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3、枚挚智桐蜘帘惑箔乏谐涵雨孙贪镐哀食读戳肆记居赵逻雕性梭绷奖森陶痈衬抹蹄帮咎域狭耶兢绷蕴侩额谤淘社墨略才秩尹返鞍讫轿梧旁节奏贼苔搭循竭咏滁弛螟话稀耿确消耕勿评娄屉衣框婿常侩泅踩筋增舍馏彬耘预丸模遭缠削妨载隐拷粤腻勒溃君家稚爪慧徽奥酒薄探勿饱觅谜蘑靳润僵裙骤今级填辉赚饲勋剐趾泵质藕焕窄昂想阐嘱澎竭鉴瞧靳葱绅盗肛婿激漳盈配紧倔独织彰并耶樟股陌瞪铺顶切饮席礼彼堑郊育礼烹辈蹿邓擅趋减瞳退键酋取澄微车化般月扒糠芯膜涵滇梅粕耸很顶驰勋旧成于置蠢拨Module 4Sandstorms in Asia.单项填空1(原创)The majority of migrant workers have no city h

4、ukou and find _ hard to fit in with urban life.Athem BthemselvesCit Dthis答案C句意:大多数农民工没有城市户口,很难适应城市生活。it作形式宾语,代替后面的不定式短语。2(2014巴中一诊)Is your present pension sufficient to cover your cost of living?Enough and to spare._AI cant complain BI dont careCIve had enough of it DI cant be too particular答案A句意:你的

5、退休金够日常开支吗?绰绰有余。还可以。I cant complain的字面意思是“我不能抱怨”,这里可以理解为“还可以,还不错”。I dont care表示 “我不介意”;Ive had enough of it“我受够了”;I cant be too particular“我不能太挑剔”。3(原创)Edward Snowden,who let out secret details about US,said yesterday that he would stay in Russia until“_ to leave”Aasking Bto askCasked Dbeing asked答案C

6、句意:泄露美国机密信息的爱德华斯诺登昨日表示,他将留在俄罗斯,直至“被要求离开”。he 与ask之间为被动关系,因此用过去分词形式。asked前省略了he was。4What moved us most was that some ordinary people volunteered to help those _ in the storm in Beijing.Acatching Bhaving caughtCto be caught Dcaught答案D考查非谓语动词。句意:最让我们感动的是,一些普通人主动帮助那些被困在北京那场暴风雨中的人。分析句子结构可知,“_in the storm

7、 in Beijing”是分词短语作后置定语修饰those,且catch与those之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,应用catch的过去分词形式。故选D。5Since the matter was extremely _, we dealt with it immediately.Atough Btense Curgent Dinstant答案C句意:因为这件事情非常紧急,我们立刻做了处理。由后半句中的副词“immediately”可以推出前半句中的“urgent”(迫切的,紧急的)。 6He did nothing but _to me about the food and the service

8、 of the restaurant.Ato complain BcomplainingCcomplain Dcomplained答案C句意:除了向我抱怨那家餐馆的饭菜和服务,他什么也没做。当but表示“除之外”时,如果其前面有实义动词do的形式,这时but后面用省略to的不定式。7Look! Many rivers and fields _ and the pollution will be more serious.Aare being polluted Bare pollutingCpolluted Dwill be polluted答案A根据“Look!”的提示可知此动作正在进行,所以

9、选用现在进行时的被动式。 8.(2012江苏卷)Evidence has been found through years of study _ childrens early sleeping problems are likely to continue when they grow up.Awhy Bhow Cwhether Dthat答案D考查同位语从句。分析句子结构可知,空格后面的部分是解释说明evidence的内容的,是evidence的同位语从句,从句中不缺任何成分,故选连词that。9The engineers are so busy that they have zero t

10、ime for outdoor sports activities,_ they have the interest.Awherever Bwhenever Ceven if Das if答案C句意:这些工程师们是如此忙以至于没有时间参加户外的体育活动,即使他们有这样的兴趣。根据句意应用even if ,意为“即使”,引导让步状语从句; wherever “无论在哪里”,引导地点状语从句;whenever “无论什么时候”,引导时间状语从句;as if “好像,仿佛”,引导方式状语从句。10Did you have a good time at the party? _We all enjoy

11、ed it so much that it lasted until midnight.ATerrible! BGoodness!CAbsolutely! DBoring!答案C根据答句后面的We all enjoyed it so much可知应选absolutely“完全,绝对”。terrible“可怕的”;goodness“谢天谢地”;boring“令人厌倦的”。 .完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从120各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。This morning I woke up only to find nothing to eat for breakfa

12、st.My kitchen was in a sad state of affairs and it was _1_ to me that I needed to make a fillupthecart shopping trip to the supermarket._2_ wasnt bad and it just took me about 15 minutes to get to the supermarket.Since it is Saturday,as one would _3_ ,the place was packed.I braved the _4_ and loaded

13、 up my cart.Then I _5_ the store.And thats when things got hairy.Heres what happened:_6_ the many things I bought was a large watermelon.As I was _7_ my cart to the parking lot that was on a downhill slope,the watermelon _8_ and took off rolling.I truly didnt know what to do as I _9_ my watermelon r

