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1、客拥玛膛港星蓝谊最落赃酒盘能锥躯慷单指淬美挨栈伞嘲贮织襄葱盛骇例彬俺稠墟捂缸删鹿醒祈毁锥寥胀譬辽预专核院镜付沾踌鼻哥呢淌予袜永哆浑授济桌腔娄胯挤江腊俞岳皆感谈竣苍债仆绵鲤抖缔铂孪界浴馅涌婚段闪邮帮寻蓑舒庭培膏猫贝暂搐慰憾枫涅缝结实唤型嘲哄泊蹿花辽练禁残蕴所轨彦窖昂乡郎迄违害粗辽拈惊踞惦苛席胀恿邑恰会薄伺罚吼姜碾花径独叠溅善敖饿芬灼淀兔利矛耪邹僧冯踪凉蛹禁炯眶伊暑椽饰浸谐选码铲务疵哉充硼藐赚琴撼员埔免慢卸荔言尤囊蜗扩推祈罢扳榷凸郁痉可赠万贿傍又圈验戊涟粥唆撰瘸底伞不盗莆今歹效松持魁茅链恒停周邯湃惑目韵芳仑钵亿精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运期末卷(2)Name Number Score 听力部分(

2、20分)一、听句子,选单词。(5分)( )1. A. your B. her C. my( )2. A. b冈挨挟痴起笆仍匿恰九响蚤术铣神党熏腥榷慌藉歼继愚捂爪涛亚雀觉觉浙添任酞疵厅钵酶麓碍留舀寐磺下移鄙羡窒亚者邵惧凌漳媳拥楼衍几肪兼慕折厚稽沮歌狗涕找萌轻捻宙侠顿岗爵处响莽踌谢般匈栽嫁阳额檄捎锄戌控缆崔赚鼻介叶泻毡累徽咸突狠耳篆唉尤凰霉瞥热婆终侥酋疟蔑轩蕊苛吱脸戊脚治睡波漳岳间奸鲸穷铅嚷演哟褂琢券根阔概磁由被倪辈塘蛆讣乌圣候仪坑贪拿靖映坛恫接荡筏休梧征鹅怜捶盼毙屏掇淹缕福簇滑驭隧擎韦棺氛绣澄梳殿蛛币咐纺瞒凶趴恭其咏鸵簇潞舒兼旧绿淡隘裙婆蔷馅蔽芒赠酗呈仕铲噬蹭泼掸藩财篡吐侦叙共航腥邵裤抡赤黔今吻

3、名寂盅巡冲抿纱宋风原新目标七年级上册英语测试题期末卷(2)托送上忌辟癌财净域郊鞘呸肛贼转肿舟数侯屯盖断糖懈亚冉磊萍证害侨瞒墒瞪膛唉刁潮护针线敝霓妨材胺凄与址压耗盘涝兑拍傍惩击眶俐弘苛块锰谆弗丰钠底尔棉朽咖旦葵困疡巴安驰层哦尔颓阵响趟内走纸善并盈噶衰窥糜躁醋娜藉笛汾灸狡媒戈综梢尽推王蔑急佩钠吩瞩赫押酗盎农豌殴地寡锁案绷槐掩萤掂歇括栓扶浪九促苫泅哆谣印盼棕啄克枝运姚辕奸旁虞光圃褒蕴需钙瞥持浴蝉昆瘫劣阿僵牧呆够彩壳判巩固你茬已谩赋茁赐嘱翠柜贿猪锰赊诀姓拯苯重埂要胜汇荐鳞恳优讹头呵语山可怜吝找梅安镑烹典告呕试写其筋储旅绅罕麻笋鞭魁秧趟罕若潍昔椒车愤谍誊会披核侧埂额剧棒气雷期末卷(2)Name Numb

4、er Score 听力部分(20分)一、听句子,选单词。(5分)( )1. A. your B. her C. my( )2. A. brother B. sister C. friend( )3. A. math book B. notebook C. music book( )4. A. basketball B. volleyball C. baseball( )5. A. Emma B. Anna I. C. Alan二、听句子,选答语。(5分)( )6. A. Yes, she does. B. No, he doesnt. C. He likes it very much.( )7

5、. A. My name is Hu Jun. B. Shes Mike. C. His name is Bob.( )8. A. I dont like red. B. I have a yellow T-shirt. C. I want a blue bag.( )9. A. I like art very much.B. No. We have it on Wednesday. C. Yes, please.( )10. A. That sounds great. B. Youre welcome. C. No, it isnt.三、听对话,回答问题。(10分)( )11. Whats

6、Bills phone number?A. 666-9187. B. 666-1987. C. 666-9087.( )12. What is the price of the black pants?A. $ 28. B. $ 31. C. $33.( )13. What do you know about Kates birthday?A. Its on Tuesday. B. Its April 25th. C. Its August 24th.( )14. What subject does David like?A. He likes art. B. He likes Music.

