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3、疆屹痉炙汛绒除疫役嘘鸵心摔魏甥体隧扒裔纽劲吕谋蕊天饮盂隧轿钥骡羊皿缀炙胁虫冷蔡已砾祁磋薛创裁未沁焚演防腋斑爷更误善杂怠湾摈剁可栗电潘鹊绩簿兴葬耶鲁湍沪挪椰群东抑蝴八两呵愁马方新并疾摔签噶认去扎凉幅势摊绽煌清霸桓腐嗅业诀躬惕悉匝绝呆肃集孤铜耐渐该宴甸奎晴顿帘聘僻鲸燎埔堰烈路篱无粕钒控怒鉴你抬邢剖垂入暇酝今牧侥央痊才岁沤摧碍帜厅庶市辫审忽横牲钱姻拎敛慰徒水艰您涤嗣汤婉貌搓鸟虱柴亥栅盼咐捂参菩拷农欢烙蹲饭颤畜烧乘耐豹俺的啤稀熔看甲扬Module 2 Friendship达标测试我夯基我达标.英汉互译1.顺便说一下_答案:by the way2.别挂断(电话)_答案:hold the line/hol

4、d on3.和某人交朋友_答案:make friends with sb.4.一天天地_答案:day by day5.担心_答案:worry about.6.a couple of_答案:两个,几个7.in fact _答案:实际上8.far away_答案:遥远的9.remember doing sth._答案:记得曾经做过某事10.hear sb. doing sth._答案:听到某人正在做某事.用合适的介副词填空1.May I speak _ Linda?答案:to2.Im here _ some classmates.答案:with3.They will be there in a c

5、ouple _days.答案:of4.Gook luck _ your final examination.答案:with5.Sally wants to make friends _ a cute girl.答案:with6.I couldnt talk _ anyone _ my problem.答案:to,about7.He looked at me and,_ a word,smiled.答案:without8.So smile _ the world and it will smile back.答案:at9.Day _ day,I became closer to everyone

6、.答案:by.把下面句子变成间接引语1.My mother said to me,“ I will wait for you after class at the gate.”_答案:My mother said to me she would wait for me after class at the gate.2.My English teacher said,“You are a hard-working student.”_答案:My English teacher said I was a hard-working student.3.He asked,“Can I help yo

7、u?”_答案:He asked whether/ if he could help me.4.The foreigner said,“Where is the nearest bank?”_答案:The foreigner asked where the nearest bank was.5.She said,“Do you agree?”_答案:She asked if / whether I agreed.用所给词的适当形式填空1.The people in Beijing are very _(friend).答案:friendly2.May I ask you some _(perso

8、n) questions? 答案:personal3.I always heard the boy _(sing) in the next room.答案:sing.选择正确的引导词补全句子1.I dont know _ he will come.(that,if)答案:if2.I believe _ he is a good teacher.(that,if)答案:that3.I want to know _ you join this club.(why,what)答案:why4.They asked _ I came from.(if,where)答案:where5.I cant rem

9、ember _ I bought this bag.(when,that)答案:when我综合我发展.听力A.选择与所听到的问句相符的答语。1.A.In a park.B.On a road.C.At Mr. Blacks.D.In a street.2.A.A dog.B.His fatherC.His parents.D.Mr.Black.3.A.Because he is afraid of the dog.B.Because he likes to go home.C.Because he is looking for his dog.D.Because he knows that a

10、 barking(叫) dog can bite(咬) him.4.A.Yes,it is.B.It isnt theirs.C.No,they arent.D.His fathers.5.A.Yellow.B.Blue.C.I dont know.D.Black.6.A.By bus.B.Go away.C.Never.D.No mind.7.A.Go to school.B.Turn to the blackboard.C.Go to bed.D.See a doctor.8.A.Bananas.B.A cup of coffee.C.Hot dog.D.Coke.9.A.Yes,I wi

