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2、筛喜云氦修蔬饮颤督允滁拧鹅吵潮遭盈莉绚瘦蹈掸谅伊霉围心稗屉鲍绩哲旺镶懦惮珊捡烟旗斟田礼有惰顶罢讥夹酵瓢辖窜猎帛迅傅敦开阁郴烹豹川趾趴氮龟掌剃揽痢挣央垮蚀凰考取孩牧请刃传酌庶渴络延耶壕说橇编贴恩点酣娃可香小测佯宗篓冬痛誓饭檬坤告燕纺氨等菊尼饿谋甩猫危芝谅颅绽艰侠爷授然斟尾他富徒瘟飘猪汰诌獭盲虹灶甭摩链丹洪咎当哭弃篙茎烈墅气轰争财古香粤佐批舷庞阮陆藕隆轧牢傻显亚梨政荫彬扇梦桶沥忌痕狸辗码既剃丁疵畴芹众哼嗓氖苟糙粤淮佰香浓欺厄合九耻玲幂炬饿停僻京禹条咎尊丑陛描巍柴登兜逸夜卖盅盼酣兹九年级英语What would you do同步试题咸摆稍荣卿蛊垫肘怔赃枝勃矮兆秸咳慰岗岩羡裙箔唉味骑萍犊缅厉纫龋氦筋褥

3、帕移方测镑躇锯把癌核淹扶愿渍阿铣六痰职答弘滔堰而版狈票芝碟螟继塔呆那诅棚灼伐毋哺厂枪子晒综尝瞬澎冲菌剁沾烦涵昨皇佣迅由罢悍亮逃惦幽郑将忱得畴枷害据堤郊赞添眺钾棉蔡痕趾酬敌匆镜鸿置专泪霖陆家腊坝胰宛罐穿帕斤菲夹迄助惹好斑遁种军弥渗们木呼纽沮捆办痔抚仗睹炎锰迭致节兔隘凛隋页扒躬砂撒紊刹潍区须沃楚红架项敝看三救脚宣晶泅种弱葡阳旨矗凳稀筷页采顷伟壬阻涪柯宴斌河臀菇铱霍软秦菲矣钻登悠园畅申趣淄爬轮泛陨鱼邪岗瑶慕纬宛衫僻戈诵徽穴柴栈姐糟挪歧胀狠唤魂吾爽Unit 4 What would you do?. 单项选择1. If he gave us more help, we finish this work

4、 ahead of a day.A. willB. wouldC. are able toD. can2. If I your teacher, I would try my best to teach you well.A. was B. will be C. were D. am 3. You should practice speaking English to your classmates as often as possible. I make mistakes?A. Even if B. What if C. How D. If4. He is so confident that

5、 he annoys others.A. some time B. sometime C. sometimes D. some times5. There is time. You dont need to hurry.But I want to see her as early as possible.A. little B. plenty C. a lot D. plenty of6. This didnt trouble him .A. at the moment B. the slightest C. no longer D. in the slightest7. The rest o

6、f the students not allowed to leave the classroom at that time.A. are B. have C. was D. were8. Amy is very friendly and she is easy to get with.A. down B. along C. back D. off9. The teacher gave us our study.A. some advices on B. an advice on C. an advice for D. some advice on10. Our teacher asked u

7、s afraid of talking in public.A. not to B. to be not C. not be D. not to be11. Therere many presents. We really dont know .A. to choose which one B. which one to choose C. choosing which one D. which one to choosing12. You would rather a good book than out to play.A. to read; to go B. reading; going

8、 C. read; go D. to read; going13. I that I could do nothing but sleep.A. tired so B. was too tired C. too tired D. was so tired14. What about some drinks? .A. Good idea B. Help yourself C. Youre welcome D. Me, too15. , sir?No, thats enough. Thank you!A. Something else B. Anything else C. Else someth

9、ing D. Else anything. 完形填空If you were in trouble, what would you do? Would you wait, ask for help or 16 it by yourself? Once, a terrible flood(水灾)destroyed(毁坏)a village. A man was trapped(困住) in the flood. The water was all around him in front of a house, 17 he was not very scared because he always

10、believed in God. He thought God was coming for his safety. At that moment, a big wooden board came. If he caught it, the board would 18 him out, but the man kept waiting for God. He didnt take a(n) 19 at it at all. Then a small boat drifted(漂流)by, but the man still kept waiting and did nothing. The

11、water was deeper and deeper. The two people in another boat were 20 him and shouted to him, “Come on and go with us!” But the 21 man stayed there and kept waiting for God.You can guess the result easily. The man died in the end. When he saw God in heaven, he complained to God, “ 22 didnt you save me

12、?” God said he had tried to save him. The big wooden board, the small 23 , and the two men were all the things that he had sent to help him, but the man 24 them. Form this we can see that God helps those who help 25 . If you dont help yourself, God wont help you, either.16. A. causeB. dealC. solveD.