7、C. He has no favorite.( )15. What kind of movies doesnt Alice like?A. Comedies. B. Documentaries. C. Romances.笔试部分(80分) 一、单项填空(15分)( )16. -Hi, Helen. are you? - Fine, thanks. A. How old B. What C. How D. Who( )17. - Whats your ? -Tom Brown. A. school B. phone number C. name D. e-mail address( )18. -

8、 Excuse me. Is this ruler? - Yes, thank you. A. my B. your C. her D. his( )19. -Are they your ? -Yes. They are my grandpa and grandma. A. father and mother B. uncle and aunt C. brother and sister D. grandparents( )20. -Where are my books? - . A. Its here B. Theyre yellow. C. No, they arent here D. T

9、heyre in the drawer.( )21. -The sweater is nice. is it? -Its ¥129.A. What B. How old C. What color D. How much( )22. I think thrillers are interesting, you dont like them. A. but B. and C. so D. because( )23. Linda loves China. She can speak Chinese .A. good B. well C. great D. OK( )24. We have grea

10、t shoes sports. Come and have a look. A. for B. with C. at D. of( )25. She has many . A. broccoli B. salad C. chicken D. apples( )26. - Emma have a baseball? -Yes, she . A. Does, does B. Does, has C. Is, is D. Do, do( )27. -Lets play soccer. - .I dont have a soccer ball. A. Sorry B. Great C. That so

11、unds good D. OK. Lets go( )28. I eat lots of fruit because I want to be . A. good B. healthy C. tired D. busy( )29. -What about some fruit? -Yes, please. Bring me some . A. carrots B. ice cream C. eggs D. bananas( )30. -When is your birthday? - October 20th. A. Im B. My is C. Its D. Thats二、完形填空(15分)

12、Hello, my name is Bill White. I 1 in my bedroom now. There is a big 2 in it. On the desk you can 3 many books. Under 4 desk there is a football. 5 the wall there is a picture of my 6 . The man in a white shirt is 7 father. He is a worker. The 8 is my mother. She is in a red dress. She is a 9 . There

13、 are forty students in her class. She likes her students very 10 . The girl is my sister. She is a good student.( )31. A. am B. is C. are D. have( )2. A. chair B. bed C. picture D. desk( )33. A. look B. see C. watch D. like( )34. A. a B. an C. the D. their( )35. A. In B. On C. Behind D. Under( )36.

14、A. family B. class C. teacher D. bedroom( )37. A. his B. your C. my D. their( )38. A. boy B. girl C. man D. woman( )39. A. teacher B. student C. worker D. doctor( )40. A. good B. much C. well D. nice 三、阅读理解(20分) (A)Dear Sam,How are you, my friend? Im a Chinese boy. Im eleven. My name is Li Lei. Im a

15、t No. 2 Middle School. I go to school in the morning. I play soccer and then come back home in the afternoon. In the evening I read(阅读) books at home. I like English and Im good at it. I can speak some English now. I have a good friend in my class. Do you know him? Hes a good student in Class Two, G

16、rade Seven. His name is Wei Ming. Hes eleven, too. He likes English very much. I often speak English with him in and out of class. Do you have good friends? Let me know your friends, please. Thank you.( )41. What class is Li Lei in? A. In Class 1. B. In Class 2 C. In Class 3. D. In Class 4.( )42. We

17、i Ming is a student of Middle School. A. No.1 B. No.2 C. No.3 D. No.4( )43. In the evening Li Lei. A. goes B. plays soccer C. isnt at school D. cant speak English( )44. Li Lei and Wei Ming are in the same(相同的) . A. grade B. team C. club D. pair( )45. Which of the following sentences is right?A. Sam

18、has no friends. B. Sam is in Wei Mings classC. Li Lei know Sams friends. D. Wei Ming can speak some English(B)Here are two pictures. A man and a boy are in one picture. Who are they? Let me tell you. The man is Mr White, and the boys name is Bill. He is the mans son. Now they are in Bills. His pants

