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1、Heroes and Cultural Icons Lesson Two第1页contents1 Words&Expressions2 Text Focuses&Difficulties3 Exercises4 Review&Homework第2页 If you were asked to list ten American heroes and heroines,you would probably name some or all of the following:George Washington,Abraham Lincoln,Daniel Boone,Martin Luther Ki

2、ng Jr.,Amelia Earhart,Susan B.Anthony,Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis,Helen Keller,Elizabeth Cady Stanton,and Rosa Parks.第3页 Abraham Lincoln Martin Luther King Jr.Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Helen Keller Rosa Parks 第4页 If next you were asked to list people who are generally admired by society,who somehow

3、seem bigger than life,you might come up with an entirely different list.You might,in fact,name people who are celebrated for their wealth and glamour rather than their achievements and moral strength of character.假如有些人请你列举在社会上受到普遍赞赏、貌似非凡人,你所列举恐怕是完全不一样人。who somehow appear distinguished from ordinary

4、people.第5页 And you would not be alone,because pollsters have found that people today do not choose political leaders who shape history for their Most Admired list,but rather movie and television celebrities,fashion models,professional athletes,and even comic book and cartoon characters.In short medi

5、a icons.仅是你一个人提出这些人,民意调查发觉,今天人们不再选择创造过历史政治领袖为他们“最钦佩人物”。And many other people would list the same kind of people as their Most Admired.第6页 By definition,heroes and heroines are men and women distinguished by uncommon courage,achievements,and self-sacrifice made most often for the benefit of others 就定

6、义而言,英雄之所以与众不一样是因为他们有非凡勇气、取得卓越成就、经常为他人利益而作出牺牲。by definition:按定义 be distinguished by:因为而有别(于)heroes and heroines are people who are different from other people because of their unusual courage,achievements and the sacrifices they make in the interests of others.第7页 they are people against whom we meas

7、ure others.他们是我们评价他人标准。theyve become a sort of standard;we judge others by what they do and what they are.第8页 They are men and women recognized for shaping our nations consciousness and development as well as the lives of those who admire them.第9页 Yet,some people say that ours is an age where true h

8、eroes and heroines are hard to come by,where the very ideal of heroism is something beyond us an artifact of the past.Some maintain that because the Cold War is over and because America is at peace our age is essentially an unheroic one.可是有些人说,我们时代是极难出现真正英雄时代,英雄主义这一概念本身我们就极难了解它已经成为历史。ours:是名词性代词,作为宾

9、语从句主语。where引出两个定语从句,修饰an age。come by:找到 be beyond sb:为某人所不能了解;对某人来说太难。第10页 Yet,some people say that we are living in a new age.In this age heroes and heroines are rare,and heroism is only something people admire but do not practice.Heroic and noble conduct is a thing of the past.第11页 Furthermore,the

10、 overall crime rate is down,poverty has been eased by a strong and growing economy,and advances continue to be made in medical science.第12页 Consequently,bereft of cultural heroes,we have latched onto cultural icons media superstars such as actors,actresses,sports celebrities,television personalities

11、,所以,缺乏了本民族(即本民族文化)英雄,我们就迷上了通俗文化偶像。consequently是副词,其连接词作用,将本句与上句连接起来。bereft:(正式)失去,缺乏。As a result,when we no longer have national heroes to admire and worship,we have become crazy about cultural icons第13页 and people who are simply famous for being famous.仅仅因为有名而成名那些人。who are well-known just because t

12、hey are frequently seen in public,so that a lot of people know them or know about them(not because they possess unusually fine qualities or because they have made great contributions to society).第14页 Cultural icons are harder to define,but we know them when we see them.They are people who manage to

13、transcend celebrity(超越名流),who are legendary,who somehow manage to become mythic.But what makes some figures icons and others mere celebrities?Thats hard to answer.他们超越了名流,成为传奇式人物,甚至在某种程度是神话式人物。Cultural icons make themselves more famous than celebrities;they inspire great admiration;and to a certain

14、degree,they become important people.第15页 In part,their lives have the quality of a story.(传奇色彩)For instance,the beautiful young Diana Spencer who at 19 married a prince,bore a king,renounced marriage and the throne,and died at the moment she found true love.Good looks certainly help.部分原因是他们生平带有传奇故事特

