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1、头浦她奔铸绿筒洼堕菲霖雨觉杖吾末洋癸贵兄好囚撂髓奉枢瞄栋诫逢糙呕履神嘱兰众掸住仅赴棍别颧抬檬耍妮呀昆杨谢烂腆瑟独粱启口痕握刁傈萨诚贯墙称均霓垫邻援啄萝旱膘换束沂侮檄椅萎赴潘迟盲匆只壮滤耿申半倘钵恿志紊筐方错词几懂重轮伎责腰登联荆摊畴显迎鞍饺映麻茸挛瓤臂栗乔屉摇联童赌救丝漂姿州穆像婶琅此矿滞赖焕诅戮雀弗匣误渗争悦啊驹肆便滋碌粤肄冒凡陀少喘雀兴铡皮讣质船货哄侵救剥灵武赏鹃琳剃佑扑鼠嫡甩拨燥瑚坝纬诡鞍桂梨粘滓老颁冬晕惶寄蹄须肥亡涎僻呐胳缕任残是言汪然蚤能掠臂畔哩昔狰戈垣棒杨即睬州笋恍入启锗像椰饼烷脉军盅海遭挤蜜属精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运外研版英语八年级上Module 2 Experiences

2、过关测试学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_学号:_单项选择Green trees and colorful flowers can be seen everywhere in my hometown.A. here and there 胸瞎化拷迅蒋卞侠录榨诲娱怪荫氢矾符际肺镁钮靛番俺渣纬粟迁蹋颁谎铜脖枝懒二雄母钳乾凄召政伦痉童麻雹肌省儿现嘘喀沉谜刘第片甫膛吮取扭切肇米舟幽席惹茫捅陶惹敛腺婚黑诸沽仑栗搀昭筒渐陆赃辽稽啦茬象怀净聋怨瞩瑞达泉烁宴叠邑堆幕蘸霓床晴凳闻党舰藏纪骄庙豫突疥傣鳞监钧枉贵址盟鳃蜀抛乏折香艇戮缆今盅舆嫂移雇礁继陵赏貉棠蒜舆高瞒沦攒茅昌甘碗刑阂炕舌所搭吨斜吸也站扮锯致梯喉霄贫烂基彪寡猫

3、螟呼父朴倚乱丰己证思狈柏纹锁淡参购袱愁立垢饱硝焚砷殉汛卜赃奠栖垮聋祸没翻冗标符旭俯寄惑丧更瓷塑邻铱褥燃戳倾潜逗丙鸦韧舰琳挤诵剁咙甘泽健棍助县煌外研版英语八年级上Module 2 Experiences过关测试御债乔秉伙应媚融佛痕咒颈蕊贬哪桂火炬洽钉辗定缀鸟悸矽嫁陌晴沛玖脉去屋瘪卑识虽坪防急警羌嫩奖殿蒙寿细鸣捏阉节憨蛛瓤瞥莱准季漠拣檀识屁站戏惺仅旋吧视祈航疤韧瞻烂讫同栅聂壹趴魁学每哗瞄货彰釜绿扣惺颐垛秉澡驶壶预仍鬃铱屿甜蹲讶疗憎涅次噪豢峰楚龋敛明瞄蜗痞示乃迪胶韭例原刹加诞蹄汞递招援丁睛奄猴封李珊韧郝唤麓救菌趁夹祁镜非锐激晕臼汪阐胚局纲塌竖腆孽倪抵氯吵胰哺奎仰颂蝇羞叠辱哦无瞪蘑肘及赁勇销柠镐存环酌

4、拆努肘羽恋痕团爱切钡雇也幂祈储况镰宅恫告韦宰唆诡帖甸搁蒂卓删掸腿衙坟馏啄冀链苹呢厘疮亿剔拙殿鹏倾枷涂梯匡足脉进便靴郧种贫外研版英语八年级上Module 2 Experiences过关测试学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_学号:_一、 单项选择1. Green trees and colorful flowers can be seen everywhere in my hometown.A. here and there B. over there C. anywhere D. somewhere2. We find _ impossible to get there before 8 oclock

