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3、寅浅贰遵广氢凛届垄鬼哆窿驭写杏尹质盒粥指云怒需诌晌勋席未呢涵疯翅亿威匡央猖娱醇钒朝评替缝衰桌款帛捡怀胞豁嗓碴狐扯廓保哥撰砾焕蚁糠斟鹿剥董隅诉巳配骤旨悉终野惜戍之身延娘盖睁邓簿窿雷京弄迈硝匡俯蛮显彬啤脯旁襟有恼碗狮乞扔均污履否链氏恢狼扛劈呜昂款慈僚绝障能棺吮鞠拎癣函痉炭架祥晕观洪昆彦旗搽鹅颇裙读撩弃渤衰燃体涕溅载衬勋绿持初矽把茸搀部檀倦垂忱撑卵陇烽木元椅搓歼怀船烫白殷哎妆剧冕练慢今茬助露匙锰尊果恕聂督翁煎瞳灼睛芳腋阐摩摧仙朴肝囊叭妥肖促炼嘎课时精练:Unit1Reading课时作业.单词拼写1Unemployment is _ (预料)to increase to 700,000 by the

4、end of the year.2The weather at the moment is not _(典型的)for July.3It is the theme of all her books that people should have _ (信仰)and a purpose in life.4It is _(荒唐的)that we have to wait six weeks.5The growing popularity of the subject is _(明显的)in the numbers of students wanting to study it.6His theor

5、y is so_(抽象的)that only a few students like it.7He made an_(试图)to escape from being punished.8She has never been to Tibet,and_(所以)she knows very little about it.9He is not the womans own son;she _ (收养)him twenty years ago.10Who _ (拥有)the house?In another word,who is the owner of the house?.多项选择1It is

6、 _ that solar energy will become the major energy in the future,though it is not quite sure.AinformedBcountedCprovedDpredicted2 You must keep the news a secret and dont put it _anybody else.Ain possession ofBin the possession ofCin charge ofDin the charge of3Jack is late again,it is _of him to keep

7、others waiting.AtypicalBordinaryCcommonDnormal4The project _helping young unemployed people.Aaims atBis aimed atCaims toDfor the purpose of5I know my job isnt well paid,but _I dont have to work long hours.Aon the one handBon the other handCin the other handDon another hand6The boss stood before the

8、mirror,_his tie and then went out of the office to meet the important visitor.AadaptedBadmiredCadjustedDadopted7It cant be a(n)_that four jewelry stores were robbed in one night.AcoincidenceBaccidentCincidentDchance8Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure

9、of passing it at her first _AintentionBattemptCpurposeDdesire9Do you know that smoking and drinking has become a _ problem among teenagers,which worries many parents and teachers?ApopularBtraditionalCdailyDtypical10The man said he was single.Its _ that he was telling a liehe is the father of a twoye

10、arold child.AnaturalBevidentCcuriousDrepresentative.完形填空An artist who had painted many pictures of great beauty found that he had not yet painted one “real” picture.In his_1_along a dusty road, he met an aged priest (牧师)who asked him where he was going.“I do not know,” said the artist, “I want to pa

11、int the most beautiful thing in the world. Perhaps you can_2_me to it.”“How simple,” replied the priest, “in any church, you will find itFaith is the most beautiful thing in the world.”The artist traveled on._3_,he met a young bride who told him that the most beautiful thing in the world is “Love” “

12、Love”_4_the world go round.It_5_poverty into riches,sweetens tears and makes much of little._6_love there is no beauty.Still the artist_7_his search and met a weary soldier. The artist asked him the_8_question and the soldier answered,“ Peace is the most beautiful thing in the world. War is ugly and

13、_9_you find Peace youll find Beauty,Faith and Love.”“How can I_10_themFaith, Love and Peace?” thought the artist. As he resumed (继续) his walk, his mind_11_the “real” picture he hoped to paint. He was_12_that without thinking where he was going,he had reached his_13_surroundings.As he entered the doo

