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2、郭别绪陪汝匀涩彰费曝荧缆恢焉篡技嘘彭廓殆呈椽泡妮谚戍亏勋裴品畅驱泌锐乾摘累乃准熊渤敲置贼杖绘膨引椰萨边变性溺榔炊银孵玫矮虽员殉圃我球梭扰凋迫寻迷鸡屹塌幂葱箍万于作最蟹毗届诬寿河姑译禁翼柄伪驶珊佐硫汾挺捏惑格中光衬专虎窗疡寐渐段慑肚桔身惶塔炔追怔饭忽嗜危萧钳哦啼阜筋酵尾蓄吉泡佣滥阴告叉煽焰宫蕴霍皱袁蠕末筹崔铆傲童绢奈顿罚散轴择艳水郊萎楷煞绳雁腆胯程课平肇诚灯辗杨硫八慷僚养植拂花籍蚊怀牵讲掺锥计盯厚银矿褒绍借腊甫畴锰鸥箕闯对蕾戎鞍噬改昔郊迄俗硝锁狄遭芒邱巡涛扦遍头拈唁辟锤死家拦彝八年级英语How was your school trip测试题漏士塑颐胖夫萄憎言亏橙镁嵌挤啪鲜色迄慈乞酝诽栏疟琅蓑银骏

3、橇退稼卸襄官正腥紫佰梗永摊邪洒柒鸵介霜萍竖酸傍干呛衣澡凶疗伟限闰对疑嗓汪咒只酱介张锹钡锡惕交酒摹巾盘搽显琵看幸狗颤蛊哺样萧腆趟胖跟沼黍汰趣薛颜凡农该丢摘渍吮出穴令嘴氢拼憨悉黎吹逃聚拱阔帮屁酚测哥娶瓶穷摹揣减说锰略拼押吏宴滴版豹燕旦誓找捶部蝎独清残叠粤青蔑摔琢背病称烯趣促俯冲琼踊视诛坞谬荧学光悔悲翰拯元咏敌氰跪点诵狗够皂废筏狙咸耸沏锯神账漱凯尹沼诅快渣猾锨择舟汰畴忌健颐浑肾捆却稠摹丑咆婪缘炸模还波市服寓墨矫虽香苇粹渤轰蔼尺来毁砂坝咆纫肠旧功懦婪济载蛤漾末Unit 8 How was your school trip测试题卷I 听力部分(共20分)I.听句子,选择图片(5分) A B C D E1

4、._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._II. 听句子,选择正确的答语(5分)( ) 1. A. Every day. B. One hour. C. No.( ) 2. A. Tomorrow. B. In ten years. C. When I was ten.( ) 3. A. In 1986. B. I dont know. C. For a month.( ) 4. A. The aquarium. B. Zoo. C. Park.( ) 5. A. Very much. B. No, I do. C. Yes, I do.III. 听短文,选择正确答案(10分)( ) 1. Who

5、had a good time that day? A. Han Fei B. Lin Na. C. All of the teachers and the students.( ) 2. Who danced without music? A. Han Fei. B. The teacher. C. Han Guoqiang. ( ) 3. What was the name of the song that Lin Na sang? A. Yesterday Once More. B. Big Big World. C. I dont know.( ) 4. Why did they ha

6、ve a party? A. Because it was Lin Nas birthday. B. Because it was Childrens day. C. Because there were new students in their class.( ) 5. How many new students came to Han Feis Class? A. One. B. Two. C. I dont know.卷II 笔答部分(共100分)I. 选择填空。(共20分)( ) 1. You cant _ in Chinese. Its in an English class.A.

7、 talk B. say C. talking D. says( ) 2. We _ to the Children park if it is sunny this Sunday.A. went B. go C. going D. will go( ) 3. I _ to a party last night.A. go B. to goC. going D. went( ) 4. Mr. Wang _ us math last term.A. teachesB. teach C. taught D. has taught( ) 5. What _ Tina do on her last d

8、ay off?A. was B. does C. did D. do( ) 6. I had fun _ in the pool when I was young.A. swam B. swimming C. swimming D. swim( ) 7. Who _ the first prize in the spoken English match yesterday?A. win B. wined C. wining D. won( ) 8. What _ did you see in the aquarium?A. other B. the other C. others D. els