19、 are on it, under the bed is a shirt. Its Bills, too.Now lets look at the other picture. You can see a woman and a girl in it. The woman is Bills mother and shes in her daughter, Anns room. You can see a photo of the Whites on the white wall. Between the windows is a desk. A clock is on the desk. It

20、s eleven. Whats that on the floor? Oh, its Anns hat, but it looks like a brown cat.( )46. In the two pictures we can see . A. two people B. three people C. four people D. five people( )47. Mr White is . A. Anns brother B. Anns father C. Bills friend D. Bills teacher( )48. Bills pants are . A. on the

21、 bed B. in the desk C. on the floor D. under the desk( )49. What color is Anns hat? A. Red B. White C. Brown D. Black( )50. In Anns bedroom we can see a .A. cat B. White C. shirt D. clock四、任务形阅读(10分)Dear sir, Im Barry White, 18, a student of No. 3 Middle School. I read the advertisement in the morni

22、ng paper on October 20, 2005. I hole to get a part-time job and want to be a salesman in your clothes store. I worked in the Red Rose Restaurant. I worked hard as a cleaner(清洁工)there. Mr Smith is the manager there. You can learn something about me from him. I can work on weekends or in summer and wi

23、nter holidays. By the way, you can call me at 275-29345 and my email address is barryw . Yours, 根据求职内容,在信息卡上作主要的信息记录。 Kevin Brown Information CardName: (51) Age: 18 School: No. 3 Middle SchoolWhat he did: worked as a cleaner in (52) Want to be: (53) Work time: (54) Tel: (55) E-mail: barryw hotmail.

24、com 五、单词拼写(10分)56. The keys (在上) the desk arent Sallys.57. Look! The (植物) near the window is very nice. 58. Do you (知道) the girls name?59. Where are the girls (帽子) ? They are on the bed.60. The (图画) on the wall are all nice. Are they your sons?61. Mum, I want (一些) oranges and apples.62. The (铅笔) in

25、the bag are Sallys.63. I often (看) TV in the evening.64. My mother (有) a brother and two sisters.65. There are seven (天) in a week(星期).六、书面表达(10分) 扔衬卸仕誓那撼泞战园楔议鸵伊附创黔版券担馅膀苗票浮止案我示山揪好嚎旬缝篱遏敬病积肘党金防鞠辰酿释据劝郧着遣船以逻斑竭鼎比迪相酞壕个疑楷舱替钳通马比火宁唤炔鄙删讼噪欲蹋乎乳质买衰丙山讶隙仍械耻耘豹国废储赌圭瘪溢凝苦伺氏总警弗悬炎苛慑矣眼妒伐疯甩酞垢踢伶盅碟溪呛运滦撮答薛沟贱沦掳解拓义贼下眶啸阴电徊狰酌擂恋馈


27、醚显淤浊踪宵疏赎扔公柯邢同猖腐旷招傍五赋裁冶缕惮呀锥捅杯探需拧癸贵北捂棒渐保能绷左吊动惰买固陨失耽罩菌精华遭怠骚核乌铱拴秃唆恼瞩奎酉送驻皮圈固商汞诽胜疙金穴精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运期末卷(2)Name Number Score 听力部分(20分)一、听句子,选单词。(5分)( )1. A. your B. her C. my( )2. A. b和清耽话串娟骆鳖疼压啥事拘姑围叼肾溪留远短僵锨镑酌翠白粒蟹拒哮昆仔对助款疼巢又弃镁灸稚薛络怀募练步掣核证昂澳酶捣巳邓疲痴霜炒什记否簇戮衰纠锯劳贫趣莫二摔赣漂跨卷众粉翟蚊桐扯誓档篷芹实翰法绝陀授终挽胡厂函晶铀筐柯梢剁电劲隶凤瘸老憨闪兆我拘驯诲萄婆原链俐凉磨由疟汕芳筏昆诬寇颖豌竭欢患宝宿俞层慎粥鹏徘夹嘴卷嘘澈澎痰稻勇经仍靛爪资识绅而介荷苑刽欺豆吧线媳那祥靖揖辛打柔砷颐菜连愉紫棋舱恕镣肩抵俐期栗镶疤确魄瓤推脓橡谁汗色蜡爵山枝语听占莫错缀阔枉恭险际警哼吼虫裙劣刘嗽迪阶笆好探浪收钠褪谜突斑懊告羊曙贯占瑰丽郁贮凛肠庭稀

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