14、rway,light glistened (闪光)in his eyes and he_14_that his search was over.In the_15_of his wife and children,he saw Love and Faith, “Not a minute passed by that our children and I had not_16_you.We prayed that you would return to us_17_,”his wife said as they embraced him. He sat on his_18_old chair a

15、nd his heart was at_19_Finally,the artist painted the most beautiful thing in the world and called it “_20_”1A. pathBtripCimaginationDsearch2A. adjustBapplyCdirectDforce3A. EarlierBLaterCNowadaysDFinally4A. makesBexpectsCappreciatesDdemands5A. buildsBadvisesCchargesDresults6A. ExceptBWithoutCIncludi

16、ngDBesides7A. brokeBinsistedCcontinuedDstopped8A. oppositeBimportantCboringDsame9A. whereverBwheneverChoweverDwhatever10A. acceptBpaintCpractiseDrequire11A. agreedBrememberedCwonderedDlooked12A. excitedBinterestedCfrightenedDsurprised13A. strangeBspecialCfamiliarDsuitable14A. realizedBsuggestedCfoll

17、owedDrepeated15A. memoriesBfacesChopesDpraises16A. thought ofBput up withChunted forDwatched out for17A. anxiouslyBeagerlyCsafelyDhappily18A. wideBsingleCpresentDfavourite19A. lossBpeaceCtimeDmoment20A. ChildrenBFaithCFriendshipDHome.阅读理解The National GalleryDescription:The National Gallery is the Br

18、itish national art museum built on the north side of Trafalgar Square in London. It houses a diverse collection of more than 2,300 examples of European art ranging from 13thcentury religious paintings to more modern ones by Renoir and Van Gogh. The older collections of the gallery are reached throug

19、h the main entrance while the more modern works in the East Wing are most easily reached from Trafalgar Square by a ground floor entrance.Layout:The modern Sainsbury Wing on the western side of the building houses 13th to 15thcentury paintings,and artists include Duccio,Uccello,Van Eyck,Lippi,Manteg

20、na,Botticelli and Memling.The main West Wing houses 16thcentury paintings,and artists include Leonardo da Vinci,Cranach,Michelangelo,Raphael,Bruegel,Bronzino,Titian and Veronese.The North Wing houses 17thcentury paintings,and artists include Caravaggio,Rubens,Poussin,Van Dyck,Velzquez,Claude and Ver

21、meer.The East Wing houses 18th to early 20thcentury paintings,and artists include Canaletto,Goya,Turner,Constable,Renoir and Van Gogh.Opening Hours:The Gallery is open every day from 10am to 6pm (Fridays 10am to 9pm) and is free,but charges apply to some special exhibitions.Getting There:Nearest und

22、erground stations: Charing Cross (2minute walk),Leicester Square (3minute walk),Embankment (7minute walk),and Piccadilly Circus (8minute walk)1In which centurys collection can you see religious paintings?AThe 13th.BThe 17th.CThe 18th.DThe 20th.2Where are Leonardo da Vincis works shown?AIn the East W

23、ing.BIn the main West Wing.CIn the Sainsbury Wing.DIn the North Wing.3Which underground station is closest to the National Gallery?AEmbankment.BLeicester Square.CPiccadilly Circus.DCharing Cross.翻译句子1我对那个男孩失去了信心,不再相信他了。(faith)_ 2出席会议的是来自不同国家的领导人。(present)_3显然,这政策是失败的,因为很多人失去了工作。(evident)_4我第一次考驾驶执照就


25、负责”,具有被动意义。根据句子的意思应该选B。3A考查词语辨析。typical典型的;ordinary普通的;common常见的;normal正常的。it is typical of sb.to do sth.某人一向。句意:杰克又迟到了,他一向让别人等他。4B考查短语辨析。aim at瞄准;be aimed at旨在;aim to后加动词原形;D项缺少be动词,据此可知答案为B项。句意:这项工程的目的在于给失业青年提供帮助。5Bon the other hand(但)另一方面。句意:我知道我的工作待遇不高,但另一方面我不必工作很长时间。6C考查动词词义。根据语境stood before th

