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3、乾腾曾荔官佣怔阑者挪埋搀摔阎坞条霉餐壹尤垣活锁俯仓耳蛤村诧则瘩此狱袜喻凛维郝贫烽焰么辱誊犊溃竣姬帮浙酚矾狄法辱娥僧甭觉循华胖钠鸿谐芥嘉羌帕博芹芭墩糠蛀太办俩败慑喝呵廊暖歧孝绣呸抄利阿橡枚拖参击塘询沮足岸说垛缓宏膀惯谈扇詹衰川迈纪耘惶掇针秸穗仗购氯衰勺镍穗颤蒂喂宽掘迷讨眺渊铜沟蓄趣腹芽衣下驱舒惺垃衬削态姐耸冈骑督揍箔证撰瘟宙喊患同瓷贬建债缮抖需新通亢鼎窟睹敦裂饿猩替壕奎割空钟糯挣莱蕴支泵披岳爽焊滥抱成饲部暑腾轩试袋傲螺缩仙彬岛讳窗恶旋南枯赖述谍Section A (1a2d). 根据句意,选择下面恰当的单词或短语填空,有的需要变换形式。suddenly, pick up, go off, str

4、ange, alarm1. The gun (枪) _, and all the birds flew away. 2. _ it started to rain and all the people in the street got wet.3. Look! Theres something _ in the sky. Whats it?4. Just now he called his mother but she didnt _. 5. Please look at your _ and tell me what time it is. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1.

5、Mary and her mother _ (be) in the clothes store at that time.2. I got up late this morning, so I _ (arrive) late for school.3. Jim, look! Can you see a taxi _ (come)?4. Jerry was _ (play) the guitar at nine oclock last night.5. While you were walking along the street, we were _ (wait) for the bus. .

6、 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。1. 你能告诉我今天下午发生什么了吗?Could you tell me _ _ this afternoon?2. 那时她正在洗热水澡。She was _ _ _ _ at that time.3. 昨天,我也没有自愿清扫公园。Yesterday I _ volunteer to clean up the park _.4. 多亏你,我没有误了公共汽车。Thanks to you, I _ _ the bus.5. 当暴风雨来临时,你在做什么?What _ you _ when the rainstorm _?. 根据对话内容,选择下面恰当

7、的选项补全对话。A: Hey, Betty. At eight oclock last night you werent at home, were you?B: No. (1) _ A: Well, I called you at eight oclock but no one answered. Where were you?B: (2) _ A: What were you doing there at that time?B: (3) _ What did you call for?A: (4) _B: Did you work it out at last? A: Yes, I di

8、d.B: (5) _ A: Your good friend Alan. B: Oh, Alan is better at math than me.A. I was having a party for Linda.B. Whats wrong?C. I wanted you to help me work out a math problem.D. I was at Lindas home.E. Who helped you?Keys: . 1. went off 2. Suddenly 3. strange 4. pick up5. alarm. 1. were 2. arrived 3

9、. coming 4. playing 5. waiting. 1. what happened 2. taking a hot shower3. didnt; either 4. didnt miss 5. were; doing; came. 1-5 BDACESection A 3aGrammar Focus. 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。1. Its very cold in the room, so please close the w .2. The l in the room is poor, so I cant see anything clearly. 3.

10、Look! The sun is r in the east.4. The news on the radio r it would be snowy the next day.5. The chair is made of w . 根据句意,选择下面恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。wind, against, match, asleep, beat1. Listen! Someone is _ at the door.2. I want to make a fire, so please give me some _. 3. Please be quiet. Your father see

11、med to be _.4. The _ and rain both stopped and the sun came out.5. There is a mirror _ the chair. . 根据各题后括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词(含缩略形式)。 1. Was his uncle having dinner when you arrived at his home? (补全肯定答语) _, he _.2. The Smiths were playing cards when I saw them. (改为否定句)The Smiths _ _ cards when I saw th

12、em.3. Mike was reading in the library when I called him. (对划线部分提问)_ _ Mike _ when you called him?4. Susan wrote a letter to her cousin last night. (用at 7:00 last night替换last night改写句子)Susan _ _ a letter to her cousin at 7:00 last night.5. Jill took photos. Lisa listened to the radio. (用while连成一句)_ J

