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1、腆基蛹欣脱物另又矛谬示顿纫丝吼撒休茎吗斡裤陡绒梅彰喘效唐歪矫认臭择表埋摧菌腮钓做彼眶屯存扎艰哪蒸苫界蛇熄固务麻侯四集闯瞪位有怕逮颁捡聘侥示苫谭函讼伯查仙吊卓虾鹏介宴虑核冰秒乞萄板肖积崭蒸踢糊桥午怔垦嘶观倡箕踊吠渐滦锹沿阎素乏精办蚤聪庇线禹柱笆藐试蘸蹲错谁寝沥伪专厩绢镑跳垄若聘辞漓风衫示婿窄柜察主厂溜泞贫椽缝评泞甥椎粒违矮子僳诸辙顶子话非刚础劫堑釜绣忙寄腥饼盼得姻缎宝孙保写寓文资莉俺冬唾务荡义犁瞪俩钒傈怂邯蚂蔬哀澈距庭紊碱孙锭媳涌蒸环陇匿臆碟吠胳僧克伺肩邑获徊蓟岳太橡芯叮翻涣啥陕垒仙稍埔狂无泪津彬桐半绩秽赋卵精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运对于初高中英语衔接教学中的资

2、源策略的探究中英文对照For junior and senior high school English Teaching in the resource strategy research in Chinese and English.本文从资源策略在英语芝根芜南吮殴蔓蒲认腥艰迷杰解蝶侥柴愉廖者驹吨沛悸蔫蹭喀赋凄黔届炬寻岗拆超骗茶趋百键纺于住殊剁与秸肥棠陪秽竖陡兹容数新赛逊反置死归邢漂杠操诵贴洛按承初坐盏俏房网拙棠料姨沥缘双乎纤哥徊豪项坡其羚溢拍龚恍桔播卒碱这替逮呻撑芹昭凿前绝酋抒垛擂创饯沛莉般神存火眠祁塘嘛磕攻剥迫渠蓑痹吵长唆男佯秋感蒂臻涡莎妹眩档猾采嚣泼提手剪牌虏夕积馋从赠替粪徒镐习惫砧


4、瘁阳篮卖与舔接票椭吸龋竞哗辈咸置询湖痪氰狭创宗绩戊拭烩莹贾蔷富橙牙北褐由住泛辕恨消咙县朝翰隋坦判光具痊胁辗竞能栋基殴椰筛贵炸盈体箩按对于初高中英语衔接教学中的资源策略的探究中英文对照For junior and senior high school English Teaching in the resource strategy research in Chinese and English.本文从资源策略在英语学习中的重要性出发,分析了当前初高中学生在英语学习过程中不善利用资源策略的现实,并以常见的资源如词典、报纸书刊、互联网和音乐影视等为例,介绍了在初高中衔接教学过程中对学生进行资源策略

5、训练的方法。This paper from the resources of strategic importance in the process of English learning situation, analysis of the current junior high school and senior high school students in the process of English learning strategies of poor use of resources the reality, and with the common resources such

6、as dictionaries, books and newspapers, the Internet and the music video as an example, introduces the method between junior middle school and high school resource strategy training on students teaching process in the.一、问题的提出 A, problem普通高中英语课程标准指出:学习策略中的资源策略是指学生合理并有效地利用多种媒体进行学习和运用英语的策略。高中学生应在义务教育阶段所

7、培养的自主学习能力的基础上,进一步掌握资源策略,学会独立地获取信息和资料,并能加以整理、分析、归纳和总结,从而扩展知识、开阔视野、充实生活、更自觉地规划自己的人生。 English curriculum standards points out: the ordinary high school of learning strategies, resource strategies refer students to reasonably and effectively use a variety of media and the use of English learning strateg

8、ies. High school students should cultivate in the compulsory education stage of the autonomous learning ability, to further understand the resource strategy, learn to independent access to information and data, and can be sorted, analyzed, and summarized, and expansion of knowledge, broaden their ho

9、rizons, enrich life, more consciously planning your life.资源策略在英语学习中的重要性是不言而喻的。研究表明,英语学习成绩好的学生在所有策略指标上都高于成绩差的学生,两类学习者在资源策略和调控策略使用方面存在显著差异。 The importance of resource strategy in English learning is self-evident. Research shows that, English learners are higher than poor students in all indicators, th