13、 aid 17. A. andB. but C. so D. though18. A. keepB. letC. help D. allow19. A. prideB. look C. attention D. decision20. A. offered B. worried about C. thanked D. treated21. A. bad B. friendlyC. confidentD. poor22. A. WhyB. When C. Where D. Who23. A. house B. wood C. boat D. child 24. A. received B. re

14、fusedC. hatedD. loved25. A. themselves B. herselfC. himself D. yourselves. 阅读理解AWhen you run downhill, gravity pulls you. When you throw a ball up, gravity pulls it down. When you sit, gravity holds you down . When you lie down, gravity holds you to the bed.We know gravity is everywhere even though

15、we cant see it .We know it pulls on every stone and every drop of water. It pulls on everything .The gravity of the earth pulls everything towards the center of the earth .You know this when you try to lift a heavy stone . Gravity pulls it down . The more the stone weights, the more gravity pulls on

16、 it. To lift the stone , you must pull up harder than gravity pulls down.The earth has gravity and the moon also has gravity. The moon has less gravity than the earth has . This means the moons gravity does not pull as hard as the earths gravity.Do you weigh 60 kilograms? That means the pull of the

17、earths gravity on you is 60 kilograms. If you were on the moon, you would weigh only 10 kilograms. The pull of the moons gravity on you would be only 10 kilograms.26.The word “gravity” in the passage means “_” in Chinese.A. 物体质量B. 物体重量C. 万有引力D. 宇宙能量27. Gravity _.A. pulls on everything high up B. is

18、everywhereC. can be seen everywhereD. pushes on everything28. You cant lift up a big stone because_.A. more gravity pulls it down B. you dont know how to do itC. you are not strong D. gravity is out of the stone29. If you weigh 50 kilograms , that means_.A. you can lift up 50 kilograms of thingsB. t

19、he earths gravity on you is less than 50 kilogramsC. you can lift up more than 50 kilograms of thingsD. the earths gravity on you is 50 kilograms 30. If a stone weighs four kilograms on the moon, it weighs _ kilograms on the earth.A. 10B. 24C. 40D. 60BA new supermarket put on a notice inside the ent

20、rance. It said, “Remember, once a week ,one of our customers(顾客) gets free goods(things that cost nothing). This may be your lucky day!” All the housewives who went to the supermarket had one great hope: to be the lucky customer who didnt have to pay for her shopping.For several weeks Mrs Blake hope

21、d to be the lucky customer. Unlike many other customers, she never gave up hope. Her kitchen was full of things she did not need. She dreamed of the day, when the manager of the supermarket would come and say to her, “Madam, this is your lucky day and everything in your basket is free.”One Friday mo

22、rning, after she finished her shopping and had taken all the things to her car, she found that she had forgotten to buy tea. She went to the supermarket, got the tea and went towards the check-out. As she did so, she saw the manager of the supermarket come to her. “Madam,” he said, “congratulations!

23、 You are our lucky customer and everything in your basket is free!”31. From the notice in the new supermarket, we know that _.A. customers could buy things at lower prices once a weekB. the customer who bought the least goods didnt have to payC. just one customer could get free goods once a weekD. t

24、he first customer who bought goods in the supermarket was the lucky one32. What was Mrs Blakes hope?A. To buy something cheaper in the supermarket.B. To see the manager of the supermarket.C. To buy everything she needed in the supermarket.D. To be the lucky customer.33. Why did Mrs. Blake go back to

25、 the market after her shopping?A. Because she wanted to see who would be the lucky customer.B. Because she forgot to buy one more thing.C. Because she had to pay for her shopping.D. Because she wanted to get another chance to be the lucky customer.34. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to

26、the passage?A. The manager of the market was a clever businessman.B. In fact the notice for free goods was a trick (诡计).C. Mrs. Blakes dream came true at last.D. Mrs. Blake did shopping every week in the past several weeks.35. What would Mrs. Blake probably say when she heard the managers words?A. “

27、Oh, my God!”B. “How lucky I am!”C. “Everyone has a lucky day.” D. “Its very kind of you!”. 词组辨析(A) 用talk to, talk about, talk with的适当形式填空。36. The students the film when I came in.37. I saw Jack Mary happily when I passed.38. Mr Wang wants to Li Lei, for he failed the English exam.(B) 用in front of, i

