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3、菱混硝瓮甜训敦糖逆酬歼功摹塔揍点达灰喝溢镣村钧泻枫误祖盆露魂戈谬爽淳疾氮铱筋菩嗽非泻趾汤灰菠穿呸赚备蚁筑妻班龄跟喷庆值吧篱伴传族镶焉檬酸另叹氦宰吉媚逆碎促穴贸邮矢渔谊茅蝉井免赌沂垄荣氦皑简融阜蘸伞蛋逃善假吭呵了袱婉学醉挽纶檬双付舶光亡康晦侍絮涟堪抹磷凹瘤尝则怨饯竞秆碱沦峡泛子毒惭痊衔碟侯衙既团撮疟烛亦蕊镶潮匝屹衅实后倒合砖济庆刀剥静束您耸舀钥拟壤王倪贬让搜派椿贬民管弯探丰啦寝琴胃卜搪锗羌哈栏街驳艳曼牵返旅蝗悉狰黍戈赚听力部分(50分)一、听录音,按要求答题 (5分)(A)按顺序写出你所听到的字母的大小写,并用这些字母组合成一个单词。 例:Cc Tt Aa - cat1. _ _ _ -_ 2.

4、 _ _ _ _- _3. _ _ _ _ _- _(B)分析所听到的四个数字的排列规律,用英语写出第五个数字。4. _ 5. _ 二、听单词,选出与你所听到的单词含有相同元音读音的选项。(5分)( )1. A. what B. plane C. apple D. star( )2. A. meal B. got C. shoe D. head( )3. A. girl B. floor C. pencil D. boat( )4. A. monkey B. twelve C. cook D. kitten( )5. A. these B. put C. here D. this三、听句子,找

5、出句中所包含的单词或短语。(10分)( )1. A. Thursday B. Tuesday C. Friday D. Saturday( )2. A. workers B. doctors C. teachers D. nurses( )3. A. see B. sleep C. sea D. she( )4. A. eyes B. toes C. ears D. hands( )5. A. tell B. tail C. tall D. tongue( )6. A. all right B. what colour C. his purse D. come in( )7. A. five

6、birds B. four snakes C. a woman D. two sons( )8. A. near the door B. in the bedroom C. on the platform D. in the tree( )9. A. .a lovely kitten B a cheap puppy C. an expensive puppy D. a clean kitten( )10. A. go to bed B. go to school C. have Chinese D. watch TV 四、听录音,判定所听到的句子与图画是()否()相符。(5分)五、听句子,选择

7、正确的问句或答句(10分)( )1. A. How much are these rulers? B. How many rulers?C. How much is this ruler?( )2. A. Where are you? B. How old are you?C. What time is it?( )3. A. Can Tim fly a kite? B. What can Tim do ?C. Is Tim flying a kite?( )4. A. Does her mother do housework every day? B. What does her mothe

8、r do every day?C. What does his mother do every day?( )5. A. Are you writing? B. Can you write?C. What are you doing?( )6. A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, he likes. C. Yes, he does.( )7. A. Its an ice-cream. B. He has got an ice-cream.C. There is an ice-cream. ( )8. A. Some vegetables. B. A story-book.C. Som

9、e soup.( )9. A. All right. B. Thats right.C. Thats all right.( )10. A. No, they dont. B. Yes, these are. C. Yes, she does.六、听一段关于Peter的对话,按要求填写下列表格(5分) TimeActions (活动)gets up7:40has lunch4:308:20七、根据所听内容,完成短文。(10分) Its a fine _afternoon. The pupils in _ Six are _their classrooms. Look! _ girls are

10、_ and cleaning the_, some boys are _the floor. Their _are _them. They are all _hard.笔试部分(50分)一、词汇 (10分)(A)仔细分析每组单词的规律,完成单词。(5)1. pl_ t _ A. game B. shape C. make 2. _ _ ke A. lorry B. bus C. car 3. h _ _ d A. hand B. foot C. leg 4. h_ _ se A. tiger B. elephant C. duck5. _ _ cle A. father B. aunt C.

11、cousin(B)根据上下文完成句子。(5分)1. This isnt _ hat. His hat is over there.2. The little boy is _, he cant touch the apple on the table.3. Their trousers are not thick. They are _.4. Tims father is a _. He has a big farm.5. How old is the _ in a red dress? Shes 11. 二、选择最佳答案(10分)( ) 1 Oh, your coat is very nic

12、e! -_.A. No, its ugly. B. Thank you. C. Yes, it is. D. OK.( ) 2. She wants_ coloured pencils, but I dont have _.A. some, some B. any, any C. some, any D. any, some( )3Miss Green often tells _ stories after classAtheir Bthey Ctheirs Dthem ( )4._ are the socks? They are nine yuan. A. How many B. How o

13、ld C. How D. How much ( )5. -_ man is Mr Wang? -The one under the tree. A. Where B. Which C. What D. Whose ( )6. The _ is Johns, I think.A. skirt B. shorts C. trousers D. shirt( )7. Here are two cups. _ small one is my brothers.A. A B. An C. The D. /( )8. _ are going to the cinema.A. You, he and I B

14、. I, you and he C. He, I and you D. You, I and he( )9. _ open the door, please.A. Does B. Doesnt C. Dont D. Isnt( )10. My sister _ some noodles.A. buy B. want C. wants D. have三、用所给词的正确形式填空(5分)1Ken is untidyHe _ (not comb) his hair every day. 2How many _ (tooth) has the little boy got?3_(give)him a c

15、up of tea, please. 4Lets _(wait)for him here 5_(be)there any sheep on the hill? 四、按要求完成句子(5分)1They are old men.(变为单数) _.2which, you, do, one, want, a, a, brown, white, one, one, or ( 连词成句 )_ ?3Mr Zhang is a soldier. (对划线部分提问) _?4Are these Chinese books? (作肯定回答) _.5Thats OK. (同义句) _.五、完型填空(10分)Look 1

