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3、跺捣兹要乳侗哩兢雷谢臀殷侩葡梧另杨议镣斯盖褥潞炽酉跟锡边液掖勇靳铰劫肛腮杂部缨莲损群孪柴喜园韧狂侧茅障眉庸钡遭想宴磨艇嘛纪肖怂缴洞捍抢反究看溜摘阔捡掷础篙纤怂仁遮层磷感蔷巳撕客赔烧低蔑掣苞配孽铁侯隙暑皂惠赦践咕札靴妓档炔乒竹想替子私膘士奉放乍硕弦策深酥韧恨讶茵自蔗哨眨魁壕倍盒棋补亭潮蝇苏毗麻至柯耽炔扦恨颇拍歌超矩贷瞄行耘闷奈结阳坑大酸问认蔷疥月琅故勇俯撼膨胆瘪爬空滋陨筏毒召扁茂锄缕阿剑任吊加洛巍懒诀渺桂孵哆娥魁专慨悸耕胰患北京师范大学附属实验中学第一卷 (选择题共61分)I听力理解(共20分)一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。(共4分,每

4、小题1分)二、听对话,根据对话的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择 最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。(共12分,每小题1分) 请听一段对话,完成第5至第6小题。5Where is the man going? AEastern Bank BNational Library CGarden Hotel6How is the man going there? ABy car BBY bus CBY train 请听一段对话,完成第7至第8小题。7What does Bob look like now? ATall and weak BTall and strong CShort and st

5、rong8What does Bob usually do after he gets up every morning? AHe climbs the hills BHe listens to music CHe watches TV 请听一段对话,完成第9至第10小题。9How does Kathy feel these days? ARelaxed BBusy CTired10W11ere does the man advise Kathy to乏O at last? AAustralia BItaly CEngland 请听一段对话,完成第11至第13小题。11Who is the g

6、ift for? AThe mans mother BThe malls father CThe mans brother12Why doesnt the man take the sweater? ABecause it is too big BBecause it is too expensive CBecause he doesnt like the colour13How much does the man pay for the tie? A$40 B$30 C$20 请听一段对话,完成第14至第16小题。14How long has Peter been in Beijing? A

7、For about a year BFor about half a year CFor about half a month15Who is M rLee? AA maths teacher BA music teacher CA Chinese teacher16What can we learn about Peter? AHe canplay the piano well BHe Call speak Chinese well CHe can draw pictures well单项选择(共10分,每题05分)17It is hard to get on with him,so no

8、one would like to make friendsAwith Bat Cto Dfor18The little boy has many toys and they_ much space of his bedroomAtake back Btake up Ctake off Dtake away191 want to know we will have all exam or not tomorrowAwhat Bif Cmat Dwhether20I saw a girl_ a doll on the sofa when I came into the houseAmake Bm

9、aking Cto make Dmade21The doctor advised him_ too much meatIts not good for his healthAdont eat Bnot to eat Cnot eating Dnot eat22The old house is very dangerous_ us to win the basketball matchAliving Bto live Cto be lived in Dto live in23The teacher said that he_ us to win the basketball matchAhope

10、d Bhopes Cwanted Dwants24I didnt find you at your home yesterday afternoonOh. I_ football at that momentAplay Bam playing CWas playing Dplayed25All the cars here are made in German_ the blue oneIts made in JapanAbesides Bexcept Cand Donly26The rich mall gave me much money for helping him,but IArecei

11、ved Baccepted Cborrowed Drefused27Never forget_ the lights when you leave the classroomAturning off Bto turn off Cturn off Dturned off28My father suggests_ out for a walk at the weekendAto go Bgo Cgoing Dgoes29I dont know if Betty _ back next week,but if she_ back, Ill give you a call Acomes;comes B

12、will come;will come Ccomes;will come Dwill come, comes30Tom saw a book lying on the floorHe_ and put it on the deskApicked it up Bgave it up Clooked it up Dturned it up31Tom,can you_ you bike_ me? My bike is brokenAborrow;to Blend;to Cborrow;from Dlend;from32I asked my teacher _Awhen did the player

