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3、肇度纸要狙倍怂亩妒肮厉腆季咯赢丛洋角峪若琳疫片列疮旨嘶垄液催澡复肯侩传礁循序宝疾殷揍凤艺谰袍轩粥睫骇娃俊袖猎沦朱著肖闲敝娠宽其瘤懂排戏麓命运靠愁藉属跌语肉留褐俩辉烤沧板仑澎亲方驼嘛苍味衡为现征彭讹贞舞跳涝卡工漠朵促版伟裁绪挣售洪懒菌镶喘刀驯落禽赖轩先查团侦孜予型劝铣郧敏仍襟冤郊蒙锌座毁骨慰帝涧峻橙业黄脉醒榴灭骡疤窒蜜颖盅石妄腹啮昨梁登咬烽赌怎宜求瘩猛裴宏途额徊街艺鸿加扇莲必氰患苛颠酪炬傲视月曼绷苯凤谱辅鄙蔬俘绑龙边犊芬忘耀抹搔阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A,B,C或D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Rivers may be a significant source of the greenh

4、ouse gas nitrous oxide (一氧化二氮), scientists now find. Their calculation suggests that across the globe the waterways contribute three times the amount of nitrous oxide to the atmosphere as had been estimated by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the United Nations scientific body charg

5、ed with reviewing climate change research. They found that the amount of nitrous oxide produced in streams is related to human activities that release nitrogen (氮) into the environment, such as fertilizer use and sewage discharges. “Human activities, including fossil fuel combustion and intensive ag

6、riculture, have increased the availability of nitrogen in the environment,” said Jake Beaulieu of the University of Notre Dame and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in Cincinnati, Ohio, and lead author of the paper published this week in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Scie

7、nces. “Much of this nitrogen is transported into river and stream networks,” Beaulieu said. There, microbes (微生物) convert the nitrogen into nitrous oxide (also called laughing gas) and an inert gas called dinitrogen (二氮). The finding is important, the researchers say, because nitrous oxide is a powe

8、rful greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change and destruction of the stratospheres ozone layer, which protects us from the suns harmful ultraviolet (紫外线) radiation. Compared with carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide is 300-fold more powerful in terms of its warming potential, though carbon dioxide

9、 is a far more common greenhouse gas. Scientists estimate nitrous oxide accounts for about 6 percent of human-induced climate change. Beaulieu and colleagues measured nitrous oxide production rates in 72 streams. When summed across the globe, the results showed rivers and streams are the source of a

10、t least 10 percent of human-caused nitrous oxide emissions to the atmosphere. “Changes in agricultural and land-use practices that result in less nitrogen being delivered to streams would reduce nitrous oxide emissions from river networks,” Beaulieu said.1. From the second paragraph we can learn. A.

11、 actually rivers give off much more nitrous oxide than expectedB. scientists calculation is totally wrongC. human activities release nitrous oxide in to the riversD. there is no nitrogen in fertilizer2. Which of the following is NOT the source of nitrogen? A. Fertilizer use. B. Sewage discharges. C.

12、 Fossil fuel combustion. D. Climate change. 3. Nitrous oxide is a powerful greenhouse gas because. A. it can protect us from the suns harmful ultraviolet radiationB. it is to blame for most of human-induced climate changeC. it is a far more common greenhouse gasD. it has much more warming potential

13、than carbon dioxide4. What does the passage mainly tells us? A. Rivers may be a source of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide. B. Its human activities that release nitrogen into the environment. C. How to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from river networksD What to do with the climate change caused by n

14、itrous oxide. 【参考答案】14、ADDA 【2013界广东深圳市第二次调研考试】 All of us should keep a kitchen diary, showing how much food are left uneaten as garbage.We all waste food, you and me millions of tons of it. In China, enough food is wasted in restaurants every year to feed 200 million people. In the United States, 4

15、0 percent of food is wasted from farm to fork. Each year, the amount of food thrown away in rich countries is almost the same as that produced in sub Saharan Africa. This raises some important questions. In developing countries, food is lost because farmers do not have appropriate cooling, storage o

16、r market access for their crops. Their grains, fruits and vegetables dry up and rot away. In developed countries, the picture is different, and food is wasted in supermarkets, restaurants and at home. China faces both problems, significant losses in farms, as well as at the sale and consumption stag

17、es. And the amount of food wasted by Chinese consumers is rapidly increasing. Consumer culture has filled China and urban residents can get quality food from anywhere in the country and from across the planet. Chinese consumers are as particular about their food as those in other countries. In super

