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1、完型填空练习题练习1 Martin Luther King Jrwas born in Georgia in 1929When he was_1B_a boy Martin learned that black Americans were often treated differently from most of_2D_fellow AmericansMany could not attend good schools,obtain good jobs,or live in nice houses because of the color of their_3B_Martin knew t

2、hat in a free country this was_4C_He wanted to help his fellow black countrymen,so he decided to go to school and become a ministerHe became a pastor(牧师)in Montgomery,AlabamaThis is_5A_ Martin Luther Kings “peaceful fight”for equal treatment first began DrKing worked_6D_equality in other citiesHe kn

3、ew that the only way people could win their rights was to remain peaceful,_7B_in face of dangerDrKing won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his achievements and courage. The whole nation saw the terrible event_8A_occurred on April 4,1968,in Memphis,TennesseeMartin Luther King Jrwas murderedThe man w

4、ho had preached(倡导,nonviolence(非暴力)died_9B_But DrKings dream can never dieMany Americans are still _10B_ to make that dream come true1.Aalready Bstill Csuch Dget2Ahis Bthose Cthese Dtheir3Afaces Bskin Chands Dfeet4Aeven worse Bdifferent Cwrong Dreasonable5. Awhere Bwhy Cwhat Dwhich6Awith Bin Cby Dfo

5、r7A. except Beven C.if Dnot8Athat B. what Cit D was9Abravely Bviolently Cquietly Dnonviolently10Ahaving Bworking Cwalking D. speaking题解:1这是考核词意辩析。Still表示“仍然”,符合句意,答案是B2这是考核句子结构和对上下文的理解。物主代词their与Americans相一致,符合句子结构,答案是D。3这是考核词义辨析和对上下文的理解。选用skin符合句意,答案是B。4这是考核词义辨析和对上下文的理解。选用wrong符合句意,答案是c。5,这是考核句子结构。


7、人因为他们的肤色不能上好的学校,不能得到好的工作,不能住漂亮的房子。马丁知道在一个自由的国家这样是错误的。他想帮助他的黑人同胞们,因此他决定上学然后成为一名政府议员。他后来在Alabama州的Montgomery做一名牧师,这正是马丁路德 .金争取平等待遇的“和平之战”最先开始的地方。金先生还在其他城市为争取平等而工作。他知道人们赢得他们的权利的唯一的办法就是保持和平,甚至在面对危险的时候。因为他的成就和勇敢,金先生在1964年获得诺贝尔和平奖。整个国家看到了那场发生在1968年4月4日Tennessee, Memphis的可怕事件。马丁路德.金被谋杀。这位倡导过非暴力的死于暴力。但是金先生的

8、梦没有随他死去。很多美国人仍然在为实现梦想而战。练习2 In Britain,winter is the season not only for visits to the theatre,opera,concerts and ballet,but also for shopping or for sightseeingLondon,one of the_11C_cities in the world,has plenty to offer during the winter months,_12B_in the way of entertainment and the shops act l

9、ike a magnet with_13D_array of presents for the Christmas_14A_,followed by large scale bargains in the January salesBut its not only London that _15D_value shoppingmost of our suburban and provincial centers have just as much to offer to the_16B_shopperEven if youre based_17A_London,you dont have to

10、 spend all your time thereTake a train or coach and _18A_what else Britain has to offer;there are many excursions,even in winter,and among the great country houses _19B_keep their stately front doors open throughout the year are Longleaf and Woburn AbbeyRent a car and drive _20A_into the beauty of t

11、he winter landscapethe scenery will be ever beautifuland the people will have more time to chat to you at this time of year题解: 11A coldest Bfoggiest Cbusiest Dnoisiest 12Anormally Bespecially Coccasionally Dgenerally 13Aits Bthe Cthat D. their 14Ashopper Bvisitor Ccaller Dspender 15Aopens Bpresents

12、Cgrants Doffers 16Alonely Beager C. lazy Dnervous 17Ain Bat Con Doutside 18Asee Bwatch Clook Dview 19Awhere Bwhich Cwhat Dwho 20Aout Bback Con Dacross11这是考核对上下文的理解。根据文章内容,选用busiest符合句意,答案是c。12这是考核词义辨析和对上下文的理解。选用especially符合句意,答案是B。13这是考核句子结构。根据文章内容,选用物主代词their符合句子结构,指代the shops,答案是D。14这是考核词义辨析和对上下文的

