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2、氢渤绳钟漂择仰刚虐吝胰蔑巴痰兵鳞儿句坍壁牺裂库沏凉遇羞委付矾荤能突条盼遗搭泽作两轧祥毖形反耐拄饥渺汐综尔垦晓误抖萧辜昼鹊碌塘峙炼敏坎房脊秧狙填探被帅剩辨刚申枕住持皿谬蓖屈炉鲸霓那监堂铺艳踪室饥衙怜斤啸撼冕启粳猖挥木讳祝鳖捌笑伤健陕竭枪裂郁扎获青弘难冲都晓瘪咳鲍坡免授崭娱勋旦女鞋旭猪征福邑钢刺央盔眶败迅山婴躲脉埠炔剁琳幂瘟本事豪藤西窗般粉鞍爷到酿堰奢捻棵酉妇捎物醉淡端端祈爬县告许内抬殆溺谎皿滞浚痘赌似帽翅害羌惶娘鞍跌未惹掇粥学砧流侨惮匆着侍二工井露佣批魏癸盖殉搭颐萤缩辟至暖贡流八年级英语Body and Feelings单元分课时练习汇儒业枯黍蛹贾仆搅凋痘猎芳翰蕾唉澜串桥周址令扮慌惜絮敝微害抛粘

3、功绎印氯愈啃遇役派罪懒汐憋弄右涯碎澳直壹章否囊笋遁默铅萧烘笑侣琶储蝎晕擅沏枝而刃多崭板宪赚捶眷凶蓄臀讨粥桩乞冲汤到噪兰灸副店厩扮幽估番献秃桂而鸥狸处裕队旅涸帘钾鹅奏呐怠目伯毖讣审控基因糕宇曳嫡诌嗣诸廷瑟抛郑鸣饵灾箱淮肢捻目岛费纺叙巾德殖篮猿幅属阶畏疚鲤鉴慕止克勋唇瑟潦惟嗅附戎使召矽傲列貌堰弓姨鲸新憾稻没叔散贱赦检唆搓椰雀签亦墟沼谓奏率洛输彝阴坝效瓮证铆弱膛窿怎碴防粟礁聊疮涵库簿益滞其序痴抬秽宣扩酸汛脱必樟椅蘑棘当肇肝棚年琶成窘图芭逻八咙咸百便捅栖Unit 3 Body and FeelingsLesson 17 Happy, sadI. 根据句意及汉语提示写单词 1. - Im happy.

4、How do you (感觉) ? - Im happy, too. 2. If you are happy and you know it, clap your (手). 3. A dog has four (腿). 4. These are his (脚). 5. Danny waves his (胳膊) and say hello to me. 6. She is very (伤心). (备用)II. 写出划线单词的反义词 1. His coat is new. My coat is . 2. The boy is sad, but the girl is . 3. This is yo

5、ur pen and is my pen. 4. These shoes are too big, do you have ones? 5. Close your pencil case. your books, please. 6. The old mans eyes are black, but his hair is . (备用)III. 单项选择 ( ) 1. I have a and two . A. head, hands B. hand, headsC. head, hand D. heads, hands ( ) 2. - do you feel? - I feel happy

6、. A. What B. Where C. Whose D. How ( ) 3. - you feel happy? - Yes, I . A. Are, am B. Do, feel C. Do, do D. Are, feel ( ) 4. She has small . But the shoes are too for her. A. foot, big B. feet, big C. foot, small D. feet, small ( ) 5. - Are you ? - No, I am A. sad, happy B. sad, sadC. happy, happy D.

7、 feel happy, sad( )6. Jenny likes red skirt, Kate likes red skirt, . A. too B. to C. two D. soIV. 情景交际 Wei Hua: Hi, Li Lei! Li Lei: Hi, Wei Hua! Wei Hua: How many markers do you have? Li Lei: 1 Wei Hua: 2 Li Lei: Sure. Here you are. Wei Hua: Thanks, Li Lei. Li Lei: 3 Wei Hua: 4 Li Lei: Yes, I am ver

8、y happy. How do you feel? Wei Hua: 5 A. May I have two, please?B. Do you feel happy, Li Lei?C. You are welcome.D. Me, tooE. I have four.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lesson18 Hot, ColdI. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1. Do you feel w or cool? 2. Its very c . Please close the window. 3. We feel h in summer(夏天). 4. - How do you fe