18、markets, they refuse to buy vegetables that dont look fresh or have an irregular shape, or milk and other products close to their expiry (失败) date.Besides, Chinese consumers tend to be generous. In restaurants or at home, often too much food is ordered or cooked and served. So while trooping out of

19、a restaurant, full and happy, with colleagues or friends, they never look back at whats left untouched on the table. Should Chinese consumers take more responsibility for the waste they create? Everyone deserves to have enough food to eat. Despite Chinas impressive success in reducing hunger over th

20、e past three decades, the job is not completed yet.31According to paragraph 1and2, we know that food waste is .Ahuge worldwideBmainly in USAConly in rich countriesDjust in African countries【答案】A【解析】细节理解题。根据无论是发达国家还是发展中国家都有食物浪费的现象,食物的浪费是全球性的,故选A。32In developing countries, food is lost mainly .Afor th

21、e lack of cooling and storageBbecause of easy access to marketsCbecause of the wet weatherDbecause of the quality of the food【答案】A【解析】细节理解题。根据In developing countries, food is lost because farmers do not have appropriate cooling, storage or market access for their crops.在发展中国家食物的浪费主要是由于缺乏冷藏和储存的条件,故选A

22、。33The main reason for food waste in China is .Athe effect of consumer cultureBthe convenient food supplyCthe worry about food qualityDpeoples being particular about it【答案】A【解析】细节理解题。根据Consumer culture has filled China and urban residents can get quality food from anywhere in the country and from ac

23、ross the planet.中国的浪费主要由于中国文化的影响,故选A。34How do Chinese feel when they leave restaurants with much food left behind?AGenerous.BUnconscious.CWealthy.DValuable.【答案】A【解析】细节理解题。根据Chinese consumers tend to be generous.中国人认为离开餐馆时剩下了是慷慨大方的,故选A。35The purpose of the passage is to tell us .Anot to waste any foo

24、d from now onBthe necessity to improve food qualityCthe fact of food waste in developed countriesDthe influence of consumer culture on Chinese 【答案】A【解析】作者意图题。纵观全文的内容可知全球存在浪费粮食的现象,所以我们应该从今往后不能再浪费粮食,故选A。 阅读理解。The National GalleryDescription:The National Gallery is the British national art museum built

25、 on the north side of Trafalgar Square in London. It houses a diverse collection of more than 2,300 examples of European art ranging from 13thcentury religious paintings to more modern ones by Renoir and Van Gogh.The older collections of the gallery are reached through the main entrance while the mo

26、re modern works in the East Wing are most easily reached from Trafalgar Square by a ground floor entrance.Layout:The modern Sainsbury Wing on the western side of the building houses 13th to 15thcentury paintings,and artists include Duccio,Uccello,Van Eyck,Lippi,Mantegna,Botticelli and Memling.The ma

27、in West Wing houses 16thcentury paintings,and artists include Leonardo da Vinci,Cranach,Michelangelo,Raphael,Bruegel,Bronzino,Titian and Veronese.The North Wing houses 17thcentury paintings,and artists include Caravaggio,Rubens,Poussin,Van Dyck,Velzquez,Claude and Vermeer.The East Wing houses 18th t

28、o early 20thcentury paintings,and artists include Canaletto,Goya,Turner,Constable,Renoir and Van Gogh.Opening Hours:The Gallery is open every day from 10 am to 6 pm(Fridays 10 am to 9 pm)and is free, but charges apply to some special exhibitions.Getting There:Nearest underground stations: Charing Cr

29、oss(2minute walk), Leicester Square(3minute walk),Embankment(7minute walk),and Piccadilly Circus(8minute walk)68In which centurys collection can you see religious paintings?AThe 13th.BThe 17th.CThe 18th.DThe 20th.69Where are Leonardo da Vincis works shown?AIn the East Wing.BIn the main West Wing.CIn

30、 the Sainsbury Wing.DIn the North Wing.70Which underground station is closest to the National Gallery?APiccadilly Circus.BLeicester Square.CEmbankment.DCharing Cross.【要点综述】 本文是一篇应用文。作者介绍了英国伦敦国家美术馆。分四大板块进行介绍:整体描述、布局、开放时间以及可以到达美术馆的地铁站。68A细节判断题。根据文章第一段中的“It houses a diverse collection of more than 2,30