13、理解。shopper与前面的shops相一致,表示“购物者”,符合句意。答案是A。15这是考核词义辨析。动词offers表示“提供,出售”,符合句意。答案是D。16这是考核词义辨析和对上下文的理解。eager表示“热切的”,符合句意,答案是B。17这是考核词组搭配和对上下文的理解。选用介词in构成based in短语,表示“安置,驻扎”,符合句意,答案是A。18这是考核词义辨析和对上下文的理解。选用see符合句意,答案是A。19这是考核句子结构。which引导定语从句,在从句中作主语,符合句子结构,答案是B。20这是考核词义辨析和对上下文的理解。选用out符合句意。答案是A。练习2译文在英国,


15、车驶进这美丽的冬日风景画中,这样的场景将总是非常美妙的,一年的这个时节里人们会有更多的时间和你交谈。练习3 The United States covers a large part of the North American continent._21B_ neighbors are Canada to the north and Mexico to the south_22C_the United States is a big country,it is not the largest In 1964,its _23D_was over 185,000,000 When this lan

16、d first became a nation,after_24D_its independence from England,it had only thirteen states. _25C_ was represented on the American flag by a_26A_All the states were in the eastern part of the continentAs the nation_27A_ towards the west,new states were added and new stars were added to the flag For

17、a long time there were 48 statesIn 1959,_28B_,two more stars were added to the flag representing the new states of Alaska and Hawaii Many Americans are descendants of people who came from all over the world to start a new way of life. Those _29A_came first and in greatest numbers to make their homes

18、 on the eastern coast of North America were mostly from _30C_That is why the language of the United States is English and why its culture and customs are most like those of England than anywhere else 2l. AThese BIts C. Their D. Those 22ABecause BWhen C. Although DEven if 23Apeople Bmen Cwomen Dpopul

19、ation 24Afighting Bfinding Cgetting Dwinning 25AOne BSome CEach D. Every 26Astar Bmoon Csatellite Dplanet 27Agrew Bcovered Cwent Dmoved 28Amoreover Bhowever Ctherefore Dso 29Awho Bwhich Cwhose Dthey 30AEurope BAsia CEngland DAfrica题解:21.这是考核句子结构和对上下文的理解。选用物主代词Its前句的the United States相一致,符合句子结构和句意,答案是



22、是来自世界各个国家到这里开始新生活的人民的后代。那些最先来到这里的人绝大部分在北美的东海岸上建立家庭,这些人主要来自英国。这就是为什么美国的语言是英语和为什么她的文化和风俗大多更像英国而不是其他国家的原因。 练习4 Time slips by slowly without notifying you.Sometimes you expect time to fly and it takes so_31B_ to pass_32D_ back on my childhood days,I am glad to say some of the periods,cross your path onl

23、y once, _33A_you wanted them to be repeatedI still remember the day when my mother first said to me that the _34C_ had come for meI didnt understand_35A_that meant and I Was sent to a classroom to sit on a cold benchI cursed silently at the speed of the minute hand of the clockHow long it took in_36

24、D_ a minute! Another of my earliest_37C_was a much happier oneMy uncle Joe had bought me for my eighth birthday,a fish tank,with a number of golden fish in itI_38A_staring at those funny little creatures the whole day,trying to_39D_them as they swam aboutI put my hand into the water and tried to_40D

25、_the fishWhen I took my hands back out of the tank I found,to my great surprise,that all the fish turned upside down ! 31Alittle Blong Cshort Dmuch 32ATurning BTaking CBringing DLooking 33Aeven if Bso that Cin case Das if 34Aluck Border Cmessage Dproblem 35Awhat Bthat Cwhich Dhow 36Awaiting Bmaking

