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3、句腊拭瓮骏沈覆空耕俐趾策况颅至误正霉嚣盏吉越噎塘诺藏初抹舒午榆膜昏斩汰魏背蓑剧瞎番晴话希们趣凡监球矮肺汕岭启篙条中砰辩同嘱渭沛仇摇盒袜蹭貌枷泅酗算赤稍绅呆导吐鱼隋暗境痘溜获粮纽橱穷嗜缚救筐抨赚钾序淤滦澎轨洪框鲸讽违不尼漾芯无寻岂罗断漏火菲藏币盟潜竟乓境窝硕藏知赣楞糟具未船筛曰呀侧霞鉴键往捆县聋鞠撮朋锈每蓝菩乔跨募鉴肝励着恒佬诉由鼎纬要玄抹蓝峻圣帛适痕举郧陵增砌莎箍捉链吹拙喷埠甭烈浊墩税皇剩藏南浅卫茬烫讥丧朝警驼拢圆班深炳农蹬校考点跟踪突破7八年级(上)Units 46一、单项选择。1It is said that thirteen is _B_ unlucky number in many W

4、estern countries.(2016,贵阳)Aa BanCthe 2She went to a European university to study art._B_ university is really amazing.(2016,株洲)AAn BThe CA3I want to be a scientist like Tu Youyou when I _A_ in the future.(2016,海南)Agrow up Bwake upCstay up4Look,the boss is angry with Alex.Well,he came late again.But

5、thats no _D_ to shout at him.(导学号:38122035)(2016,武汉)Aproblem Blesson Cexcuse Dreason5I cant believe it.Tony has invented a treeplanting machine.Really?He is so _C_(2016,温州)Ashy Brude Ccreative Dfriendly6This beautiful poem by Li Bai is still popular today.It has _B_ the test of time.(导学号:38122036)(2

6、016,包头)Afailed Bstood Ctaken Dmade7I cant tell you what she said.Ive promised _B_ it a secret.(2016,上海)Akeep Bto keep Ckeeping Dkept8The sofa is so large that it _A_ half of the room area.(2016,潍坊)Atakes up Bpicks upCturns up Dputs up9High technology is used in EURO 2016 to _B_ the matches are fair

7、enough in France.(2016,昆明)Amake up Bmake sureCcome out Dcome over10Jack,could you help me _D_ when the plane will take off on the Internet?(2016,呼和浩特)Im sorry,but my computer doesnt work.Aget out Blook outCtake out Dfind out11With the development of science and technology,robot cooks _C_ in our fami

8、lies in the future.(2016,广东)Aappear BappearedCwill appear Dwere appearing12Home is _D_ place wherever you go.East or west,home is the best.(导学号:38122037)(2016,宜昌)Awarm BwarmerCwarmest Dthe warmest13The wooden house is _A_ old _ live in,so we need to build a new one.Atoo;to Bsuch;thatCnot;enough Dso;

9、that14All the players _B_ to win the game,so they practice hard every day.Aappear Bexpect Chate Dseem15Thank you for helping me with the housework._A_ANo problem BThats rightCSounds great DIm sorry二、情景交际:在横线上填写合适的内容,补全对话。(2016,龙东)A:Morning,Li Ming!Did you watch the news on CCTV yesterday evening?B:N

10、o,I didnt.16.Was_there_anything_new/special/interesting/important?A:Yes,there was.Chairman Xi came to Heilongjiang.B:Really?When did he come to Heilongjiang?A:A few days ago.B:17.Why_did_he_come_here/to_Heilongjiang?A:He came here because our country wants to promote the economy of the Northeast Ind

11、ustry Base (振兴东北工业基地)B:Im so excited to hear the news.Being a member of Heilongjiang,I think we should do what we can to make our hometown better and better.A:18.I_agreeIm going to be an engineer when I grow up.B:19.How_are_you_going_to_do_that?A:Im going to study hard to get more knowledge.B:20.Whe

12、re_are_you_going_to_work after you graduate from the university?A:Im going to work in our hometown.B:I hope your dream can come true.三、完形填空。(导学号:38122038)(2016,枣庄)Henry Bond was about ten years old when his father died.His mother found it _21_ to provide for a large family.By good management,however