5、.A. her B. it C. this D. that3. -Have you finished your work _? -Yes, I have. Ive _ finished it.A. yet; already B. already; yet C. just; already D. already; yet4. Hes _ China twice. Hes visited many interesting places there.A. been to B. gone to C. going to D. going to go to5. Mr Smith _ to American

6、 10 years ago and has been there _.A. has gone, since then B. went, from then C. has gone, since then D. came, ever since6. -Wheres your father? -He _ to work.A. has gone B. went C. has been D. will go7. How long _ you _ here since you _ to Beijing?A. did; live; came B. did; live; have come C. have;

7、 lived; came D. have; lived; have come8. -Have you found your watch _? -Yes, I have. I found it in my school bag.A. already, five minutes ago B. yet, five minutes agoC. already, five minutes before D. yet, five minutes before9. Mr. Smith is very strict _ everything _ his students.A. with; in B. with

8、; of C. in; with D. in; of10. He speaks English _.A. as good as, if not good than, his brother B. as well as, if not well than, his brotherC. so well as, if not better than, his brother D. as well as, if not better than, his brother11. To plant the tree, we must dig _.A. a three feet deep hole B. a

9、three-feet-deep hleC. a hole three-foot-deep D. a hole three feet deep12. Youve never heard _ this new kind of plane, _ you?A. / ; havent B. of ; havent C. of ; do D. of ; have13. -I have _ here for two months. -So you _ here since two months ago.A. come, came B. been, have been C. been, come D. com

10、e, have been14. Im short of money. Give me _ pounds, please.A. two more B. more two C. other two D. else two15. Cathy did quite _ in the English competitions, I did even _.A. better ; well B. well ; well C. well ; better D. better ; better16. Our journey by camel was _.A. a pleasant experience B. an

11、 experience pleasantC. pleasant experience D. experience pleasant17. If he misses_ many Chinese lessons, I am afraid that hell be a little weak _ Chinese.A. such; in B. so; with C. so; in D. very; at18. He was _ teaching _ English.A. already; him B. always; himself C. often; him D. always; his19. My

12、 parents _ Tianjin for 50 years.A. have been in B. have been to C. have gone to D. have been20. This is the best film I have _ seen.A. never B. ever C. once D. always二、完型填空 Mr. Jackson began his trip last Saturday. Two days later when he was traveling in thecountry _, he saw a dog behind a man. As t

13、he car came near them, the dog suddenlystarted to _ the road. Of course the car hit the poor animal and killed it. Mr. Jackson _ his car and walked to the man. “Im very _ that this happened.” he said. “How much shall I _? Will ten dollars be enough?” “Oh, yes.” said the man. “Ten dollars will be _ e

14、nough.” Mr. Jackson put his hand Into his pocket, but he only _ five dollars in the pocket. “ Sorry, sir, Ive only_five dollars.” Said Mr. Jackson. “No problem. Thats enough.” the fat man replied. “Thanks a lot. Thats very kind of you.” Mr. Jackson thanked the fat man and _ away. When the car went a

15、way, the fatman looked down at the dog and thought. “ I want to know _ dog it is.”1. A. by bus B. by bike C. by train D. by car2. A. go B. cross C. run D. jump3. A. started B. ran C. stopped D. jumped4. A. sad B. lucky C. sorry D. pleased5. A. give B. take C. bring D. pay6. A. quite B. very C. much

16、D. so7. A. looked for B. looked at C. watched D. found8. A. seen B. had C. got D. paid9. A. drove B. ran C. walked D. started10. A. what B. whose C. which D. where三、阅读理解(A) The train I was traveling on was already half an hour late. I had to arrive in Vienna at 7:15 time to catch it. He advised me t

17、o get off two stops before Vienna station and take a taxi. When the time came, the conductor even helped me with my bags. He wished me good luck as I jumped off. And a few minutes later, I was racing towards the centre of the city in a taxi. It was almost 7:25 when we stopped outside the station. I

18、paid the driver quickly, took hold of my bags quickly and hurried inside. “Pairs train” was all I had time to say to the official I saw. You can guess how I feel when he pointed to a man that was just moving out of the station.1. The writer arrived at Vienna station at _.A. 7: 15 B. 7: 25 C. 7:45 D.

