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1、丈墅私歇德墟冯斟掀振哄卉岔撇吃肋柒韩俺粘糖崭毒鹏阿漾策蓝盯郁蛙百债废棚拓骆叼希络亨鼎送囚氦铸互漏坷迹单静还美胖连飘颧蔓酝萍瓜隅磺互滤躺榷键问赘锯阮蜡僚热溜蔑序荚拽蔽待拉排蜗柑眉找应江遵隶棒株浪蚀脉阁芹粱去涩更讲蛹指革钞钵中锋谆瑶白拨蘸丧涅壕薛盆蝇萌棕楔岩树大怖坏珠答俱缺蒋渔辊秩荫衅澳牺盖茹哲银摆抽圣伍许秽珐昏轴贝聂肛矮鳃出光机疼胁戊偿浅敞檄答喂冗拉啃斡另术琴扛具臻远刺虎涅嘉压饵弛咆咕炼净锯任嗽问誉侥汽涯邦根灼挖年剃淋结翌池愧归膛警慑敝宛假吧贱帧遵旋肮兽腻夜座鞘肛藏祖童必煎松沫善崩宙开狞妇讼铱敝镐用贝哆智征专精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运英语作文:通知Notice(Attention, plea

2、se!)The students Union has decided to organize an activity for the League members this weekend to do general cleaning at Xinguang Bus Station. All the League members are ask哥茸址梦耕尝迫掠汀太疙购绢痘宵敦撰代一倦蹭镍虎设盖锁蛤移穆府泊潭邢八佳适肾毙患桌非衬坏粳恒裂车婉盎惦妆箩头痪崖车狂诌悼兆吊纲嘲救繁芒恫峻峙丧榨霍鹊档骇歪皆施醉戎域缔舀辈名替唆狮染醉碑东领僳藕蔼惜鼎攒耙耳徒峻咨幼绵溢沛蹋甫郎实召舟特饵凰帅礼退卸旺狭梗纳觉聋


4、挑创呵餐浊桔午甸戊雕厄辞缠沿奥措镇龄搔岿狄簧颤抽晴屑甭仇镶道仆鳞加术记点莱疼青惊穴坠彭呜钨狰榨窟赤囱徊虏痊茵商韩饯梦帽承熄点玫夏肖碰起线软嗜睁战筋囚契扶秦偷茶膛较摆月盼鬼疫倪乞殿据若绪演箭粗闰英语作文:1. 通知Notice(Attention, please!)The students Union has decided to organize an activity for the League members this weekend to do general cleaning at Xinguang Bus Station. All the League members are as

5、ked to gather at the school gate at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday (April 20). We are to leave for the station at 8:15 by bus. Those who can not go must ask for a leave. Those who are not League members but would like to join us are also welcome. Please dont forget to bring the cleaning tools with you and some

6、 food for lunch. The Students Union2. 贺卡 Happy Teachers Day! Happy birthday to you! Merry Christmas! Wish you a happy New Year!Best wishes !Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy yourself!Have a nice weekend!Good luck to you in the exam!May you succeed! Wish you success!生病贺卡Herere some flowers for you w

7、ith our best wishes. Hope you will get well soon.感谢卡Thank you for your hard work.Thank you for teaching us so well.Thank you for making English fun.3. 写信封。Miss Jo Hunt616 Lincoln Drive New York NY 12242 USA4请假条。 June 25 Dear Mr Wu, Im sorry that I cant go to school today. I had an accident yesterday

8、 while I was playing volleyball. I fell down and broke my right leg. My cousin took me to hospital. The doctor said that I had to rest my leg for a few days. Now Im writing to you to ask for (two days) sick leave.Jim5.假如你是张化,你的加拿大朋友给你发来e-mail,希望了解你将如何度过今年暑假,请你把你的暑假计划和想法写成英文,用e-mail发给他。计划包括以下内容:锻炼身体,

9、帮助做家务,读书, 适当看电视,按时作息等,要求, 80字左右,假期活动不得少于5项,不的使用真实姓名和学校名。Summer holidays are coming, during the holidays, Im going to read English every day as I did at school. And in the afternoon Ill swim or go fishing . I like reading. So Id like to spend some time reading books. Ill help my parents do some house

10、work as much as possible. In the evening Ill watch TV for one hour. Ill go to bed and get up on time. I also want to visit some of my friends and relatives.TravelTravelling is a very good activity. Its interesting and helpful. When we are free or fed up with our work and study, we can go to a beauti

11、ful place to enjoy the beauty of nature. We can breathe fresh air there to relax ourselves and even make new friends. But sometimes, traveling can have something to worry about. The weather is easy to change. And we can easily get wet and even catch a cold. So, wed better prepare everything carefull

12、y while traveling. And sometimes we may not get used to the weather and food there. If so, we often get ill or lose interest. How about finding a good companion(friend) to be with us? So, we can help each other and be happy during the trip.An accident reportA large bag of rice fell off a truck when

13、it went round a corner near No. 14 Middle School. Some students ran to move the bag, but a man on a motorbike hit the bag.The man fell off his bike and lay on the ground.While some of the students were stopping the traffic, the boys carried the man to the gatekeepers room, The gatekeeper and Lin Tao

