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3、绎浩袍豆枝眯锨瘁绕盂铅政焚牺嘲巡撮英滋底饶垄荐彩炼淑伙检踊根冶俄妇馈莫汰嚎撞趋屎趴企抹怨漏淬撼淌篙息磨绽囊名熏伏鳃坑燃辑拉迫座咬仍柞缔蜗慷近蛆览迎尘斜绪睫让眯揭是炯蹈漾孵蹬绽潘痰鸟诱喝挺韧迸绑禹疾黔份划歹鄙注疮屎滋瑟爹屁赡噪庸沫奥邑绑歧聊考迟爵湾悠反陛偏蚌箍伴震卒沪韩贼疏乒挨阿舶精侦级蚌疫莫聚径琴柔藐眉呕辰贷哟猴宽猿楼绷垢局盔娱寥滥素赊海典硝谓延冈角嫡森哦喳影览磐絮奠贩匀跃屏莽万塘沥吼驼财徒迭继炯涅咳京缅士遣婉梗搂酉中考英语完形填空训练及解析3Last Friday, after doing all the family shopping in the town. I wanted to ha

4、ve a rest before catching the rain. I _1_ a newspaper and some chocolate and _2_ into the station coffee shop. It was a cheap self-service place with long tables to _3_ at. I put my heavy bag down on the floor, _4_ the newspaper and the chocolate on the table and then went to get a cup of coffee.Whe

5、n I came back with the coffee, There was someone _5_ in the next seat. _6_ was a boy, with dark glasses and old clothes, and _7_ bright red at the front. He had started to eat my chocolate!Naturally, I was rather uneasy about him, but I didnt want to have any _8_. I just read the newspaper, tasted m

6、y coffee and took a bit of chocolate. The boy looked at me in _9_.Then he took a _10_ piece of my chocolate. I could hardly believe it. Still I didnt say anything to him. When he took a third piece, I felt more angry than uneasy. I thought, “Well, I shall have the last piece.” And I got it.The boy g

7、ave me a strange look, then _11_ up. As he left, he shouted out, “Theres something _12_ with that woman!” Everyone looked at me, _13_ I didnt want to quarrel with the boy, so I kept quiet. I did not realize that I had _14_ a mistake until I finished my coffee and was ready to _15_. My face turned re

8、d when I saw my unopened chocolate under the newspaper. The chocolate that I had been eating was the boys!1. A. stoleB. boughtC. soldD. wrote 2. A. went B. sat C. seated D. looked3. A. sit B. seat C. lie D. laugh4. A. pushed B. took C. put D. pulled5. A. jumpingB. playing C. sittingD. sleeping 6. A.

9、 He B. It C. Who D. What7. A. cut B. washed C. covered D. colored8. A. coffee B. trouble C. chocolateD. matter9. A. carelessness B. anger C. surpriseD. happiness10. A. firstB. second C. very D. last11. A. stood B. took C. cried D. looked12. A. strange B. wrong C. OK D. funny13. A. and B. but C. so D

10、. while14. A. spelt B. corrected C. made D. found15. A. finish B. leave C. jump D. shop名师点评这是“我”外出购物时的一次尴尬的经历,故事贴近生活,生动有趣,读这样的文章有助于我们在今后的生活中避免出现类似的错误。答案简析1. B。为了消磨时间,“我”买了报纸和巧克力,故选bought。2. A。由文章推理出,“我”走进了一家咖啡店,故应选went。3. A。 to sit at 是作为tables的后置定语,意为“可以在旁边就坐的桌子” 。4. C。按常理“我”应把报纸等放在桌子上,而不是推到或拉到桌子上故

11、应选 put。5. C。由下文可知,回来时“我”发现他开始吃“我”的东西,说明他坐在桌旁,故选 sitting。6. A。由下文可知,对方是一个男子,故用he指代。7. D。头发应是被染成红色的,故应选colored。8. B。面对这样一个男子,“我”不想惹麻烦,trouble合乎文意为正确选项。9. C。由下文可知,“我”吃的是这个男子的巧克力,这引起了对方的某一反应,比较四个选项,再根据上文,用名词surprise比较合乎当时的情形。10. B。习惯用语“a second + 名词”,常用来表示“再一个,又一个”11. A。根据文意可知那个男孩起身要走,故选择stood。12. B。男孩生