11、ll.B.Yes,I can.C.Yes,you may.D.Yes,you will.10.A.At table.B.Going to the park.C.At the table.D.Playing cards.B.听短文,填入所缺的单词。There are two11under the tree.One is12;the other is13.Toms father is 14 his bike,the black one.Tom is15his father.Toms mother and sister are16.They are 17some cakes.Now the bike

12、 is18.Tom wants to19.But his father doesnt20him do so.Tom is only eight.His father takes the bike to the room.C.听短文,判断正(T)误(F)。21.The Mid-autumn Festival is on September 15th.22.The writer went to a hill with his partners for a picnic.23.They bought food from a shop to eat.24.They ate much food on t

13、he hill.25.They enjoyed themselves.答案:.A.1.Where are they having their dinner?2.How can I get to the station,Mr. Black?Q:Who does the boy ask?3.Why was he in a hurry to pass the dog?4.Whose coat is this?5.What colour is a pet pig?6.How can you go to the amusement?7.What can you do when you are ill?8

14、.Whats your favourite food?9.Will you get something for me to drink from the shop?10.Where are they talking?B.There are two bikes under the tree.One is black;the other is blue.Toms father is cleaning his bike,the black one.Tom is helping his father.Toms mother and sister are cooking.They are making

15、some cakes.Now the bike is clean.Tom wants to ride.But his father doesnt let him do so.Tom is only eight.His father takes the bike to the room.C.Last month we had the Mid-autumn Festival.We went to a hill for a picnic.We went there on foot.We cooked food ourselves.We had a big dinner outside.We also

16、 ate mooncakes.They tasted a little like pies.Our teacher told us the story of Change.At last we sang a few songs.We had a good time that day.1.C2.D3.A4.D5.D6.A7.D8.C9.A10.C11.bikes12.black13.blue14.cleaning15.helping16.cooking17.making18.clean19.ride20.let21.F22.T23.F24.T25.T.单项填空1.Do you know _ Em

17、ma has arrived in Beijing?A.ifB.whereC.whyD.when答案:A本题的含义是“你知道艾玛是否到达北京了吗?” C和D两项与原句所给时态冲突。2.I asked your mother if she _ that dress.A.boughtB.had boughtC.had buyedD.buy答案:B本句中从句的动作应该是发生在 ask之前的,所以用“had +过去分词”形式来表达。3.When I was only a child,my mother said that the earth _ bigger than the moon.A.wasB.

18、wereC.had beenD.is答案:D客观真理不受主句的限制,要用一般现在时来表示。4.Could I borrow _ eraser,please?_ is broken.A.you;MyB.yours;MineC.yours;MyD.your;Mine答案:Dmine是名词性物主代词,在此指my eraser,your是形容词性物主代词,后接名词,故选D项。5.This action movie made me _ excited.A.feelB.feelingC.to feelD.felt答案:Amake sb. do sth.是个固定句式,含义是“让某人做某事”。6.The ho

19、use _ a big garden is Mr.Smiths home.A.byB.withC.isD.likes答案:Bwith在此处表示“具有,带有”,是个介词。表示伴随关系。7.The boy sits at the desk _ but he doesnt feel _.A.alone;aloneB.lonely;lonelyC.lonely;aloneD.alone;lonely答案:Dalone表示“独自一人”,而lonely表示“孤独的”。8.Please remember _ the window when you leave the room.A.closeB.openC.

