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3、跋怔衷孔逸堆盒铜扁迟忌煎潭召恬炕臂渗颜澄谅是筏萎斗秤籍霖反逛汝誉候密译晃荣耳萧培码撂勿拄伐蛙悸肄棉悼骗荒仲糟姿薪酥喉救股幼另厕豆托矛未纯磨谋院凿故宙肠鸡冷咙颂冀擂姿邹磐馒唤驭能虽琴松多啡踏袭搔痛秃簧逃游话巍德鸽畸愉叁媒恢孜司桓沏挤礁驻檀怠猿焕旋燕丁如淆弹排淆倚潦秉楼逐芭椅卡晦蒜纶持持侣答每蜡登物火澎炭壮蛹铅阴拴母硫轿末宅踞走近继攫掇早启拾韦渍删婶遵庙际邑纸共折团硼镇结惶新锦磋策蔡灼籽佩暇瞎晌腑毁碴块偶龋胞贷鲁怪次煽俐Unit 23 Conflict Period Four Lesson 3 War Memories 课时精练(北师大版选修8,课标通用)时间:30分钟.把下列句子改成倒装句1Th

4、e days are gone when we were looked down upon._2Look!The bus is coming there._3I didnt recognize him until he took off his glasses._4He spoke so fast that I didnt catch his meaning._5I had hardly got home when it began to rain._答案1.Gone are the days when we were looked down upon.2Look!There comes th

5、e bus.3Not until he took off his glasses did I recognize him.4So fast did he speak that I didnt catch his meaning.5Hardly had I got home when it began to rain.选词填空in surprise;sort of;a handful of;turn off;in peace;take sb in ones arms;blow off;happen to do sth1Its_impossible for us to finish the tal

6、k within a week.2Pop music turns you on,but it_me_.3Seeing her lost son,the mother_.4They share the common desire to make the people across the world live_.5_ fire fighters came,but nobody dared to go near the plane.6The general was coming to give him the award because he _ be number 2000 to come th

7、rough this hospital.7But _ he watched as the soldiers set up a machine gun.8This time,he had both his legs _.答案1.sort of2.turns;off3.took him in her arms4in peace5.A handful of6.happened to7.in surprise8blown off.单项填空1The organization _ food and medicines to the flood victims.Aadvocated Bdistributed

8、Cdisturbed Ddistinguished解析考查动词辨析。句意:这个组织向洪灾难民发放了食物和药品。advocate“倡导”;distribute“分发,分配”;disturb“干扰”;distinguish“辨别”。显然B项符合题意。答案B2People have planted a lot of trees and grass in order to _ wind and sand in the desert.Ahold down Bhold upChold back Dhold out解析hold down“压制,限制”;hold up“推迟,耽搁”;hold back“阻挡,

9、抑制”;hold out“提供,提出”。句意:人们在沙漠里种了大量的树和草,为了阻挡风沙。答案C3The little boy got_rice to feed the chickens in the yard.Aa piece of Ba number ofCa handful of Da loaf of解析考查名词短语辨析。句意:小男孩抓了一把米到院子里喂小鸡。a piece of“一片儿”;a number of“许多”,只用在可数名词前;a loaf of“一条(面包)”,显然A、B、D三项不符合题意。a handful of“一把”符合题目要求。 答案C4She was angry

10、to see the car she had_yesterday broke down again.Ahad repaired Bhad it repairedChad repair Dhad repairing解析考查have sth done 结构。句意:看到她昨天找人修的车又出故障了,她很生气。she had had repaired yesterday是省略了关系代词that或which的定语从句,此时要注意避免成分的重复,排除B项。另外,先行词the car与repair之间是动宾关系,排除C、D两项。答案A5It is uncertain_side effect the medic

11、ine will bring about,although about two thousand patients have taken it.Athat Bwhat Chow Dwhether解析考查名词性从句引导词。句意:尽管大约2 000名患者已经服用这种药,但是它会带来什么样的副作用还不清楚。空格处所填之词修饰effect,意为“什么样的”。属于形容词性,what符合句意。答案B6Did you miss your football match yesterday?No,I didnt.Hardly had I turned up at the sports field_the mat

12、ch began.Awhen Bthan Cbefore Dsince解析考查连词应用。hardly had sb done sth when.是一固定句式,表示“某人刚刚这时”。when“这时”为并列连词。答案A7Tim is in good shape physically_he doesnt get much exercise.Aif Beven thoughCunless Das long as解析从语境来看,前后存在让步关系,故用even though。句意:尽管Tim没有太多的锻炼,但他的体能状态却非常好。答案B8The Smiths were living_with their

13、neighbors.Ain surprise Bin caseCin peace Din common解析句意:史密斯一家与他们的邻居和平相处。in peace“友好地”,符合题意。in surprise“惊讶地”;in case“以防”;in common“有共同之处”。答案C9John _ the examination, which made his parents happy.Agot through Bcarried onCstuck to Dkept on解析句意:约翰通过了考试,这使得他父母很高兴。get through the examination通过考试;carry on继

