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8、理的风险防范与控制措施企业在应收账款风险管理中,应加强事前、事中、事后控制,通过建立一套科学的应收账款管理体系,并加强执行监督力度,以预防和控制企业应收风险。1.改革创新企业经营和营销策略,确保产品质量,打造品牌优势、提升企业形象 企业应不断摸索创新营销模式,打造适合企业发展的经营战略,抢占市场。同时加强生产管理,注重产品质量,配合营销打造出质量过硬的产品。不断开发新产品,结合企业文化,打造品牌优势,通过自身优势拉大与其他同类企业差距。积极参加与社会活动,树立企业形象,提高公司知名度。这样企业才往往能容易争取到现销方式,缩小赊销范围,降低应收,减小坏帐风险。2.建立完善的内部控制制度信用政策制






14、到个人,同时,将欠款清收纳入业务人员业绩考核体系中,使业务人员在销售产品的同时考虑回款。企业的应收账款管理是一个系统工程,直接关系着企业的利益。只有领导提高管理意识,相关部门之间配合协调,沟通顺畅,才能有效控制应收风险。现代企业正处于激烈的市场竞争环境中,必须要使用“赊销”这一经营手段,但要充分认识到应收账款所带来的坏账风险,把合理预防与控制应收坏账风险作为企业的一项重要管理工作,使应收账款能有效转换为营运资金,投入到企业的再生产环节,为企业的发展创造良好的条件。Accounts receivable is the enterprise product sales and service pr

15、oviding and should to the buyer, to accept the services of the units and individuals to collect the money. Accounts receivable formed as a direct result of credit. In the modern economic society, enterprises face the fierce competition of the same industry, in order to expand the market share, stabi

16、lity, and expand sales channels, to increase revenue, increase profits, reduce inventory, to take credit sales (sale). Especially the new products listed in the majority of consumers do not understand the efficacy of the product case, need to enter the market through credit. The credit has become th

17、e basic feature of modern economy.First, the importance of the management of accounts receivableAccounts receivable for enterprises to maintain and expand the scale of sales has an important role in accounts receivable and sales scale has also become a positive proportion of the relationship. When c

18、ompanies have relaxed credit policy, often can bring should be simultaneous increase in accounts receivable and sales volume, but the tightening of credit policy, certain degree of slow growth in accounts receivable and sales volume, and therefore should be accounts receivable as an important asset

19、of enterprises, sales revenue directly reflect. Accounts receivable is a key risk point of enterprise, which directly affects the sustainable development of the enterprise. With the enterprise accounts receivable increased gradually and more and more prominent risk of bad debts, enterprise how to co

20、rrectly use of credit, how to strengthen the management of accounts receivable, how to control and deal with the accounts receivable risk, have become an important part of modern enterprise operating funds management.For Chinese enterprises, especially in the market without absolute advantage of ent

21、erprises, the management of accounts receivable is a headache problem. In the social credit condition is bad, increasingly fierce competition in the market today, credit to the enterprises to maintain, expanding sales volume. But with the gradual increase in accounts receivable, on the business acti

22、vities of enterprises and many adverse effects, directly affects the sustainable development of the enterprise working capital costs, management costs, profits and enterprise, even in some downstream enterprises by enterprise receivable resources, involved in real estate, larger enterprises should b

23、ring the accounts receivable risk.Two, enterprise accounts receivable management problems1 enterprise accounts receivable management system is not scientific, financial supervisionFinancial departments should regularly send personnel between units check receivable balances, actively collection and c

24、ommunication with the business sector, the corresponding gauge provision for bad debts confirmed uncollectible, timely verification. But the poor collection in the actual work, the accounts receivable was long overdue, the possibility of recovery is more and more small. In addition, the financial se

25、ctor does not actively communicate with the business sector, resulting in a gap between sales and accounting, can not be found in a timely manner, bad debts can not be confirmed in time and write off.2 departments set unreasonable, the division of responsibilities is not clearThe enterprise does not

26、 clearly define the incompatible job responsibilities. Some enterprise management accounts receivable business department has the responsibility of credit rating, which is both the credit policy makers and executive. This sector is set to simplify the work, improve the performance, but because of th

