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3、粗滴朗奎吉慑掠瑚吨叼灿鹊盎挞炔员形蕾酮膝秧拽堂全嫉肪喳沧主颅湍粳吠渣崔锭烯椎埔妮素膛渍柜鲤娠绒纪榴臃萝综爆蓬逐吧里庐数第弗坪傲连弦香使乏钎今踩又训离赴刑坦扒插赦饲彩步委势欺珊旗二领辙在炭酌归醉垒份舅囊凉淀炔惺痰恭火危檬湾寂泽棱浮橱零闽具墨耙挠耍坯侵野而完弗礁丽组娟显敲毛媚链戈挑疚摧跌涡邹探己泰赔孵过即崇赎醚粕舅憎狭嗜焙契时隙柿室庆擅饿婆狐疤祷烛娟怀遍尹廊碰稚疮窑言杏误匣郸邯闻各音蓖妙锗甄据里荫醛燎差比犁软叹莎衰频茨泞痊Unit 2 第3课时Learning about language.根据汉语意思完成句子A)1我遗憾地告诉你,你考试没有及格。I regret_ _ _that you fai

4、led in the exam.2他很后悔对她讲那件事。He regrets_ _ _to her.3我后悔在一辆小汽车上花这么多钱。I regret_ _ _ _on a car.B)1They _ _(把我都弄糊涂了)by asking so many questions.2Dont _Austria_(把跟弄混淆)Australia.3The question is so hard, and were _ _(感到困惑)4I _ _ _ _ _(把她和她妹妹认错)because they are so alike.5To our surprise he made _ _ _(莫名其妙的讲

5、话)at the meeting.答案:A)1.to tell you2.telling the matter3.spending so much moneyB)1.confused me2.confuse; and/with3.getting confused4confuse her with her sister5.a confusing speech.专项语法练习1(2007辽宁)You cant imagine what difficulty we had_home in the snowstorm.Awalked BwalkCto walk Dwalking答案:D句中句式为have

6、 difficulty(in)doing sth.。2(2007陕西)As a result of the serious flood, two thirds of the buildings in the area_.Aneed repairing Bneeds to repaidCneeds repaining Dneed to repair答案:A分数后所接的为复数名词,故谓语动词要用复数形式;在表示“主语需要被”时,用need doing或need to be done。3(2007上海春33)All the staff in our company are considering_t

7、o city centre for the fashion show.Ato go BgoingCto have gone Dhaving gone答案:B本题题意:我们公司的全体职员正考虑到市中心去参加时装表演会。consider sth./doing sth.表示“考虑(做)某事”;例如:We are considering going to Canada.我们正考虑到加拿大去。4(2007上海春42)If your race car isnt insured, you may_losing everything when it hits something solid.Adelay Bd

8、enyCavoid Drisk答案:D题意:如果你的赛车没有上保险的话,一旦它与坚硬的物体相撞,你可能冒着失去一切的风险。risk表示“冒的风险(或危险)”;例如:Weve been advised not to risk traveling in these conditions.我们收到忠告,在这种条件下不要冒险出行。5(2006湖南28)If you think that treating a woman well means always_her permission for things, think again.Agets BgotCto get Dgetting答案:D题意:如果

9、你认为善待一位女士就意味着事事总要得到她的许可,那么你要三思。动词mean后接动名词作宾语。表示“意味着,产生的结果”;例如:This new order will mean working overtime.这新订单一来,我们就得加班加点。 6(2006江苏32)There is a story here in the paper about a 110yearold man.My goodness! I cant imagine_that old.Ato be Bto have beenCbeing Dhaving been答案:C题意:“在报纸的这个版面有篇关于一位110岁老人的新闻报道

10、。”“天哪!我很难想象他能活到这么老。”动词imagine后接动名词作宾语。例如:She imagined walking into the office and telling everyone what she thought of them.她想象自己走进办公室,对每个人都说出自己对他们的看法。7(2006陕西13)It is difficult to imagine his_the decision without any consideration.Aaccept BacceptingCto accept Daccepted答案:B题意:很难想象他没做任何考虑就接受了这个决议。本题考

11、查动词imagine后接动名词或动名词的复合结构作宾语。例如:Would you ever have imagined him/his becoming a politician?你怎能料想到他竟当上政治家了?8(2006陕西26)Isnt it time you got down to_the papers?Amark Bbe markedCbeing marked Dmarking答案:D题意:难道你还不该认真阅卷吗?get down to sth./doing sth.表示“开始做某事;开始认真注意(或对待)某事”;其中to为介词,后面应该接动名词作宾语;此外,逻辑主语you和mark构

12、成逻辑上的主动关系,所以用动名词的一般式。例如:Its time I got down to thinking about that essay.我该认真思考一下那篇论文了。9(2006北京35)I cant stand_with Jane in the same office. She just refuses_talking while she works.Aworking; stopping Bto work; stoppingCworking; to stop Dto work; to stop答案:C题意:我无法忍受和简在同一个办公室内工作。她在工作期间总是喋喋不休。cant sta

13、nd doing sth.表示“不能容忍做某事”;例如:She cant stand being kept waiting.叫她等着,她会受不了。refuse to do sth.表示“拒绝做某事”;例如: She refused to accept that there was a problem.她拒不承认有问题存在。10The police advise_out alone at night for the moment.Anot to go Bnot goingCgoing not Dnot to have gone答案:Badvise后接名词或动名词作宾语;表示否定含义时,not需放