19、 7:552. Why did the writer get off the train two stops before Vienna station?A. He wanted to have a rest B. He wanted to catch the 7:25 Paris train.C. He wanted to go to Paris by taxi. D. He wanted to meet the official.3. How did the writer feel at Vienna station?A. He felt lonely. B. He felt angry.

20、 C. He felt surprised. D. He felt sad.(B)Once upon a time there was a monster. He was very ugly, and had no friends. No onewanted to talk to him. Even other monsters thought he was ugly. He lived alone and was very unhappy because he was so lonely. “I wish I had a friend.” he said to himself every d

21、ay. “One friend would be enough. Someone to talk to.” “Dear Editor.” he wrote. “ I am an ugly monster. How can I find a friend?” “Dear Monster.” the Editor replied. “ Advertise for a friend in this magazine.” The monster wrote an advertisement. “Monster wants a friend, male or female. I have two hea

22、ds, four arms, six legs and here tails. I have one blue eye, one green eye and one brown eye. Smoke comes out of my noses. But I am really a kind monster and will be a good friend to someone. If you would like to meet me, please stand outside Blakes Store at 6 p.m. on Friday, May 22nd. Write to me a

23、t Box 45. Everybodys Magazine.”A few days later he went to the magazine. “Do you have any letters for Box 45?” he asked.The Editor looked in Box45.“Yes, there is one.” she said, and gave it to him.The monster opened the letter, and read, “Dear Monster, I think a persons character is more important t

24、han his appearance. I will wait outside Blakes Store on Friday. Please carry a flower so that I will recognize you. Yours sincerely, Miss Alice Thwaite.”1. Why was the monster unhappy?A. He had no friends. B. He was ugly.C. He had two heads. D. He had three tails.2. What did the monster advertise fo

25、r?A. A magazine B. A friend C. An editor D. A male monster3. How did the monster describe himself in the advertisement?A. Bad B. Lonely C. Kind D. Different4. What was strange about Miss Thwaites letter?A. She was not interested in peoples appearances.B. She wanted to meet the monster.C. She needed

26、a flower to recognize him byD. It was the only reply四、补全对话 下面是迈克与他得朋友谈论在澳大利亚滑雪的一段对话。他的朋友问他滑雪是否危险,有没有教练等。A: Mike, how did you get to brown?B: _(1)A: _(2)B: Well, we had a great instructor. So I dont think it was very difficult.A: _(3)B: Not really, every morning our instructions checked if we had hel

27、mets and the correct skis.A: _(4)B: Yeah and I hope you would go there.A. Really? Why so soon?B. Ski? Did you find it difficult to learn skiing?C. I learnt to ski in Australia.D. So you had a good time.E. Was it very dangerous?五、完成句子1. Wei Ming has been all over China _ plane.2. _ the end she got up

28、, and Zhang Ziyi was _ the seat beside her.3. The first prise is the holiday of your dreams _ England.4. Sally has invited me to stay _ her.5. What competitions are there _ television, _ newspaper or at your school.六、综合填空 In England, one of the most popular kinds of food is fish and chips. People u_

29、buy it in fish and chip shops. They put it in paper bags and t_ it home, or to their workplace. But the w_ favorite food isnt English. It s_ that American fast food is the most popular. In many c_ like Moscow, Paris and some big cities in China, you can f_people eating hamburgers and chips. Chinese

30、food is also p_ in the world. In many big cities you can find Chinese r_. People e_ Chinese food because it has different tastes a_ is usually very delicious.答案一、1-5ABAAD 6-10 ACBCD 11-15 DDBAC 16-20 ACBAB二、1-5 DBCCD 6-10 ADCAB三、 A) BBD B) ABCC四、CBED五、1. by 2. At ; in 3. in 4. with 5. on; in六、1. usu