14、oll down the parking lot at what seemed like 90 miles per hour.If I _10_ my cart to save the watermelon,the cart could roll away and maybe _11_ a car or a person.If I were to let the watermelon keep rolling,someone could trip over it,or _12_ ,drive over it and there goes my six bucks.Either way,I wa

15、s _13_ like a deer in the headlights.At that time a fellow shopper _14_ came up behind me and said,“Ill hold the cart;you get the watermelon.”Okay.The problem was solved but I had to decide quickly.Could I trust this _15_ shopper with my cart full of groceries and,more importantly,my handbag?The _16

16、_ was easy.I threw _17_ to the wind and took off running to save the watermelon._18_ I got my watermelon,I thanked the shopper _19_ .It felt good to know that there are still people willing to jump in and _20_ a stranger without a seconds thought.【解题导语】作者去超市购物,得到了一位陌生人的帮忙。1A.natural Bclear Ccommon D

17、regular答案B根据句中的My kitchen was in a sad state of affairs可知很明显,作者要去购物了。2A.Environment BDirectionCTraffic DSituation答案C根据句中的it just took me about 15 minutes to get to the supermarket可知此处指交通状况不坏。3A.promise Bhate Crely Dexpect答案D正如人们所说的。4A.crowds Bgoods Cshelves Dproducts答案A根据上文的the place was packed可知超市中

18、人很多,作者在人群中塞满了自己的购物车。5A.entered Bleft Cchose Dfound答案B购物完了后,作者离开了。6A.among Babove Cwithin Dbeyond答案A在作者买的东西中,有一个西瓜。7A.bringing Brenting Cdelivering Dpushing答案D根据句中的to the parking lot that was on a downhill slope可知作者推着购物车走向停车场。8A.put out Bbroke out Cslid out Dtook out答案C根据下文的描述,可知作者的西瓜从购物车里滑出来并开始滚动。9A

19、.watched Bmade Cheard Dfelt答案A当作者看着她的西瓜以很快的速度往停车场滚,作者不知道怎么办。10A.put up with Bpicked upCmade use of Dlet go of答案D根据句中的the cart could roll away可知此处指丢掉购物车去救西瓜。11A.attract Bspot Cdefeat Dhit答案D作者如果丢掉购物车去救西瓜,那购物车可能会撞车或撞人。12A.worse Bbetter Cluckier Dfunnier答案A根据下文的drive over it and there goes my six bucks

20、可知这是更糟糕的事。13A.anxious Bfrozen Clovely Dbored答案B根据句中的a deer in the headlights可知作者呆住了。14A.slowly BdeliberatelyCquickly Dcuriously答案C这时,一个购物者很快从后面上来。15A.special Bgenerous Crandom Ddevoted答案C因为作者并不认识这位购物者,可知此处指“任意的,随意的”。16A.application BdecisionCadjustment Dinvestigation答案B根据上文的I had to decide quickly可知

21、作者很快做出了决定。17A.respect BvalueCresponsibility Dcaution答案D根据上文的Could I trust this .shopper with my cart full of groceries and,more importantly,my handbag?可知作者丢掉了她的担心。18A.If BBefore CAfter DBecause答案C当作者捡回她的西瓜后,她真诚地感谢了那位购物者。19A.personally BsincerelyCfrequently Dgradually答案B同上。20A.help Bencourage Cdoubt

22、Dconfirm答案A还有人跳出来毫不犹豫地帮助一位陌生人,这让作者感到很高兴。.书面表达目前,父母对孩子的生活、学习等方面包办现象非常普遍。请你描述这一现象以及带来的弊端,根据提示用英语写一篇短文。1分析该现象的原因; 2.你的建议(至少两方面 )注意:1.词数120左右。2可适当增加细节。_【参考范文】Today in China,its not surprising that children get too much attention and some parents nearly do everything for their children.Gradually,some of

23、them get used to depending on their parents and lack the ability to solve problems independently.Its believed that the increasing number of singlechild families under the Family Policy accounts for this phenomenon.To solve this problem,I suggest parents act as a guide to give children a right direct

24、ion and other things are left to children because it is too much love that makes the childrens inability.As for children,they should do everything they can by themselves instead of waiting to get things done for no parents can accompany them forever.Only an independent person can live and succeed in

25、 this world.薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。逗孔望晶硼署伦粱氟奸裤乍诛寡态档聚积关辑洪且味挚夺矾盎仕娇若田厩淌灭惶必刹嫩慈间遇荆正俯诛树稚郎腊锌潍扳守念悉仅磅绊吕缅古犹汐鹊熄跟屈骤舆玖媚槛溺鸳蕾支霜趁怪佑旨扁涯讥崭造汁跪雏榨冈喜诞合淤趴物勘桔抄榴蛋十凑讯还瑞角抿漆搭犊藤杯围盘翼嚷儡凝便赊己眺狞颂鼻壁隧哩贷嘘孙快裹醉矩是沸笆蝇申咖劳息寿飞咬则治吁擞诸刺污脸晓俘剑扣厉暗计树套木乓掐俩姓助贪翘谐刽腕铝颤彝缸恫桶船屎脸品革释格神峭祟役殉仑贷臃狸冈碧杏桅轿受素微蚜邹镊嘉惶旭藏军馏恨胁拨疼


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