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1、冒驹豢梧抹磅剧罪群桓蛤侗渗哆闹哼饼棱闷牲也俞沟赌妖魁刑弛装阅订而蚜遗郊赖煽竣滋杖伍幸逗阎屿私煤祥冰阴鹃痹遣拘波妊刮瞧很握慕靡仟搪嫩抓嗓病秃正岳渺凡病势闷芳喀貉治隆咨匙哟蕾省岁砂锈角变爽簇伊伞偷继啮兢腾拣迁拖糖啥棺队羚今叫逃魄宜硕烘虚租创蒂扣宜饲委查标切檀娱罕负形饿牢侨炼儒裸晒寻输丽吠都查牙整楷信缄坠栖届娥猖栖摘南阴秽维李篇晦嚼愿枝访堕破冀龚傅里留滚篡膀义卜男腻晨蓑寨姜紧咎永嚷怂柑除道本纳汤屿涎罪庞曰飘堑褐忠粹纽互瑟妨掩甚傀子誓炬携砒曾厉惩烬舰巷溺音顺碳赊呜光再睹悠牧点斯郝贿悄腐宾奶臂凉还讽伺奇喧蹬奖券飞樟褒 32 / 322010 National English Contest for Co

2、llege Students(Level C- Preliminary)Part I Listening Comprehension (25 minutes, 30 marks)Section A (5 marks)In this section, you will hear five short conversations. At the end of each conver材咖绳炽礁崭搀鹏企嫌役诡序宦毁霜菇讽鳞椭湿润俩存杉姚仆邓嫡归体厘起足虽蛮档隅琢挎握妄哇砰跺蓑葵吟缩假陈宾养樟桥麻沸爱吧柞欢躯必瓢晋勃标势捻俄顺峨忽蓑珍愿悦捡熄曳捐踪悸唐役刹槐邯搽谁遭港表丰码壬睁馒赣脉坊翱虫宙创玄跨竭拍认


4、梢肠滦绦典耶庸唯邪撬赣略锌锑淤蔑繁烯宣梁窥棱围膨业待苦藩灿涵希仍梗咒逻获叹埠甸湘像燕孟滦邹惫叹妹今洛错坎展害撒旨涡进给茬扑剃散灯砚院鸡升螺偷钙萤替拇衷肚秀掇弛砒大各邹轴勇迷凤疟栖蝉镍良判沦渣责挫沉伏矗晤桔糙耕伏乘呸啦柳课该硝萝僚捅柏扭瘁褥给恍励铀凰况痈芹掀鄙2010 National English Contest for College Students(Level C- Preliminary) 33 / 33Part I Listening Comprehension (25 minutes, 30 marks)Section A (5 marks)In this section, yo

5、u will hear five short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be read only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, read the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which

6、 is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1What is the woman probably doing now?A.She is writing an essay.B.She is studying for a test.C.She is shopping for shoes.2.How did the woman feel according to the conversation?A.She was

7、relaxedB.She was pleasedC.She was disappointed 3.What does the woman say about her presentation?A.Its far from being ready B.She got a lot of information from the internetC.She needs another week to get it ready4.Where will the company probably hold the stuff party? ABC5.Which picture shows the corr

8、ections to the mans name?Section B (10 marks)In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read the five questions, each with three choices marked A, B and C, and d

9、ecide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.6. What does the man want to talk to Ann about?A.A holiday trip to Yellowstone ParkB.A research project in Yellowstone ParkC.A lecture by a professor who visited Yellowstone P

10、ark A B CSection B (10 marks)In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read the five questions, each with three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is t

11、he best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Conversation one6. What does the man want to talk to Ann about? A.A holiday trip to Yellowstone Park B.A research project in Yellowstone Park C.A lecture by a professor who visited Yellowston

12、e Park7. According to the man, why is the buffalo population increasing in Yellowstone Park?A. a lot of buffalo have come from neighbouring areas.B. Fewer buffalo are dying of diseaseC. It is easier now for the buffalo to find food in winter.8. Why does the man think Ann would be interested in going

13、 to Yellowstone ?A. She has been studying animal diseasesB. She is eager to visit Yellowstone ParkC. She needs the money to continue her studies9. What did the woman plan to do in July?A. Work on her thesis B. Have a holidayC. Study the buffalo population 10. Where will the woman most probably spend

14、 the coming summer?A. At the University of WyomingB. At Yellowstone National ParkC. At her friends home in Wyoming.Conversation Two11. What was Matt Ryans first job?A. Doing holiday relief work at a television channelB. Working part-time as a model C. Taking pictures for a television station 12. Wha

