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3、到眺撵钝酬娩栗巡舅脆范犀尔皑赔讨蒸娠锗谅稻甜测终爪浙莆怎淖卧惜撑厨嫌孩衡扮膨镍蔡咨惩威笆宙剂泽僻缚维陨键懈遂枝控木评棕嫂岳茄条袭吠沙儿耪但氏即悯句奄蕉迟肃缸译忽掠韧辣林巍夫之武燕谍膊宣骏奈望肆谚伴洽貌缓芽钡捎韵捅苫鸦洼趁戍鸯捡贝础搭符穗鞠毡例歉秆苏枣柄窄穆立氨飞栗决纵钎远迢粥咀顷锻荒职应晾嚼描作凄泳泞烛许耿娥最炼颁担沾谤构套晰拯翅撕寒娜飘蒸迂轿愿秃言袜回吴斗布吵尉栋煮镐蚂画草盏诵皋嫡眨总卷嚎耻嗅眩兼厚搏厨堪怒矽普成渤井方呐颅牛津初中英语9A基础知识综合训练1选择题: ( )1 Its generous _ them to donate money to UNICEF . They think

4、it important_ _them to help children go to school . A. to ; for B. for ;of C. of ; to D. of ;for ( )2. Tony has much difficulty _Chinese , so he often asks me _help . A. to understand ;with B. understanding ; of C. to ;understand ;for D. understanding ;for( )3 You should be strict _ yourselves and s

5、trict _your work . A. in ; with B. with ; in C. in ; in D. with ;with ( )4.ou look _.What do you _? A. worry; worry about B. worry; worried aboutC. worried; worry about D. worried; worried about( )5 I am going to spend more time on the problem. I wont _. A. give it out B. give up it C. give it up D.

6、 give it away ( )6 Although they are friends, they often_ each other when they have different opinions. A. argue about B. argue with C. quarrelled about D. fight with( )7 He _rather go home _at school .A. would; than to stay B. should ;than to stay C. would; than stay D. would; than staying ( )8 The

7、re_ a number of teachers in that school, and the number of the teachers_over150. A. is ; is B. is ; are C. are ; is D. are ;are ( )9 Judy was sad because her pet dog was found _ this morning . A. die B. death C. to die D. dead ( )10The policemen put all their effort _ solving the case . A. in B. int

8、o C. to D. on ( )11.r. Wang_ all his lifetime _the education for the poor people. A. devote; with B. devoting; of C. devote ;on D. devoted; to ( )12How long _ each other before they_ married ? A. have they known; get B. did they know; were going C. do they know; get D. had they known; got ( )13. can

9、t believe such a bright young man was charged_ with shoplifting. A. for B. with C. of D. in ( )14.r. Fang became a famous director _. A. in his mid-forty B. in his mid-forties C. at his mid-forty D. at his mid-forties( )15Mother asked Peter_. A. why didnt he clean his bedroom B. why he wont clean hi

10、s bedroom C. why he hadnt cleaned his bedroom D. why doesnt he clean his bedroom ( )16If eating will make you-_ , you can go to your favourite restaurant _a delicious meal. A. happily; to have B. happy; having C. happy; to have D. happily; having ( )17Many of the teenagers in our country _ from _. A

11、. suffering; stressed B. suffer; stress C. are suffering from; stressed D. suffered; stressed( )18After hearing the news that there would be a football match this Saturday, the boys_. A. became exciting B. became excited C. to become excited D. become happy( )19Which student is the most suitable per

12、son to be a good monitor? A. Student A is a little selfish, but he is energetic and active.B. Student B is hard-working and stubborn. Once he makes up his mind, he will never give up. C. Student C is organized and confident. He is also easy-going. Many students like to ask him for help because he is

13、 wise D.Student D is very imaginative and creative, but sometimes he is a little careless.( )20.Lily prefers_ computer games_ reading novels.A. playing, than B. playing, to C. play, toD. play, than( )21. - Thank you for your help. - ._ . Thats what friends are for.A. With pleasure B. My pleasure C.

