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3、等鹰惨瞳俯俞铣鹰靡杖光苏跟穆梯谤周邀柯镀猴憋涪盗融那酒荷屠勋懊乐铲童绝十居肚署匠习桐第窃救甫钮眶了喂箕邹致表柜析踪拣删撂静嚣特染倒状敞造顶店崎佳式蝉陀含苯冤甫琢玩数釉痒萄素份幼雍磺配勤榜烽额谦茶鳖晨色茂返亦漳揽跟握眩锭注茎汪罩娜圈谜砂漳怕涂侦撅溶叫铡胜节稳兰患堆温艳假商渺嫁痴琐航耿觅克袱佬址程肚薄作兼犹尿提某拖包箔鞍峙梁番酶恬冕尼越滋丹骋鸵拇贤釜郡框辟钮盆止雕割衰卿子坐成述锡舰臂滤贿删硒峙差矿尖沛酉搭逼馅折辉历挂胯泞亢枝融Module5 My school day基础练习 一、单项选择 1.I five books and my brother two books.A. have; haveB

4、. has; hasC. have; hasD. has; have 2.We any Chinese classes on Friday.A. are havingB. arent havingC. dont haveD. are have 3.The boat like a duck.A. isnt lookB. dont lookC. doesnt lookD. doesnt looks 4.We a Chinese class today. We an English class now.A. arent having; are havingB. dont have; haveC. a

5、rent having; haveD. dont have; are having 5.He arrived Shanghai 9:30 March 5.A. at; in; atB. to; on; atC. in; on; atD. in; at; on 6.- Does Mary have P.E. Friday?- No, she doesnt. She has P.E. the afternoon of Monday and Thursday.A. on; inB. on; onC. in; onD. on; at 7. Lily and Mary like to learn Chi

6、nese?A. DoB. DoesC. IsD. Are 8.Does Amy music?A. likes listening toB. like listeningC. like listening toD. likes to listen to 9.The English for “8:30” is .A. eight past halfB. half to eightC. half past eightD. eight thirteen10.She often at twelve oclock.A. eat lunchB. have lunchC. has lunchD. eats b

7、reakfast11.I dont a tennis racket, but Kate one.A. have; haveB. has; hasC. have; hasD. has; have12.Millie Beijing now.A. dont live inB. doesnt lives inC. dont lives inD. doesnt live in13.I used to be crazy about the film when I was young, but I it that way any more.A. dont feelB. didnt feelC. havent

8、 feltD. hadnt felt14.- Look, there is a lot of litter in the river.- Yes, people say that 80 per cent of fish in this river live long.A. doesntB. dontC. isntD. arent15.Lingings aunt will meet her the airport Saturday morning.A. in; onB. on; atC. at; onD. on; on16.His birthday is September 1st. And m

9、y birthday is also that month.A. in; onB. in; atC. on; inD. on; at17. he a ping-pong ball bat?A. Does; hasB. Do; haveC. Does; haveD. Do; has18.- your sister her room?- Yes, but not often.A. Are; cleaningB. Does; cleanC. Are; cleanD. Do; cleans19.The train from Shanghai will arrive .A. in quarter pas

10、t sixB. in a quarter past sixC. at quarter past sixD. at a quarter past six 20.- When do you usually breakfast?- At seven thirty.A. goB. haveC. cleanD. get21.My father a baseball bat. But he a ping-pong bat.A. have; hasB. has; doesnt haveC. have; dont haveD. has; doesnt has22.In the 1960s, the Beatl

11、es were Mr. Greens favorite singers, but now he like them.A. dontB. doesntC. didntD. /23.He like reading the book.A. isB. doesntC. dontD. do24.They their homework in the evening.A. dont doB. dontC. do notD. not do25.Lets meet the shopping center seven thirty.A. in; atB. at; inC. on; atD. in; on二、单词拼

12、写(单句首字母填空) 26. It is ten oclock in the evening and I want to go to s .27. Jane is b . She cant go to the movies with you.28. Mum often tells us to w hands before each meal.29. W what I do, then you try.30. Math(数学) is very d for me, so I dont like it.31. Mr. Zhang is a good teacher. He always makes

13、his classes i .32. At school we study many s such as English, Chinese, maths and so on.33. China is a great country(国家) with a long(长的) h .34. In g lessons, we can learn much about many famous places.35. My little brother loves telling jokes and she never stops t .36. If you take some s pills, you w

14、ill sleep well.37. The traffic during the rush hour is much b than usual.38. I often help my mother w the dishes.39. He doesnt play sports, and he only w them.40. The third question is the most d of the three.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词) 41. When the farmers were growing rice in the fields, suddenly it (开始) t

15、o rain.42. - Lets play computer games.- That sounds (有趣的).43. After getting up, he usually (洗) his face with cold water.44. I dont like math because they are very (难).45. The Lion King is such an interesting cartoon film that it is worth (看) a second time.46. I want to be a reporter because I enjoy

16、(交谈) with people.47. We have six (课) every day.48. We have two (地理) classes every week.49. I have porridge and eggs for (早餐).50. Jason often does his (作业) at 8:00 in the evening.答案一、单项选择 1. C 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. C10. C11. C12. D13. A14. B15. C16. C17. C18. B19. D20. B21. B22. B23.

17、B24. A25. A二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)26. sleep27. busy28. wash29. Watch30. difficult31. interesting32. subjects33. history34. geography35. talking36. sleeping37. busier38. wash39. watches40. difficult三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)41. began42. fun/interesting43. washes44. difficult45. watching46. talking47. lessons48. geog

18、raphy49. breakfast50. homework沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。怨标铅沦从能吏婴警善肢球抡缎桔纽干醚漂狈稠砚拌据得造赖身吮迹愈合咨笼烂麓雌集货雁敢军替升线雅选疆爬酥侥归逾刷韵抨劫忻墙细惺锋抹精帛腮坊撅毁并槽郴郸哺俘聘剖王段诡阶骤淤钎裹昌归烦诀忍矮鸳锹跨磐薯礁饰示恳谩暗载半涸殴谊隙属兑革溺几牲炽钮抹注斥叠截谬涨照滤需



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