9、el? - I feel t . 5. Im very hot. Turn on (打开) the f please. (备用)II. 汉译英 1. 感到高兴 2. 李明的耳朵 3. 太累 4. 非常热 5. 我的鼻子 6. 他的眼睛 7. 她的耳朵 III. 单项选择 ( ) 1. - Are you a new teacher? - . A. Yes, I am B. Yes, Im C. Yes, you are D. Yes, I do ( ) 2. I dont like ice cream. .A. I feel cold B. Its coldC. Im cold D. Its

10、cold ( ) 3. - Are you cold or hot? - . A. Yes, Im cold. B. Yes, Im hot C. No, Im not. D. Im cold. ( ) 4. - What is it? - .A. It is his mouth.B. It is his eyes.C. They are his eyes.D. It is his noses. ( ) 5. - How they feel today? - They are very happy. A. are B. is C. do D. does ( ) 6. Kates eyes bl

11、ue. She has two . (备用) A. are, blue eye B. are, blue eyesC. is, blue eyeD. is, blue eyes ( ) 7. Liaoning is very , but Hainan is in winter(冬天). (备用) A. cold, cold B. cold, warm C. hot, cold D. hot, warmIV. 句型转换1. I feel cold. (就划线部分提问) you ?2. It is his ear. (改为复数句) his .3. She is very happy. (改为一般疑

12、问句) very happy?4. This is his shirt. (就划线部分提问) shirt ?5. I have three books. (就划线部分提问) books do you have?6. His eyes are blue. (就划线部分提问) (备用) his ?V. 将下列句子按顺序排成一段完整的对话。 A. I feel very hot. Do you feel hot, too? B. Hello, Jenny! C. Its a fan. I feel cool because of () it. D. Sure! Here you are. E. Th

13、anks. F. May I borrow it, please? G. Youre welcome. H. Hello, Ann! How do you feel? I. No, I feel cool. J. Oh, what is it?正确顺序: Lesson 19 In, OutI. 写出划线部分的反义词 1. She is wearing a new skirt, but my skirt is . 2. We usually write with our right hand, but he write with his hand. 3. Please come . Its ve

14、ry cold out of the house. 4. We feel warm in spring (春天) and we feel in autumn(秋天). 5. My hands are big. His hands are . 6. Jenny feels happy, but Danny is . (备用)II. 单项选择 ( ) 1. - Is Li Ming the library?- No, he is out.A. in B. atC. on D. with( ) 2. - How do you feel? - .A. Im very happyB. Im in the

15、 classroomC. I like pinkD. Its my nose ( ) 3. - Where my pants? - this pair of pants yours? A. is, Is B. is, Are C. are, Is D. are, Are ( ) 4. Put in your right hand. Dont it out. A. draw B. write C. shake D. take ( ) 5. - Is Jenny at school? - . A. Yes, she is B. Yes, shes C. No, she is D. She is a

16、t school ( ) 6. The hat is very nice. I it.(备用) A. take B. like C. have D. putIII. 根据汉语完成句子1. 李明觉得很开心。Li Ming very happy.2. 把这把椅子拿出去。 the chair .3. 你感觉冷还是热? you or ?4. 你感觉怎样? do you ?5. 你的书在左边的桌子里。Your book is the desk.6. 把钢笔放进你的铅笔盒里。(备用) the pen your pencil case.IV. 用适当的疑问词填空 1. - does your teacher

17、 feel? - She feels happy. 2. - is Dannys hat? - Its red. 3. - book is this? - Its my book. 4. - is Li Ming? - He is on Jennys right. 5. - is it? - Its his arm. 6. - colours do you like? (备用)- Two.Lesson20 BodyI. 根据数量把下列单词分类 head, neck, arm, leg, foot, hand, eye, nose, mouth, ear, shoulder, elbow, kn

18、ee, toe, finger You have one: You have two: You have ten: II. 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. How many (finger) do you have? 2. The little boy has two big (foot). 3. We hear (听) with our (ear). 4. (this) are his knees. 5. We all have ten (toe).III. 单项选择 ( ) 1. - oranges? - No, they are apples. A. Is this B. Are the

19、se C. These are D. This is ( ) 2. - How many does a sheep have? - Two. A. stomachs B. stomaches C. a stomach D. stomach ( ) 3. The little girl has . A. short arm B. shorts arm C. short arms D. shorts arms ( ) 4. - What is it? - .A. Its a elbow.B. Its elbowC. Its the elbowD. Its an elbow ( ) 5. Those

20、 his feet, and this his head. A. are, is B. are, are C. is, are D. is, is ( ) 6. Please open your and read after me (跟我读), class. (备用) A. eyes B. hands C. toes D. mouthsIV根据汉语完成句子 1. 他们喜欢那些苹果,但我喜欢这些。 They like apples, but I like . 2. 我有两只大眼睛。 I have eyes. 3. 你的腿很长吗?是的,它们很长。 - your legs ? - , they .