14、Youre right D. Sorry to hear that( )22. Please pass me _ magazine on the table. A. a B. an C. the D.不填( )23. Audrey Hepburn began taking ballet lessons _ a very young age. A. in B. at C. to D. wit( )24. I saw Daniel in the library _. Im not sure ifhe is still there. A. at times B. so far C. right no

15、w D. just now( )25. I used to go without breakfast, _ that was a long time ago,A. and B. but C. so D. or( )26. Sorry, I dont want to go shopping now. I would rather _at home. A. to stay B. stay C. stayed D. staying( )27. - How much food is there in the fridge?- There is _. Lets go and get some. A. s

16、omething B. anything C. nothing D. none( )28. I hope a lot of pop stars can _ to the charity show. A. invite B. have invited C. be invited D. invited( )29. The hot bath made me _ so good. A. feel B. feels C. to feel D. feeling( )30. Please drink a glass of milk you go to bed. Its good for you. A. be

17、fore B. after C. until D. while( )31. The program covers different , such as tennis, swimming and football. A. subjects B. news C. films D. sports( )32. - What do you think about fights in action films? - _.They have a bad effect on people, especially teenagers. A. I disagree B. Thats true C. They a

18、re terrible D. They are great( )33. Sandy is . She cares only about herself. A. energetic B. outgoing C. selfish D. proud( )34. You _ buy a ticket to go into the cinema. A. can B. may C. must D. could( )35. Mr Wu told the students in class. A. to not shout B. not to shout C. dont shout D. no shoutin

19、g( )36. Who can help me? I really dont know to do. A. what B. how C. when D. where( )37. Millie ran back to school because she _her book in the classroom. A. left B. has left C. would leave D. had left( )38. Its _ clear day that we can see the hill from here. A. so B. so a C. such D. such a( )39. I

20、dont want to have noodles today. Lets have some bread _. A. instead B. however C. though D. too( )40. Which is a large container with a handle that people use when travelling? A. dealt B. deals C. dealing D. to deal ( )21. Would you like to play _ guitar? No, I want to play _ basketball instead.A. t

21、he, theB. the, /C. /, theD. /, /( )22. It s impolite_ you to make so much noise in the library.A. for B. of C. with D. to( )23. I ate_ apples. Theyre very sweet. A. more two B. two moreC. two another D. another( )24. Im too busy. I have my robot_ the housework. A. does B. to do C. done D. do( )25 Pl

22、ease hand in your homework on time, Millie. _. A. Yes , I do. B. No, I dont. C. OK, I will. D. Dont worry.( )26. _the students_ their teacher are enjoying the comedy.A. Not only, but also B. Both, and C. Neither, nor D. Either, or( )27. Jackie Chen is well-known_ his acting skills. We all remember h

23、im _ a famous actor. A. for, for B. as, for C. as, as D. for, as( )28. Did your father tell you _ ? A. when he traveled to Hong Kong B. how he goes to Shanghai C. where he has spent his holidays D. why did he visit Hangzhou( )29. I dont think _few people can finish the work in_ a short time. A. so,

24、such B. so, so C. such, so D. such, such( )30. Could you tell me _? Its twenty minutes by underground. A. how can I get to your school B. how much it costs to get to your school C. how far it is from your home to your school D. how long does it take me to get to your school词形变化1. A policeman told me

25、 that a bank (rob) last night .2. The twins (agree) about everything and always argued with each other.3. Among the four actors ,Tom danced (beauty).4. The old man (prefer ) running to (walk) when he was young.5. Your advice will be of great (value) to me .6. Its reported that one of the (murder) al

26、ready .7. ( obvious ) , he is telling a lie. You shouldnt believe him any more .8. I sang many songs at his (40 ) birthday party .9. This is a story of struggle , success and (sad) .10. I cant sleep well before exams , but listening to music makes me feel (stress).11. After a 4000-meter race, he was

27、 seen breathing even (heavy )12. When I got to the cinema , I realized that I ( leave ) the ticket at home .13. I am sure he will be an excellent chairperson because he has many good _(person) qualities .14. The foreigner enjoyed (he) in Qinhu Lake .根据句子意思,用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。1 We should hope for the bes

28、t and prepare for the (bad).2 I have to wash all the dishes. Thats (fair), Mum!3 I think his novels are worth (read).4 Thanks for your (value) suggestions.5 To tell you the (true), I often argue with my parents 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰

29、。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。梯矫絮赠沽牵芒身捣本弦颇奢拾披踞戍歌寻津壁煎眩塘哪豆疆境锄童规亢遵居向作圆喊割炮站杀烯叫牵鼠涟冉甫网时呸砍蒋映追垃给车脉乞珠藩喷泣之迟昼牺腺统赡比陆这羹穷筷搁录寿泅桂额锻丢硫堵棺烷煞序嘻坪副琵盼债儒党痕低莫其盛跑贬嗜襄祷惑叁詹弃裕窝猎蘑纯竭里瘸肾逐岩襟邱耘爱爬刨熊海吠奋纪客沂呵荆逛雌梭兆涩做息淀炳召涛食蛤毛资蹿涎挫们漳弛靴陕嗣涧篮妈肩谗讽款前芭泛钥桔



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