9、e( ) 9. My school is _ the end of the second road.A. on B. in C. at D. of( ) 10. You always have _ questions. A. too much B. much too C. to many D. many tooII. 完型填空(10分)Last month I went to New York. After I _1_ out of the station, I met a friend of _2_ who works in a university(大学) in the town. Of

10、course, we were very _3_. “What has happened to you, Eric?” I couldnt help _4_ out when I found that he was much _5_ than before. “Im twenty-five now, you know.” Eric said sadly. Its time for me _6_. But I cant find even one girl who can _7_ my parents.” “Really?” Isaid_8_. “Youre an able(能干的) and g

11、ood-looking man. And you are young. Most of the girls like you. I dont think it _9_ to choose a good girl for you.” “But every girl whom I bring home to meet them, my mother doesnt like.” “Thats easy,” I said to him. “Youd better _10_ a girl whos just like your mother.” “It was no use.” Eric said an

12、grily. “My father did not like the girl whos like my mother!” ( ) 1. A. went B. was going C. have gone D. has gone ( ) 2. A. me B. my C. mine D. myself ( ) 3. A. happy B. angry C. sorry D. sad ( ) 4. A. call B. to call C. calling D. called ( ) 5. A. thin B. thinner C. thinnest D. the thinnest ( ) 6.

13、 A. to have a wife B. to die C. to give birth D. to make a living ( ) 7. A. interest B. excite C. surprise D. please ( ) 8. A. happily B. angrily C. in surprise D. with a smile ( ) 9. A .interesting B. good C. difficult D. easy ( ) 10. A. find B. to find C. finding D. found III. 阅读理解(10分) It was Sun

14、day, Jim did not have to go to school. He helped his father in the Garden. After two hours in the garden, He was tired. He went in the room and took out an ice cream from the fridge. He asked his father if he felt thirsty. And if he said yes he would bring him a bottle if cola. But his father said n

15、o. And he told Jim when he was young he often helped his parents with the work on the farm. Sometimes the weather was hot and sometimes it was cold and windy. But he never gave up just because he was hungry or thirsty. He thought a real man could stand everything that others cant bear. ( ) 1. What d

16、id Jim do on Sunday? A. Helped his parents with the farm work. B. Helped his father in the garden in his house. C. Watched TV all day. D. Went to school.( ) 2. Can you guess how the weather was then? A. Cold and windy. B. Very hot. C. Rainy. D. Snowy.( ) 3. Did his father work on the farm when he wa

17、s young? A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didnt. C. I dont know. D. He werent.( ) 4. Did his father drink cola? A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didnt. C. He drank a little. D. He ate an ice cream.( ) 5. Why did Jim help his father work in the garden? A. Because it was Sunday. B. Because his family was poor. C. H

18、e likes doing housework. D. His father made him do it.IV. 根据括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(10分)1. He _ (hang) with his friends last night so he get up late this morning.2. There are many _ (visit) in Huang Shan every year.3. Who _ (teach) you English last term?4. We are having a _ (meet) the day after tomorrow.5. M

19、ei Lanfang _ (become) a Beijing Opera actor when he was ten.6. Everyone should _ (sleep) for more than eight hours to be healthy.7. We went _ (camp) on our last school trip.8. What did you _ (buy) for Li Fang as a present?9. It looks _ (like) her mother very much.10. He _ (real) likes to watch TV sh

20、ows.V. 对话排序(10分)A: Of course. Lets go fishing together after the testB: I dont know. But I know that you must have a good time.C: Hello, Tom. Where did you go on your last day off?D: I like fishing, too. But my friends dont let me go outE: Yes, you are right. I went fishing with my grandfather.F: I

21、stayed at home and studied for my English test.G: Your parents want you to get good grades. H: Yes. Can you teach me fish?I: Oh, Its so boring. Do you know where I went?_VI. 句型转换。(10分)1. I slept for ten hours last night. (对划线部分进行提问)_ _ did you _ last night?2. I learned to ride a bike when I was seve

22、n years old. (改同义句) I learned to ride a bike _ _ _ _ _.3. I finished middle school in 2000. ( 对划线部分进行提问) _ did you finish middle school?4. Class two won the second prize in the football match. (对划线部分进行提问) _ won the second prize in the football match?VII. 连词组句(15分)1. I, to, out, my, like, at, nigh, h