15、点。in part:partly,not completely 部分地。Part of the reason is that their lives are unusual,full of ups and downs like people in legends or myths.漂亮长相当然有用。Attractive appearance is surely very useful in the making of an icon.第16页 So does a special indefinable charisma,with the help of the media.But nothin

16、g becomes an icon more than a tragic and early death(does)such as Martin Luther King Jr.,John F.Kennedy,and Princess Diana.另外,在媒体炒作下某种难以描述、特殊个人魅力也起作用。A particular great charm that is hard to define also proves useful.The media help to impress people with it.第17页Being Somebody One hundred years ago,p

17、eople became famous for what they had achieved.Men like J.P.Morgan,E.H.Harriman and Jay Gould were all notable achievers.So were Thomas Edison,Mark Twain,and Susan B.Anthony.第18页 Their accomplishments are still evident in our own day.Todays celebrities,however,often do not become known for any endur

18、ing achievement.The people we most admire today are usually those who are most highly publicized by the media.Today we still see or feel what they achieved in the past.But,today,people often do not become famous because theyve achieved something(a great book,an invention,a discovery,a way of thinkin

19、g,etc.)that will last or influence people for a long time.第19页 In 1981,a Gallup poll revealed that Nancy Reagan was the nations most admired woman.The year before,that distinction went to President Carters wife,Rosalynn.In fact,the wife of the current president is always one of the nations most admi

20、red women.第20页 Todays celebrities,as the writer Daniel Boorstin says,are people well-known for their well-knownness.第21页 To become such a celebrity,one needs luck,not accomplishment.As Boorstin says,The hero was distinguished by his accomplishment;the celebrity by his image or trademark.英雄因其成就而出众,而名

21、流则因其形象或者说是其特征而知名。The hero was different from ordinary people because of what he had achieved;the celebrity differs from ordinary people merely because he is well-known.第22页 The hero created himself;the celebrity is created by the media.The hero was a big man;the celebrity is a big name.The hero was

22、admired for what he had hone for society;the celebrity bursts onto the scene through the work of the media.英雄是了不起人物,名流是了不起名声。the hero was an outstanding man with excellent qualities;the celebrity is an average person with an enviable reputation.第23页 There is another distinction:heroes inspire respec

23、t;celebrities inspire envy.Few of us believe we could be another Jonas Salk or Eleanor Roosevelt,but we could be another TV star like Telly Savalas or Suzanne Somers.Except for the attention they get from the media,these people are exactly like us.Another way to distinguish heroes and celebrities is

24、 that people respect heroes and envy celebrities.要是没有媒体关注,这些人和我们完全一样。If the media didnt give them so much attention,they wouldnt be any different from ordinary people.第24页 The shift from hero-worship to celebrity-worship occurred around the turn of the century.It was closely tied to the rise of new

25、forms of media first photography,and later moving pictures,radio and television.For the first time,Americans could see and recognize their heroes.第25页 Previously,men like Gould and Harriman,whose names everyone knew,could easily have passed through a crowd without being recognized.以前,像古尔德和哈里曼这么家喻户晓人

26、完全可能穿过人群而没被人认出来。whose names everyone knew:非限制性定语从句,修饰Gould and Harriman。being recognized:动名词被动形势。In the past,when famous men like Gould and Harriman walked through a crowd,it was quite possible that people dont recognize them,though everyone knew of them.第26页 The reproduction of photos in newspapers

27、 turned famous people into celebrities whose dress,appearance,and personal habits were widely commented upon.Slowly,the focus of public attention began to shift away from knowing what such people did to knowing what they looked like.现在报纸上能登载照片,这使名人成为名流,他们衣着、外貌和体态举止都成为人们评论对象。When famous peoples photo

28、s appeared in newspapers,their outward featurestheir appearance,their clothes,and the way they carried themselvesbegan to attract public attention and get talked about,In this way these famous people gradually became celebrities.第27页 The shift was accelerated by the arrival of moving pictures.Betwee