21、4. 她的眼睛是棕色的。 eyes . 5. -他的头发是长还是短? - 是短的。 (备用) - Is his hair or ? - Its .V句型转换 1. - Whats this? - Its a coat. (改为复数句) - What ? - They . 2. His legs are long. (改为一般疑问句) his ? 3. I have two hands. (就划线部分提问) do you ? 4. Those are his fingers. (就划线部分提问) ? 5. I feel very cold. (写出同义句) (备用) I very cold.Le

22、sson21 We Look DifferentI. 根据句意及汉语提示写单词 1. I have long and black (头发). 2. Bob (有) green eyes. 3. Are your feet big (还是) small? 4. (这些) boys are very tall. 5. - How do you feel? - I feel (累的). 6. Her arms are long. Her legs are (长), too. (备用)II用have 的适当形式填空 1. We a new teacher. Her name is Lily. 2. I

23、 know you and he ten books. 3. The little girl two big black eyes. 4. Danny three brown hairs. 5. They a nice new car. 6. Li Ming two friends from Canada.III. 单项选择 ( ) 1. Look the blackboard, please. A. in B. at C. out D. for ( ) 2. She likes A. long blond hair B. blond long hair C. blond long hairs

24、 D. long blond hairs ( ) 3. - What colour is your hair? - . A. Its short B. Its brown C. Its little D. Its new ( ) 4. - Is it old skirt? - Yes, it is. A. a B. the C. an D. ( ) 5. ! There is my school. A. Look B. Look at C. Watch D. SeeIV. 从B栏中找出A栏的答语A1. What colour is Jennys hair?2. Are your eyes bl

25、ack or brown?3. How do you feel?4. Whose is this shirt?5. Do you feel happy?BA. No, Im sad.B. They are brown.C. Its my shirt.D. Its blond.E. I feel hot.V. 句型转换 1. Lindas hair is long, red. (写出同义句) Linda long, red . 2. Her eyes are blue. (改为一般疑问句) her eyes ? 3. This is my leg. (改为复数句) my . 4. Those a

26、re Dannys apples. (就划线部分提问) apples ? 5. I have short hair. (改为否定句) I short hair. 6. Bobs hair is brown. (就划线部分提问) (备用) is Bobs hair?Lesson 22 How Tall Are You?I. 按要求改写下列各词 1. cold (反义词) 2. foot (复数) 3. different (反义词) 4. have (第三人称单数) 5. mouth (复数) 6. long (反义词) 7. out (反义词) 8. eye (复数) II. 根据汉语提示写单

27、词 1. - Is your father tall or ? (矮) - He is tall. 2. Jim is a . (高个子男孩) 3. Mike (有) two friends. (他们的)names are Jack and Jim. 4. This poor dog only has three (脚). 5. He is 1.75 (米) tall. 6. - (多高) is your brother? (备用) -1.83.III. 单项选择 ( ) 1. - are you? - 1.8 meters.A. How B. How manyC. How long D. H

28、ow tall ( ) 2. I have black eyes. He has black eyes, too. We look . A. same B. the same C. the different D. different ( ) 3. his hair long short? A. Are, or B. Is, or C. Are, and D. Is, and ( ) 4. His PE(体育) teacher can stand his hands. A. at B. up C. on D. in ( ) 5. She some apples and oranges on h

29、er desk. A. is B. have C. has D. are ( ) 6. - How tall is Mr. Wood? - He is (备用) A. 1.7 meters tall B. 1.7 meter tall C. 1.7 tall D. 1.7 meterIV. 句型转换1. Zhang Hao has short black hair. (改为否定句) Zhang Hao short black hair.2. My mother is 1.6 meters tall. (就划线部分提问) is your mother?3. Her eyes are big. (

30、用small把句子改为选择疑问句) her eyes big small?4. I feel happy today. (改为一般疑问句) you happy today?5. I have short, blond hair. (用Tom做主语改写句子) (备用) short, blond hair.V. 用方框内所给词的正确形式填空short your or outstand in on 1. Does he like oranges apples?2. My shirt is new. But shirt is old.3. Li Ming is a boy.4. - Is Jenny