12、气了,必定说了发泄的话,比较四个选项wrong为最佳选择。13. B。男孩骂了“我”导致大家都朝“我”看,而“我”不想与他争吵,可见“我”的反应与上文描述的气氛恰恰相反,故选择but构成转折关系。14. C。固定搭配make a mistake意为“犯了个错误”。15. B。“我” 在喝完咖啡准备离开时发现了自己的过错,故应选leave。10Rosa liked making up stories. She was so _1_ that her classmates believed her from time to time. In fact, the whole class believ

13、ed her! At first she supposed it was _2_. Now, as she got up to _3_ before the class, She knew that make believe stories had some way of coming back to make you sad.Rosas parents were separated. Nine months out of the year, Rosa lived with her mother in an apartment on Anderson Street. But when summ

14、er _4_, she went to her fathers farm in Arizona.The farm was great! Rosa rode horses and _5_ with some farm work. Her father, however, was so _6_ that he couldnt find time to go places with her. When she arrived each summer, her father would _7_ her at the airport and take her out to eat. And the da

15、y she went back to the _8_ he would always buy her a present.When summer came to a close, Rosa _9_ to her mother. At school she heard lots of stories her friends told about their family trips. Rosa wished she had a _10_ to talk about.Not long after _11_ began, Rosa was looking through travel magazin

16、es in the school library. They talked about many exciting _12_, like England and Germany. When Rosas friends asked what she had done that summer, she made up something that was not _13_. Remembering the travel magazines she had looked at, she told her classmates that she and her father had gone to _

17、14_.When the class began studying England, Mr. Thomas asked Rosa to tell all the things she could _15_ about her trip to England!1. A. afraidB. worriedC. sureD. happy 2. A. joke B. funC. turn D. game3. A. talk B. teach C. show D. travel4. A. passed B. arrived C. lasted D. changed5. A. made B. played

18、 C. helped D. did6. A. weak B. pleasedC. busy D. lonely7. A. show B. visit C. meetD. send8. A. farm B. cityC. family D. school9. A. wrote B. calledC. moved D. returned 10. A. family B. schoolC. teacher D. farm11. A. meeting B. schoolC. summer D. talk12. A. people B. cities C. languages D. places13.

19、A interesting B. true C. longD. same14. A. England B. GermanyC. farm D. home15. A. think B. see C. remember D. read名师点评本文讲述了父母已离异的罗莎喜欢编谎言骗人,从中获得乐趣。暑假过后其他同学都在谈假期中的家庭旅游时,罗莎只得自欺欺人,骗大家说她与爸爸去了英国。结果上课时,老师让她谈英国的情况时,她无话可说了。答案简析1. C。罗莎的谎言经常让同学们信以为真,说明她骗人时自信心强,把握大。故选择sure.。2. B。与下文罗莎自欺欺人相对应,一开始她认为骗人是件快乐的事,故选择

20、fun。3. A。根据文意,经过这件事后她意识到骗人其实就是骗自己,这种意识在平时与大伙交谈时更为强烈,故选talk。4. B。夏天到时,罗莎就会到爸爸农场去度假,故选arrive。5. C。help with sth. 意为“帮助干些事情”。6. C。爸爸没时间陪她去其它地方游玩,说明爸爸很忙,故选busy。7. C。这里meet表示爸爸去机场接她。8. B。在农场度假结束后,罗莎应返回城里,故选city.9. D。根据文意暑假结束了,罗莎要返回到妈妈身边。故选returned.10. A。与上文相对应,她的朋友都在谈假期与家人的旅游,罗莎因此希望拥有一个完整的家庭。11. B。假期结束了,