27、e credit policy implementation is not strict and bring a greater risk of receivables. Bad business department failed to clearly and accurately analyze the reasons, clear its responsibility, simply be attributed to the market, not to assume corresponding management responsibilities. Some enterprises

28、will be the financial sector as the credit management department, and finance department, in order to reduce the loss of bad debts, tend to strict credit policy, the receivable is to reduce, but may caused the loss of potential customers. Management of accounts receivable business department and fin

29、ancial department may because of the responsibilities are not clear, sales and financial information not coherent, problems arise when buck passing, but also increases the risk of bad debts.3 information feedback is not timely and accurateEnterprises can not obtain timely and accurate buyer credit,

30、debt service and other related information, to provide guidance for the determination of the credit amount and duration. Mainly because: (1) management concepts backward and contempt for the collection of information work in enterprise lack of information gathering of talents, customer information c

31、ollection is not comprehensive enough, or on the clients financial status, profit ability, debt paying ability, enterprise status in the industry, unable to draw more accurate judgment. (2) the government or other agencies may not provide all the information of enterprises, enterprises lack of under

32、standing the information from the external channel, which leads to enterprise information collection of timely and accurate, the customer credit evaluation is not accurate. (3) the leadership of personal subjective and personal experience or personal credit. (4) the relevant business personnel quali

33、ty is not high, hoping to more loans, improve sales, feedback information is not accurate.Late in the sales, accounts receivable information feedback is not timely, business and financial departments to communicate in a timely manner, the financial sector no time for the sales department provide agi

34、ng analysis table, prompt sales departments to pay close attention to the Also the sales department not purchase enterprises operating conditions, repay the ability to change the report to the finance department to finance department timely adjustment of provision for bad debts ratio, and intensify

35、collection.4 assessment system is not reasonable, heavy sales, light receivablesEnterprises will be the size of the sales, profit as the focus of management, and as an important indicator of the performance of the assessment of the leadership, the management of accounts receivable into the assessmen

36、t. This leads to the leadership of the company to improve efficiency, the pursuit of high income and high profit, blind to enlarge the credit line, expand the scope of business credit, ignoring the risk of bad debt receivable. Some enterprises in the business department of the assessment is mainly i

37、n sales, resulting in the business sector is only concerned about the sales.2010年读书节活动方案一、 活动目的:书是人类的朋友,书是人类进步的阶梯!为了拓宽学生的知识面,通过开展“和书交朋友,遨游知识大海洋”系列读书活动,激发学生读书的兴趣,让每一个学生都想读书、爱读书、会读书,从小养成热爱书籍,博览群书的好习惯,并在读书实践活动中陶冶情操,获取真知,树立理想! 二、活动目标: 1、通过活动,建立起以学校班级、个人为主的班级图书角和个人小书库。 2、通过活动,在校园内形成热爱读书的良好风气。 3、通过活动,使学生养

38、成博览群书的好习惯。4、通过活动,促进学生知识更新、思维活跃、综合实践能力的提高。 三、活动实施的计划 1、 做好读书登记簿 (1) 每个学生结合实际,准备一本读书登记簿,具体格式可让学生根据自己喜好来设计、装饰,使其生动活泼、各具特色,其中要有读书的内容、容量、实现时间、好词佳句集锦、心得体会等栏目,高年级可适当作读书笔记。 (2) 每个班级结合学生的计划和班级实际情况,也制定出相应的班级读书目标和读书成长规划书,其中要有措施、有保障、有效果、有考评,简洁明了,易于操作。 (3)中队会组织一次“读书交流会”展示同学们的读书登记簿并做出相应评价。 2、 举办读书展览: 各班级定期举办“读书博览会”,以“名人名言”、格言、谚语、经典名句、“书海拾贝”、“我最喜欢的”、“好书推荐”等形式,向同学们介绍看过的新书、好书、及书中的部分内容交流自己在读书活动中的心得体会,在班级中形成良好的读书氛围。 3、 出读书小报: -精品 文档-

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