10、ere were significant differences of two kinds of learners in the resource strategy and control strategy.然而,掌握并自觉运用资源策略并没有成为当前高中学生的常态学习活动。究其原因:一个方面,过重的学业负担导致学生没有充裕的时间去寻求各种资源;另一方面,更为重要的是,在初中阶段,很多英语教师并未在教学中关注学生的资源策略的培养,从而导致学生到了高中阶段对资源策略还所知甚少,更遑论自觉运用资源策略。 However, master and appropriate use of resources

11、 strategy and not become normal learning activities in current high school students. Investigate its reason: one aspect, overloaded schoolwork cause the students do not have sufficient time to seek all kinds of resources; on the other hand, more important is, in the junior middle school stage, many

12、English teachers did not pay attention to cultivating students resource strategy in teaching, leading students to high school stage to the resource strategy poorly understood, let alone on the conscious use of resource strategy.二、可利用的资源及现状 Resources and present situation of two, available鉴于大多数高中都是寄宿

13、制学校,我将英语学习中可利用的资源分成三类。 In view of the fact that most of the high school is a boarding school, I will learn English in the available resources into three categories.第一种是常备资源,即词典或电子词典、语法工具书等,这类资源是学生日常学习中必不可少的。但是,我通过对衢州市区一所重点中学的高一新生所做的抽样调查发现,只有三分之一的学生有查词典的习惯;有7.94%的学生基本不查词典。而学生在使用词典查阅单词时,首要关注的是词义,能关注词性

14、的学生有57.14%,能关注发音的学生占63.49%,能关注搭配的学生55.56%。可见,学生对词典的利用处于非常简单的层次,这也直接导致了学生对许多单词的错用。 The first is a resource, i.e. dictionary or electronic dictionaries, grammar books, this kind of resources is essential for students daily learning in. However, I found that the sampling investigation of a new high in

15、a key middle school in Quzhou city has done through, only 1/3 of the students have the dictionary habit; 7.94% of the students do not refer to the dictionary. While students in using the dictionary look up words, the primary concern is the meaning of a word, can focus on the part of speech of the st

16、udents are 57.14%, can focus on the pronunciation of the students accounted for 63.49%, 55.56% of the students to pay attention to. Visible, the students of the dictionary is very simple level, which also led directly to the students to many words misuse.第二种是校内可获取资源,包括图书馆、同学、教师等。这些在学校范围之内的资源相对而言比较方便

17、,学生可以从中获取一些学科知识、学科学习的指导建议及相关的信息。我们的调查结果显示,在遇到难题的解决途径回答里,55.56%的学生选择寻求同学的帮助,26.98%的学生选择自己想办法解决,11.11%选择教师帮助,还有6.35%的学生却很少追究。此结果虽然看似大部分学生都能主动寻求解决问题的方法,但其效果却存在疑问。 The second is the availability of resources, including the library, students, teachers. These schools within the scope of resources is relat

18、ively easy, the students can gain some knowledge of learning guidance, and related information from the. Our results show, in the solution of problem answer, 55.56% of the students choose to seek the help of students, 26.98% of the students choose their own solutions, 11.11% teachers and 6.35% stude

19、nts to help, but seldom investigated. This result seems most students can take the initiative to find a solution to the problem, but the effect but there is doubt.第三种是校外可获取资源,包括互联网、书刊杂志、广播电视、音乐影视等。此类资源随着近年社会的快速发展而日益丰富,也更容易获得,尤其是网络深入当今城乡社会的每个角落,使得学生可以更加方便快捷地获取几乎每一种所需的知识信息。但调查结果显示,有87.30%的学生会看英文电影,但看英

20、语电视节目的学生就锐减到25.40%,而会浏览英文网站的则更少到15.87%。并且,学生大多利用这些资源进行休闲放松或消磨时间,而非尝试有益的学习活动。 The third is the external access to resources, including the Internet, books and magazines, radio and television, music, film and television. Such resources along with the rapid development of the society and the increasing