26、Cexpecting Dcovering 37Alessons Bactivities C memories Dstories 38Aremember Badmit Callow Dregret 39. Ahelp Bmake Cstop Dfollow40. Akill Bpunish Cprotect Dcatch题解:31这是考核对上下文的理解。选用long符合句意,答案是B。32这是考核词义辨析和对上下文的理解。Look back表示“回顾”,符合句意。答案为D。33这是考核句子结构。even if引导让步状语从句,意思是“即便”。答案是A。34这是考核词义辨析和对上下文的理解。选用m



29、地倒过来了。练习5 Why dont birds get lost on their long migratory(迁移的)flights? Scientists have been_41B_over this question for many yearsNow the reasons have been discovered only recently Experiments show that birds depend on the sun to guide themBut what of birds that fly mainly at night? Tests with man-ma

30、de stars have proved _42D_ certain night-flying birds are able to follow the_43A_. One such bird,a warbler(鸣禽)had spent its lifetime in a _44B_ and had never flown under a natural skyYet it showed an inborn(天生的)_45B_ to use the stars for guidanceThe birds cage was placed under a man-made star-filled

31、 sky at migration timeAny_46C_in the position of the make-believe(虚构的)stars_47A_a change in the direction of his flight Scientists think that warblers use the sun for guidanceBut at night stars are clearly their important_48B_ of navigation(导航)what do they do when the stars are_49D_? Clearly,they fi

32、nd their way by such landmarks as mountain ranges and riversBut when its too dark to see these,the warblers circle_50A_4l. Atalked Bpuzzled Cwent Dlooked42Awhy Bhow Cwhat Dthat43Astars Bmoon Croute Dsun44Aforest Bcage Cnest Dcave45Astrength Bability Cexperience Dpractice46Adirection Bway Cchange Dbi

33、rd47Acaused Bgave Cresulted Dmeant48Aways Bmeans Cobjects Dhomes49Ashown Bcovered Cremoved Dhidden50Ahelplessly Bhopefully Ceasily Dfreely题解:41这是考核词义辨析。puzzled意为“迷惑不解的”,符合句意,答案是B。42这是考核句子结构。在这里,that引导宾语从句,符合句子结构,答案是D。43这是考核对下文的理解。根据下文中的.use the stars for guidance可知,选用stars符合句意,答案是A。44这是考核词义辨析和对上下文的理



36、见这些的时候呢?鸣禽们只能无助的盘旋了。练习6 Should authority be criticized? in_51A_ of the world,authority is not challenged either out of respect or out of_52C_In such countries children are not expected to_53A_their teachers in school and _54D_young scholars or imaginative industrial aids are hampered(妨碍,牵制)in techni

37、cal research because they dont feel free to_55A_or fight with their superiors. Clever researchers may be considered too young to have“any fight”to present _56D_that are different from the knowledge and wisdom of their older,more experienced colleaguesHowever,Americans are expected from childhood to

38、question,analyze and searchSchool tasks are_57B_to encourage the use of a wide range of materialsA composition topic such as“Write a paper_58B_the worlds supply of sugar”will send many a child in search of completely unfamiliar ideas_59D_ in the primary grades,children are taught to use libraries an

39、d the worldwide web or the Internet,and to search for new ideas of various sortsBy learning to accept the unfamiliar at an early age these young people become more tolerant of other peoples ideas throughout their lives_60D_the time they are 14,15 and 16,many young scholars are making original and va

40、luable contributions in all fields of science 51. Amuch Bany C. such D. each 52. Ahate Bmercy Cfear Dsympathy 53Aquestion Bask Cchange Dcharge 54Afamous Binterested Cemployed Dcurious 55Adisagree Bcomplain Clink D. cooperate 56Afunctions Bawards Crewards D. findings 57A. done Bdesigned Cfulfilled Dn

41、eglected 58Aof B. on Cfor Dto 59. A. Since BAs CIf DEven 60AFor BSince CDuring DBy题解:51这是考核词的用法和对上下文的理解。much表示“大量,许多”,符合句意。答案是A。52这是考核对上下文的理解。选用fear与前面的respect相对应,形成对比,符合句意,答案是c。53这是考核词义辨析和对上下文的理解。这里question作动词,表示“质疑”,符合句意,答案是A。54这是考核对上下文的理解。形容词curious指“好奇的”,符合句意,答案是D。55这是考核对上下文的理解。disagree指“不同意”,符合


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