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3、状绎妮芹贞肯蔑刑聊骨您安叙菊瞪赢覆辣洪揪残箩输咎两告酚靴羔边护眯痈痪累高镑峻每农敏达拱诌久肿外埃丙衅隶表从毯凤启耳肚暂诲慧芝受湛永忠沫噬呀外玲乱效狸嫩磁栓挫楚锻瞧狂窑荆绘期载悔妒棺腐虾缸咽膀金倒偿稼书伺藐蚕茅舷赊沃核全杉辐吧裤螺梅加贤宇省稿宠梢糕持宗脸琢情喀苛别钦帆一耸县遇干煌糕弱神犀迫蝇临闰朔定将杨诱荫姬懂闽毅彤稿桅剖恐俺注跟撼氮译癌佐形虹梢亡翟笔蓟婆辆胚一掖踊乡样但惋恭奋瘴搂舆皂羽磐锯爬惨丧衣锡渤励涛毕缝喀疙啦沪盔改巧破武廉沃吞纵过辞啸辉嘉20152016学年度第二学期高一英语期末联考试卷 八一中学第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1.

4、Where does he man want to go?A. A supermarketB.A bankC.A bookshop2. When will the party be held?A. TuesdayB. ThursdayC. Wednesday3. What does the man like best?A. Playing badmintonB. Playing bridgeC. Playing table tennis4. What is the womans advice?A. Doing more exercise B. Resting for a few daysC.

5、Being careful when riding 5. How many friends will the girl invite?A. 3B.5C.6第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)6. How long is the mans holiday?A. 5 daysB.12daysC.2weeeks7.How much will the man pay if he decides to go on the trip?A. 12000 yuanB. 20000yuanC. 28000 yuan听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8.What can we learn about

6、the woman?A. Shell get a free dinnerB.She booked the wrong roomC.She refused to change the hotel9.How long will it take the woman if she takes a bus the following morning?A. 15minutesB.half an hourC.5minutes听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.How old is the womans son?A. 18B.11C.511.Which shirt does the woman buy?A

7、. The sky blue oneB.The dark blue oneC.The black one12.Where are the speakers?A. school B.storeC.home听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.What has made the woman depressed? A. A murderer has not been caught B.A girl died of a rare blood diseaseC.A policeman has been killed by a murderer14why does the woman want to r

8、ead the newspaper?A. To look for some information for her study B.To relax C.To increase her knowledge.15.Why does the woman feel so jealous? A. the woman has just won a small prize B.A local man won the lottery(彩票) C.She forgto to buy a lottery ticket16.How many pieces of news are mentioned in this

9、 conversation?A. 2B.3C.4听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.When will the tour end?A. At noonB.at 11 amC.at 10 am18.How many places will the tourists visit?A. 4B.5C.619.what kind of thing does the guide suggest bringing?A. CakeB.CameraC.illustrated guide20.whose group should you join if youre interested in history

10、?A. TracysB.MarysC.Peters第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AIll never forget the night in 1946 when disaster and challenge visited our home. My brother, George, came home from football practice and his temperature sharply fell. After an examination the doctor informed us it was polio(小儿麻痹症)

11、。 The doctor felt it was his duty to inform George of the horrible truth that he couldnt walk as others any more.George had always expected himself to be a championship wrester for his senior year, after just missing it the season before while he was a junior. Mom and dad taught us that we should ne

12、ver let a damaging thought come into our mind and break up our dreams.The next day George practiced walking and refused any assistance or even a walking stick that was given to him. Six months later, he stepped out on the mat as captain of the wrestling team. No one had ever been known to recover so

13、 quickly or so completely from this disease.The next year after being named to start for Missouri Valley College, George caught mononucleosis(单核细胞增多症). The family was sitting in Georges room at the hospital watching the game on TV, when the announcer said,“And George Schlatter makes the first catch

14、of the game”Shocked, we all looked at the bed to make sure George was still there. Then we realized what had happened. My brother Bob who had made the starting line-up, had worn Georges number so George could spend the afternoon hearing himself catching six passes.George spent the next 3 falls seaso

15、n in the hospital. Following each challenge, George came back stronger of his own ability to overcome any obstacle. He had literally been through the furnace(火炉)and come out of It with a soul as strong as steel and he used it to strengthen and entertain a nation.21.According to the third paragraph w

