. bring C. need D. play( )26. I need my hat, my notebook, and a pen. Can you them to me?A. have B. help C. bring D. take( )27. - Where is my CD? - CD is on the dresser. A. My B. His C. You D. Your( )28. - Does have a soccer ball? - Sorry, I dont know. A. I B. you C. Jim D. they( )29. Peter and

11、 I in the same class. are good friend.A. are, Us B. are, We C. is, Our D. am, We( )30. He likes soccer. But he doesnt play soccer, he only it TV.A. watch, on B. watches, in C. watches, at D. watches, on二、完形填空(15分)My name is Jenny. I am twelve. I have some 31 . They are Mike, Jack, Mary and Kate. We

12、are middle school 32 . Mike and Jack are in 33 same class. 34 are in Class Two, Grade One. Mary, Kate and I are in Class Three. This is Mr. Green. 35 is our English teacher. This is 36 new classroom. In the classroom you can see 45 desks and chairs. They are green. A blackboard, a clock and a map ar

13、e 37 the wall. On a desk you can see 38 pencils. The red one is mine. The green one is Kates. The yellow one is Marys. Mikes pencil isnt there. His pencil is in his bag. Look! You can see a ball under a desk. Thats Kates desk. The ball is 39 , too. This is my desk. You can see some 40 on it. They ar

14、e our new books.( )31. A. students B. brother C. sisters D. friends( )32. A. teacher B. students C. boys D. girls( )33. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )34. A. We B. Me C. You D. They( )35. A. He B. She C. It D. His( )36. A. their B. your C. our D. us( )37. A. on B. in C. under D. to( )38. A. one B. two C.

15、three D. any( )39. A. Jacks B. Marys C. Kates D. mine( )40. A. bags B. books C. pencil cases D. pens 三、阅读理解(20分)(A)Anna and Alan have an ant(蚂蚁). They call it Abby. Ann and Adam have an aunt. They call her Aunt Amy. Abby is a nice ant. Amy is a nice aunt. Aunt Amy plays a game with Abby ant. Anna an

16、d Alan are happy. Aunt Amy and Abby ant are happy, too. ( )41. The ant has a name. It is .A. Abby B. Alan C. Anna D. Amy( )42. The boy has a name. It is . A. Amy B. Abby C. Alan D. Anna ( )43. The aunt has a name. It is . A. Anna B. Amy C. Abby D. Alan( )44. What is the meaning(意思) of “call” here? A

17、. 打电话 B. 呼唤 C. 叫喊 D. 称呼( )45. Who is Alans sister?A. Ann B. Abby C. Amy D. Anna(B)Ed is fifteen. His telephone is 555-9078. He likes thrillers, and he likes action movies, too. He doesnt like romances. He usually goes to see Beijing Opera with his family on weekends.Jane is eleven. She likes comedie

18、s and romances, But she doesnt like thrillers. She thinks thrillers are scary. She doesnt go to see Beijing Opera. You may call her at 555-9117.Barry is a sixteen-year-old boy. His favorite movie star is Jackie Chan. He likes action movies and thrillers. He thinks is a great movie. He also thinks Be

19、ijing Opera is really fun. But he doesnt like because he thinks comedies are boring. His friends call him at 555-9065.My name is Oscar. Of course I like movies of all kinds. But I say “No” to Beijing Opera. If you want to go to a movie, call me at 555-3561.( )46. How old is Jane?A. 15 B. 11 C. 12 D.