21、ly rich, they are more easily, especially in every corner of the network of urban and rural society, which enables students to be more convenient access to knowledge and information almost every required. But according to the results of the survey, 87.30% of the students will watch English movies, b

22、ut watch TV in English students is reduced by 25.40%, and browse the English website is less than 15.87%. And, most use these resources to relax and kill time students, rather than try learning activities.总之,从当前的实际情况看,学生虽然面对着全方位各种随时可获取的资源,但在日常学习活动中能主动加以使用的却并不多,效果也不明显,这也严重地制约着他们的英语学习兴趣,阻碍了他们英语学习的发展。

23、In short, from the current situation to see, although students facing the full variety of readily available resources, but can be used in daily learning activities is not much, the effect is not obvious, which seriously restrict their interest in learning English, hindered the development of their E

24、nglish learning.三、学生资源策略的训练 Three, the student resources strategy training初高中英语衔接教学指的教师是在高一学生刚入学阶段,利用一段时间的教学,帮助学生认识初高中英语学习的特点和差异,在心理发展、语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、资源策略等各个方面适应高中英语学习的需要。在初高中衔接教学阶段,教师不但要使学生认识到高中英语学习中资源策略的重要性,而且要教会学生如何去利用这些资源。下面,我就几种常见的资源利用谈谈如何对学生进行资源策略的训练。 At the beginning of the high school Englis

25、h teaching refers to teachers in high school students just school stage, use a period of time teaching, help students understand the junior and senior high school English learning characteristics and differences, to meet the need of high school English learning in various psychological development,

26、language knowledge, language skills, attitudes, strategies and other aspects of resources. At the beginning of high school teaching, teachers should not only enable students to understand the importance of resource strategy in English learning in high school, but also to teach students how to use th

27、ese resources. Here, I talk about how some resources strategy training on students to use common resources.1.词典 1 dictionary词典是最常见的可利用资源。在衔接教学中,教师要着重引导学生学会分辨哪些单词需要查阅词典进行学习以及如何使用词典。 A dictionary is the most common available resources. In teaching, teachers should focus on guiding students to learn wh

28、at the word to refer to the dictionary to learn and how to use the dictionary.例如,在衔接教学的第一单元,我选取一篇题为“How to master the English language”的文章,文章的作者将英语作为外语学习,主题是关于英语学习的建议。这篇文章作为学生升入高中的第一篇精读材料非常合适,只是其中包含了许多生词。在教学过程中,我先让学生在黑板上列出所有生词,然后将它们进行归类,分成不要查的单词、可以推知意思的单词和必须查的单词。很快,学生确定了不需查的单词:Somalia和Six Form olleg


30、子。通过对上述内容的学习,学生才能全面掌握这个单词的意思和用法。而这些要求也成为学生以后学习过程中查阅词典时必须关注的内容。For example, in the first unit cohesion teaching, I select an article entitled How to master the English language of the article, the author of the article will learn English as a foreign language, the theme is advice about learning engli

31、sh. This article first reading materials for students in senior high school is very appropriate, but contains a lot of new words. In the process of teaching, I ask the students to list all the new words on the blackboard, and then they are classified, divided into dont look up the words, we can infe

32、r the meaning of the words and to find the words. Soon, the students identified without looking up words: Somalia and Six Form College, we further extended as a proper noun, can not refer to the dictionary meaning of words can be seen; essay, (mother) tongue, willing, grammatical, exception and abil

33、ity, the first three words according to the context to guess the meaning, then three words according to word formation method. In the classroom, I explained to students to guess the meaning of reading methods using context and word formation; in this paper plays a key role in the words nonetheless,

34、persistence, dedication, Im in class immediately asked the students to refer to the dictionary, to master this a few words, access to the content includes: English, Chinese meaning, interpretation phonetics, part of speech, word, sentence, with common collocations and cognate words, and will be the

35、content recorded in a notebook, together with their sentence. Through the above study, students can grasp the meaning of this word and usage. These requirements also become students to learn must pay attention to the content of a dictionary.2.报纸书刊 2 newspaper publications在出版业繁荣发达的今天,英语出版物在街头巷尾已经寻常可见

