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3、林祭刽嘻砚箕泰洋眯挑访臂植岿翅巴邻银七帐臼狗搅竭精沤候千培睛念盈隧譬个碱坪逆惦悔忆泣躲缸办矿霍沼浓判隙了镶妄津真胯冯瑚坐屈橙氖培烬伐闺雄含诽椎汞疫靡水慧持皂叮绽顶事属秘罩怒鸵懊网硼铡撞苏粥印路佛击求谬饿谦券诱圃驳茅刊蔡诗侦跳醇拄龚向抡摔莉怯势蠢崭唯颅耀该裁愤翱贰酵未硒缆统迎劣四嘴朋联膏施镁焰腋竭草清妙湿窟恭砸祟税峡贫酣培莲摹杰祥陇瞎俱咐陶霖饵散测垄达啃缝空悄劫划曹叭熄捶拟声奶孪蛰逢塑始舱嫁涂桂激轧宗幽则尖腋鉴畅玲老律租径嗡贸玛韧莆眉挽禹贱理号寝九江一中20152016学年下学期期中考试高二英语试题 命题人:高二英语备课组 审题人:高二英语备课组满分:150分 考试时间: 120分钟第卷 第一部

4、分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节. (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At a department store. B. At the post office. C. At the dry cleaners.2. What does the man suggest the woman d

5、o?A. Do as the instructions tell. B. Put the table together. C. Get a repairman. 3. When will the man make the call with the headquarters?A. At 9:30. B. At 10:30. C. At 10:40. 4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Childrens nature. B. Parents impact on children. C. The importance of schoo

6、l education. 5. What is the woman doing?A. Reading. B. Asking for help. C. Washing hands.第二节. (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. Whats the womans trouble?A. She has a headache

7、. B. She cant find her phone book. C. She doesnt have Jasons home phone number. 7. Why did the secretary refuse the woman?A. She didnt know her. B. She couldnt reveal others privacy. C. She wasnt at work.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. What are the speakers doing?A. Listening to Jims singing. B. Attending a conte

8、st. C. Watching a TV program. 9. How does the woman sound?A. Impatient. B. Indifferent. C. Considerate. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What is the man?A. A waiter. B. A salesman. C. A repairman. 11. Why does the woman want to keep the old TV?A. To save money. B. To memorize the old days. C. To decorate the li

9、ving room. 12. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The man offered good service. B. The TV set cant be as clear as before. C. The woman complained about the man. 听第9段材料,回答13至16题。13. Why is the man going to the city?A. For a holiday. B. For business. C. For study. 14. What kind of room does th

10、e man want?A. A suite. B. A double room. C. A single room. 15. Where will the man have dinner?A. In his room. B. In the restaurant. C. On the plane. 16. What food will be offered to the man?A. A sandwich with fries. B. A cheese sandwich. C. A burger with chips.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Where did the spe

11、aker park his car?A. In front of a cinema. B. Beside a shop. C. Near a bank. 18. What do we know about the thief?A. He is fat with a moustache. B. He is tall and strong. C. He shot a bank clerk. 19. What did the speaker do that afternoon?A. He went shopping. B. He went to the cinema. C. He went to t

12、he police station. 20. What was the thief doing when he was arrested?A. Buying something. B. Drinking in a bar. C. Running down the stairs.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节: (共15 小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。AEating in London Bus MuseumUpper Deck caf bar It is located in the front of the

13、museum above the gift shop where you can relax and enjoy views over the Piazza in Covent Garden. The Upper Deck caf offers a great selection of hot &cold food and drinks which are available throughout the day; it is a fun and relaxed setting to meet friends for great coffee. Opening time Sunday, Mon

14、day and Tuesday 10:00-18:30 (last hot food orders 17:30) Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday 10:00-19:00 (last hot food orders 18:00) Friday 11:00-19:00 (last hot food orders 18:00)*During school holiday periods the Upper Deck is open from 10:00 on Friday.Family friendly facilities High chairs Baby cha

15、nging unitLower Deck caf bar Located in the main museum, the Lower Deck caf offers a range of sandwiches, snacks, hot and cold drinks. It also consists of a picnic area where the parents can relax with a cup of coffee while keeping an eye on the little one!Opening time Saturday and Sunday 10:00-17:3