29、n 1901 and 1914,74 percent of the magazine articles about famous people were about political leaders,inventors,professionals,and businessmen.After 1922,however,most articles were about movie stars.第28页 With the arrival of television,the faces of the stars became as familiar as those we saw across th

30、e breakfast table.We came to know more about the lives of the celebrities than we did about most of the people we know personally.Less than seventy years after the appearance of the first moving pictures,the shift from hero-worship to celebrity-worship was complete.电视出现Because we now have television

31、 多于对我们认识多数人了解。than we did:比较从句,did 代表knew。people we know personally:指我们常见并有接触人(相对于那些我们只是在媒体上见过名流)than we know about most of the people we actually know.第29页 Today an appearance on a television talk show is the ultimate proof of making it in America.Actually,the term talk show is misleading.今天在电视台一个脱

32、口秀节目上一露脸就绝对能证实你在美国“一举成名”。Today,if you are invited as a guest on a TV talk show,you definitely have proved yourself successful in America.第30页 Celebrities do not appear on such a program because of an actual desire or ability to talk,but simply to gain recognition,and prove,merely by showing up,that

33、they are somebody.”名流在这么节目中出场,并不是因为他们真想说些什么,或是口才很棒,而纯属为了知名,并经过(在荧屏上)露脸,证实他们是“主要人物”。Celebrities often appear on talk shows,not because they really want to talk,or because they have something to say,but simply because they want to become famous and to show that they are important.第31页 Being a guest on

34、 a talk show does not require qualities of wit,eloquence,brilliance,insight,or intelligence.A former talent coordinator for the Tonight Show,says that when he would ask a scheduled guest,What would you like to talk to the host about?“the reply he got most often was,Have him ask me anything.“This,he

35、says,usually meant,I am a typical Hollywood actor,so I have never had an original thought and I have nothing to say of any interest to anyone anywhere.第32页 Most hosts are grateful just to get someone who will fill the room with sound.多数主持人只要有些人说话,让演播室老有声音就很满意。Most hosts are more than happy as long a

36、s the guests keep talking.第33页 One talk show coordinator comments,We look for the guest who is sure to talk no matter what(he talks about).Ten seconds of silence appears very awkward on television;thirty seconds is disastrous.A guest whos got to stop to think about everything he says before he opens

37、 his mouth is a ratings nightmare.”第34页 This kind of attitude rewards smooth,insincere talk,and makes hesitancy look like stupidity.encourages第35页 We wouldnt have used George Washington on our show(if he had been alive),says one talent coordinator.He might have been first in the hearts of his countr

38、ymen,but today hed be dragging his bottom in the ratings.第36页 重点词汇重点词汇1.make vt.做,制作;将变成;把制成;促使,迫使,使【例句】She is making a cake.她正在做蛋糕 We will make this place into a summer resort.我们要使这个地方变为避暑胜地。The good n ews makes her happy.这个消息使她很高兴。相关短语:make sure 确保;确定 make it 成功,做成 make up 编造make friends with 与交朋友

39、 make up ones mind 下决心2.recognize vt.认识,识别;认可,认可;赏识,表彰【例句】He was so much changed that I could hardly recognize him.他改变太大,我简直认不出他来了。He recognized John as his lawful heir.他确认约翰为自己正当继承人。The manager recognized the employees worth by giving them a bonus.企业经剪发给雇员们一笔奖金以报偿他们劳绩。Recognition n.认出;(正式)认可;褒奖,赞赏相

40、关短语:gain recognition 得到赞赏3.define vt.解释,给下定义;限定;确定界限【例句】People define him as a genius.人们说他是天才。The boundary between the two nations is defined by treaty.两国间边界是由条约要求。definition n.定义 相关短语:by defintion 按定义第37页 重点词汇重点词汇4.shape vt.塑造,制作,使成形;影响,决定【例句】We should remember those who shape history forever.我们应该永

41、远记住那些塑造历史人们。These policies will shape the countrys future.这些政策将决定国家发展前途。5.maintain vt.主张,认为;维持,保持;继续;维修,保养【例句】I maintain that we should set off at once.我认为我们应该马上出发。The school maintains English as the medium of instruction.这个学校继续以英语为教学用语。He is careful to maintain his own car.他小心翼翼地保养自己轿车。6.original a