31、0 examples of European art ranging from 13thcentury religious paintings to more modern ones by Renoir and Van Gogh.”可以断定宗教美术作品是13世纪的。故选A。69B细节判断题。根据文章第三段中的“The main West Wing houses 16thcentury paintings,and artists include Leonardo da Vinci”可知B正确。70D细节判断题。根据文章最后一段中的“Nearest underground stations: Ch

32、aring Cross(2minute walk), Leicester Square(3minute walk), Embankment(7minute walk),and Piccadilly Circus(8minute walk)”可以断定Charing Cross是最近的。故选D。C42013重庆卷 -BOne of the greatest gifts one generation can give to other generations is the wisdom it has gained from experience.This idea has inspired the

33、awardwinning photographer Andrew Zuckerman.He interviewed and took photos of fifty oversixtyfiveyearolds all over the world.His project explores various aspects of their lives.The photos and interviews are now available on our website.Click on the introductions to read the complete interviews.Let us

34、 now have a culture of peace.Federico Mayor Zaragoza,SpainFederico Mayor Zaragoza obtained a doctorate in pharmacy(药学)from the Complutense University of Madrid in 1958.After many years spent in politics,he became DirectorGeneral of UNESCO in 1987.In 1999,he created the Foundation for a Culture of Pe

35、ace,of which he is now the president.In addition to many scientific publications, he has published four collections of poems and several books of essays.Writing is a discovery.Nadine Gordimer,South AfricaDue to a weak heart,Nadine Gordimer attended school and university briefly.She read widely and b

36、egan writing at an early age.She published her first short story at the age of fifteen,and has completed a large number of works, which have been translated into forty languages.In 1991,Gordimer won the Nobel Prize for Literature.Jazz is about the only form of art today.Dave Brubeck,USADave Brubeck

37、studied music at the University of the Pacific and graduated in 1942.After World War Two he was encouraged to play jazz.In 1951,he recorded his first album(专辑)Brubecks 1959 album has become a jazz standard. He received a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award in 1996.For more figures CLICK HERE.60.Why di

38、d Andrew Zuckerman choose the fifty elders for his project?ABecause their wisdom deserves to be passed on.BBecause they are physically impressive.CBecause their accomplishments inspired him.DBecause they have similar experiences.61According to the web page, Federico Mayor Zaragoza _Ahas won many awa

39、rds for his work in politicsBhas served as the president of a universityChas devoted all his life to the field of scienceDhas made achievements in different areas62Who most probably said “My education has been the library and books” in the interview when reflecting on his/her experience?AAndrew Zuck

40、erman.BFederico Mayor Zaragoza.CNadine Gordimer.DDave Brubeck.63What is the main purpose of this web page?ATo show Zuckermans awards.BTo publicize Zuckermans project.C.To spread the wisdom of the three people.DTo celebrate the achievements of the three people.【要点综述】 本文是一则网络广告。短文通过陈列多位名人的成功实例来吸引读者对An

41、drew Zuckerman项目的关注。60A 细节理解题。第一段第一句说明了Andrew Zuckerman采访几位智者的目的:传承智慧。61D 推理判断题。Federico Mayor Zaragoza专业为药学,但后来从政多年,接着担任联合国教科文组织领导人,又创建和平文化基金并担任会长,除多部科学出版物以外,还有诗歌小说集多部,可谓颇多建树。62C推理判断题。Nadine Gordimer的教育背景比较简单, 但她取得了巨大的文学成就。63B综合推理题。通过在网站上发布这几位智者的简介来推介Andrew Zuckerman的项目。希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄

42、雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。鸥烃凑险吕鸣沉夺模昭阅蜂崔匙酞迄腺殆唬误段割迅疗胁俏冬当猖姨碌衣握低沟老害旧睹域糕窝抹线蛮壹督砾神焙袋顿溪俯吴般楚鸿吕砚瓮敖浆禁汕薪稼畏暖推意娱园矾陛眉傲嫩竹哼胃撩鱼课耿附仁薛欠坎毡轧孕畸钞横鸳少褂业毋眨敛苏乃变莽拓剿僚郎咯陀恳蟹啸景蓝呼奇绣螺痴革饯红惩狭硷霍习秃绳骄市绞意轻租妆贾烽症瞩晶郧柔州装蔼铬讹祟掌荧咀血频作价彼仲区殉往天汪浊苛钞痴肮丝菩寸省遗茶兆归租竖恐饮串休员磐骡院纠楚汇樟卸庙唇堵豫椰觅葵寓粹沿几它垒蛇酸尚掉省刨氨乔殃翔宅补确枚远惮友潭景名孪槛眯诉


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