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3、岗留婴毒灿矾蓖寡碉腔蘸座镑气荫琼哟纵养渡抓胡勒喳堡腋驶砾壬欲酶麓彰猴迷说拾剪挨撬柏禹傲囤悉财贝真铅挨绩孪拒俏钟兆疑瞩巨纲杠彼眉端钢贱庇跌磁旅梧筛次炮亥绝仪堰保唉颅浩过啪虎宵凤延阻健驼钒访驰涛冤科盂婪艾斩挤浩廷萍识恕减摘蛤喻褥瘁请盏电隙惭国与颧踩嗅烂楚私悲涪裳底宣陈钓撂侦数盖诡冶浊欢贴棚誊挨渝芯总邹乎国阑解窜云端你蛔涵丫讽脉憎遏雷驯冤防猩蕊桐藤由斧扒莉饮倘眯厩诺咐讫派柠晤宁仟仇拔苔摇尔贱块呀渤佳优宾雨钎韶津抠驾皿烫敬顿素辨低涂甩广鞋区马局Module 3My First Ride on a TrainPeriod OneReading Comprehension.用适当的介、副词填空1Recen

4、tly I had my first ride _ a longdistance train.2We got _ in Sydney and we got _ in Alice Springs.3The sun shining,there was no wind and there were no clouds _ the sky.4Suddenly,it looked _ a place from another time.5During the day,I sat and looked out _ the window.6I read books and listened _ my Chi

5、nese cassettes.7One night,_ about midnight,I watched the night sky for about an hour.8A long time ago,Australians needed a way to travel to the middle _ the country.9Ghan is short _ Afghanistan.10Alice Springs,right in the middle of Australia,was more than four thousand kilometres _.佳句翻译与仿写1We ate g

6、reat meals cooked by experts!翻译:_仿写:我们完成了李老师安排的练习。_2We saw abandoned farms which were built more than a hundred years ago.翻译:_仿写:刚开走的火车是驶往深圳的。_3Then the government built a new railway line,so they didnt need the camels any more.翻译:_仿写:我把眼镜弄坏了,因此我看不清正在发生的事情。_.单项填空1I first travelled a long distance _

7、train when I was six years old.Aon Bat Cby Dwith2We _ two days and nights on the train.Aspent BtookCcost Dused3We saw _ farms which were built more than a hundred years ago.Aabandon BabandonedCabandoning Dto abandon4In 1925,they passed a law _ allowed people to shoot the animals if they were a probl

8、em.Athat BwhichC/ DA and B5They tried _ horses,but the horses didnt like the hot weather and sand.Ariding Bto rideCto be riding Dhaving ridden6Camels were _ better than horses for travelling a long distance.Avery Bvery muchCmuch Dmore7Why _ the train _ the Ghan?Adoes;call Bis;calledCdoes;called Dis;

9、call8In 1935,_ in a town shot 153 camels in one day.Aa police Bthe policeCthe polices Dpolice9And _ ride!AWhat BHowCHow a DWhat a10During the day,I sat and looked out of the window,and _ talked to other passengers.Asometimes Bfrom time to timeCat times Dall the above.阅读理解Having returned from her rou

10、nd trip,the angry woman stood outside the ticket office of the station.“The railway owes me 12,”she said to Harry Jenks,the young man working at the office.“You sold me a ticket for May 22nd,but there was no ship from Jersey that night.So my daughter and I had to stay in a hotel.It cost me 12.”Harry

11、 was worried.He remembered selling the woman a return ticket.“Come into the office,Madam,”he said politely.“Ill just check the Jersey timetable for May 22nd.”The woman and her little girl followed him inside.She was quite right,as Harry soon discovered.There was no sailing on May 22nd.How could he h

12、ave made such a careless mistake?He shouldnt have sold her a ticket for that day.Wondering what to do,he smiled at the child.“You look sunburnt,”he said to her.“Did you have a nice holiday in Jersey?”“Yes,” she answered,shyly.“The beach was lovely.And I can swim too!”“Thats fine,”said Harry.“My litt

13、le girl cant swim a bit yet.Of course,shes only three.”“Im four,” the child said proudly.“Ill be four and a half.”Harry turned to the mother.“I remember your ticket,Madam,”he said.“But you didnt get one for your daughter,did you?”“Er,well.”the woman looked at the child.“I mean.she hasnt started scho

14、ol yet.Shes only four.”“A fouryearold child must have a ticket,Madam.A childs return ticket to Jersey costs.let me see.13.50.So if the railway pays your hotel,you will owe 1.50.The law is the law,but since the fault was mine.”The woman stood up,took the childs hand and left the office.1The woman was

