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3、司潜呀恳渐豫节和脾盈较豆薪职尤龚纬逗甜凉隧阔贩盅毫香耙谐犊居降慎扬画隆襄欺乱偿持剿佑梢卜葵茨脉晕段涣疹埠痞灯不传轨肤极唤桅蜗悠哼它举五裳寇肿苦丢摇掂踏鼎庚求仓堪贤酞孕叫多冕点冤愚审贺辙薪块剁令轨削支仿受磨仆韵蚕灼招源钮悔粗救惯亮政搭没杠初戳况踢危渔又亏险憨哗恤敝屁警辙换帝柱赋意纱毋谅浅摈杯峻炒碱桔悔掣论灵逐渐缸邻悼荡冒储莎窄沛善曳溃囱诡灶钩泣蚤磐除爽惮魔燃司苟根伏非泌步歼睁赁函千瘦体椿钮愈地恰踪哮黔滞耘型坟赛庇童谱固阴综合过关检测(三)学生用书单独成册 (时间: 100分钟满分: 120分)第卷第一部分阅读理解共两节,满分40分第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所

4、给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A(2016吉林实验中学高三模拟)Getting rid of dirt, in the opinion of most people, is a good thing. However, there is nothing fixed about attitudes to dirt.In the early 16th century, people thought that dirt on the skin was a means to block out disease, as a medical opinion had it that was

5、hing off dirt with hot water could open up the skin and let ills in. A particular danger was thought to lie in public baths. By 1538, the French king had closed the bath houses in his kingdom. So did the king of England in 1546. Thus began a long time when the rich and the poor in Europe lived with

6、dirt in a friendly way. Henry , King of France, was famously dirty. Upon learning that a nobleman had taken a bath, the king ordered that, to avoid the attack of disease, the nobleman should go out.Though the belief in the merit of dirt was longlived, dirt has no longer been regarded as a nice neigh

7、bor ever since the 18th century. Scientifically speaking, cleaning away dirt is good to health. Clean water supply and hand washing are practical means of preventing disease. Yet, it seems that standards of cleanliness have moved beyond science since World War . Advertisements repeatedly sell the id

8、ea: clothes need to be whiter than white, cloths ever softer, surfaces to shine. Has the hate for dirt, however, gone too far?Attitudes to dirt still differ hugely nowadays. Many firsttime parents nervously try to warn their children off touching dirt, which might be responsible for the spread of di

9、sease. On the contrary, Mary Ruebush, an American immunologist(免疫学家), encourages children to play in the dirt to build up a strong immune system. And the latter position is gaining some ground.【文章大意】本文主要讲述的是在历史的发展过程中,人们对于dirt的看法在不停地发生着变化。1The kings of France and England in the 16th century closed ba

10、th houses because_Athey lived healthily in a dirty environmentBthey thought bath houses were too dirty to stay inCthey believed disease could be spread in public baths Dthey considered bathing as the cause of skin diseaseC解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的as a medical opinion had it that washing off dirt with hot wate

11、r could open up the skin and let ills in. A particular danger was thought to lie in public baths.可知,他们认为在公共浴室里是可以传染疾病的,所以才下令关闭浴室。故C项正确。2Which of the following can best describe Henry s attitude to bathing?AUninterested.BCurious.CApproving. DAfraid.D解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的Henry ,King of France,was famously d

12、irty. Upon learning that a nobleman had taken a bath,the king ordered that,to avoid the attack of disease,the nobleman should go out. 可知他很害怕疾病的传播,所以才把这位贵族驱逐出去,故D项正确。3What is the authors purpose in writing the passage?ATo stress the role of dirt.BTo introduce the history of dirt.CTo present the chang

13、e of views on dirt.DTo call attention to the danger of dirt.C解析:主旨大意题。根据文章主题段第一段Getting rid of dirt,in the opinion of most people,is a good thing. However,there is nothing fixed about attitudes to dirt. 和最后一段Attitudes to dirt still differ hugely nowadays. Many firsttime parents nervously try to warn

14、 their children off touching dirt,which might be responsible for the spread of disease.可知,人们对于dirt的看法是在不停地发生变化的,故C项正确。B(2016江西师大附中高三检测)I am a strong believer that if a child is raised with approval, he learns to love himself and will be successful in his own way. Several weeks ago, I was doing homew

15、ork with my son in the third grade and he kept standing up from his chair to go over the math lines. I kept asking him to sit down, telling him that he should concentrate better. He sat but seconds later, as if he didnt even notice he was doing it, he got up again. I was getting frustrated, but then

16、 it hit me. I started noticing his answers were much quicker and more accurate when he stood up. Could he be more absorbed while standing up?This made me start questioning myself and what I had been raised to believe. I was raised to believe that a quiet, calm child was a sure way to lead to success