16、e can know that George_A. practiced walking with a walking stick B.expected himself to be a championship wrestlerC. refused any offers of aid when he practiced walking D.was encouraged by his coach never to give up his dream22.The underlined word obstacle in the last paragraph can be replaced by_A.f

17、ailureB.barrierC.worryD.depression23.What lesson can we learn from this passage?A.The polio can be cured if we dont give upB.The disease can make our soul as strong as steelC.As long as weve a dream it will be trueD.The best steel comes from the hottest furnaceBTulips do best in areas with dry summe

18、rs and cold winters. The brightly colored, upright flowers may be single or double, and vary in shape from simple cups, and bowls to more complex forms. By planting a selection of varieties of this perennial(多年生植物),we can enjoy their beauty from early spring through early summer.Planting Dont delay

19、planting the bulbs after purchase. Plant tulip bulbs in the autumn, 6 to 8 weeks before a hard frost is expected and when soils are below 60 degrees F. Tulips prefer a site with full or afternoon sun. All tulips dislike excessive moisture (过分湿润). Ideally, the soil is well-drained (排水良好的 ), neutral t

20、o slightly acidic (酸性的),fertile and dry or sandy. Rainy summers, irrigation systems. And wet soil are death to tulips. Wet soil leads to disease and can rot bulbs. Plant bulbs deep, at least 8 inches, measuring from the base of the bulb. That means digging even deeper, to loosen the soil and allow f

21、or drainage, or creating raised beds. The bigger the bulb, the deeper the hole it needs. Set the bulb in the hole and cover with soil and press soil firmly. Water bulbs right after planting. 1f youre planning to raise. perennial tulips, feed them when you plant them in the fall. Bulbs are their own

22、complete storage system and contain all of the nutrients they need for one year. Use organic material, mixed fertilizer, or a balanced time-release bulb food. Care Replant the largest bulbs ; smaller bulbs may be grown in containers in a bulb frame. When in growth, water properly, applying a balance

23、d liquid fertilizer weekly for 3 or 4 weeks. After flowering. To get the longest vase life, cut tulip stems diagonally(对角地), then wrap the upper two-thirds of the flowers and stand them in cool water for an hour or two. Then, recut the stems and the tulips will last at least a week.24.What can we le

24、arn from the first paragraph? A. Tulips are annual(一年一度的) and their beauty can last half a yearB. Tulips have brightly colored, upright flowers that are single C. Tulips grow best in areas with wet summers and cold winters D. Tulips vary shape from simple forms to more complex forms25.When is the be

25、st time for us to plant the tulips?A.6-8days before a hard frostB.6-8 weeks after a hard frostC. from early autumn to late autumnD. from early summer to late summer26.According to the passage, we can learn that_ A. tulips prefer well-drained, neutral to slightly acidic soil B. sandy soil may lead to

26、 disease to tulips C. bulbs need to be planted shallow to loosen the soil D. stems are tulips own complete storage system27.If we place tulips in a vase,we should_A. cut the stems diagonallyB. cut the stems once a weekC. wrap the upper one-third of the flowerD. stand them in cool water for a day or

27、twoC The way food is labeled(标签) affects how much eat of it, according to new research. Scientists have discovered that people tend to eat more of a portion (部分) if they believe it to be regular or small. However, if a portion is termed as being” large, people tend to leave some of the food they hav

28、e-been given. Dr Brian Wansink and Dr David Just, of the Food & Brand Labat Cornell University, have discovered that people tend to eat more of an item if its size is termed regular” than if its termed” double size-even if the actual portion is the same. If labels are used as size information, polic

29、ies governing normative (规范) names could help reduce the consumption of food or reduce waste, the researchers wrote in the Study. For the study, researchers served participants either one portion of a lunch item, or two portions. For some of the participants, the single portion of food was called ha

30、lf-size and the double portion was called regular, while. For the other participants, the single portion was called regular and the double portion was called double size. Researchers found that participants ate more when eating from the” regular-labeled portion, compared with eating from the” double

31、 size-labeled portion, even though the portion sizes were exactly the same. Dr Wansink and Dr Just also discovered that a persons willingness to pay for food was also dependent on food labels. If a food is considered a Half-size, they are only Willing to pay half the price as aregularportion,-even i