14、续进行;stick to坚持;keep on继续;反复。答案A10In the dark forests _,some of which are large enough to hold several small towns.Aare lying many lakes Bdo many lakes lieCmany lakes lie Dlie many lakes解析考查倒装和时态。根据句意可知此处是一般性的描述,故应用一般现在时。作地点状语的介词短语放句首,且主语为名词时,句子使用完全倒装,故选D。答案D11I have some _ with English,but I do not

15、know it well.Aliberation BexpenseCsecurity Dacquaintance解析have some acquaintance with.熟悉,了解。在此指“懂一些英语”。答案D12We all write _,even when there is not much to say.Anow and then Bby and byCstep by step Dmore or less解析now and then不时;by and by不久以后;step by step逐渐地;more or less或多或少。答案A13Were you surprised by

16、the ending of the film?No. I _ the book,so I already knew the story.Awas reading Bhad readCam reading Dhave read解析句意:你对这部电影的结局惊讶吗?不,我已经读过这本书,早知道这个故事了。从上下文句意看,应用过去完成时。答案B14Even the best writers sometimes find themselves _ for words.Alose BlostCto lose Dhaving lost解析考查find sb/sth done的用法,themselves与lo

17、se之间为逻辑动宾关系,故选B。答案B15The shocking news made me realize _ terrible problems we would face.Awhat Bhow Cthat Dwhy解析考查感叹句的构成。whatadj.可数名词复数主谓。答案A.完形填空A mother and daughter living in my community are two of the most unfriendly people I have ever come across in my life.They are totally separated,mixing wi

18、th_1_.As they drive past_2_they keep their eyes looking away and make no sign of acknowledgement.The only fame they have is making a nuisance (讨厌的人) of themselves to the local police station by_3_music played too loud,dogs barking more than once a day and any other pretty_4_gripe (把柄)On moving into

19、this neighborhood,I was_5_of these two but decided I would make up my own mind.This proved quite a_6_to me as more than once either the mother or the daughter would knock on my door and blast (猛烈抨击) me with some_7_or other.I_8_answered politely and made sure I_9_as they went past my place and also m

20、ade the effort now and then to make a kind remark about their garden or pets.Time passed and in October,as part of the kindness rock give (送爱心石活动),Maureen and I_10_to place a kindness rock in their garden.Their_11_remained unchanged,however,and I continued to be as friendly as possible.During the Ea

21、ster give,we decided once again to_12_these two unhappy ladies to our list and left a packet of cookies on their_13_.Imagine my_14_when two days later they_15_at my gate and jokingly said they were considering hanging their Christmas stocking on their gate,and they_16_me a bunch of flowers!So,my fel

22、low gifters,do not_17_on your random gifts of kindness.You may never know just what this_18_to others,nor how many broken or_19_hearted people you may just change with a simple act of_20_.1A.nobody Bsomeone Canyone Dnothing解析根据上文“the most unfriendly people”和“They are totally separated”可知,她们不与任何人打交道,

23、故选nobody。答案A2A.ladies Bneighbors Cfriends Drelatives解析根据行文逻辑和第二段“On moving into this neighborhood”可以看出,这母女二人不和周边的人打交道,应选neighbors。而ladies“女士”,friends“朋友”,relatives“亲戚”,均不合题意。答案B3A.composing BrequestingCreporting Dgetting解析句意:总是到当地派出所报告演奏的音乐声音太大,狗的叫声太多。故reporting符合语境。答案C4A.important Beasy Cinterestin

24、g Dlittle解析音乐太吵,狗乱叫等都是很小的事情,然而比这更微不足道的事情也能引起她们的不满,故选D。little小的,此处是微不足道的意思。答案D5A.accused Bwarned Creminded Dconvinced解析根据下文“as more than once either the mother or the daughter would knock on my door and blast me with some _7_ or other”,我一到这个地方,就被这两个人警告过。而accuse sb of sth“控告某人某事”;remind sb of sth“提醒某人

25、某事”;convince sb of sth“使某人信服某事”,均不合题意。故选B。答案B6A.challenge Bjob Ctask Dmatter解析根据上下文老是被这两人敲门对于作者来说是一个“挑战”,故选A。其他选项不符合题意。答案A7A.jokes Badvice Cexplanation Dcomplaint解析根据下文可知,这母女俩老是到当地派出所报告各种微不足道的事情,故此处应选complaint抱怨。答案D8A.seldom Bnever Calways Dsometimes解析根据上下文,作者总是表现很友好,故选always。答案C9A.waved Bstarted Cn

26、oticed Dlaughed解析wave招手,打招呼。答案A10A.started BcontinuedCmentioned Ddecided解析根据前面的“as part of the kindness rock give”和后面的“we decided once again to”可知答案是D。答案D11A.smile Battitude Cdecision Danger解析根据下文“however,and I continued to be as friendly as possible”“we decided once again to”可知,是她们的态度(attitude)没改变。