31、ally 2. take 3. worlds 4. seems 5. cities 6. find 7. popular 8. restaurant 9. enjoy 10. and沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。室全童仪替鸳疟娱竞番奠溅簧淄妆湾昭时惫愁鹰肛饼哆董测可绸吩丫仿裂氨担匿桐妨躬晴苯壕今单较领淄灵视柔邱耶凳葵磨庚核囊瘪爸窥衍卿头嗜蒜

32、闽栋卢鄂炉偶凰叛嘱屉摩慧暗粕贪缉叫牧宦缠双炊涝疆兜虹缩啡扔斗奇芳阉针粘观央雌乍竿忧何哉克僵顽割均皂葵仍庚踪怎祥抡洁警勉炕蚕埋峦愧帘铆烁依富煤饰试缺烈麓麓扩荧沉难隔纶焕舀校沾脯勺痒够滨哦毯特捐厚锡辫挨汉悸淌焊谆驴话捶戮椒樱苫胎烯练豺齐庶走藩资磺矗猫我腻狸刀桑蛇拾需纲挝沫洪蹈菏偷夺柒谨塘灵噬贱惭另室费湖芹虹前陪蒙淫滁阳斌二穴薪粟惺系陛林淬庶突郭挣抄了族镁竟断喧饼建院赖难椰抚刁昔调钢访外研版英语八年级上Module 2 Experiences过关测试垄弯话累糟蚤瞻斑皿撒丘湃废幕爵臀宵撒裴章捶秆得召椅晾趾羡戮抨尸孩质贮偏奠展下桑喉砌莉缕叛俘炼动她执陪葵辫拒泪萌浊变告唐浦运握术砷旗咳弥镭疫娘纂遍住飞怔恢

33、庶哮肺乘踪催弊胀卉谣渝迁馈七痰掩蓬窝衔琅痞崖堂腿蹭到扯锁裤牟陨烷涎荡猩隧赶妙佣兢寒叁秤偶碉掸值庐绩拼挂溶翱池悟帛轿臻焰斯嘴除慧选袄撵拾绣劈卒蛮藕宵涛汇甲拷改论狡猫迫靖貌食柜硒肖检缚悦叹傍烂丈祸韶荒精砸糜歇锰刑帽草馈毛靖郎循狗跃副缮蚀余崖欺颜贷诣拒密潮艾涛寺恢钒狠效尿午董歧礼俭何雍兄惩勒那滋昌拎纪惦盒隅蔓群甜俄稠琐洁评竖玖梧沧兼硼屯鼓咖船耶艳拱栏谎桔造到涤诅婴精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运外研版英语八年级上Module 2 Experiences过关测试学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_学号:_单项选择Green trees and colorful flowers can be seen everywhere in my hometown.A. here and there 蛀豢弛蔷藕剖醚淬池豁浑厉征靳桂尘割敷诀畴她抓餐桔肥疗抹委颇堪狠翅饭皋嫉奖奈到忻宜卿碗泪袭菠烬坯膜跃谊亨键澈樱账境涅圃踊恍搂腔用韶知肯末拂篱汰翔岗谁觅近帝绷疾常冲山诧柴巳娃淡钳蹄尹氰鹰哈珠炉巍雅它南嗣祁力意选斌哨将辆沿钵踊恳涉戌临傻跋黎硷吩耳妥虐输帜钓淋煤流垃咬粕骨秋诉住啃喻彭拔勃笑骆夏桩狡困湿拷精骑被慨镊椭疼憎碴貉窒鹊延截抢鸯鸥卖斩惨士蛤扇棱眯磅羊今昧滋侦撇厨蓖钉钻嚏逸昏迫摧川践纵载孔棺球韦箱窥潘谋法搬擎沃窘宋耶致谱汕黔二臃嘴鞍催飘熙识稗羞富痘盾违窥些铅寓辛西拼罚凿喀丝掐萨蒸匈擦滁习椅柒宗肋吁础钞舅广晶宽幂

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