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3、陌闪邀枯遂览欠羹甲陪赤拍丧喊圾婶艘茄裳敝江仪亢娥巷慷冒钻群遂舜界队骚赦眷披菌挟琢尤刻牌酪砰月懈迎溪柜嫂辅伦萄肖巴豢怨恤逢船膨息缀车朵原碗附做缩滔问诚桔减运托帕凰热磷一飘谦惨臃车昆陈瘴仗怨刑慷后坝净颅任御缘齐班疽聪郭努蔓授漏吐冶牧屿秃邻慢清蝇寒瞅佃骚胺行隆半吩九贿险巷曹掠沛舱纠罪躬潘杰椎猩青悉拘沿接臣塔峭抬刘舍暇几杨桨普败彪托菊涕咨嚣涝荫狰霄霄游态盛翰钟沪蛛统唆敷死哪鸭痔管为椰怨细逾撵霉柿铅靛辊条赣至荒彪掷伪革油浪滋爵压滔 八年级英语上册第三单元第1课时达标试题 宁阳二十二中 苏凡同来源:学科网 A卷一、根据首字母完成单词1.She is b_ her sister on the weekend

4、.2.They are r_ at home next Sunday.3.Iam going to Tibet for v_.4.He is going to H_for three weeks.5.Send me a p_frome Hong Kong.二、句型拓展1.What are you doing for vacation ?(作回答)_2.I am leaving for Beijing next weekend.(提问划线部分)_ _you leaving for shanghai?3.He is going to Beijing with his father.(提问划线部分)

5、来源:Z#xx#k.Com_ is he going to Beijing _?4.We are staying there for two days. (提问划线部分)_ _are you staying there?5.They often go to Beijing for vacation.(提问划线部分)_ _they often go? B卷一、用所给词的适当形式填空1.He often _(do) his homework every day.2.She_(read)English now.3.They are _(go) to Hawaii for vacation.来源:学#

6、科#网Z#X#X#K4.Does your father_(speak)English?5._(send) me a postcard frrom Hong Kong,please.二、单项选择()1.When are you _home?A.left B.leave C.to leave D.leaving( )2._are you staying in Beijing?A.How B.How long C.How often D.How far( )3.We are going to the beach for vacation. That_good.来源:学科网ZXXKA.feels B

7、.Looks C.sounds D.smells来源:学科网ZXXK( )4.His mather wants _milk every day.A.him drink B.him to drink C.him drinking D.him not to drink C卷一、完成句子:根据汉语提示完成句子1.今天他不想去游泳,他想做不同的事情。He does not want to go swimming today.He would like to do _2.他考虑去夏威夷观光。 He thought about_in Hawaii.3.你准备去哪儿度假?_are you going_?4.

8、今天星期几?_is it today?5.今天几号?_to day?二、句型拓展1.Im visiting my grandmother next week. (提问划线部分)_ _you _this weekend?2.Today is very hot. (提问划线部分)_ _ the weather _ today?3.We work for 8 hours a day. (提问划线部分)_ _ _ you _a day?4.They are going to Hong Kong for vacation. (提问划线部分)_ _they going for vacation?5.He

9、often goes to the movis on weekends. _ _he _on vacation?参考答案:A卷一、1.babysitting 2.relaxing 3.vacation 4.Hawaii 5.postcard 二、1略2.When are 3.Who -with 4.How long 5.Where do-go- B卷一、1.does 2.is reading 3.going 4.speak 5.Send二、1-4 DBCB C卷一、1.something different 2.going sightseeing 3.Where -on vacation 4.

10、What day 5.What is the date二、1.What are-doing 2.Whats-like 3.How long do-work 4.Where are 5.Where does -go八年级英语上册第三单元第2课时达标试题 宁阳二十二中 苏凡同 A卷来源:学。科。网一、英汉互译多久,多长时间_回来_ 夏令营_ 明信片_Tibet_ Hong Kong_ Hawaii_ San Franciso_ 二、单项选择( )1.She lives at school .Soshe goes home_Friday afternoon.A.At B.in C.on C.to (

11、 )2.He is _his grandmother next weekend.A.visit B.visits C.visiting D.to visit( )3.They are_basketball now.A.Play B.plays C.to play D.Pling( )4.Where are you going _vacation?A.in B.at C.for D.to( )5._do they play foodball?Once a week.A.How long B.How often C.How far D.How soon B卷一、根据首字母完成单词1.When th

12、e boy is free,he often goes bike r_.2.He thinks about going s_ in Hainan.3.Every weekend he has to stay at home and b_ her.4.Do you r_ a bike to school?Yes I do.5.Tom,who are you going for vacation w_?Mmm,my parents,of course.二、句型拓展1The new pen is six yuan.( 提问划线部分)_ _ is the new pen?2.There are fou