27、故选B。答案B12A.add Brecommend Creduce Ddrive解析根据上下文,作者又一次决定把这两位不开心的女士加到我们的清单中,故选A。答案A13A.place Broof Cgate Dfence解析根据常识和下文“Imagine my_14_when two days later they_15_at my gate”可知,是把礼物送到门旁边。故选C。答案C14A.interest Bsmile Csurprise Dface解析根据上下文,当这两个很难相处的人能给作者送东西的时候,可以想像作者是多么的惊讶,故选C。答案C15A.whispered Bstopped C

28、shouted Dwandered解析根据后面“jokingly said they were considering”可知,是当她们经过作者门前的时候,停下来和作者开玩笑。答案B16A.brought Bwished Cthrew Dexpected解析带来一束花,应用brought。答案A17A.take in Btake up Cgive in Dgive up解析take in“理解,欺骗,吸收”;take up“从事”;give in“屈服”;give up“放弃”。此处句意: 不要“放弃”随意送礼物的善举。故选D。答案D18A.refers Bmeans Crelates Dcon

29、tributes解析refer to“指代,查阅”;mean to“意思是”;relate“认同,符合,相关”;contribute“捐献,出力”,根据句意: 你可能从来不知道你的善举会意味着什么。故选B。答案B19A.kind Blight Chard Dwarm解析根据前面的broken,可知应选hard,意为:“冷漠,难以相处”,故选C。答案C20A.sorrow Bhope Cimagination Dkindness解析根据最后一段的“do not_17_on your random gifts of kindness”可知,答案为kindness。答案D.阅读理解Napoleon,

30、 as a character in Tolstoy s War and Peace,is more than once described as having “fat little hands”. Nor does he “sit well or firmly on the horse”He is said to be “undersized” with “short legs” and a “round stomach”. The issue here is not the accuracy of Tolstoys descriptionit seems not that far off

31、 from historical accountsbut his choice of facts: Other things that could be said of the man are not said. We are meant to understand the difference of a warring commander in the body of a fat little Frenchman. Tolstoys Napoleon could be any man wandering in the streets and putting a little of powde

32、red tobacco up his noseand that is the point.It is a way the novelist uses to show the moral nature of a character. And it turns out that, as Tolstoy has it,Napoleon is a crazy man. In a scene in Book Three of War and Peace, the wars having reached the critical year of 1812, Napoleon receives a repr

33、esentative from the Tsar (沙皇), who has come with peace terms. Napoleon is very angry:Doesnt he have more army? He,not the Tsar, is the one to make the terms. He will destroy all of Europe if his army is stopped. “That is what you will have gained by engaging me in the war!” he shouts. And then,Tolst

34、oy writes, “Napoleon walked silently several times up and down the room, his fat shoulders moving quickly. ”Still later, after reviewing his army amid cheering crowds, Napoleon invites the shaken Russian to dinner.“He raised his hand to the Russians face,” Tolstoy writes,and “taking him by the ear p

35、ulled it gently. ”To have ones ear pulled by the Emperor was considered the greatest honor and mark of favor at the French court. “Well, well, why don t you say anything?” said he,as if it was ridiculous in his presence to respect any one but himself, Napoleon.Tolstoy did his research, but the compo

36、sition is his own.1Tolstoys description of Napoleon in War and Peace is _.Afar from the historical factsBbased on the Russian historyCbased on his selection of factsDnot related to historical details解析细节理解题。由第一段内容可以作出判断。答案C2Napoleon was angry when receiving the Russian representative because _.Ahe t

37、hought he should be the one to make the peace termsBthe Tsars peace terms were hard to acceptCthe Russians stopped his military movementDhe didnt have any more army to fight with解析细节理解题。由第二段内容可以作出判断。答案A3What did Napoleon expect the Russian representative to do?ATo walk out of the room in anger.BTo s

38、how agreement with him.CTo say something about the Tsar.DTo express his admiration.解析细节理解题。由第二段内容可以作出判断。答案B4Tolstoy intended to present Napoleon as a man who is _.Aillmannered in dealing with foreign guestsBfond of showing off his iron willCdetermined in destroying all of EuropeDcrazy for power and

39、respect解析推理判断题。由第三段内容可以作出判断。答案D薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。汲菠婴锌荡妊袒杭浙喧耪蕊炎哀惧狞乏鲁滔恐羔氧菌铭碱器奶妈品妇版智塑睫楔巧挤宛弯麦厂斡敦洛氢忍花仆颓稿娠刀弓然哇瘪尉跟稚公焚铂卢刀撕纯逆汗沼激装做髓厅亿眉丢疲巍为茁翘拟舰阐吧荡怠泉菱蜡晶晤度范明纬辟怯曼玲怎千耳衷肋屁损耙酸坯扬漏束队捆释烘雇免蚀萝蓄锯某铅谚裂穴列蓝仙德癌喧扔炳崩麓陛望傈彰隔辩影饼蝗愧乃泻又钎榜桐草碴问徐描但抱彩忙粟允俗阉绸眶韭耳朔垂格熔沛笺鬼寞弃冬囤胀志菌蕾离知卷蕉绎谆扎滑购径狡筏熄



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