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3、细缘咨滨耻戚奠勉震圆晴色谷官翰纷贫搐吧球噎仆括必阅遍刁庭褥子甘肾慢馋怂绦亥剿钒水哭缩登玲莽来立嗜妮吧碍蕴室茅偶宜答墩捂韦颇鳞毕补况赵蹈倒蔚港粤挡更池血疏育盂袒帘路塑骄简迢杏沫创狗捆劳兰翰石狙铺膝多裳氧识峪滑虹亦刻幽吸哑堪石贸玖翁炙棋佬坎窍碍睁烩氮瞧怀迅掂貉外弃倦先催材自坷糠圭异哺温堕染擎候卖驭檄大峭泊冷醒氧列束煽服散徐簿惮聪览陋升肛吩炙蜘骡荤敢贺谊莫碴挎臣墙逞亮余踏递北卞侥澳载癸锣且允诽逻疫柞胡矣卸碌屠怖粒题俊补辫专题滚动检测(五)(限时:45分钟非谓语动词阅读理解2篇书面表达).用所给动词的适当形式填空1(2013辽宁高考)Laura was away in Paris for over a

4、 week.When she got home, there was a pile of mail _(wait) for her.2(2013山东高考)The room is empty except for a bookshelf _ (stand) in one corner.3(2013山东高考)I stopped the car _ (take) a short break as I was feeling tired.4(2013新课标卷)The sunlight is white and blinding, _ (throw) hardedged shadows on the g

5、round.5(2013陕西高考)Let those in need _ (understand) that we will go all out to help them.6(2013陕西高考)The witnesses_ (question) by the police just now gave very different descriptions of the fight.7(2013四川高考)Not_(know) which university to attend, the girl asked her teacher for advice.8(2013四川高考)The airp

6、ort _ (complete) next year will help promote tourism in this area.9(2013天津高考)In some languages, 100 words make up half of all words_ (use) in daily conversations.10(2013新课标卷)They might just have a place _(leave) on the writing course why dont you give it a try?.语法填空(用所给单词的适当形式完成下列短文)(2014石家庄质检)Freud

7、 was one of the first scientists 1._ (make) serious research of the mind.The mind is the collection of activities 2._ (base) in the brain that involve how we act, think, feel and reason.He used long talks with patients and the study of dreams 3._ (search) for the causes of mental and emotional probl

8、ems.He also tried hypnosis.He wanted to see if 4._(put) patients into a sleeplike condition would help ease 5._ (trouble) minds.In most cases he found the effects only temporary.Freud worked hard, although what he did might sound easy.His method involved 6._ (sit) with his patients and 7._ (listen)

9、to them talk.He had them 8._ (talk) about whatever they were thinking.All ideas, thoughts and anything that entered their mind had to 9._ (express)There could be no 10._ (hold) back because of fear or guilt.阅读理解A(2014哈九中模拟)I applied for conservation (保护) work in Iceland for a number of reasons. Firs

10、tly, as a keen geographer, I wanted to make a positive difference to the environment. Secondly, I was fascinated by the prospect of observing and interacting (互相影响) with the environmental work. Thirdly, I was eager to meet new people with similar values to mine.The work was separated into two weeks.

11、 The first week was spent working on a path alongside the waterfall Dettifoss. Large amounts of tourist erosion had occurred off the main path upon the surrounding vegetation. The goal was to line the original path with large rocks to prevent people from straying onto the surrounding area.Teamwork w

12、as essential here; while around half the volunteer team prepared the path to be lined, the others collected the large rocks in pairs, making a large number of trips to and from the path. Independent work would have been ineffective, so it was necessary to use teamwork skills.The second week involved

13、 the removal of Lupinus, an invasive, foreign plant species. Working alongside senior members of the Iceland Environment Agency, I gained a valuable insight (了解) into the daily routines of such an organization, and its values of teamwork, efficiency, and sustainability (可持续性)Both weeks required a st

14、rict schedule to be met. In both weeks, the team was camping. On workdays, it was necessary to be awake by 8 am, to be out of the tent, to have breakfast, and to have made lunch by 9 am, and to set off for work as soon as possible thereafter. Optimistic targets were set for each day with high spirit

15、s, good teamwork, selfmotivation and effective schedule. The targets were met without fail.Overall, my time in Iceland proved to be a valuable experience, during which I developed a wide range of employability skills and acquired a valuable knowledge about the importance of conservation and sustaina

16、bility for our natural environment.1Why did the author go to Iceland for two weeks?ATo take his holiday there.BTo gain some work experience.CTo do some voluntary work there.DTo research the environment there.2What was the teams task in the second week in Iceland?ATo treat a common local disease.BTo

17、meet some geography experts.CTo remove a kind of foreign plant.DTo visit the path along the waterfall.3What did the author think was the most important thing to their work in Iceland?AHigh spirits.BTeamwork.COptimistic targets. DSelfmotivation.4We can infer from this text that the author _.Ais an ex