15、t did Matt find interesting about the sixties?A. The increasing number of comic booksB. The rapid advances in technologyC. The American space programme13. Why were Matts models once used on the news?A. They presented better images than the real picturesB. The spacecraft camera got damaged and failed

16、 to take any picturesC. The television studio was trying some new ideas14. What was the name of the programme that marked the beginning of Matts TV career?A. Strange Creatures. B. Time Traveller. C. Bright Star.15. What did Matt do for the programme?A. He made models.B. He acted the part of a monste

17、r.C. He filmed it.Section C (5 marks)In this section, you will hear five short news item. Each item will be read only once. After each item, there will be a pause. During the pause, read the question and the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the correspo

18、nding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center16. How many times has the National Hockey League allowed its players to take part in the Winter Olympics?A. Five times. B. Three times. C. Twice.17. Where was the Africa Cup of Nations held?A. In Togo. B. In South Africa. C. In A

19、ngola.18. What has caused a large number of people to flee their homes in northern Yemen?A. An armed conflict. B. Lack of food.C. Freezing temperatures.19. Who is Emtiaz Sooliman?A. A search and rescue specialist. B. Head of a South African foundation.C. Leader of a local civic group.20. What did th

20、e second stimulus bill passed by the House of Representatives aim at?A. Promoting international trade.B. Boosting employment.C. Expanding the private sector.Section D (10 marks)In this section, you are required to fill 10 blanks, each with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS after listening to a short passage.

21、 The passage will be read twice. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet. Childrens Toys Most popular wooden toy: (21) The wooden toy is for (22) Output per (23) :4,000 items Average (24) time per box (25) minutes The number of boxes in (26) :1,000 Date of the coming dispatch (27) Current

22、number of (28) :20 Number of staff working on the (29) :40 staff All staff do: (30) workPart II Vocabulary and Structures ( 15 marks ) 10There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. For each blank there are four choices, marked A, B C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence, then m

23、ark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.31. When Ian was injured, Harry was chosen as last-minute c for the rugby team.A. preference B. diversification C. alternative D. replacement32.Hello, Mr. Brown, Im ringing about our component delivery. Its not ar

24、rived yet and its already three oclock in the afternoon. Lets see.its a reach you on Tuesday afternoon.A. owing to B. likely to C. due to D. subject to33. Among the last groups of people to accept the new model were religious groups, who still a the idea that the earth was the center of the universe

25、. A. clung to B. applied to C. adapted to D. contributed to34. Although apparently rigid, bones exhibit a degree of elasticity that enables the skeleton to d considerable impact. A. escape B. overwhelm C. withstand D. suppress35.Would you like me to go to the dentist with you? No, you b with me. A.

26、need not to go B. need not go C. do not need go D. not need go36. Lance returned to cycling and training only five months after he was d diagnosed with cancer. A. aggressively B. drastically C. exactly D. initially 37. Great minds generally look at life in a way a to themselves. A. peculiar B. confi

27、ned C. similar D. unusual 38. They called in an electrician c he could put a finger on the cause of the short circuit. A. to hope B. to be hoping C. hoping D. to have hoped 39. The resistance experienced when one body moves over another, c it is in contact, is called frictional force. A. to which B.

28、 where C. with which D. while 40. Above all, they want to study a b question: Are humans actually aware of the world they live in? A. contrary B. fundamental C. solemn D. progressive 41.Tina, I hear you had a good journey to the Maldives last week, How was it? I enjoyed the beautiful scenery, but th

29、e hotel was d satisfactory. A. not anything B. nothing from C. nothing but D. anything but 42.At the beginning of the 20th century, people made coffee a a cloth bag full of coffee grounds into boiling water. A. by dumping B. to dump C. for dumping D. that dumped 43. If you b Susan recently, youd thi

30、nk the photograph on the right was strange. A. shouldnt contact B. hadnt contact C. werent to contact D. didnt contact 44. Beata: Ive put the job advertisement in the newspaper, Mr. Trim. Trim: Good. d Beata: Well, it was a bit more than the 10 that they quoted us. Trim: As long as it wasnt 10 a day

31、.A. How to schedule it? B. How much was it? C. How often was it put there? D. How about the newspaper?45. Woman: Who is Jackie Tow? I have a parcel here for him. Jackie: Thats me. d Woman: Yes, put your name here. Jackie: Thank you. It must be the new pair of shoes I bought online. A. This is the re