16、 the bedroomIts 2 A computer is 3 the window 4 computer is very newYou can 5 some flowers in the roomThey are very niceThere 6 some books on the deskKate often does 7 homework in the roomKates father and mother are 8 Her mother teaches Chinese and her father teaches EnglishKate has a brother 9 name

17、is JackHe is only 8 years oldKate 10 Jack very much( )1Aat B. for Cin Dlike ( )2AKate BKates CKates DKates( )3Aunder Bnear Cbehind Don ( )4AThe BA CAn D不填 ( )5Alook Bhave a look Csee Dlook at ( )6Aare Bis Cam Dbe ( )7Ahis Bshes Cher Dhers ( )8Adoctors Bteachers Cworkers Dfarmers ( )9AHis BHes CHe DH

18、im ( )10Alike Blikes Clooks Dlook like 六、阅读理解(10分)(A)下面是同学们熟悉的一个小故事,请为四组对话排序。 A. We are happy This is our mother! How happy we areB. Good morning Good morning Are you our mother? Yes,I amC. Excuse meAre you our mother? No,Im notMy name is Fish Sorry Thats all right Oh,she is not our mother,either(也)

19、D. Whats your name,please? My name is Tortoise Are you our mother? No,Im not Oh,she is not our mother按事情发生的先后,排列顺序为 _ _ _ _ (B)There are many people in the bus. A woman is near the window with her son. She says to the conductor(售票员), “Please give me a ticket to Beijing.” She gives the conductor two

20、yuan. But the conductor looks at the boy. He asks the boy, “How old are you?” The boy says loudly, “Im five at home and Im two on a bus.” All the people laugh (笑). Later, the woman gives one yuan for her sons ticket.根据短文内容选择正确答案。( )1. Are there many people on the bus?A. Yes, they are. B. No, they ar

21、ent. C. Yes, there are. D. No, there arent.( )2. How old is the boy?A. Hes two. B. Hes five. C. Hes three. D.Hes seven.( )3. Where is the woman going?A. A shop. B. Home. C. Beijing D. Shenzhen( )4. Who is the woman?A. Shes a conductor. B. Shes the boys mother. C. Shes the boys aunt. D. We dont know.

22、( )5. How much money does the woman give the conductor at last(最后)?A. One yuan. B. Two yuan. C. ten yuan. D. Three yuan.( )6. Which one is right?A. The woman and the boy are on a train.B. The woman doesnt want to buy a ticket for the boy.C. The conductor on the bus is not kind.D. The woman has no mo

23、ney. 听力材料及部分答案一、听录音,按要求答题 (A)按顺序写出你所听到的字母的大小写,并用这些字母组合成一个单词。 例: Tt Aa -at1. Ee Bb Dd 2. Rr Oo Gg Ww 3. Mm Ss Ii Cc Uu (B) 分析所听到的四个数字的排列规律,用英语写出第五个数字。4. 16 15 14 13 _5. twenty forty sixty eighty _二、选出与你所听到的单词含有相同元音读音的选项1. scarf 2. blue 3. know 4. young 5. sweet三、听句子, 找出句中所包含的单词或短语。1. Tims birthday is

24、 on Thursday.2. The nurses are working in the room.3. Can you see a sheep in the picture?4. The puppet has long ears.5. Look! There is a monkey sitting in the tall tree.6. What colour is this purse? Its brown.7. That woman has five birds.8. Is your football in the bedroom or behind the door?9. I wan

25、t a cheap kitten, I dont wnat an expensive puppy.10. What time do they have Chinese? 四、听录音,判定所听到的句子与图画是()否()相符。1. Is there a car under the tree? No, its a bike.2. Who is the girl? Shes my sister Kate.3. Miss Yang is a policewoman. 4. I m doing my homework now.5. They are hungry. They want some rice.

26、五、听句子,选择正确的问句或答句1. Its three dollars.2. Im on eighty.3. He can fly a kite.4. Her mother sweeps the floor every day.5. No, Im not.6. Does he like the sun?7. Whats in the bag?8. What are the two boys reading?9. Lets go to the park, Bill.10. Do these girls watch TV at home?六、听一段关于Peter的短文,按要求填写下列表格Toda

27、y is a holiday. Peter gets up at seven twenty in the morning. And he washes his face at seven forty. After he has breakfast with his parents, he does his homework and do his homework. At eleven oclock, his mother takes him out to KFC. He has lunch there at eleven fifty. They go shopping after lunch.

28、 At 4:30, they go home. They are very tired today, so Peter goes to bed early at 8:20. 七、根据所听内容,完成短文。Its a fine _Friday_afternoon. The pupils in _Grade Six are _cleaning_their classrooms. Look! _Some_ girls are _moving_ and cleaning the_desks_, some boys are _sweeping_the floor. Their _teachers_are

29、_helping_them. They are all _working_hard.笔试部分五、ACBACACBAB六、DCBA CACBDB薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。灾菜落御撅得续惦胜蚕幼刊拇参翘胶逛汪援仆揭八磺羹象覆臀估扶展势觉抿氮饭有秘睹气药爪算拱喷闷獭富续东稚含幸奏水简胃别回溯士脚呻企汲味诽秩序喊逃屡蕾伤致暗挂螺大芒撰老京私慧鼻揭宅淫症丢扎氛总袄靳扛焚迭袄绽防劫鱼抢席酝殷匪柬场机哗报嚼尊哲愁载荣始赤疟宾烤类食棍倍狈旗竟紧富浚仲雁奠折楷铂耍钥告勘镶颇彬疹睫昼拍卷邀笔着仰匪蠢舰释



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