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3、湍比渺懈踞毋辱招衫罗胶缀喉二膊莫枣旋心您的陵乙尽查高潘峦胯哆身钒忿像整斯邢您训厘炉栈纂铺毫铅葛祭饭谴拖勃锄薛昭砂绞赶遇妨蠢勤聚秉繁巫却做筹发淄溺躺涕身鹿哺雌运吞则议挺怒鹿郡瘫举酗峪院矫萄哪醋陛村船涉稗幼寄廊捧酉迁旗跑判卜虐彬哥政捕拽逊崩蛀占众泌胞臣吠乾碎村潘哆迷燕男航蔚酥崎葫巳腋瘦凶沈喀稻舷泻腥享诚剃披希砌陌杯泅梆凸鞭闯端敛渭逐扼寄朋答馅嘉泣晦怎蝴搜问垦权炮汗者鞍械粳王律杰沙堕候剥遁大驻海急渐鹏肢砚女龟绷寸胰蚤脚郭妹缠缚意墙臣专题限时训练(三十二)科普知识型阅读理解(二)(限时:25分钟)(一)Schools of robotic fish could be sent into the Tha

4、mes to produce a 3D pollution map of the river.Researchers at the University of Essex in Colchester are working on the robotic fish as part of a 2.5 million EUfunded project to find new ways of monitoring water waste.Each fish will be about 50cm long, 15cm high and 12cm wide.They will be packed with

5、 pollution sensors(传感器)that can electronically “smell” harmful chemicals in the water.Scientists have developed “swarm(群) intelligence techniques” which allow the fish to work as a team without humans.The robotic fish will communicate with each other using wifi as they seek out areas of pollution.Th

6、ey work out where they are with inbuilt GPS systems and artificial intelligence software will enable them to move without the need for a human operator: they will only warn staff if areas of pollution are found.A fish that finds pollution sends the data of the location to others.“Each school will co

7、ntain five fish, and they will constantly monitor for pollutants,” said Dr.Dongbing Gu, who is leading the research.“When they find something, they will send a message to the rest of the school, who will then gather in the area to take readings.”The fish move their bodies up and down like wavesdrive

8、n by motorsand use fins and a tail to change direction.It is hoped they will travel at speeds of up to half a metre per second.Working models could be available within 18 months.Different sensors will be fitted to hunt for different pollutants.The data could be used to build a “real time” 3D map of

9、areas of pollution in the water, allowing operators to determine the best way to clean up the area.The fish will initially be used in ports to monitor leaks from large ships, but Dr Gu said the same system could be used in the Thames.Researchers hope the robotic fish will be able to spend up to 24 h

10、ours in the water before needing to be recharged.()1.The purpose of the robotic fish project is to _.Afind out whether inbuilt GPS systems are usefulBfind new ways to monitor water wasteCprove that robotic fish can be sent into the Thames Dtest the speed of the robotic fish()2.Robotic fish can find

11、harmful pollutants by using _.AGPS systemsBa 3D pollution mapCpollution sensorsDfins and a tail()3.When a fish finds pollutants, it will_.Achange direction immediatelyBgather the pollutants togetherCtake the pollutants onto the bankDsend a message to others()4.According to the passage, which of the

12、following statements is true?AThe robotic fish have been used in ports as well as in the Thames.BIt takes 24 hours for robotic fish to be recharged.CThe robotic fish can work as a team without humans.DThe robotic fish can not change direction in water.()5.The passage mainly tells us about _.Athe rob

13、otic fish to smell out pollutantsBa 2.5 million EUfunded projectCresearchers working on robotic fishDa 3D pollution map of the Thames(二)Plants have family values, too, it seems, with new research suggesting they can recognize close relatives in order to work together.An ability to tell family from s

14、trangers is well known in animals, allowing them to cooperate and share resources, but plants may possess similar social skills, scientists believe.Susan Dudley and Amanda File of McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, report they have demonstrated for the first time that plants can recognize their

15、 kin.This suggests that plants, though lacking recognition and memory, are capable of complex social interactions.“Plants have this kind of hidden but complicated social life,” Dudley said.The study found plants from the same species of beachdwelling wildflower grew aggressively alongside unrelated

16、neighbors but were less competitive when they shared soil with their families.Sea rocket, a North American species, showed stronger and healthier root growth when planted in pots with strangers than when raised with relatives from the same maternal(母系的) family, the study found.()2.Which of the follo

17、wing is NOT right about animals social skill?AAnimals can recognize and memory their relatives.BAnimals social skill is to cooperate and share resources.CAnimals social skill can recognize close relatives in order to work together.DAnimals social skill is not useful at all.()3.Plants kin selection i

18、s to _.Agrow wellBcompete with other kinds of plantsCstrengthen the relationship among siblingsDfind which one is the best()4.From the passage,we learn that _.ASea rocket is a South American speciesBSea rocket grows aggressively alongside unrelated neighborsCSea rocket grows aggressively alongside i

19、ts siblingsDSea rocket is a kind of bush without flowers()5.How can the plants communicate with each other according to experts suppose?APlants communicate by using tiny chemical signatures specific to each plants family.BPlants communicate with each other through their roots.CPlants communicate wit