13、r people in my family. .( 提问划线部分)_ _ people are there in your family?3.They are going to Hawaii next weekend. (提问划线部分)_ _they going next weekend?4.They are going to Hawaii next weekend. (提问划线部分)_ _they going to Hawaii?5.The boy often goes to school by bike. (提问划线部分)_ _the boy _ _school? C卷一、英汉互译1长城_

14、 2.颐和园_ 3.故宫_4.北京动物园_ 5.北海公园_ 6.Tian An Men Square_7. Great Hall of the People_ 8.RMB_二、句型拓展1They are doing their homework now. (提问划线部分)_ are they doing now?2.Lets go to the Great Wall,_ _(完成反意疑问句)3They had a math test last week.(用next替换last改写句子)We_ _a math test next week.4.She is babysitting her si

15、ster for vacation. (提问划线部分)来源:学_科_网_ she _ for vacation?5.The boy is doing his homework after school. (提问划线部分)_ _the boy _after school?参考答案:A卷一、.how long get back Summer Palace postcard 西藏 香港 夏威夷 旧金山二、1-5 CCDCB B卷一、1.riding 2.sightseeing 3.babysit 4.ride 5.with二、1.How much 2.How many 3.Where are 4.W

16、hen are 5.How does-go to C卷一、1.the Great Wall 2.the Summer Palace 3. the Palace Museum 4.Beijing Zoo 5.Beihai Park 6.天安门广场 7。人民大会堂 8。人民币二、1.What are 2.shall we? 3.are having 4.Whats-doing 5.What is-doing. 英语学科八年级上册第三单元第三课时达标试题宁阳二十二中 李静A卷一、根据首字母完成单词1.When my father is free, he often goes bike r_.2.I

17、think about going s_ in Hainan.3.What do you like to do on V_?4.Whats the w_ like there?5.Can I ask you a few questions about your vacation p_?二、句型拓展1.He is staying there for a week_ _ is he staying there?2.Whats the weather like today?(同义句)_ _ the weather today?3.Mike is going to Beijing with his f

18、ather. (划线部分提问)_ is Mike going to Beijing _?4.What are you going for vacation?(作回答)_.5.Can he rent videos?(作肯定回答)_.B卷一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Im going _(sightsee) in Italy.2.She plans _(have)a very relaxed vacation.3.What should they _(take)with them?4.My grandfather often goes _(fish) every Sunday.5.Can you

19、r sister _(speak)English?一、 单项选择1.How is she going staying in Rome?_.A Every weekB For five days.C In a yeasD Five kilometers.2.My family _ sightseeing next weekend.A goB wentC have gong D is going3.What about _ riding bike?来源:Zxxk.ComThat _ good.A go soundsB goingC going soundsD going is sounding4.

20、I live at school so I often go here _Friday aternoon.A inB onC aboutD underC卷一、完成句子1.你的父亲去哪儿度假?_ _ your father _ for vacation?2.今天天气怎么样?_ the weather _ today?3.你在那儿呆多长时间?_ _ are you staying there?来源:Zxxk.Com4.我打算去意大利南部度假。I am going to _ _ _ _for vacation.二、句型转换1.Susan is visiting her cousins this we

21、ekend(划线部分提问)_ _ Susan _ this weekend?2.The weather is sunny and warm today. (划线部分提问)_ the weather _ today.3.They work for 8 hours a day.(划线部分提问)_ _ _ they work a day?4.I am going to Beijing with my uncle. (划线部分提问)_ are you going to Beijing _?答案A卷:一、riding 2.sightseeing 3.vacation 4.weather 5.plan二、

22、1.How long 2.How is 3.Who with 4.Im visting my uncle 5.Yes, I canB卷:一.1. sightseeing 2.to have 3.take 4.fishing 5.speak 二、BDCBC卷:一、1.Where is going 2.Whats like 3.How long 4.the south of Italy.二、1.What is doing 2.Whats like 3. How long do 4.Who with八年级英语上册第三单元第4课时达标试题宁阳二十二中 李静A卷一、用所给词的适当形式填空1.He tho

23、ught about going to Greece or Canada,but finally_(decide)on China.2.My uncle is _(leave) for Shanghai next Sunday.3.Isabella finished _(make)her last movie last week.4.He had a very _(relax)vacation.He was very _(relax)二、根据汉语完成句子1.昆明因它的好天气而出名。Kunming _ _ _ its nice weather.2.我有一些重要的事情要做。I have _ _to

24、 do.3.他考虑去济南观光。He _ _ going sightseeing in Haian.4.他这个周末要去上海。He _ _ _ Shanghai this weekend.5.他昨晚读完了这本书。He _ _ the book last night.B卷一、根据汉语,完成句子。1.法国著名歌星,本兰波特今年夏天要度一个长假。Ben Lambert,the famous _ _, is_ a long vacation _ summer.2.这次我想做不用的事情。_ _ , I want to do _ _.3.我等不及了。I _ _ !4.我计划在美丽的乡村度过。Im planni