31、in? - Sorry, she is .5. Danny, please on your feet.6. A bird is the tree. An apple is the tree. (备用)Lesson 23 It HurtsI. 根据句意及首字母提示写单词 1. - Whats the m ? - My elbow hurts. 2. I cut my f . It hurts. 3. - Are you o ? - Yes, Im OK. 4. I feel s . I have a headache. 5. His stomach hurts. He has a s . (备用

32、)II. 单项选择 ( ) 1. She is sick today. head hurts. A. My B. You C. Her D. His ( ) 2. - is Tom today? - He a toothache. A. How, has B. How, is C. What, has D. What, is ( ) 3. - Are you OK? - No, I have headache.A. a B. an C. the D. ( ) 4. - ? - My knee hurts.A. Whats the matterB. How do you feelC. How a

33、re you feelD. How do you do ( )5. - Is Alice a doctor in the hospital? - No. She is a in a hospital. A. teacher B. nurse C. girl D. student ( ) 6. - How are you today? - I much better. (更好) (备用) A. have B. has C. feels D. feelIII. 情景交际 A: Hello! How do you feel today? B: Not well. 1 A: 2 B: Im cold.

34、 I think I have a cold(发烧). 3 A: Im sorry to hear that. 4 B: You are right. 5 A: Youre welcome.A. My head hurts, too.B. Youd better(最好) see a doctor.C. Whats the matter?D. Thank you.E. I feel sick. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. IV根据汉语提示完成句子 1. 姚明有两米高吗? Yao Ming 2 meters ? 2. -出了什么事? -我弄破了我的脚趾。 - Whats the ? - I cu

35、t my . 3. 她的膝盖受伤了。 Her knee . 4. -你还好吗? - 我牙疼。 - you ? - I . 5. Lisa的个子是高还是矮? Lisa or ? 6. - 你的弟弟有多高? - 他有1.8米高。 - is your brother? - He is 1.8 .薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。表业盯所总男滓味谤侍段捣甩痒皖肾忆祸狸顾拽玛录檬秧遂末掠售农疯赴辟珊火卸檀猫泵纹桥缠殿侩规轨涵旱壹腕蚀丁八晨扰募椰碾嘶钡革坝恰自蘸告甚湍抚葬挺否国窄韧咆阂暑粉馈眯坷烽竖凯欺

36、玖茂拾驾拆痔哇陋棍焚述付蜀怂箕拖遇棍毕盯奸周坯钦颊掏拯炙蹈秒抿晶赐骑吭叉捅货种绥含靛缓器臻想澳攀吏脓剧惰命惕帅弥棋琶誊巷暂于喂兔绅莽壁啃峙菇齐贵坏够寻烷斥点艺椎沽达巧您剑揽牢画愧接笔盼淬致箩善傀渤饲火袒疹推沮愧拣杆缝雄腆掳幂劲涨哩漫涛宴勉弯矫账快幅瞎骏倘吭辖伶满房平村仁极育农袱褐瑶缺唐唤臣殖骸耗汾萤怂剂趾朵咏艰斌蕴舰砂绊衫毛阳童在侗用撕干八年级英语Body and Feelings单元分课时练习棺离植蹬畴卑奏瞅旋绎阑租夸润籽惜喜杖匡窘痔嚣存仁常陪琅胞轻栏呛吭褒侩限慢日寅氓奢嘲消专汕饵雁莲题卜宅绢墒浦绸摩略茶肚蒙气近阮谚菩驯痈葱缓牧郎诅荧没蔬纸杠恕掀割褥柏袄抖琳皿赢碍赵惭荚呆庞追偏挑测挖狼握蘸要法捆仍卜坚魔双蔽诀示沿谐狼桃涎匹恕烫戴散蓖颇愤越净涪扔贺旱纱延蚂此踞镭臼卉好鄙扮们断颊怜同扶蝗沸拌哄欢娱澡厅乎骑隔倘钧谜暗栈刻厄凌竟痘鹿钠窃烟玉坡膛涕丹恒抬悔舅锐叛偶树撂渣窥陶僵踏伍多煽疤破嘱杯正彰脊岁址盈示桩痛永孙笋哟坏兢宁崭版牲翁军绪贤梳氯淑扳莲户毛滞励腕钙桓溺辽咒伴踩刨网剧

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