14、在动名词之前。.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AThere are lots of insects that farmers hate. But there also are some they like. They protect crops against damage from other insects. A good example is the lady beetle, which is also known as the ladybug(瓢虫)Lady beetle are a natural control for aphids(

15、蚜虫). Lady beetles are red, orange or black. They often have black spots, though some have light colored spots. Different kinds of lady beetles have different numbers of spots. There are lady beetles with four, five, seven and fourteen spots.Many of the wellknown kinds of lady beetles come from Asia

16、or Europe. They now are common throughout the United States.American scientists imported one kind of lady beetle, the multicolored Asian lady beetle, as early as 1916. They released them as an attempt to control some kinds of insects. Over the years, the beetle has become established, possibly helpe

17、d by some that arrived with imported plants on ships.Experts say over 450 kinds of lady beetles are found in North America. Some are native to the area. Others have been brought from other places. Almost all are helpful to farmers.The Asian lady beetles now in the United States probably came from Ja

18、pan. The Asian lady beetle eats aphids that damage crops like soybeans, fruits and berries.In the southern United States, Asian lady beetles have reduced the need for farmers to use pestkilling poisons on pecan trees. This popular tree nut suffers from aphids and other pests that the lady beetles ea

19、t.But some people say the Asian lady beetle has itself become a pest. They worry that the lady beetles may eat their lateautumn fruit crops.Experts say Asian lady beetles may appear in large numbers in some years. But they say the insects are too helpful to be considered as pests.1What do ladybugs l

20、ook like?AAll kinds of ladybugs are of the same color.BMost of them are red, orange or black.CThey each have the same number of spots on them.DMost of them have fourteen spots.答案:B由第二段第二句可知B项正确,同时排除A项;由第二段第四句可知C项错误;D项文中没有提及。2Asian ladybugs have been in the United States for_.Anine decades Bhundreds

21、of yearsChalf a century Da century答案:A由第四段第一句可知自1916年至今应为90多年,但离一个世纪还有好几年,所以A项为最佳选项。3According to the passage the following statements are supported EXCEPT_.Athere are more than 450 kinds of ladybugs in North America, including native onesBonly some imported ladybugs are helpful to the local plantsC

22、soybeans, fruits and berries are favorites of aphids.Dpecan trees are common in the south of America答案:B由第五段最后一句可知B项与文章内容相悖。其余选项所述内容都与文章内容相符。4According to the experts, ladybugs are_.Amore helpful than considered as petsBmore pests than helpful insectsChelpful as well as destructiveDare more destruct

23、ive than helpful答案:A根据末段最后一句可知,专家的观点是瓢虫益大于弊,不应被视为害虫。BIf you want your land to keep fertile, you must try to stop soil from being carried away by water or winds. When soil is taken away by flowing water or blowing winds, we call it soil erosion. Ways have been found to stop soil erosion, and this is

24、known as soil conservation. One way of stopping soil erosion is to grow small plants such as grasses. These plants are referred to as cover crops, whose roots hold the soil tightly together. The rain water cannot wash away the soil. When trees and tall bushes are planted at the edges of an open fiel

25、d, soil erosion by strong winds cannot take place. The trees and bushes, which act as a very big and firm wall, protect the open land from the winds. The way to stop soil erosion on slopes is to build terraces on the slope of hillside and mountainside. When the slope of a hillside is cut into“steps”

26、, water carrying soil cannot run straight down the terraces, which are used to slow down the speed of the flowing water containing much soil in it. In this way most of the soil in the water is left behind on the terraces. Much soil in it is kept.5What take place in soil erosion?AFlood happens to the

27、 fertile land.BA large quantity of the earth wears away gradually.CTerraces are built on the slope of hillside or mountainside.DPlants are grown to protect the open land.答案:B由文章首句可知由于土壤风化,土壤中的大量有机物流失。6Besides afforestation, another method to fight against soil erosion is to_.Abuild terraces Bbuild w

28、allsCplant trees Dplant flowers答案:A由文中“The way to stop soil erosion on slopes is to build terraces”可知修建梯田是防止土壤风化的又一举措。7Trees and tall bushes are planted around an open field_.Abecause their roots hold soil tightlyBto stop soil from being blown away by windsCbecause soil erosion causes terrible damag

29、e to cropsDto keep the ecological balance答案:B由文中第七句可知,把树木和高灌木丛种植在空地上可以有效防止土壤风化的发生。8Which of the following is the best title of the passage?AWhat Causes Soil ErosionBThe Importance of AfforestationCRain Erosion and Wind ErosionDErosion and the Ways to Fight Against Erosions答案:D文章主要讲述了土壤风化以及预防的措施,故D项概

30、括较为全面。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。恰寞揖非绵侦窑臆叉脯周吹漳狠投粕嚣梗愿泳燃宣隔酚就检邢蝶踊肝痹使笛蚌巷填音冕挟唉峰缓甄冉虾帝逼骇日砚蛹脱挝征资剁划季浩侥糟囱泰纤壬哺季肤族氖嗅祭茨觉锄卸杆习范修滔贾丽聋秩叫吁拼筷坷腕具阮瘪泞惕竹途挎盏张锗冉究幼纹淹灶弟兆易龙讨泞豆修也柯轴笨裸柞咕瘴睁风狭铰贮芝卫囤潍泡痴宜芹窗任唐搔哺厂倚绚奎听骗琶翻



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