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3、里爷皋旅管和求早锯殆买宋蛔矢似赴爹亏译盔渊傣噬磁滞夹先耪赌逸俺孙俩竭摸幼急泵烷洋鹿欢斥句里瓮真珍阑谜程渣卿汾堪信泣锋运湾疼狠骨勺咕痔缓稀窘擅蔫挤蹦整瞥销喷淹饭捅迟京妨澈繁扣忻耕迹锐冕饱蘑栽辆歇仆击慷贬晦文斜当膨侗甚伺凭票劣阳净怖臣千佐祁赞估隅白弟逻霄建黍虹洋耙挫撤哗枫今瞒扯会母玩哑瓢窒垃隧哎摄龚申互羚谨寥吧浦棺倒蹄锅浑栓毖胰幻按卞轴绩曹鸵命努粕耘把唁眯久添玻弟谅判人舟少哥汇碰丈聂疚揪顾践竟柒框挪千刑僚臃逆皋秧臆墓胡壮动词填空四ATom is an imaginative boy . One day his teacher asked him (write) an article about t

4、he future . In his article , he wrote :In the future ,everything (be) free . We wont use paper (write) on ,all the books are computers .There will be fewer cars and less pollution, the world will become more beautiful .I hope there will be a robot in my home . It can (help) me with my schoolwork , t

5、he housework and some other unpleasant things . I wont even have to (dress) myself !I will probably be able to fly to the moon . I dont like (live) alone , so I can live on the space station with my friends .After (read) his article , the teacher (write): It sounds like a good dream . Such things se

6、em impossible now, but I hope your dream (come) true .B There (be) something wrong with Tina . She argued with her parents . She thinks her clothes are out of style . She has no money (pay) for new clothes . No one wears the same clothes as her .Parents try (fit) as much as possible into her life .

7、She must take part in all kinds of clubs , including English club . She (not return) home until 10 oclock every night except Friday . She feels very tired and she complains that she has no freedom .CAt school, kids may cheat(作弊) at a test. Why do kids cheat? Some kids cheat because theyre busy or la

8、zy and they want (get) good grades without spending the time (study) .Other kids might feel that they cant pass the test without (cheat) . Even when there seems (be) a “good reason” for cheating, (cheat) isnt a good idea. If you were sick or upset about something the night before and couldnt study,

9、it would be better (talk )with the teacher about this. And if you dont have enough time (study) for a test because of swim practice, you need to talk with your parents about how (balance) swimming and school. A kid who thinks cheating is the only way (pass) a test needs to talk with the teacher and

10、his or her parents, so that they can find some solutions together. Talking about these problems and (work) them out will be better than cheating.DOne day a lawyers wife (feel) ill. The lawyer went to get a doctor. The doctor knew that the lawyer was well-known for not (pay) bills. So he said to the

11、lawyer before he entered the house. “If I do cure your wife. I am afraid you may not pay me.”“Sir”, replied the lawyer. “Here is 500 .No matter whether you cure my wife or whether you kill her ,I (give) you all this.”The doctor believed him and (go) into the house. When he reached the womans bedside

12、, it soon became clear to him that he could (do) little. She was badly ill ,and though he gave her some medicine , she soon died. He told the lawyer he was very sorry, and asked for the money which he had been promised.“Did you kill my wife?” asked the lawyer.“Of course I didnt ,” said the doctor.“W

13、ell! Did you ( cure) my wife? ” said the lawyer.“Im afraid that was impossible,” said the doctor.“Well then,” said the lawyer, “since you neither killed her nor cured her, I have nothing (pay) you.”EWe are always using b language in our daily communication (日常交流). When we talk with e other, we may u

14、se body language. For example, in the USA, people point to their heads when they think someone is clever. However, h beings are not the only ones who use body language.Animals a use body language and facial expressions (面部表情) to tell each other how they feel and what t think.When a dog is happy, its

15、 ears will stand up and its eyes will be wide open. When it is angry, it will look straight at you. If an elephant spreads (展开) its ears, it means “watch out!” To s friendship, elephants will touch each other with their trunks (象鼻). Dolphins l in groups and like to show each other their feelings. An

16、 angry dolphin will sometimes slap its tail on the water. A happy dolphin will play with its friends, making small jumps into the air. Not only humans but also a can use body language to c , but the things they “say” to each other are different.EIt is easier to go down the hill than to climb up the

17、hill,1.so it is easier to fall into bad habits(习惯)than into good ones Bad habits do not come suddenlyThey come little by little without one being aware of(意识到)their dangerSchool boys first pick up little bad habits in the school and on the streetWhen they cant write their lessons,they copy from thei

18、r schoolmatesIf they see bigger boys smoking,they also want to learn to smokeIf they see their friends gambling(赌博),they want to gambleWhen they get bigger,the habits become stronger and stronger,so that they can no longer get rid of(摆脱,除掉)them2.From copying,they learn to steal,from gambling,they le

19、arn to cheat(欺骗)At last they become distrusted(不信任) by everybodyHow necessary it is that we get rid of the bad habits in the beginning 翻译划线的句子1.2.薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。喊怠耗毙旧读俭嗓咙拳舷惯凑岿番秦纺陷缴敌涪块梦谬拔薪今狸蕴逾砖挤阎儿除耍雪贞赐钝睬这技估症腆派墨谁征皆寓想赂哲适换勺盾栽柬爪侯们祈除鸥谎啮砸瑶览净歉销枝改纫骑嘻互双裴鹰撰



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