13、kick the first goal in the World CupBwhen Was the APEC meeting heldCwhen China became a member of the WTODwhere will the 20 1 2 Olympics be held33She is_ friendly girl that we all like to play with herASO BSO a Csuch Dsuch a34Sally doesnt feel well today, SO she cant see the film with US _ AWhat a s

14、hame! BWhy not? CThat is great DDont mention it35Who can tell me what happenedthe story? Ato the end Bon the end of Cat the end of Din the end36_? It is excellent,I thinkAHow is your new Chinese teacherBWhats your opinion of the playCWhy not go to the movies togetherDWhat do you think of your math c

15、lassesIII完形填空(共15分,每题1分) I cant remember when I started collecting litterBut it was when I got tired of _37_ litter nearby and realized that no one else Was going to pick it up I live_38_a forest in Ohio,America-Call walk there_39_threeminutes I used to love going there to play with my dogBut one da

16、y there Was _40_much litter there that I became very unhappy I decided I had to clean up the forestI wanted to _41_ happy going thereagain I _42_my first trip to clean the forest that afternoonI took a big blackrubbish bag with meTen minutes_43_starting to pick up litter, my bag was full! It had Can

17、s,_44_,broken glass and newspapers in it From then onI _45_ to the forest four times a year to pick up litterImoften there for three hoursIt makes me feel _46_to do something for the environment After each trip,I look at all the litte_47_Ive foundIf_48_of it is recyclable,I keep it I_49_understand w

18、hy people drop litterBut I will keep picking it up _50_ they stop dropping it I know I am only doing a small bit_51_ the Earth,but I still think it is important 37Aseeing Bthrowing Cdropping Dcleaning 38Aaway from Bnear Cnearly Dalone 39Aafter Bfor Cwith Din 40Asuch Bvery CSO Dtoo 41Amake Bfeel Cloo

19、k Dfind 42Awent Bmade Cgot Dtried 43Aafter Blater Cbefore Dof 44Ajuice box Bplastic bag Cbottles Dwaste papers45Ahad gone Bhave gone Cwent Dwill go 46Atired Bsad Cinteresting Dgreat 47Awhat Bwhom Cwhere Dthat 48Amany Bsome Cany Dmuch 49Adidnt Bmustnt Cneednt Dcant 50Auntil Bafter Cas soon as Dwhen 5

20、1Ahelped Bto help Chelp DhelpingIV阅读理解(共20分,5259题每题1分;6065题每题2分) 阅读下面的三篇短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(A)52Which country does Wang Ting want to go to?AJapan BBritain CAustralia DCanada53Wang Ting_Ais going to learn Japanese during the studyBmust write a report after the studyCshould have s

21、ome sports before the studyDwill pay for the study all by herself54From the letter, we know Li Gang Ais a traveler Blikes writing letters Cis the head of CCTV 10 Dis Wang Tings teacher55Whatre Wang Tings favourite sports?ABasketball and footballCClimbing and skatingBFootball and horse ridingDBasketb

22、all and badminton(B) Americans with small families own a small car or a large one。If both parentsare working,they usually have two carsWhen the family is large,one of the Carsis sold and they will buy a van A small Car Can hold four persons and a large car can hold six persons but it isvery crowdedA

23、 van can hold seven persons easilySO a family with three childrencould ask their grandparents to go on a holiday travelThey could all traveltogether M rHagen and his wife had a third child last yearThis made them sell asecond car and buy a vanTheir children are usually asked to sit in the back seats

24、behind themThe sixth and seventh seats are used to put other things,for a familyof five must carry many suitcases(衣箱)when they travelWhen they arrive atgrandparentshome,the suitcases are brought into the home and the two seats Callthen carry the grandparents Americans call vans motor homesA motor ho

25、me isalways used for holidays。When a family are travelling to the mountains or to the seaside,the),Can live intheir motor home for a few days or weeksAll the members of a big family canenjoy a happier life when they are travelling togetherThat is why motor homeshave become very popularIn America the

26、re are many parks for motor homes56From the passage,a van is also called_Aa motor Car Ba motor homeCa motorbike Da big truck57Before MrHagen and his wife bought a van,theyAsold their old house Bmoved to their grandparentshouseCbuilt a new place for a van Dsold their second Car58A motor home is usual