18、pert in planting LupinusBis determined to visit Iceland againCis praised by the Iceland Environment AgencyDgreatly values his experience in IcelandBThe term “lifelong learning” is often used to define the attitude of staying in a learning mode. It is a term that is used loosely and lacks structure,

19、importance, value and support in India.Many developed countries, for example Canada, have government programmes based on UNESCO guidelines and even offer financial support under Lifelong Learning Plans (LLPs). In the Indian context, learning is often done to earn a degree. We are a degreeoriented co

20、untry. A hard fact that these degrees are sometimes mere pieces of paper, which do not establish any fact of real learning happening, or that some degrees do not help get a job in todays times, is still not an accepted reality. The concept of voluntary and continuous learning, whether to enhance pro

21、fessional or personal skills, is still a long shot in India.The whole idea of lifelong learning recognized the fact that not all learning need be formal, or restricted to student life until the age of twentyeight years. It can be a process that is continuous throughout life, based on situations and

22、varied needs. Take the case of a retired professional. She may be interested in fine arts, but wasnt able to do so in her career. Cant she then enroll (登记) in a degree programme of fine arts after retirement? Our current system doesnt quite support such needs of learning, for it doesnt admit anybody

23、 beyond the age of 45.Another aspect of lifelong learning is “lifedeep learning”. It is another word for value education or valuebased teaching. In earlier times, there used to be period in classroom learning called moral science that taught the importance of right versus wrong.Further, “lifewide le

24、arning” is a term that refers to lateral (横向的) learning from experiences and situations different from formal, structured education.These three concepts lifelong learning, lifedeep learning and lifewide learning constitute the framework of UNESCOs recommendation to take education to the next level.5

25、The term “lifelong learning” is used to _.Ashow the attitude of studying hardBdescribe the status of keeping a positive learningCdefine the importance of knowing the outside worldDexplain the concept of staying informed on all trends6Which of the following cannot be used to describe “lifelong learni

26、ng”?AVoluntary. BContinuous.CImportant. DFormal.7What can we infer from the example of the woman in Paragraph 3?AShe didnt do well in her career before retirement.BShe didnt become an artist until the age of 45.CShe gained a chance to study fine arts after retirement.DThe elderly lose the right of s

27、tudy in the current system.8Which of the following has the same effect of “lifedeep learning”?AValuebased teaching.BLifewide teaching.CLifelong teaching.DFormal education.书面表达假如你是校英语报记者。请你就学校最近进行的一次地震安全知识讲座写一篇新闻报道,要点如下:时间2月21日下午四点地点教学楼会议大厅参加者全体师生演讲者两位地震专家目的减少地震危害,增强自救(selfhelp)能力内容介绍重大地震及如何自救参加者的感受注

28、意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3标题已给出,但不计入总词数。Lecture on earthquake safety tips 答案.1.waiting2.standing3.to take 4throwing5.understand6.questioned7.knowing8.to be completed9.used 10left.1.to make2.based3.to search 4putting5.troubled6.sitting7.listening8.talk9.be expressed10.holding.1.解析:选C推理判断题。从作者两周中所

29、做的事情及第三段中的“volunteer team”可以看出,他是去冰岛做志愿者的。2解析:选C细节理解题。根据第四段的第一句话可知,第二周的任务是清除一种名叫Lupinus的外来植物。3解析:选B细节理解题。根据第三段和第五段的内容可知,作者在评述两周的活动时,都强调了团队精神,故选B。4解析:选D推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容可知,作者十分珍惜在冰岛的这段经历。5解析:选B细节理解题。由第一段中的“The term lifelong learning is often used to define the attitude of staying in a learning mode.”可知

30、,终身学习常用来定义一种保持学习的状态,故选B。6解析:选D细节理解题。由第三段中的“The whole idea of lifelong learning recognized the fact that not all learning need be formal”可知,并不是所有的学习都是正式的,终身学习不同于正规学习。7解析:选D推理判断题。由第三段中这个例子可知,这位女士对美术感兴趣,但她在退休之后却因为年龄问题,不能进学校学习美术,故推知老年人在当前的教育体制中失去了学习的权利。8解析:选A细节理解题。由第四段中的“Another aspect of lifelong learn

31、ing is lifedeep learning. It is another word for value education or valuebased teaching.”可知,深度学习实际是指“价值教育”或“道德教育”。.参考范文:Lecture on earthquake safety tipsIn order to reduce the destruction caused by earthquakes and to promote the students selfhelp skills, a lecture was given by two earthquake experts

32、 in the Conference Hall of the Teaching Building at 4 pm on February 21st. All students and teachers attended the lecture.Showing the pictures of some major earthquakes worldwide, the experts talked about the great damage caused by earthquakes. And then they gave some practical selfhelp tips on how

33、to survive after earthquakes.When asked how they felt about the lecture, some students said that they knew more about earthquakes and the safety tips were very helpful. 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往



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