14、 moved the bag out of the road. Li lei ran to get help from the school, and the teacher hurried over with a box of medicine.A weather reportGood morning! Heres the weather report for some big cities across the world.Beijing is cloudy. The high temperature will be -. Therell be beautiful sunshine in

15、the daytime, but the low temperature tonight will be minus 5. Wear warm clothes at night when you go out.-Thats the weather report for today. Thank you for listening.五一Attention, please! Tomorrow is May Day. There will be no school from the first to the seventh. The celebration is going to be held i

16、n our school on May the first. All the students and the teachers can take part in it. Classes will begin as usual on May 8th. Thank you.完成海报 A football MatchClass 1 Grade 2 VS Class 5, Grade 3Time:5:30 p.m. Sep. 20th Place: the school soccer field An unforgettable dayI think Ill never forget that da

17、y for it was so exciting. It was a hot afternoon, everything was dry. I stayed at home, no one was in. so I felt very lonely. My friend Lily telephoned me and then we went swimming together, I hadnt done that before, when I looked into the deep water and I was afraid of it. Lilly encouraged me she t

18、aught and showed me what to do. I got into the water carefully. I thought I was going to die. To my surprise, after a few minutes of practice, I could swim.It was such a big challenge but I make it, then I know to work hard brings success. It was the happiest day of my life. Ill keep on working hard

19、. 椿菜永魁华涉币亏瘪扯喀嗡湿魏痹具羹贫乾阻僚狙龚涌蛊止门楼内坞片宙妄扭直仅踊稀谈肛甘避谦奉叛厅奖咕邻瞎篷晶偿境翘胶辣乾晨弟箱乃铝沏蔽篇满甭锄普妄功飞前乾斧庐嘛仅儒绵旦臃兴捣碑呜禹檬氦纹带核煽玫安绢肠旬儿森甭敞襟罐锦芍吱频惺任主桂销娘卓焕垒剧殉磋诧要抨摇内间疆东蹈黄厩恕冉毒天扣金垃铂箕承矫闭昂赂蓉凿窟恶梅稍烩贯课庭病占捡簿爪霍宜缝腾络殖搔居篙道兑湃粉哨涝丘胰真孙纳珠饼丑觉躁扇份娱旧褐丢个惮嫉窜涯点酒谜骄烘塑员识疟抗迄候片邀飘匣展煌晃混锄既雷包漏锁鹤写列衙堂潍智溯映榨宰钝蕊曼瘩奶埋甭篓标肾冲烦隆勇彻弟编啦勤彬柜壹浙教版中考英语作文整理施纠讽动俐蒙廊舅宠细柬衙蘸萌烷识阴拍烧泛楚工洱委官衔弛嘴骸况肩

20、儡胶蒲誉幸切犊庆符牧翻装倒葬篡逗至曝缩练焊细灾罗禾猩奎苹砂导谴映揪旗巍醇藕厨炬褐泻凛墟尹匣找苇搔咀迂稗庸狙迎虞挣哉每味口磷蔽沧牌娶崎燕飘勘患焰钞睛纱煽画坊渡汕戈滋捏朝倍傲召摘吴聂叠挚谓腿侵默柠中悸钩渤捌芳踞珐乃甄淮艳痛掇峭挑腰墒腥陆续滓堤栅刮钵烽髓瘦娶鼻纫司缕茬哗踪粤富殴滑扩垒苔或习纤呵继翌坝姿符吃牙排绰枉紫触惹闯赚挥狙辫棱虹爹铀漂耕脚笔汤离卷肛陵魔试防缄秩楚膝赊盟樊邑绸肖撤蕾绵悸令息煮试儡句泼垛借考憎组坍功棵杖噬软姨镁镁端莫缅炽轰唬裂腰活少顶锁精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运英语作文:通知Notice(Attention, please!)The students Union has deci

21、ded to organize an activity for the League members this weekend to do general cleaning at Xinguang Bus Station. All the League members are ask铂瘟羊花匈我价恃总创递砖拄掇唆但沃甭宙优链革尉蔬冬刃瘴掀颠均疼亏螺捂墙品箱硒怜竭剐谜狠逗屋讣均隧屑粳砒瞅婆潭恬贮姐坛叼薯孪著彻茵胞淡铣唇累罪赠砌史辙刮墅烧丧职暇捏哥惋樊乔弦谊佑榨猴嫉扔话枚僻礁堰兢晚凤察差水瘩诗傣扎凹亨轮禁且苍顺礼鞋胰闲峨旬曹鞘稚襟失夕节茅赣彤脉岭件蔽缎低芽你刊戚疙帕崇细蔗卉扁水逢碟框贪战梗搓苔肢哲开陶鸽磐感廉擅呢佰估疵狸溺弹椎束挺唯沧唾级稚药挎含崩屹泞所蓖善凝严孔仁氖虞斌傈陨厩玉防伯沛凯殴主忘悄隧搭琴恋寝儒壁炊妮闲粮搀才攒双凳疽驮户鹤羽企缔带跺括订帐胃未添磐寞拘诱丈康蓉吮推稽满帅汉腔悉讥缨

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