32、f the actual portion sizes do not reflect their labels. Dr Wansink and Dr Just previously found that the color of a plate could influence how much a person ate. Research also found that people served food on tables with a higher color contrast (反差 ) between the plate and the tablecloth ate more than

33、 those who were served the same amount of food without an obvious contrast. 28.According to the study, we can know that people tend to_ A.eat less if they believe it to be regular or small B.eat more when the label is double-sized than it is regular C.leave some of the food if a portion is termed be

34、ing large D.eat more if policies government normative names are signed29.in the research we can know that_ A. the portion size of 2 labels were exactly the same B. participants eat less when eating from the regular labeled portionC. a persons willingness to pay for food is not dependent on food labe

35、ls D. the use of color could influence the quantity of food people have30.what is the main idea of the last paragraph? A. people should use the contrast to eat moreB. the plate and the tablecloth should be the same colorC. people will eat less when the plate is white and black D. the use of color co

36、uld influence the quantity of food people have31.where is the study most probable published?A .in the journal of Sport ReportB. in the journal of Economics ResearchC. in the journal of Consumers ResearchD. in the journal of Health ReportDResearch has found women will laugh at a mans jokes if they th

37、ink hes attractive. If you are looking for a mate with a good sense of humor. Their ability to tell a joke may be less important than you think. Scientists-say that whether we laugh or not depends more on how much we_like a person-than whether they really are funnySophie Scott, a professor of neuros

38、cience at University College London, said,” You hear a woman say, “I really fancy him; he really makes me laugh.” What she means is, hes really attractive and I laugh because I fancy him. Its to do with how much she likes him.She said that laughter seems to have its roots deep in evolution, and rema

39、ins extremely socially important. She said,” You are showing you like them when you laugh with people-if you didnt you would withhold (忍住) that laughter. Laughter can also defuse ( 平 息 ) tension in established relationships, with couples who laugh together staying together. The professors own resear

40、ch found that laughter, unlike the sweet sigh of contentment(满足) or the cheer of triumph(成就) is cross-cultural? With people from remote parts of Africa recognizing when a Westerners is amused and vice versa It is an emotion you primarily find in social settings you are more likely to laugh if you ar

41、e with someone else than if you are on your own. Professor Scott said,” It seems to be a socially extremely important emotion. The professor advises us all to make time to laugh. She said that while some people go to comedy clubs or even do laughter yoga, nothing beats having a good giggle with your

42、 friends.Professor Scott said-At its heart, the natural place where you find laughter is in interactions,So I Would say give yourself as many opportunities to laugh with the people who make you laugh. 32. which question does the first paragraph answer?A.why do people laugh at jokesB.why do woman lik

43、e humorous menC.why is the ability to tell a joke importantD.why do good looks make men funnier33.professor Scott probable agrees with the view that_A if a woman dislikes a man, shell laugh at his jokes B. if a man makes a woman laugh, shes laugh at his jokes C. if a woman laughs, shes showing she l

44、ikes the man D. if a man wants a woman to like him, he should tell jokes34.The example of Africans and westerners is taken to show that laughter_A. is cross-culturalB. is useful for establishing relationshipsC. can cheer people up in different culturesD. is a socially extremely important emotion35.w

45、hat does the professor Scott advise people to do?A.go to the comedy clubs or do laughter yogaB. spend time with the people who make you laughC. grab chances to show your humorD. learn to relax on your own第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) How to Build Self-ConfidenceWhen your self-confidence soars, everything b

46、enefits- your body, your relationships, possibly even your pocketbook._36_1.Look your best. Silly as it may sound, the way you feel about your appearance on a daily basis can rally build self-confidence. Go through a stack of magazines and tear out photos of hairstyles and clothing that are appealin

47、g to you. How can you incorporate some of those imagesinto your present look? It takes just minutes a day to polish your appearance, and youll instantlylook and feel more self-confident.37 -And when you act more confident, youll be more confident2. Stand up straight.38_.Next time you dont feel like

48、smiling, pull your shoulders back, stand tall, and smile. Before you know it, your smile will be genuine. And you will be exhibiting a more self-confident you to the world.3.39 what kind of energy do you give off with friends? What kind of energy do your friends give off? Heres a good test : How do you feel about yourself and the world immediately after you

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