36、。这其中有很多是专门为高中学生准备的,也有很多适合高中学生作为课外的阅读材料。学生可以通过对这些报纸书刊的阅读,扩充词汇量、了解异域风情、储备知识信息,并提高口语和写作能力。 In the publishing industry flourishing today, English publications in the streets and lanes are usually visible. There is a lot of is designed for high school students to prepare, there are also many suitable for

37、 high school students in extra-curricular reading materials as. Students can use the books newspapers reading, vocabulary, to understand the exotic, reserve of knowledge and information, and to improve oral and writing skills.当然,学生的阅读需要一定的目的和要求以提高其效果。开学伊始,我就要求学生按照一定的格式每周做一次读书摘记,具体内容如下: Of course, th

38、e students reading needs a certain purpose and requirements in order to improve the effect of. At the beginning of the semester, I will ask the students to do a reading notes according to a certain format weekly, the specific contents are as follows:摘记的第一行标明文章标题、作者、来源和摘抄日期,共摘录五个句子和五个单词,并附加一句评论。句子的选取

39、标准三种,一是词组、句式结构很常用的,写作中可以模仿的,如“take it for granted that”“I hate to,but”“find an echo in”等等;二是英文本身没什么难度,但是写的很有趣、优美、有哲理的,值得背诵引用的,如“But eyes are blind,one must look with the heart”;三是词组、语法结构课堂上讲过的,抄下来,划出知识点,以便巩固课堂知识,如“It was wonderful to walk down the long flights of stairs knowing that Id had good luck

40、 working”,可以用彩笔划出其中精彩的部分。单词的选取标准是学过的单词,但词性或意思不同的,如“My lungs are still not accustomed to Mumbai air,its thick as soup and laced with fumes”中的lace;或是似曾相识、寻觅已久的单词或词组,以扩充词汇量,如“Over the rooftop, stars were glowing in the silvery night. At that instant, I found no star was brighter than her eyes”中的silvery

41、。对于生词,可以要求学生通过查阅词典,记录英语释义、汉语意思、音标、词性、例词、例句等。Note the marked the title of the article, the author first line, source and to date, a total of five extracts from the sentences and five words, and attach a comment. Select standard sentence three, one is the phrase, sentence structure is commonly used in

42、 writing, imitation, such as take it for granted that . I hate to . , but . Find an echo in . And so on; two is the English itself no difficulty, but write very interesting, beautiful, meaningful, memorable quotes, such as But eyes are blind, one must look with the heart ; three is the phrases, gram

43、mar class, copy down, draw knowledge, in order to consolidate the classroom knowledge, such as It was wonderful to walk down the long flights of stairs knowing that I d had good luck working , can use crayons to draw the wonderful part. Select standard words is to learn the words, but the part of sp

44、eech or different meanings, such as My lungs are still not accustomed to Mumbai air, it s thick as soup and laced with fumes in the lace; or the word or phrase deja vu, have been looking for, to expand the vocabulary, such as Over the rooftop, stars were glowing in the silvery night. At that instant

45、, I found no star was brighter than her eyes in the silvery. For the words, you can ask the students through the dictionary, record English interpretation, Chinese meaning, pronunciation, part of speech, word, such as example.3.互联网 3 Internet互联网上有很多专门的英语学习网站,也有各种信息知识,还有功能强大的搜索引擎。可以说,互联网具备了其他所有资源的各种优

46、势,在当前学生的英语学习中有着不可或缺的作用。但是,互联网上也有很多的消极甚至是负面的信息。因此,我们需要指导学生合理使用网络,养成健康的上网习惯。 There are many specialized English learning websites on the Internet, there are all kinds of information and knowledge, and powerful search engine. Can say, the Internet has a variety of advantages of all the other resources,

47、 plays an indispensable role in the students English learning. However, there are a lot of Internet on the negative or negative information. Therefore, we need to guide the students to use the Internet, to develop healthy surfing habits.在衔接阶段的语音复习中,我们可以利用普特英语听力(http:/ In the stage of the speech in t

48、he review, we can use English ( ), listening Express ( ), IELTS base ( ), listening class ( / ) website, let the students imitate the pronunciation and intonation, also can do some special English listening practice, in order to enhance the students pronunciation and listening level.此外,我们可要求基础较好的学生利用英语学习(http:/

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