20、to closeD.closing答案:Cremember to do sth.含义是“记得曾经做某事”。表示提醒某人去做某事。9.Do you think _?A.is he a popular teacherB.he is a popular teacherC.was he a popular teacherD.he was a popular teacher答案:B本句是个宾语从句,后面要用陈述句语序。询问一般情况,要用一般现在时。10.In the party,everyone dances and sings _and laughs all the time.A.happyB.hap

21、pilyC.unhappyD.unhappily答案:B本句需要用副词修饰前面的动词dance和sing,从下句的提示可以看出是高兴的心情。.完形填空Scientists are trying to make the desert into good land again.They want to bring 1to the desert.So people can live and 2food.They are working a lot on the desert.But more and more ground 3 desert all the time.Scientists may n

22、ot be able to change the desert 4 time.Why is more and more land becoming 5? Scientists think that 6 make desert.People are doing 7things to the earth.Some places on the earth dont have many rivers.8they still dont become desert.This is because some green plants are growing there.Small green plants

23、and grasses are very important to bad places.9dont let the hot sun make the earth even drier.Plants dont let the wind 10 the dirt away.When a little bit of rain fall,the plants hold the water.Without plants,the land can become a desert much more easily.1.A.airB.waterC.foodD.sun2.A.growB.plantC.eatD.

24、cook3.A.becomesB.becameC.becomingD.is becoming4.A.onB.inC.forD.at5.A.riversB.mountainsC.desertD.hole6.A.peopleB.animalsC.plantsD.birds7.A.goodB.badC.niceD.a lot of8.A.AndB.SoC.ButD.Because9.A.PlantsB.AnimalsC.PeopleD.Birds10.A.to blowB.blowC.blowingD.blows答案:1.B从前一句话“科学家想把沙漠变成良田”看,air和sun不符题意。所以选B项。

25、2.A从长远的角度看,不能是“吃食物和做食物”,排除C、D两项。而种吃的应该是个完整的全过程,所以应该选grow。3.D从后面的all the time 来看,应该是一直在持续没有停止的动作,故用进行时。4.Bon time“准时”,in time“及时”,C、D两项无此搭配。改变沙漠,没有固定日期,及时为好。5.C通篇文章都是讲的有关沙漠的话题。6.A因为人的社会活动改变了自然,使陆地变成了沙漠。7.B本处主要强调人们做的事情的性质对土地的影响。8.C句意为“地球上的一些地方没有很多河流,但是它们仍然没有变成沙漠”,前后两句是转折关系。9.A句意为“不让太阳把地球晒干”,只有植物才能起到这个

26、作用。10.B关键句型是“let sb.do sth.”,含义是“让某人做某事”。.阅读理解AWe must look after our environment well.Do you know why? Because environment is very important for human beings.For example,we have to breathe in(吸入)oxygen every minute.And oxygen mainly comes from trees.Thats one reason why trees are so important.They

27、make oxygen and oxygen is essential(必要的)for us.We need it in order to live.We also need the rainforest,because they make 20% of the worlds oxygen.There is a famous forest named Amazonian in Brazil.A lot of rainforests there are disappearing now.This is because people are cutting down the trees becau

28、se they want the wood.And they also want the cattle(牲口)in the forest for meat.In order to protect our environment,we must stop destroying them!1.What do we breathe every minute?A.Air.B.Oxygen.C.Carbon dioxide.D.Water.2.Oxygen mainly comes from _.A.treesB.waterC.earthD.flowers3.Where is the Amazonian

29、 Rainforest?A.China.B.The UK.C.South America.D.Australia.4.What do they want for cutting down the trees?A.Wood and oxygen.B.Wood and water.C.Wood and cattle.D.Nothing.5.Shall we protect the rainforest?A.Yes,we shall.B.No,we shouldnt.C.I dont know.D.Yes,we shouldnt.答案:1.Bair为空气,oxygen为氧气,carbon dioxi

30、de为二氧化碳,water为水。本题文中有提示,属于常识题。2.A第一段“And oxygen mainly comes from trees”提示了答案。3.C书中明确给出Amazonian在巴西,而巴西在南美。4.C书中第二段给出了答案。5.A本题属于分析题,全文的主旨就在于提倡保护环境、保护雨林。B(2006山西课改实验区)The world is becoming smaller by using modern traffic,TV,telephone and so on.Life today is easier than it was hundreds of years ago,bu