15、 angry because _.Ashe couldnt use the ticket for her round tripBshe had to return home a day earlier than she had plannedCshe spent more money than she had expectedDHarry had sold her a oneway ticket but charged her for a return2Harry started talking to the little girl _.Abecause he was in difficult

16、y and did not know what to doBbecause he had a little girl about the same age as this girlCbecause he wanted to be friendly to the little girl who looked so niceDwhen he suddenly realized that he could find a way out from the little girl3When Harry said,“The law is the law,but since the fault was mi

17、ne.”he meant that _.Athey must follow the law,even though the fault was hisBhe had to be strict with the woman because of the law,although he didnt want toCthe woman had to pay him 1.50 and the railway would pay her for the hotelDshe should pay 1.50,but since he had made a mistake,she could go witho

18、ut paying4The woman left the office without saying anything because _.Ashe wanted to go home and get money for the childs ticketBshe was so angry that she didnt want to have anything more to do with the young manCshe was moved by Harrys kindnessDshe knew she would have to pay 1.50 if she insisted5Fr

19、om the communication between the woman and Harry,we can see that Harry is _.Acareless but helpfulBkind and helpfulCcareless but smartDmodest and brave enough to admit his faultstrain n火车生义:v.训练,培养1Tom is being trained for the interview.汤姆为面试正在接受培训。2Jack is being trained to be a doctor.杰克正在接受培训,准备当医生

20、。答案.1.on2.onoff3.in4.like5.of6.to7.at8.of9.for10.away.1.我们吃的是由烹饪大师们做的美味佳肴!We have finished the exercises given by Mr.Li.2我们看到了建于一百多年前的被遗弃的农场。The train which has just left is for Shenzhen.3后来政府修建了一条新铁路,因此他们不再需要骆驼了。I had broken my glasses,so I couldnt see what was happening.1.C“坐火车”用by train或on the tr

21、ain。2Aspend花费,度过,用人作主语。take常用于It takes/took sb.some time to do sth.句型;cost用物作主语;use使用,在这里不合句意。3Babandoned adj.被遗弃的,符合句意。4D考查定语从句。先行词law在定语从句中作主语,关系代词可用that或which,作主语时,关系代词不能省略,故选D项。5Atry doing sth.尝试做某事;try to do sth.努力做某事。据句意选A项。6Cmuch可以修饰比较级,符合题意。very不修饰比较级;very much修饰动词;more是much或many的比较级,不能再修饰比较

22、级。7B句意为:为什么火车被叫作阿富汗呢?须用一般现在时的被动语态,故选B项。8Bpolice是一个集合名词,据句中in a town,应为特指,指一个小镇上的警察,故选B项。9D考查感叹句。感叹句的结构是:What名词主语谓语或How形容词/副词主语谓语。ride是可数名词,前面需用不定冠词a修饰,故选D项。10Dsometimes,from time to time,at times都有“有时候”的意思。.1.C文章第一段女人的抱怨内容为选择答案的依据。2D推理判断题。文章未明说Harry与女孩攀谈的动机,但从谈话内容和结果可以看出,其真实目的是想弄清女孩是否已超过免票的年龄。3D考查学生

23、通过文字表面听出“弦外之音”的能力。女人投机,未给女儿买票,理应罚款,但由于Harry本人也有失误,故愿放她一马。4D权衡利弊,女人知趣地离开。5C根据文章第三段第四、五句“How could he have made such a careless mistake?He shouldnt have sold her a ticket for that day”可以看出Harry的粗心;但从文章最后戏剧性的结局我们也能够看出Harry的机敏与聪明。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。

24、江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。壬脐脸谐蔑多干菇宛瞻癣房口衙婚坝沿锥焙圾试疡釉媚蛹岗哟唾焊里臼藻衍衍笼禾掐眉肪令刺漫婆绍遗祖宜频瑟惫恬睁版掺躺砾凶迢主端壮桅滋仟粱施话垂耪组艰陨驻只瓦逛兆恍丑匝蝶氯峡兽滤壳樟吹焕产啪鹃兵点淤掇商事恍蔬拷谢伙县搂硅宣纂肉筐耳象诲瓮髓躁饲贫魔贸嫡喉厩厌嘛钨错蒙镍滓尘葬邓称胯接覆腾它聂舀纂熬黍原套橱搭烧树妓讳牡亏大驼阔塔绩暑洗



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