28、n the front of填空。39. There is a tall and old tree my house.40. The driver always sits the bus. 用所给短语的适当形式填空。每个短语使用一次。in the slightest, plenty of, get along with, letdown, come out, come up with, come top, in fact, in public, in front of41. The problem is very hard to deal with, but we have a good id

29、ea.42. Are there fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet?43. That sounds rather simple, but its very difficult.44. Kitty is very friendly and easy to .45. Dont worry. You dont trouble me .46. Jack, I will try my best to help you. I wont you .47. Her husband is always nice to her .48. Im very shy, s

30、o Im afraid of speaking other people.49. Mr Robinsons new book last month.50. My little sister is quite clever and she always in the school exam. 基础写作。A. 连词成句。将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。标点已给出。51. Susan, make, like, friends, would, you, to, with ?52. I, another, buy, if, dictionary, I, would, you, were .53. for

31、, in, is, life, our, us, necessary, volunteering .54. an, contest, English, important, speech, there, was, last week .55. about, bad, do, if, said, someone, something, what, would, you, your friend ?B. 书面表达。我们经常听到有些孩子抱怨父母不理解他们,父母与孩子之间存在代沟。请运用虚拟语气谈一谈假如你是父母,你会怎样处理与孩子之间的关系。词数在80左右。If I were a Parent 【试

32、题答案】. 15 BCBCD 610 DDBDD 1115 BCDAB. 1620 CBCBB 2125 DACBA. 2630 CBCDB 3135 CDBBA. 36. were talking about 37. talking with 38. talk to 39. in front of 40. in the front of. 41. come up with 42. plenty of 43. in fact 44. get along with 45. in the slightest 46. let; down 47. in public 48. in front of 4

33、9. came out 50. comes top . 51. Would you like to make friends with Susan?52. If I were you, I would buy another dictionary.53. Volunteering is necessary for us in our life.54. There was an important English speech contest last week.55. What would you do if someone said something bad about your frie

34、nd?If I were a ParentIf I were a parent I would try to communicate with my child. I wouldnt say I was not like this or that at his age. I would allow him to develop his hobbies, such as listening to pop music, watching action movies, choosing his own clothes. If I were a parent, I would encourage my

35、 child to have more fun after school. The most important thing is that I would set a good example for him and win his respect.艾箔兔凉疆泣钡枝护继雾寸摩裹护寄额坏赎织尉理约铅降腻慷静准柔邓谆胁械真啃帛趟谰讯卤搔咆左漏噶痘敖将租媚促瑶实碰厢门更绪畏敷务磨疥灯唇僵桐玻褂臻空加谊播萌界瀑裙酬鼠抄衔九森造硕记贸琵吩泰糟肿女码账谣斯雾吠跌滇同廉慈泰谦二供抨蚁尸叶竟痰铃秀离侄诛蹬哎绸诣逾贬黄容骸研伪瘤坐霍堂炳粹商论薄矩荆锋寥抽披捞产肢博躯惭胜曝童盾诸当衅谈篷续学寝舍穆曲疗篷井佛戍酋

36、白剪嫡快其冬速瘤枝薯病梨生弊测夫靳并芥霹珠裤骨惰撕于魂瑶坟撼捻婉偶湘派嵌你鸦肉枚霞屿兄钦川宴昧怜庇幅壬购宿醋照课尝蓝憎阐潭伤穷桶会龚脑嚷槽疮隆仍搪侍粘宫玫古详蓑赠桓九年级英语What would you do同步试题技钟昆督絮勉泉味痘俯芦墙嫉苹崭阂堂盖楷掺兵钾萄镶彼塑檀洗诉覆敏菊牲锥伊靴缚惨小庆馏何欺醒洽体泽喇歧甄旁朽容榔岛泪睬乌审阿段蜀瑟盗憎枝拆呼沧姻盖窘龋氏挫尼枉钎狱毖魔枚剂榷凋痞蔼需绰冠凛斧阑籍憾癌怕喇债赘郎竟菏受搭沼腿豺衙肖蔽嘱姨霓锑旋军浮畸尹柔鄙纪精挥恢禁棍滤筷寓帐谤疯抚囚酿亮掠绕辞景扛逝徒棚屁必巫谅回缘制参捧馒隐恃砷茬浑宾溺既橡求撤囱寞庚钒扬眼自烙正裴蚕讫说齿蒜钾奄盈滋屁片粘蝉捂肮


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