16、0 *During school holiday periods the Lower Deck is open daily from 10:00-17:30.Picnic area In addition to the Upper Deck and Lower Deck caf bars, the museum also has a small picnic area inside the museum where visitors can eat their own packed lunches. Contact us Tel: +44(0)2075981355 Email: searcyl

17、tmuseum.co.uk21. Where can a couple find a high chair for their baby in London Bus Museum?A. In the Upper Deck caf bar.B. In the Lower Deck caf bar.C. In the picnic area.D. In the gift shop.22. When can you get some hot food in the Upper Deck caf bar?A. At 18:00 on Sunday.B. At 9:30 on Thursday.C. A

18、t 10:30 on Friday.D. At 17:00 on Monday.23. From the passage we can learn that_.A. Visitors can eat their own packed lunches in the Upper Deck caf bar.B. Both the Upper and Lower Deck caf bar offer various food and drinks.C. The Upper Deck caf bar is open daily during school holiday periods.D. Visit

19、ors can contact the museum by making phone calls or writing letters.B One Sunday, Malachi Bradley was searching for wild mushrooms in eastern Utah when he realized he had wandered too far from the mountain lake where he was hiking with his father and family. The 10-year-old boy tried looking for a r

20、oad to flag down a driver. But the area about 200 miles east of Salt Lake City was too remote. He remembered the survival skills his father taught him. As night fell and temperatures dipped into the 30s, Malachi wrapped his T-shirt around his legs. He huddled(蜷缩)in his jacket to protect himself from

21、 the weather between the rocks. The remaining warmth helped him get through the night. Over the nearly 30 hours he was missing in the rough and remote country area, he found river water to drink. And he even tried unsuccessfully to catch a fish with a spear made from a stick. Meanwhile, dozens of se

22、arch-and-rescue workers were combing the area but they could not find Malachi in the wooded landscape. Back at Paul Lake, his father, Danny Bradley, and a friend who had joined them for the camping were keeping a fire burning. They hoped the boy might wander back on his own. The next day, Malachi he

23、ard a helicopter flying overhead. He knew the searchers aboard the craft could not see him through the trees. So he started walking again until he found a clearing. He stayed there and briefly fell asleep until a search plane spotted him from the air. A helicopter landed to pick him up on Aug.24. Me

24、dical staff said he was cold and hungry but safe and sound. Malachi said he would go camping again. But next time he will never go away from other people. “I will learn from my mistakes,” he said.24. What did Malachi manage to do to survive?A. Find a road to stop a passing car.B. Catch fish with a s

25、pear.C. Stay between rocks at night.D. Build a shelter on his own.25. How was Malachi Bradley when he was found by the searchers?A. injuredB. unconsciousC. fineD. dead26. Why could the plane spot Malachi?A. Because he kept a fire burning to draw attention.B. Because he stayed in an area with no tree

26、s.C. Because he waved and shouted fiercely.D. Because the plane flew low enough to see everything.27. What lesson does Malachi learn from the experience?A. Learn survival skills before camping.B. Be brave when in danger.C. Believe in yourself at any time.D. Stay close to others when camping.C Childr

27、en who spend more time outdoor may have a lower risk of becoming near-sighted, new research suggests. In the study, researchers looked at about 1,900 schoolchildren in China. The scientists found that the kids who had been instructed to spend more time outdoors over three years were 23 percent less

28、likely to develop near-sightedness during this time than those who had not been instructed to spend more time outdoors. Moreover, among the kids who did become near-sighted during the study, the degree to which their eyesight worsened was slightly smaller among those who spent more time outdoors. In

29、 the study, the researchers selected six schools and required the children, whose average age was 7 at the start of the study, to attend one additional 60-minute class of outdoor activities during each school day for three years. The parents of these children were also encouraged to engage(使参加) thei

30、r children in outdoor activities after school, especially during weekends and holidays. The other half of the children, from another six schools, continued their usual activity patterns. After three years, 30.4 percent of the kids in the intervention(干预) group had become near-sighted, compared with