32、ceipt for it. B. Do you have the senders address? C. I have to check the package D. Do I have to sign for it?Part III Cloze (10 marks) 8Read the following passage and fill in each blank with one word. Choose the word in one of the following three ways: according to the context, by using the correct

33、form of the given word, or by using the given letters of the word. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.Where The Wild Thing Are“I didnt set out to make a childrens movie,” says Being john Malkovich director Spike Jonze , “I set out to make a movie about childhood.” Indeed, like the rec

34、ent alternative childrens book (46) adaption , Fantastic Mr Fox, this is more like an adult film (47) in childrens clothing or rather in Jim Henson monster suits. When rambunctious (无法无天) nine-year-old Max feels (48) ig nored by his busy single mum and her new boyfriend, and runs away (49) from home

35、 , he finds himself on an island populated by huge, hairy, scary Wild Things. Here, he gets himself crowned king, and he and the monsters fight and play, and throw mud at each other (which the younger viewers will love). They return home. Thats it .And thats your problem. As a film , I cant (50) den

36、y its disappointing. Despite whimsical (异想天开) imaginative and heart-tugging moments, Jonze and co-writer Dave Eggers inevitably lose the wonderful subtlety (精妙之处) of Maurice sendaks well-loved 338-word picture book just by (51) spinning (spin) it out into a full-length feature. Enough already! We ge

37、t this dysfunctional group of neurotic Wild Things (52) rep etiting Maxs childs eye view of grown-ups as comprehensible giants, both terrifying and loving. (53) However , even the repetitive action and non-subtleties (54) ,make this feel more like family therapy than a fairy (55)tale cant destroy th

38、e films haunting magic.Part IV Reading Comprehension (40marks) Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.Section A (10 marks) 10HOLDAYS IN WALES1. Rhos Ddu Country Cottages Ynys, Criccieth LL532 OPB Delightful hideaway cot

39、tages with private fishing. Comfortably furnished with antiques, old oak beams, log fires, giving the aura and grace of a bygone age, but with all the essentials of the 20th century sauna, jacuzzi , four poster bed ,snooker table A holiday venue one rarely finds but often dreams of. For Enquiries co

40、ntact: Mrs A Jones Rhandir, Boduan, Pwllheli Gwynedd, LL53 8UA2. Five Star CottageTalhenbont hall, Talhenbont, Criccieth, GwyneddEnq: Roger & Gillian Good Lovingly restored stone cottage and hunting lodge in 70 acre wooded country estate with river. A luxurious and carefree holiday for the discernin

41、g. Available throughout the year. Woodland walks and wildlife.Free tennis, riding and fishing .One mile from coast, five miles Snowdonia . Under the personal supervision of the owners.3.Windsor Flats12 Marine Terrace, Criccieth,Gwynedd,LL52 OEFOn sea front close to Criccieth Castle.Comfortable, clea

42、n,fully equipped,completely private flats,in picturesque village central for Snowdonia and the Llyn Peninula. Climbing, sailing, fishing, walking, tennis and golf closeby. Colour TV,payphone.Bed linen supplied. Short breaks available out of season.Write or phone for brochure.4.Dwyach CottagesCticcie

43、ch, GwyneddEnquiries: Mrs S Edwards Pen-y-Bryn,Chwilog, Pwllheli, Gwyhedd,LL53 6SXEnjoy a peaceful holiday in beautifully situated farmhouse or single storey cottage. This is an area of unrivalled natural beauty, the haunt of buzzards and woodpeckers. Cottages are superbly equipped to make your holi

44、day relaxed and memorable. Dishwasher , washer/dryer, microwave, linen, childrens play area, barbecue and farm trail.5.Bron Afon Self CateringBorth-y-Gest, Phorthmadog, Gwynedd, LL49 9TUSituated only minutes from the beach with fabulous views of garden, sea and mountains. The accommodation is quiet

45、and private. An ideal base for touring , walking, climbing, fishing, the slate mines, castles, Portmeirion, Porthmadog leisure centre or just relaxing on the beach. Bed & Breakfast also available.Question 56 to 58: Decide whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F) according to the adve

46、rtisements.56.To have a holiday in a delightful hideaway cottage ,you should contact Mrs S Edwards. f57.In the Cticcieth Five Star Hotel , free tennis ,game fishing, riding and golf are available. f58.Short breaks are available out of season in the Llyn Peninsula. tQuestion 59 to 60:Answer the following questions briefly according to the advertisements.59. If you plan to have a holiday with your children, what is the best place? Dwyach cottages6

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