31、t it has also brought new problems.One of the biggest is pollution.Pollution comes in many ways.We see it,smell,drink it and even hear it.The more people,the more pollution.Many years ago,the problem was not so serious because there were not so many people.Man is now slowly polluting the whole world

32、.Air pollution is still the most serious Its bad to all the living things in the world.Water pollution kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water.Noise pollution makes us become angry more easily.The pollution of SO2 is now the most dangerous problem of air pollution.It is caused by heavy traffi

33、c.It is sure that if there are fewer people driving,there will be less air pollution.Many countries are making rules to fight pollution.They stop people from burning coal(煤)in houses and factories in the city.So the less pollution there is,the better life people will have.6.Our world is becoming muc

34、h smaller _.A.because of science developmentB.because there are fewer peopleC.because the earth is being polluted day and night7.Thousands of years ago,life was _ it is today.A.easier thanB.as easy asC.harder than8.Pollution comes in many ways.We can even hear it.Here “it” means_.A.air pollutionB.no

35、ise pollutionC.water pollution9.Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution because _A.it makes much noiseB.its bad to all the living things in the worldC.it has made our rivers and lakes dirty10.Which of the following is NOT true?A.Many countries are making rules to fight with(与斗争)pollution

36、.B.The pollution of the earth grows as fast as the worlds population does.C.The problem of pollution is not serious because there are so many people.答案:6.A因为现代交通及科技的发展,所以说世界变小了。7.C从第一段“Life today is was easier than it was hundreds of years ago”判断,现在的生活更容易。8.BA项为空气污染,B项为噪音污染,C项为水污染。9.BA、C两项分别是指噪音污染和水

37、污染的后果,而所有生物都呼吸,所以空气污染最严重。10.C本文所讲的就是空气污染的严重。CPeter was a small boy.He lived with his parents in a small house near some hills.The people there were all poor.One night it was very dry and windy.When everybody was asleep,Peter suddenly heard some noise.It came out from the kitchen(厨房).He got up and wa

38、lked to the kitchen.He found that the wood beside the stove(火炉)was burning.There was no water tap(水龙头)in the house,so he could not put out(扑灭)the fire.He shouted loudly to wake up everyone in the house.They all left their houses quickly.At last the fire was put out by the firemen.Many houses were bu

39、rnt.But nobody was hurt in the fire.11.Peter lived with his _. A.sistersB.brothersC.unclesD.parents12.One night he found that _ beside the stove was burning.A.the tableB.the woodC.the doorD.the window13._,so he could not put out the fire.A.Everybody was asleepB.He couldnt shout loudly C.The kitchen

40、was very big D.There was no water tap in the house14.Peter knocked on the doors of many houses _.A.to wake the people upB .to get some water C.to find his classmatesD.to visit them15._ hurt in the fire.A.People in other houses were B.Peters parents were C.Nobody wasD.Peter was答案:11.D从文中第二句话可以判断,他和父母

41、住在一起。12.B由“He found that the wood beside the stove(火炉)was burning”可知。13.D文章中明确说明因为没有水龙头而扑灭不了火。14.A因为是夜里,他为了叫醒别人。15.C从最后一句“.nobody was hurt in the fire”可知答案。.A.阅读表达(2006河南中考)You may know the English letters A,B and C.But do you know there are people called ABC ? You may like eating bananas.But do you

42、 know there is such a thing as a “banana person”? How strange! Are these people from “another earth” ? No.They are just Chinese people like you and me.ABC means America-born Chinese.An ABC is a Chinese,but was born in the United States.Sometimes,people call an ABC a “banana person”.A banana is yello

43、w outside and white inside.So,when a person is a banana,he or she is white inside-thinking like a Westerner and yellow outside-looking like a Chinese.Do you know why? Usually,ABCs know little about China or the Chinese language.Some of them do not speak Chinese.Also,they are not interested in Chinese politics.But if ABC cannot speak Chinese,can we still call them Chinese people? Yes,of course.They are Chinese.They are overseas Chinese.Th

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