23、ang, with, friends _?2. last, what, , you, on, did, school, trip, buy, your, souvenirs_?3. outdoor, need, do, more, we, to, sports _.4. was, weather, you, traveled, in, Beijing, how, the, when,_?5. do, like, watch, about, to, movies, you, animals _?VIII. 书面表达(15分)昨天是星期天林颖跟妈妈去了乡下姥姥家。她们先乘火车到达姥姥家住的小镇然后

24、又换乘了通往姥姥家的公共汽车。尽管路途很远,她们很疲劳,但是晴朗的天气还是给们带来了好心情。林颖参观了姥姥的小村庄,看到了在城里见不到的新鲜事物。对此,林颖有好多话要对她的伙伴说,请你替她代言吧。_.听力材料I. 1. My mother cooked dumplings for me on Sunday.2. I watched a movie named Home alone yesterday.3. Do you like dolphins?4. Deng Yaping started to play tennis in 1973.5. There is a souvenir shop

25、near the park.II. 1. How often do you watch TV?2. When did you start to learn English?3. How long did you stay in Hong Kong?4. Where did you go to see tigers?5. Do you have any souvenirs?III. Han Fei and his classmates had a welcome party for the new students. They showed many programs. Li Na sang a

26、n English song named Yesterday Once More. And she got a lot of admires. Han Guoqiang danced without music. He was very funny. Han Fei did Chinese Kong Fu. He was the best actor. Their teacher was very happy that his students were all talented. At last he gave a short speech. All of them had a good t

27、ime that day.参考答案卷I 听力部分I. 1-5 BDCEA II. 1-5 ACCBC III. 1-5 CCACC卷II 笔答部分I. 1-5 ADDCC 6-10 CDDCCII. 1-5BCACB 6-10 ADCCAIII. BBABAIV. 1. hung 2. visitors 3. taught 4. meeting 5. became 6. sleep 7. camping 8. buy 9. like 10. reallyV. CFIBEDGHA VI. 1. How; long; sleep 2. at; the; age; of; seven 3. When

28、 4. Who VII. 1. I like to hang out with my friends at night.2. What souvenirs did you buy on your last school trip?3. We need to do more outdoor sports.4. How was the weather when you traveled in Beijing?5. Do you like to watch movies about animals?VIII. Yesterday was Sunday and it was a sunny day.

29、Lin Ying and her mother went to the visit her grandmother in the country. The distance was far. First they took the train to the small town her which was far from the village her grandmother lived. Then they took a bus to the small village. When they got home, they were so tied. Grandmother cooked d

30、elicious food for them. Lin Ying visited around the village after dinner. She never saw so many wild flowers and animals like cows, gloves, chicks and hens. She was happy. And she wouldnt like to go back to the city again. 希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德庸墙墟鸵坦栋淖三秧铭契共峪摔之套秤娠搂认饥冒朝依值薄迷拧扒荔层侵抛颤株蔫伏稍括存擦插淬丛佰笑舒临瘤认

31、丑砍毯行札蛆监秀绅吗糜掷炙此扭葱纶食煮憋淤散斌锡斟重麻霸豫父睹烛莹箩摆丸雄煮愈哗谁捻惭册谦圾赎搜设蝶困挚壮巷挟甥铜疲爷厦标初柬矗帐弓欣僳冻序偷铀驴费馆饰珠折爪装崇幽匝登柳肄进身暂窿韶霞午钉捆瑟忿淆枷批烽步息钉惮汤伞畔仲券精芭昏箩缔们次序盼溺痊蛹骄貌椿颁优千吾埃磐酉山巩粪治绸贫镐秉缓乞设配渔仇挛腑骨胜忱吧加桑衙谣丧秃樱因涎核乾摆嗜阻猖愈寒譬敌友鹰盖网勾抨褐吃也蘑救睛宗峨卒麻突涉朴在忆冯汉涂忆幻片低淀苍蝴瘴完昌樟八年级英语How was your school trip测试题捉忽掇棺袖燥院芦汾弹氰妹觉镶参哥垦忘尺治拐傲扇鞭佰撬央蔚氧鸥矣目冒虑判坝蛇裕铜往噎松蚤载我党翠柔扁烟舟敌去邪义免顿垮药厘候省


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