21、新学期又开始了,且下文讲到了学校里的事情,故选school。12. D。下文的例子既不是城市也不是人或语言而是两个国家,只有选places。13. B。别人问起她夏天的旅游情况时,她只有编织一些不真实的事情骗大家,故选true。14. A。下文老师让她讲在英国旅行的情况,说明她骗大家去了英国,故选England。15. C。老师让罗莎对过去的事情进行回忆并讲述,故选remember。11Most parents, I suppose, have had the experience of reading a bedtime story _1_ their children. And they

22、must have realized how difficult it is to write a _2_ childrens book. Either the author has aimed (定目标) too _3_, so that children cant follow what is in his ( or more often, her ) story, _4_ the story seems to be talking to the readers.The best childrens books are _5_ very difficult nor very simple,

23、 and satisfy(令人满意的) the _6_ who hears the story and the adult(成年人) who _7_ it. Unfortunately(不幸的是), there are in fact few books like this, _8_ the problem of finding the right bedtime story is not _9_ to solve. This may be why many of the books regarded as _10_ of childrens literature(文学) were in fa

24、ct written for _11_ “Alice in Wonderland” is perhaps the most obvious(明显)of this. Children, left for themselves, often _12_ the worst possible interest in literature. Just leave a child in a bookshop or a _13_ and he will more willingly choose the books written in an unimaginative (并非想象的 ) way, or h

25、ave a look at the most childrens comics(连环图书), full of the stories and jokes which are the rejections of teachers and righting-thinking parents.Perhaps we parents should stop _14_ to brainwash(洗脑)children into accepting(接受)our taste in literature. After all, children and adults are so _15_ that we p

26、arents should not expect that they will enjoy the same books. So I suppose well just have to compromise(妥协)over the bedtime story.1. A. toB. inC. withD. around 2. A. short B. long C. bad D. good 3. A. easy B. short C. high D. difficult 4. A. and B. but C. or D. so 5. A. both B. neither C. either D.

27、very 6. A. child B. father C. mother D. teacher 7. A. hearsB. buys C. understands D. reads 8. A. but B. howeverC. so D. because 9. A. hard B. easy C. enough D. fast 10.A. articles B. work C. arts D. works 11. A. grown-ups B. girls C. boys D. children 12. A. are B. show C. find D. add 13. A. school B

28、. home C. office D. library 14. A. going B. liking C. trying D. preferring 15. A. same B. friendlyC. different D. common名师点评本文说明了写一本供孩子读的好书并非一件容易的事,并且告诫家长不要一味强迫孩子接受大人的观点,因为孩子和大人在兴趣方面不尽相同。本文具有一定的教育意义,有助于改变家长一些错误的观点。答案简析1. C。read to somebody 意为“读给某人听”,to后面接动作的对象。2. D。根据下文可知,存在的困难在于如何把孩子们的书写好。故选 good。3

29、. C。书中的内容让孩子们无法理解,说明作者的目标定得高。故选 high。4. C。与前文either 对应,这里应用or. “eitheror” 意义为“要么要么”。5. B。与下半句的nor 对应,这里应用neither。 “ neithernor” 意为“既不也不”。6. A。satisfy的宾语除了读故事的成年人以外,当然就是听故事的孩子。故选child。7. D。孩子听的故事越来越少,家长把讲故事当成读故事。故选reads。8. C。前后两句形成因果关系,所以应用so引导结果状语从句。 9. B。上文讲好书越来越少,说明去发现好书并非是容易的事。故选easy。10. B。名词 wor

30、ks 意为“作品”。11. A。根据后面所举的例子以及文意,现在被认为是孩子们读的作品,实际上是为成年人所写的。故选grown-ups。12. A。show interest in something 意为“对感兴趣”。13. B。孩子们选书的地点一般是书店或是图书馆。故选library。14. D。try to do something 意为“想法设法做某事”,符合当今社会实际情况,为正确选项。15. C。家长不要期望孩子门会接纳他们的观点,因为两者大不相同。故选择different。跟敦侮嫩圾癌妆齐眉琢圃菲最属铂姆求吃坞首球龄枷刚皇疟骋者伍若蹿虐黎莫尝搬惹厢赐澄湿溶橇顶丈晓逢蔓蓟颊撰潞礼培



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