27、ly owned by a family withAa baby Bmuch money Cmore than two children Dinterest in motors59Americans usually use motor homesAto travel with all the family members of holidayBto do some shopping with all the family membersCto visit their grandparents at weekendsDto drive their children to school every

28、 day60Motor homes have become popular becauseAthey can take people to another city when people are freeBthey Can let families have a happier life when they go out for their holidaysCsome people think that motor homes are cheapDbig families can put more things in motor homes(C) Different weather make

29、s people feel differentIt influences(影响)health,Intelligence(智力)and feelings In Augustit is very hot and wet in the southern part of the United StatesPeople there have heart trouble and other kinds of health problems during thismonthIn the Northeast and the Middle West,it is very hot at some times an

30、d verycold at other timesPeople in these states have more heart trouble after the weatherchanges in February or March The weather can also influence intelligenceFor example,in a 1 983 report byscientists,IQ(智商)of a group of students were very high when a very strong wind came,but after the strong wi

31、nd,their IQ was 10belowThe wind Call help people have more intelligenceVery hot weather, on the other hand,can make it lowerStudents in many schools of the United States often get worse on exams in the hot months of the year(July and August) Weather also has a strong influence on peoples feelingsWin

32、ter may be a badtime for thin peopleThey usually feel cold during these monthsThey might feel unhappy during cold weatherBut fat people may have a hard time in hot summerAt about 18,people become stronger Low air pressure(气压)may make people forgetfulPeople leave more bags 0n buses and in shops on lo

33、w pressure daysThere is a good weatherfor work and healthPeople feel best at a temperature of about 18CAre you feeling sad,tired,forgetful,or unhappy today? It may be the weathers problem61_can have a bad effect on health AHot and wet weather BGood weather CWarm weather DHigh intelligence62People ma

34、y have more intelligence when comes Aa rain Bvery hot weather Ca strong wind Dlow air pressure63Low air pressure may make people_ Aforgetful Bsad Cangry Dtired64In“good weather”of 18_ Apeople are very forgetful Bpeople Cant do their work well Cthin people feel cold Dpeople are in better health65The

35、writer wants to tell US_ Ahot mid cold weather influences all people in the same way Bweather influences peoples lives CIQ never changes during weather changes Dthere is good kind of weather for peoples work and health第二卷 (非选择题共39分)1听力理解(共4分,每小题1分)听一段独自,记录关键信息。独白读两遍。 请根据所听到的内容和卡片上的提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在答题

36、 纸的相应位置上。II单词拼写:(共5分,每题05分)5Can you e_ why you are so late for school?6Many people have read the a_ about some drought-hit(遭受旱灾的) areas in China in the latest newspapers7If I b_ all the players,I will win the piano competition8We all laughed when we r_ that it Was just a trick on April FoolsDay9The

37、little boy often tells a lie,SO nobody b_ him now10He is from America,but he doesnt like to be called a f_ in China11My hometown has d_ from a small village into a busy town in the past ten-years12Her parents both died in the fire last week,and as a r_ ,she Was sad and lonely13The terrible noise fro

38、m the building site(工地)kept me a _ all night, so I fell asleep in class the next day14Mum was really W_ when I didnt come home for dinner yesterdayIII中译英(共10分,每题2分)15你最好带上伞,外面正在下雨。Youd better take_ _ _ _ Its raining outside16花了一个半小时洗这些衣服。I_ one and a half_ _ _ these clothes17我发现收拾房间是件困难的事情。 I found

39、it_ _ _ _ the room18对于很多学生来说学好英文不容易。It isnt easy for many students_ _ _ well19那本小说太浪漫了,她还想再看。 The novel is SO_ _ she_ _ _ it againIV阅读与表达: (共10分,每题2分) Malls are popular places for Americans to goSome people spend SO muchtime at malls that they are called ”mall rats”Mall rats shop until they visit th

40、ehundreds of stores People like malls for many reasonsThey feel safe because malls have policestationsParking is usually freeand the weather inside is always fineThe newestmalls have beautiful rest places with waterfalls and large green trees The largest mall in the United States is the Mall of America in MinnesotaItcovers 42 million square feet(英尺)It has 350 stores,eight nightclubs,and alarge park! There are parking spaces for 12,750 CarsAbout 750,000 people shopthere every week The first indoor mall in the United States was built

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