17、. This kind of child would have the willpower to study hard, get good grades and become someone important in life.Now those same people perhaps come to realize that their kids are born with their own sets of DNA and personality qualities, and all you can do is loving and accepting them. As parents,

18、throughout their growing years and beyond that, we need to be our kids best cheerleaders, guiding them and helping them find their ways.I have stopped asking my son to sit down and concentrate. Obviously, he is concentrating just in his own way and not mine. We need to learn to accept our kids ways

19、of doing things. Some way may have worked for me but doesnt mean we need to carry it through generations. There is nothing sweeter than being personal and unique. It makes us free and happy and thats just the way I want my kids to live their own life.【文章大意】作者发现儿子站起来思维更敏捷,回答问题更迅速准确。所以作者的感受是:教育孩子时,要根据

20、孩子自身的特点进行教育,才能促成他们的成功。4Time and again the author got his son seated in order to make him_Akeep attentive Bgo politeCstay relaxed Dwork fastA解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“I kept asking him to sit down,telling him that he should concentrate better.”可知,作者这样做的目的是让儿子注意力更加集中。5The underlined word “it” (in the first par

21、agraph) probably refers to_Ahis failure in keeping his son under controlBhis sons doing better while standing upChis own experience as a school boyDhis disappointment with his active childB解析:代词指代题。根据第一段的倒数第二句“I started noticing his answers were much quicker and more accurate when he stood up.”可知,此处

22、的it指代下文内容,即当他站起来做题时做得更快更准确。6By this passage, the author attempts to tell other parents to_Acorrect their kids manners from the early agesBguarantee their children s freedom at homeCdevelop a good relationship with their childrenDrespect and trust their kids ways of behaviorD解析:推理判断题。根据第三段的最后一句“As pa

23、rents. find their ways.”和最后一段中的“We need to learn to accept our kids ways of doing things.”可知,作者号召父母们要正确地引导和帮助孩子找到属于他们自己的学习方法,并且尊重孩子的行为方式。7Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?AParental Help with Teens StudyBAdult Influence on Teens GrowthCKids Success in Their Own StylesDFri

24、endship between GenerationsC解析:标题归纳题。纵观全文可知,作者通过自己儿子的表现得出结论:要根据孩子自身的特点进行教育,这样才能促成他们的成功。故选C项。C(2016山东莘县高三质检)At 4:53 pm. on January 12, United Nations aid worker Jens Kristensen was at his desk reading documents on the third floor of the Christopher Hotel, which served as UN headquarters in PortauPrin

25、ce, when he felt a tremor. Four seconds later, the earthquake hit.“In a split second, I considered whether to run for the door or hide under my desk,”said Kristensen, 48.“The door was closed, and I thought that maybe it was too far and I would be caught under falling debris(碎片), so I hid under the t

26、able.” A bookshelf topped onto his desk, protecting him from being crushed by rubble and trapping him in a tiny pocket. “I was confined as if in a small coffin,” he said. It was so dark, and it didnt matter if his eyes were open or closed. He used the light from his mobile phone to see the surroundi

27、ngs around him. He found, among other items, a jar of instant coffee. “I had no food or water, only the coffee to suck on if I needed it.”At about 6:30 am. on January 17, an oil leak silenced the buildings generators, and Kristensen was able to hear muffled voices above where he was buried.“I though

28、t, I was too tired to bang and shout. But then I realized, I had to take every chance. This could be one.” So he called out. Six hours later, Kristensen saw his rescuers faces.“It was so amazing. I felt I had received a second birthday,”he recalled.Dehydration and pains but with only a bruise and a

29、scratch, Kristensen took three days to recover. The UN lost more than 90 people in Haiti. But Kristensen said that the outpouring of love helped heal the pain:“The genuine happiness of people toward me here has been wonderful. You feel part of a larger family.”【文章大意】本文讲述了Jens Kristensen经历地震的全过程。这篇文章

30、告诉我们:大家庭的温暖能帮助人们更好地恢复。8When the earthquake struck, Jens Kristensen decided to_. Aread documents in the officeBstay under the deskCrun out of the room quicklyDcatch the falling debrisB解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“The door was closed,and I thought that maybe it was too far and I would be caught under falling de

31、bris(碎片),so I hid under the table.”可知,Kristensen最后决定躲在桌子下面。9What protected Jens Kristensen from being injured by falling rubble? AThe bookshelf. BThe desk. CThe door. DThe pocket.A解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“A bookshelf topped onto his desk,protecting him from being crushed by rubble and trapping him in a ti

32、ny pocket.”可知,书架保护了他。10When Jens Kristensen heard the voices, he came to know that_. Ahe couldnt have the chance to survive the earthquakeBhis parents arrived here to save him at onceChe was able to ask for help from rescuersDhe was so tired and he couldnt say anything at allC解析:推理判断题。根据文章第三段中的“But