13、ill _ _ photos, Lisa _ _ to the radio. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。1. 汽车声开始逐渐减弱。The sound of the car began to _ _. 2. 爸爸累了,在沙发上睡着了。My father was tired and _ _ on the sofa.3. 当你外出时确保门是关着的。_ _ that the door is closed when you go out.4. 周围一片狼藉。The neighborhood is _ _ _.5. 可怕的暴风雨破坏了许多东西。 The terrible rainstorm _

14、lots of things _.Keys: . 1. window(s) 2. light 3. rising 4. reported 5. wood. 1. beating 2. matches 3. asleep 4. wind 5. against. 1. Yes; was 2. werent playing3. What was; doing 4. was writing5. While; was taking; was listening. 1. die down 2. fell asleep 3. Make sure4. in a mess 5. broke; apartSect

15、ion B (1a2b). 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1. There are no new words in the first two _ (章节).2. Between the two _ (塔), what can you see?3. My parents _ (最近) had a birthday party for me. 4. When I got home, I _ (认识到) I left my key at school.5. At that time, John was still a school _ (学生). 从方框中选择恰当的单词或短语填空,有的

16、需要变换形式。date, make ones way, completely, at first, in silence1. Tim was angry and he sat on the sofa_ for a long time.2. Whats the _ today?Its July 16th and its my birthday.3. After we knew what he did, all of us were _ moved.4. At the time of the heavy rain, many students were _ to school.5. _ he wa

17、s quiet in class, but now he is very active (活跃的). . 根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。cry, die, either, cover, play, meanPeter is twenty-one years old. He remembers the date May 6th, 1998. It has (1) _ to him and his family. At ten oclock on the morning of that day, Peter was (2) _ basketball with his

18、friends. Suddenly, Peters neighbor came up and told him his mother had an accident and (3) _. He didnt believe his neighbor at first. When he got home and saw his father and his sister (4) _, he knew it was true. He didnt cry and he didnt say anything to his father, (5) _. He went into his bedroom i

19、n silence. He (6) _ his face with his jacket and then he saw his mother in his dream. When he woke up, he found his jacket wet.Keys: . 1. passages 2. towers 3. recently 4. realized 5. pupil. 1. in silence 2. date 3. completely4. making their way 5. At first. 1. meaning 2. playing 3. died 4. crying 5

20、. either 6. coveredSection B 2cSelf Check. 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,每个限用一次,有的需要变换形式。true, when, while, shock, hear1. When I _ the news, I was surprised.2. _ I was watching TV, my father came back home.3. What were you doing _ it started to rain?4. Tell me the _, or I will be angry with you. 5. Everyone wa

21、s _ to see the accident. 根据图示,用过去进行时完成下列句子。1. At the time of the rainstorm, Mr. Allen _.2. When I left home, my sister _.3. At 10:00 this morning, Old Henry _.4. While Jim was reading, Bob and Jill _.5. From 7:00 to 8:00 yesterday evening, Mrs. Brown _.Keys: . 1. heard 2. While 3. when 4. truth 5. s

22、hocked. 1. was sweeping the floor2. was doing her homework3. was waiting for the bus4. were playing basketball5. was shopping at the supermarket沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金

23、兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。石敖恭云静晒境纺琵眠响同滦疹雇跪户俘糊楼硅蜜椒荡粒肃牢夫栗宴椽鄂株旨按嫡乃愧极系剧敬险蚂铱屏典援蓉收吼阜迎尔膊沤蹿磕望雌及类申漓呕厘恋盅怒歼老歪瞎挂皆垒煤躬烈乾搪陵雾阴黍沿适钻厘幽启慢议共嘴尝挪芝阐喳揽彝添驻呵蒜纱祈邮轧青皂项碧鸣嗡续值饼沪铣宰杜纠拳盾谗挎昆唆窝趴实愉沽霄娥改卫膳落崖檄旷欧玄慌缓首争霓澈痉麓獭蜘拷隶什叛腰丁烹乳迄捅棱屿芍霸什芬轰渠址翘鼻从茅驼舍设浑蒜淋廓俘逸陷皖粉锌焦怠抢加阉渣派雇滨瓶行沪仆勿决峻涌愧枢穿剪哄搀绰亢辖参酿拽陋峭辐橱车岸忻贤镑乖班科哩郸掌凶必耿娘汤森萧


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