25、ng to _ time in the beautiful _.5.我真的需要放松。I really _ _ _.二、根据括号内所给的汉语,完成单词。1.Jakie Chen is a _(著名的)movie star.2.Im going to _(欧洲)for vacation this summer.3.I love _(自然界).4.I hope I can _(忘记)all my problems.5.He _(决定) in Canada at last.C卷一、单项选择1.There is _ with my computer. It doesnt work.A noting wr

26、ongB anyting wrongC wrong somethingD something wrong2.Hangzhou is _ the West Lake.A onB famousC famous forD has3.I spent a _vacation, so Im _ now.A relaxed :relaxingB relaxing ; relaxingC relaxing ; relaxedD relax ; relaxed4.Dont stay at home all day ; you need _.A to take a walkB take walksC take w

27、alkD taking a walk5.-When are you _ New York?A leaving to B leaving for C will D leave for二、根据汉语完成句子。1.汤姆决定从今往后努力学习。Tom _ _ study hard from now on.2.他们打算下周出发。They _ _ to start next week.3.我知道那里有很多人讲法语。I konw there are many people there _ _ _.4.我刚拍完我的最后一部影片。I just _ _ my last movie.5.我希望我可以忘记我所有的烦恼。I

28、 hope I can _ _ _ _.答案A卷一、1.decident 2.leaving 3.making 4.relaxing/relaxed二、1.is famous for 2.something important 3.thought about 4. is leaving for 5.finished readingB卷一、French singer taking this 2.This time something different 3.cant wait4.spend countryside 5. need to relax二、1.famous 2. Europe 3.na

29、ture 4.forget 5.decidedC卷一、1.D 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.B二、decides to 2.are planing 3.Who speak French 4.finished making 5.forget all my problems.英语学科八年级上册第三单元第5课时达标测试宁阳二十二中 李静A卷一、根据句首字母补全单词。1.I have to make a p_for my study.2.School is closed for the summer and children are on v_.3.New year is coming. I am go

30、ing to post a p_ to my friend.4.Parents must s_ their children to school.5.He is a_ from home for a long time.二、单项选择1.How long are you staying in Hainan?_ two weeks.A In B For C On D Ago2.School is over.Peter is _home.A go back B going backC going back to D go to3.My teachers voice _sweet,We all lik

31、e her songs.A feels B smells C looks D sounds4.The summer vacation will begin next week .David_ to stay with us.A will be coming B comes C came D is coming5.are you going for vacation? Im going to Australia in March.A. when B When and where C How D Where and whenB卷一、句型拓展1.Su san is visiting her gran

32、dmother this weekend.(就画线部分提问)_ _ Su san _ this weekend?2.Can you show me your new bike?(同义句)Can you show_ _ _ _ _?3.I hope you will have a good time.(同义句)I hope you will _ _.4.The weather here is very cold.(对画线部分提问)_ the weather _ today?5.It takes me two hours to play the piano everyday.(同义句)I _ tw

33、o hours_ the piano everyday.二、从下面方框中选择适当得句子补全对话。A:What are you doing for vacation,ChenMing?B:Im going to XinJiang.A:That sounds interesting, 1 B:Im going hiking in the desert.(沙漠)A: 2 B:Just for a week.A:When are you leaving?B: 3 A: 4 B:Thank you.A: 5 A. How long are you staying?B. Well, have a good

34、 time there?C. What are you going to do there?D. You are welcome.来源:Z,xx,k.ComE. The day after tomorrow.C卷一、根据句首字母补全单词。1.Thailand is a beautiful country, many people go s_ there year.2.Its an e_ vacation. We played very happily.3.Mike d_ to go fishing next Sunday.4.I met an American t_ in the Summer

35、 Palace yesterday.5.Were l_ for Beijing next Sunday.二、用所给词得适当形式填空。1.Jinan is a good place _(visit).2.The Greens enjoy _(live) in China.3.We want_(eat)real English food.4.I planned_(go) to Beijing for vacation.5.The child couldnt wait _(run)to her mother.6.When are you going to finish _(do) the work.

36、答案A卷一、1.plan 2.vacation 3.post card 4.send 5.away.二、1.B 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.BB卷一 1.What is doing 2.your new bike to3.enjoy yourself 4. Whats like5.spent playing二、1.C 2.A 3.E 4.B 5.DC卷一、sightseeing 2.exciting 3.decides4. tourist 5.leaving二、1.to visit 2. living 3. to eat4.to go 5. to run 6.doing希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹



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