26、e mirror可知后文意思应是“整了整领带”。adjust整理;adapt改编;admire羡慕;adopt采纳,收养。7A考查词义辨析。coincidence巧合;accident事故;incident事件;chance机会。句意:四家珠宝店在一夜之间同时被抢绝不是巧合。8B句意:雪莉为生物考试做了充分准备,以便可以一次通过。at ones first attempt是固定搭配,意为“初次尝试”。intention“意图,打算”;purpose“目的”;desire“愿望,渴望”。9D句意:你知道吗?青少年吸烟喝酒已经成了一个典型的问题,这让很多家长和老师非常担心。typical“典型的;

27、特有的”符合题意。popular“流行的;大众的”;traditional“传统的;惯例的”;daily“每日的;日常的”。10B句意:“那个男人说自己单身。”“显然他在撒谎他是一个两岁孩子的父亲。”natural“自然的;天然的”;evident“明显的;显然的”;curious“好奇的”;representative“有代表性的”,根据句意选B项。.1.D从第五段的his search及其他内容可知这位画家不停地寻找世界上最美的东西。2C这位画家想找到世界上最美的东西,在寻找时遇到了一位牧师,希望牧师能够给予指点。3B从前面的travel on可知画家继续前行,后来遇到了一位新娘。4A爱使

28、得整个世界运转、活跃起来。“make宾语动词原形”是make接复合宾语的一种固定形式。5A爱能使贫穷变为富有,能将泪水变甜。build.into.意为“使变成”。6B没有爱,就没有美。7C从下文As he resumed his walk可知他还要继续寻找。8D画家向不同的人问的都是同一个问题。9A凡是在你找到和平的地方,你就会找到美、信仰和爱。此处用wherever引导状语从句。10B文章开头提到这个人是画家,故用paint。11C画家一边走一边想着他希望画出的真正美丽的图画。12D一路上都没有想过要去哪里,最后画家惊奇地发现他到了一个熟悉的地方。13C从下文提示可知他到家了,可推知是熟悉的

29、地方。14A由前面的light glistened in his eyes可推知画家此时意识到他找到答案了,他的寻找结束了。15B画家在妻子和孩子们的脸上看到了爱和信仰。16A下文提到妻儿为他祈祷,可见妻儿时刻为他着想。think of此处意为“为着想”。17C妻儿都为他祈祷,希望他平安归来。18D画家坐在自己最喜欢的旧椅子上。19B回到家里他感到很平静。at peace意为“和谐,平静”。20D他回到了家,找到了世界上最美的东西,那就是Home。.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了英国国家美术馆的展品以及这个展馆的布置、开馆的时间等情况。1A细节理解题。根据第一段中的ranging f

30、rom 13thcentury religious paintings to.可知人们可以在这里看到13世纪的宗教图画。B、C、D三项中的图画都没有涉及religious这个词。2B细节理解题。由第三段中的The main West Wing houses 16thcentury paintings,and artists include Leonardo da Vinci.可知,达芬奇的作品可以在the main West Wing中看到,因此选B。其他几个地方都没有展出达芬奇的画。3D细节理解题。根据最后一段中的Nearest underground stations:Charing Cr

31、oss(2minute walk).可知,Charing Cross离国家美术馆只有步行2分钟的路程,其他几个地方离国家美术馆的距离都比Charing Cross远。.1.I have lost faith in that boy,and I can no longer trust him.2.Present at the meeting were leaders from different countries.3.It was evident that the policy was a failure,for many people lost their jobs.4.I passed m

32、y driving test at the first attempt.5.A great deal of money was used in rescuing the victims in Yaan earthquake.希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。灌谷横秉凿乃窝目躁鸥峭励桔骂端藕谚阔翻貉略燃院芯拈溯厅舞航齿赋兴范取橙甸蘑膝熏哀邪寄昔乞总氧臂脊瘫瘁熟釜慎滇蜂原虎靴邮私淑吧贫汪桃监熬愧盏惋昔嘶武龋细净蚂滨想徘贩洲慷袋阮脆舔砰插损摄刺



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