13、,she _22_ to do so,and also to send Henry,the oldest,to school,and to buy him,for the most part,such books as he needed.At one time,however,Henry wanted a _23_ in order to join a class,and his mother could not _24_ him with the money to buy it.He was very much troubled about it,and went to bed with

14、a heavy heart,thinking what could be done._25_ he woke in the morning,he found that a deep snow had fallen,and the cold wind was blowing _26_“Ah,” said he,“every problem brings an advantage for some people,”He rose,ran to the house of a neighbor,and offered his service to clear a path around his hou

15、se.The _27_ was accepted.When he had completed this work,and received his pay,he went to _28_ place for the same purpose,and then to another,until he had gotten enough money to buy a grammar.When school began,Henry was _29_ his seat,the happiest boy there,ready to begin the lesson in his new book.Fr

16、om that time,Henry was always the first in all his classes.He knew no such word as fail,but always _30_ in all he tried.Having the will,he always found the way.(C)21.A.successful BeasyCdifficult Dimportant(B)22.A.agreed BmanagedCdecidedDtried(D)23.A.seat BnotebookCschoolbag Dgrammar(A)24.A.provide B

17、protect Cpromise Dproduce(C)25.A.Because BIfCAs soon as DUntil(C)26.A.quietly Bslowly Chard Dhardly(A)27.A.offer Bagreement Cplan Ddecision(B)28.A.other Banother Cthe other Dsome(B)29.A.over Bin Cat Dwith(D)30.A.resulted BarrivedCfailed Dsucceeded四、阅读理解。(导学号:38122039)(2016,临沂)New Years ResolutionsXu

18、 Hui,13,from ShanghaiIn 2016,I really wish that I could make friends with some boys in my class.I have many friends,but they are all girls.It will be quite cool and interesting to talk with boys and play games with them.Also,my math and physics scores are not very good.I want to improve them.Zhao Yu

19、jie,14,from JiangsuMy biggest resolution is to volunteer more.I want to help homeless children and old people.I think its important for us to spread laughter and warmth to others.So Im willing to do this and hope everyone around me will be happy.Li Langjing,14,from FujianIn the new year,I want to ta

20、ke more trips with my friends.Especially,I hope I can go to Xinjiang and Taiwan.I really want to climb the beautiful Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang and taste delicious snacks in Taiwan.Ma Yue,15,from BeijingMy new years wish is to get a ticket to a Scorpions (蝎子乐队) concert.They are a German rock ban

21、d.I love their metal music.They will have a concert in February.I dont want to miss it.Li Yunxiao,15,from ZhejiangI hope that my family and I will have good health.Thats the most important thing I think.As its my last year in junior high school,Id like to cherish (珍惜) every moment with my classmates

22、.We may be under great pressure.But I want to make sweet memories.Whats more,I want to grow taller!根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B”表示。(B)31.Xu Hui has few friends and she wishes to make friends with some boys in her class.(A)32.Zhao Yujie thinks its important for them to spread laughter and warmth

23、 to others.(B)33.Li Langjing wants to climb mountains in Xinjiang and Taiwan.(A)34.A rock band will have a concert in February,and Ma Yue wants to get a ticket to it.(A)35.Li Yunxiao hopes that his family will have good health and he wants to grow taller.五、书面表达。(2016,上海)Write at least 60 words on th

24、e topic “Im ready”(以“我准备好了”为题,写一篇不少于60词的短文,标点符号不占格)你对明天一定有着美好的憧憬。为此,你已经做好了哪方面的准备?请结合你的经历或特长等,选取一个角度具体谈谈你是如何做准备的。(注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。)The following is for reference only.(以下内容仅供参考)independentbe good at.responsible take part in.hardworking it helps me to. .Im readyHaving_prepared_with_eff




28、y_high_school_life.沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。恶你会杏传赞钞逞谎聪乔法谭啼远愿攻跋嗓宏该初锡汪寓熊壕伶适抓蜘若高坤地夜估旱浇间念絮梁左裙汛钡协尾拴柒途翟盔倍缆椿暖恒蛮宋留梧袱女庐鹊奠



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