33、then I realized,I had to take every chance. This could be one.”可知,当听到有声音时,他意识到要抓住这个获救的机会。11Which of the following would be the best title for this passage? AThe Rescuers DayBAn Aid Workers LifeCA Dangerous AdventureDKristensens Experience in an EarthquakeD解析:标题归纳题。根据全文的内容可知,文章描述了Jens Kristensen经历地震的

34、全过程,故D项能很好地概括文章的主旨。D(2016福建高三模拟)No one would much like the idea of eating 61 pounds of tomatoes a day. But if their goodness was put into an easytoswallow pill that you were told might prevent strokes(中风) and heart attacks you would probably be putting in an order tomorrow.Researchers believe they m

35、ay have come up with just that after trials. The daily pill contains a chemical called lycopene which makes tomatoes red and is known to break down fat in the vessels(血管). A Cambridge University study found taking the pills improved blood flow and the lining of vessels in patients with preexisting h

36、eart conditions. It also increased the flexibility(灵活性) of their vessels by 50 percent. The scientists believe it could limit the damage caused by heart diseaseresponsible for 180, 000 deaths a yearand help cut the 49, 000 deaths a year from strokes. They also hope it could benefit those with arthri

37、tis(关节炎), diabetes(糖尿病) and even slow the progress of cancer.Each pill is equal to eating around 61 pounds of ripe tomatoes. Studies have shown eating a Mediterraneanstyle diet rich in tomatoes, fish, vegetables, nuts and olive oil can significantly reduce cholesterol(胆固醇) and help prevent cardiovas

38、cular disease.Preliminary results from a twomonth trial, in which the pill was given to 36 heart disease patients and 36 healthy volunteers with an average age of 67, were presented at a meeting of the American Heart Association. It was shown to improve the function of the endotheliumthe layer of ce

39、lls lining blood vessels. It also improved their sensitivity to nitric oxide, the gas which causes the enlargement of the vessels in response to exercise.Ian Wilkinson, head of Cambridge Universitys clinical trials unit, said, “These results are potentially very significant and it meets the goal, bu

40、t we need more trials to see if they translate into fewer heart attacks and strokes.”Further studies are planned, with researchers hoping it could offer a choice for heart disease sufferers who can not take the cholesterollowing drugs.Mike Knapton, head of the British Heart Foundation, said, “Althou

41、gh this showed lycopene improved blood flow in people with heart disease, thats a long way from demonstrating that taking it could improve outcomes for people with heart disease. The best way to get the benefits of a good diet is to eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.”【文章大意】本文是一篇研究报告。 研究者研究出一种

42、集中了西红柿的有益成分的药丸, 通过实验证明这种药丸能够改善内皮细胞的功能。 但这种药丸能否预防中风和心脏病还需进一步的实验。 12What can we infer from Paragraph 1?AWe can eat too much tomato food.BTomatoes are helpful to strokes and heart attacks.CTomatoes will lose healthy elements if they are put into pills.DWe had better not eat tomatoes.B解析:推理判断题。 文章第一段第二句

43、“But if their goodness was put into an easytoswallow pill that you were told might prevent strokes(中风) and heart attacks you would probably be putting in an order tomorrow.”是解题关键, 此句中的their指代61磅西红柿, 由此可推知, 西红柿有助于预防中风和心脏病。 故答案选B。 13We can learn from the passage that the pills_Aare at the experiment s

44、tageBcan cure all the diseasesCare widely used among patientsDcost patients so little moneyA解析:推理判断题。 通过文章倒数第三段中“but we need more trials to see if they translate into fewer heart attacks and strokes”和倒数第二段第一句中“Further studies are planned”可推知, 这种药丸还处于试验阶段。 故答案选A。 14Who were the volunteers by taking p

45、art in the trial?AChildren.BYouth.CWorking people. DOld healthy people.D解析:细节理解题。 根据文章第四段第一句“Preliminary results from a twomonth trial, in which the pill was given to 36 heart disease patients and 36 healthy volunteers with an average age of 67, were presented at a meeting of the American Heart Asso

46、ciation.”可知, 参与试验的志愿者中有一些是健康的老年人。 故答案选D。 15What was Ian Wilkinsons opinion on the trial?ADisappointing. BSurprising.CSatisfactory. DTerrible.C解析:观点态度题。 根据文章倒数第三段Ian Wilkinson的评论中的“These results are potentially very significant and it meets the goal”可推知, Ian Wikinson对目前的试验结果很满意。 故答案选C。 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分

47、,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(2016中原名校高三联考)It is natural that young people are often uncomfortable when they are with their parents.16_They often think that their parents are out of touch with modern ways, that they are too serious and too strict with their children, and that they

48、 seldom give their children a free hand.It is time that parents often find it difficult to win their childrens trust and they always forget how they themselves felt when young.17_ It is one of their ways to show that they have grown up and they can face any difficult situation. Adults worry more easily. Most of them plan things ahead.Young people make their parents angry with their

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