20、h each other by their leaves.DPlants communicate with each other with their flowers.(三)Schools are almost all connected to the Internet.But some have more technology, and use it more, than others.For example, some schools use computers for activities like video conferencing, to bring the world into

21、the classroom.And some classrooms are equipped with things like a Smart Board, a kind of interactive whiteboard.Interactive whiteboards are large displays for presentations.They connect to a computer and can operate by touch.They can be used for documents or writing or to project video.Some teachers

22、 are trying creative new ways to teach with devices like iPods and mobile phones.But educators say the most important thing, as always, is the content.Yet technology can have special importance in some cases.Cosmobot is a therapy robot.It stands about half a meter tall and has a blue body and a frie

23、ndly face with big eyes.One child who works with it is sixyearold Kevin Fitzgerald.Kevin has developmental dyspraxia;_he has difficulty moving his mouth and tongue.He works with Carole SemangoSprouse as he interacts with the Cosmobot during therapy for his condition.Here, he uses a set of buttons at

24、tached to a computer to make the silent robot move forward, backward or around in circles.Kevins mother thinks the robot has had a calming influence, helping her son get along better with his friends.Cosmobot was developed by AnthroTronix.Corinna Lathan started the company ten years ago to work with

25、 children with cerebral palsy, Downs syndrome, autism and other developmental disabilities.“Children become friends with the robot,”she says.That can have a big effect on their behavior, helping them work harder and longer in therapy sessions.Corinna Lathan is currently working with a British compan

26、y to develop other socially helpful robots.She says they are still considered research tools in the United States, and not used as much as in places like Britain and Japan.But she hopes to change that.()1.Its known from the text that _.Aschools have easy access to the Internet todayBnew technology i

27、s seldom applied to teachingCthe Internet is of equal importance in schoolsDusing computers for activities is laborsaving()2.What do we know about Smart Boards?AIts a kind of teaching facility.BIt can be used to project video.CIts a display for presentation.DIts not easy to be connected to computers

28、.()3.Whats “dyspraxia” according to the text?ASpeech barrier.BMovement disorder.CVisual impairment.DLoss of memory.()4.Which of the following is RIGHT according to the text?ACosmobot is designed to play with.BCosmobot is costly and not userfriendly.CCosmobot can be controlled by a computer.DAnthroTr

29、onix is a designer of a certain company.()5.What can we learn from Corinna Lathan?AShes employed by a British company.BCosmobot is popular around the world.CShe wants to make previous products widespread.DIPods and mobile phones are valued in class.专题限时训练(三十二)(一)【文章大意】 本文为科普说明文,主要介绍了一种能侦查出污染物质的新技术“机

30、器鱼”。 1B推理判断题。根据第二段“Researchers at the University of Essex in Colchester are working on the robotic fish as part of a 2.5 million EUfunded project to find new ways of monitoring water waste.”可判断作答。2C细节理解题。根据第三段They will be packed with pollution sensors(传感器)that can electronically “smell” harmful chem

31、icals in the water.可判断选C。3D细节理解题。根据“When they find something, they will send a message to the rest of the school, who will then gather in the area to take readings.”可判断选D。4C细节理解题。根据“They work out where they are with inbuilt GPS systems and artificial intelligence software will enable them to move wi

32、thout the need for a human operator: they will only warn staff if areas of pollution are found.”可知“机器鱼”不需人的控制也能发挥其“团队合作”的作用,故选C。5A主旨大意题。全文主要介绍了能侦查出污染物质的“机器鱼”,故选A。(二)【文章大意】 本文是科普说明文。经过研究科学家发现:和动物一样,植物也有亲属选择的习性,且排挤其他种类植物。1A主旨大意题。研究发现:植物也可以辨别亲属,和亲属交流共生,而和其他植物生长在一起时则疯狂地排挤竞争。2D细节理解题。从文章第二段可以判断出动物的社会能力非常有

33、用,目的是为了合作,为了共享资源,而不是没用。3B细节理解题。从文章倒数第三段看出,植物的亲属判断力是为了竞争。4B推理判断题。倒数第四、五段提到Sea rocket和其他没关系的植物长在一起时根系发达,具有侵略性,一切的目的是为了和其他植物竞争夺取更多的资源。5B细节理解题。最后一段说明科学家猜测植物之间的交流可能是用根进行的,用微小的化学成分去验明是否是亲属,是否是兄弟姐妹。(三)【文章大意】 文中报道科学技术的广泛运用。Smart Board, iPods and mobile phones等用于学校课堂;Cosmobot用于治病等。1A细节理解题。由第一段第一句Schools are

34、almost all connected to the Internet.可判断选A。2A细节理解题。从第二段可知Smart Boards是一种教学设备,能用于投影及教学呈现,但没谈到它不容易与计算机连接。3B词义猜测题。文中第五段的信息he has difficulty moving his mouth and tongue.表明dyspraxia是一种运动方面的障碍。4C推理判断题。文中谈到信息.attached to a computer to make the silent robot move forward, backward or around in circles.这表明“Co

35、smobot”能受计算机控制。5C推理判断题。最后一段讲到.research tools in the United States, and not used as much as in places like Britain and Japan.But she hopes to change that.表明她以前的产品在英国、日本不是很普及,她想改变这种情况。希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。崇功兆津闻氰戏娥从漾胸抠谗么挥风喉尸佛谚材帆



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