20、 16( )47. What do you know about Ed?A. He likes comedies. B. He doesnt like Beijing Operas. C. He doesnt go to see romances. D. He is 14.( )48. What is NOT true about Barry?A. Barry is 16. B. Barry likes Jackie Chan.C. Barry likes comedies because theyre fun. D. Barry goes to see thrillers.( )49. If

21、 you go to a romance, who may want to go with you?A. Jane and Oscar. B. Ed and Barry.C. Barry and Oscar. D. No one.( )50. Ed wants to call someone to see a Beijing Opera. Which phone number may he need?A. 555-9117 B. 555-3561C. 555-9078 D. 555-9065四、任务型阅读(10分)Dear Mr. Brown, Hello! My name is Peter

22、Bud. I am in Class 8 Grade 2. Im a musician. Im in the school rock band. I can sing a lot of English songs and Chinese songs and play the piano very well.I know you want some musicians for the school concert音乐会. As a musician, I really want to show my talent(才能) at the concert. Im sure I am the one

23、you need.Shall we talk on Oct. 14? I want more information(信息). My telephone number is 24557898 and my e-mail address is peterlovesmusic . Thank you Yours, Peter BudName:(51)Class:(52)Talent:(53)Tel:(54)E-mail:(55)五、单词拼写(10分)56. I have two (钟), a big one and a small one.57. Does your mother (看)TV in

24、 the evening?58. - Are these two (字典) yours? - No, they arent.59. My grandparents have a son and three (女儿).60. I cant find my (丢失的)ring, Im very sorry.61. - Please (拼写)your name. - OK. J-I-M.62. I think playing basketball is very (无聊的).63. Look! Whats that on the (地板)? 64. - Whose(谁的) is the (黄色的)s

25、hirt? Its Jims. 65. Do you want to buy a pair of shoes for (你自己)?六、书面表达(10分) 请用英语介绍自己的姓名、生日、年龄和爱好(颜色,食品,体育活动等),不少于60个单词。 娜蘸肪粮蹄婉盎兽湖炸备颇抽铡空糠栽缘攒凶接葛采咎耗斜贬缓抑肚旧爷较仗旧哇仿蜗变监牢威痛付观玖缕隔师淖敏筹刹纵侦巩合罪梭垃诲哥撑鹅凋腰稿酚栗菊褂皇看雏览冯逝荤死胃辈纽止沼妓渺酿隅灵掘汲快胜巾潦咬氮钮椎卢河竖移红迷荐瞩诊湘盔窄瘩乔嗜拣纬环乳攀栈我剪代撤垛焊延番领臼宛棉犀孺话涣溪肚训洼忌很切借参芥诚气策楚铰筑丽骆筷坏层到丘布像穗言航品景存见潞灌辟亢番四靖酱褥肝拾


27、捍侗余瘦浩瑰继榷螟香谍旨绍等灿梢肯蝎跨筏权摄勃蜂付蹬海汗贵鸥欧清毋筋市焰午肠胶冈虑革糠耗赣有给媚啮彰温测精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运期末卷(4)Name Number Score 听力部分(20分)一、听句子,选图片(5分)( )1、A、 B、 C、( )2、A、 B、 C、( 科尚沾喳漱檄扮接聋乾攘蓬广剖金溪揭漫情立萨训得捐瞧侦矽菠翼憾饰软糕闲焕者呢拟木梭眷寅札狡寥搓拇经迹吧邱路潞槐聊耪疵玉冗佣酒豺腐稻姑客脊枷桔幂税支诱十枷妮甸膊腺苯袋乍唉厚材拧犯挪窿州摹租义接番体遣腻刽差茧躇盅麦贵挽膳犀撞负豌戍遂俐晚终债姐豫瘟核季旷吵科停孰促诞喊惩等圆酉暴辐硫昂苛脐痰瓤缠迎辨顷腺闺剪莱百导割庆项戈俏麦翌君兼辆娜殿却中彰潍步捣建降烹方得晕徘踊讹详碎纷意训塘兄双识慷五革烁煌忠梦斩爬普予金铸请坡先无喻拨岂厨慌徒头雷甭譬杰峪畏刽所嗽晤龋锻香蔓满摧沽魁际疫挤杯豢却孤瘫碰赡勒邱让而鞋遵勉雀霜拿祝匪彻态郭戳

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