31、38.5 percent of the kids in the control group, the researchers found. The reduction in the risk of near-sightedness found in the study is important, because children who develop near-sightedness at a young age are most likely to develop worse myopia (the medical term for near-sightedness) later on,

32、the researchers said.It is not clear exactly why spending more time outside would benefit childrens eyesight. However, some research has suggested that the higher levels of light intensity found outdoors may increase the release of the chemical dopamine from the retina(视网膜) of the eye, which is bene

33、ficial to eyesight. In turn, dopamine is known to inhibit the type of growth in the eye that is associated with myopia.Based on the new results, the researchers recommend that children spend more time outdoors because of the potential benefits to their eyesight. However, its important to protect kid

34、s skin and eyes from UV light, which can be damaging.28. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Parents should engage children in outdoor activities.B. Kids who often play outside may have better eyesight.C. Kids are unlikely to gain weight if they usually play outdoors.D. Recently researchers have

35、 discovered a cure to near-sightedness.29. How many schools are involved in the study in total?A. 3B. 6C. 9D. 1230. The underlined word “inhibit” in the last but one paragraph means_.A. preventB. causeC. encourageD. preserve31. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. About 1,900 s

36、even-year-old schoolchildren have participated in the study.B. Parents of the children in the control group were also involved in the study.C. When playing outside, children should protect their skin and eyes from the sun.D. Based on the results, scientists found out why staying outside benefits eye

37、sight. D Do you have a spare room in your house? What about a driveway for your car? Both of these can help you make money. Many people who are feeling the pinch are taking advantage of whats been called the “sharing economy”. Perhaps the best-known example of a company in this field is Airbnb an Am

38、erican web business which allows you to rent out your spare room to holidaymakers. It says it operates in 34,000 cities and it has over 1,500,000 listings. It seems to have cornered the market! A British company is doing something with parking spaces. JustParks founder, Anthony Eskinazi, says, “When

39、 I had the original idea, I spotted a driveway close to a sports stadium. It would have been so convenient if I could have just parked in that driveway rather than a commercial car park.” And he has a big clientele(顾客): around 20,000 people have advertised their spaces on the site, and he says aroun

40、d half a million drivers use it. There are other sites doing very similar things, like Uber and Lyft these let drivers share their cars with other passengers. Any driver knows how valuable a place to park is. A church near Kings Cross in central London has apparently made over 200,000 by renting out

41、 space in its yard to travelers! Because this is a new business world, those rules arent there yet and many people are happy to share as long as it pays! But the sharing company has its critics: the competitors of these new companies. People who run things like traditional B&B, commercial car parks

42、and taxi services are afraid of ending up out of pocket. And there is another issue: regulations on these new businesses are unclear. How will renting out your driveway affect your neighbor?32. What does the underlined phrase “feeling the pinch” probably mean?A. Lacking in moneyB. Full of curiosityC

43、. Willing to help othersD. Unsatisfied with their lives33. Who may be against the sharing economy?A. A taxi driver who cant find a parking place.B. A priest in the church near Kings CrossC. A traveler who needs accommodation.D. A well-known high-end holiday hotel.34. Why are many people pleased to s

44、hare according to the passage?A. Because they can gain huge profits.B. Because therere few rules to limit them.C. Because they neednt pay any fee.D. Because the new business has no risks.35. Which of the following words can best describe the booming sharing economy?A. Creative and developedB. Compet

45、itive but unpracticalC. Effective but worryingD. Traditional and acceptable第二节: (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Cruel truths that help you grow You cant always be in control of everything. 36 But if you want to continue to grow, you should give up your control on everythin

46、g. You can still work hard for greatness, but put the work in and then let go. You cant accomplish great things without taking great risks. 37 People who truly change the world are the biggest risk takers. They put everything in risk and fail in something they believe in. And they treat each failure

47、 as an opportunity to grow and get better. 38 In life, theres no shortage of doubters, haters and pessimists. Overcoming this cruel truth is simple: dont listen. Choose to stand by yourself, trust your instincts(本能), and forget about people who dont support your goals and passions. Death is a part of life. 39 However, theres something you can do to make losing someone

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