42、dj.独具创造性,有独到看法;最初,原先【例句】He always has the original viewpoints.他总是有独到看法。The original plans were changed.原先计划改变了。第38页 重点短语重点短语1.be known for 因著称【例句】Mrs.Smith is known for her cooking.史密斯太太以烹饪闻名。2.go to sb./sth.授予,被赢得【例句】The Nobel Prize for literature went to the American novelist.诺贝尔文学奖被授予那位小说家。3.pass

43、 through 经过【例句】The troops passed through the village yesterday evening.部队于昨晚经过这个村庄。ment on/upon 评论【例句】He wrote an article to comment on the recent developments.他写了一篇文章,对进最近形式发表意见。5show up 出现,抵达【例句】我们等了一个小时,但他没有出现。We waited for an hour,but he did not show e to realize(开始)认识到,意识到【例句】He came to realize

44、 that being conceited was harmful.他开始意识到自认为是是有害。第39页Vocabulary1.Icon 偶像,崇敬对象偶像,崇敬对象2.Celebrated 著名,驰名著名,驰名3.Glamour 魅力,诱惑力魅力,诱惑力4.Achievement 成就,成绩成就,成绩5.Distinguish 区分,有别于,使显著区分,有别于,使显著6.Benefit 益处,好处益处,好处7.Economy 经济经济8.Consequently 所以,所以所以,所以第40页Vocabulary9.Bereft 缺乏缺乏,失去,失去10.Transcend 超越超越界限界限1

45、1.Evident 显著显著12.Publicize 宣扬;广为宣传宣扬;广为宣传13.Inspire 激起激起14.Photography 摄影摄影15.Recognition 赞誉,认可赞誉,认可16.Hesitancy 犹豫不决,犹豫犹豫不决,犹豫第41页VocabularyPhrases:1.Distinguished(from)by 因因有别于(有别于()2.Measure against 对照对照评价评价3.Be known for 以以著称著称4.Go to sb./sth 授予,被授予,被赢得赢得5.Pass through 经过经过6.Turninto 把把变成变成7.Com

46、ment on/upon 评论评论8.Shift fromto 从从转为转为9.Look like 看似看似10.Show up 出现出现11.Fillwith 使使充满充满12.Come to realize 认识到认识到第42页 ReadingAnswer the question:How does Goshgarian define heroes and heroines?And who are cultural icons?第43页 ReadingOutline of the Text第44页 第45页 Vocabulary Exercise1.名词+-ize/-ise动词【例句】He

47、 apologized to me for what he had said.2.带确定数量词名词词组作主语时主谓一致当主语是表示数目、时间、重量、距离等复数名词,假如该名词被看做一个整体,其后动词用单数。【例句】Sixty miles is a short run in a car.与上面情况相同,但假如该名词被看作单个个体,其后动词用复数。【例句】Five kilos of apples are placed into the baseket.当主语为“分数或百分数+of+名词”时,动词形式依照of后名词单复数形式来定。【例句】One-fourth of the region is und

48、erdeveloped.当主语是单数与复数同行时,动词形式以名词单、复数意义为准。【例句】Tereh aircraft are reported missing.第46页 Grammar3.all 主谓一致 代词all 表示可数人或物时,其后动词用复数形式。【例句】All who have seen the film love it.代词all表示不可数名词时,其后动词用单数形式。【例句】All is going well.All of his money is gone.形容词all+可数名词时,其后动词用复数形式。【例句】All roads lead to Rome.形容词all+不可数名

49、词时,其后动词用单数形式。【例句】Not all food is good to eat.4.带none词组作主语时,其后动词但单、复数都能够用。【例句】None of you have/has had my experience.None of the lifts are/is working.第47页 Exercises:Translation 1)1.make it/achieve ones aim,worship heroes/money,2.gain recognition,gain confidence,3.remain silent,break the silence,4.ren

50、ounce ones responsibility,5.arouse attention,distinguish friends from enemies,6.accelerate,reveal a secret,7.shape history,shape the future,8.Make a new life,ease poverty,9.make advance,the present president,10.work focus,original viewpoints11.Sincere wishes第48页 Exercises1.On the way to Zhengzhou,we

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