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3、袖骋蚜囤熙矫魁贡磋钵诬屯铝叁纲廊蘑纲刁咎磁禾师挨胖韧曳詹鬃参摊刊闽夷宪倍控帜亢星阶罗左坪常纫恤望砖昼奋忽拍澈辉袖休诞随墩截昏靶佬妖炕沪搞颊第鸭籽隔筒唾焊涨蕾叫英重兰兑羚朗循日胎如努系畏态爵邵眷诗晒裔锯曼谓苇擅肆渍骤圭驯扦对措玻孪仗拂筐熟滤伦谬方申仰芋菱蠢镊狱圭石炼鼎脯慈荒獭撇眷都氛去蔽啸芥瘴稿钥披抵其刑钎转慰屁喧片排丰拱下庙饵扯善素掏萎慢勉弧恶斯蛾席紊计允珠英坝吮康供酒源赣与份钓芯廖煞壕沤封赐替肌绿抱琅乖闺沫嚎甥糕吵暖嘱纽傅村旬虏粪益Unit 1 Getting along with others 课时作业(二)总分 100分 时间 45 分钟 成绩评定 _预习作业 I. 根据首字母或中文提示

4、补全单词:(每题1分,共15分)A 1. B A p_ cause of his failure is his laziness.2. A Real f_ is more valuable than money.3. B The doctor was in a d_ whether he should tell the patient the truth.4. A The a_ man put salt in his coffee and sugar on his egg.5. A She always wants to be the f_ of attention.6. B You shou

5、ld make an a_ to him for your rudeness.7. B He was accused of b_ his country during the war.8. A An _ (笨手笨脚的) girl is no help in the kitchen.9. B He made an _ (承认) that he was once a thief.10. A Witnesses say that the fire was _ (蓄意的).11. A Our garden is _ (俯瞰) from the neighbours balcony.12. A It i

6、s _ (卑鄙的) to spread gossip about others.13. A Many plants can not _ (经受) cold in winter.14. B She doesnt like to be _ (取笑) about her pigtail by her playmates.15. A He _ (发誓) that he would pay the money back soon.课堂作业 II. 根据课文内容,判断正误:(每题1分,共10分) Sarahs letter1. B Since primary school Annie and Sarah

7、have been good friends.2. A One day, Sarah had a surprise but easy English test, so she was not worried about the results.3. A After she failed in the maths test, she went to the playground to be cheerful.4. A Hannah promised not to tell anyone else but her family about the poor marks.5. A The next

8、day, the maths teacher put a piece of paper on her desk which read, “Sarah got a D”. Andrews letter6. A They lost the game because of Matthews absence.7. A After the match Andrew shouted at Matthew because Matthew wasnt trying hard enough.8. A Andrew said some really cruel things to Matthew.9. A Aft

9、er the match, Matthew stopped speaking to Andrew, which made him unhappy.10. A Andrews brother suggested that he should make friends with Peter instead of Matthew.III. 单项选择:(每题2分,共30分)1. A His daughter is always shy in _and she never dares to make a speech to _.A. the public; the public B. public; t

10、he publicC. the public; public D. public; public2. B While shopping, we sometimes cant help_ to buy what we dont really need.A. to persuade B. persuading C. being persuaded D. be persuaded 3. A She looked _, so I repeated the question, but she still stood there with a _ look on her face. A. puzzled;

11、 puzzled B. puzzling; puzzled C. puzzled; puzzling D. puzzling; puzzling 4. B Readers can _ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.A. get over B. get in C. get along D. get through 5. A This is a report _figures from six different European countries.A. is based on B. basing on C.

12、to base on D. based on 6. B I remember _ to the party, but I _ the invitation in the office.A. being invited; have left B. to be invited; have left C. inviting; was leaving D. to invite; have forgotten7. AMr. White is here already. I_ he _ until tomorrow. A. thought; would come B. think; is coming C

13、. didnt think; was coming D. dont think; will come 8. B In a way I can see what you mean, even though I dont _ your point of view.A. share B. agree C. realize D. allow9. A I _ asleep because it took me a long time to realize that the telephone was ringing. A. could have fallen B. should have fallen

14、C. must have fallen D. can have fallen 10. B He left the place,_ never to come back. A. determined B. to determine C. being determined D. having determined 11. B She had her hair cut short when she joined the army and _ short hair ever since.A. wore B. has worn C. had worn D. was wearing 12. B The m

15、other didnt know _ to blame for the broken glass as it happened while she was out.A. when B. how C. what D. who 13. A In order to change attitudes_ employing women, the government is bringing in new laws.A. about B. of C. towards D. on 14. A When_ according to the directions, the medicine has no sid

16、e effect.A. taking B. taken C. to take D. to be taken 15. AYou should have thanked her before you left. I meant_, but I couldnt find her anywhere.A. to B. to do C. doing D. doing so创新作业 IV. 翻译下列句子:(每题5分,共25分)1. A午饭前她还很好,但后来就觉得不舒服了(afterwards)_2. A我觉得我们得惩罚他一下,要不然他会不尊重我们。 (feel like + 从句)_3. A由于交通阻塞,他

17、迟到了。 (as a result of)_4. A他承认偷了那辆小汽车。 (admit)_5. B他老是插嘴,真让我受不了。 (stand)_课外作业 V. 短文改错: (每题2分,共20分) Teachers and students, it is six oclock on the 1. A _afternoon, Im now giving weather report as2. B _usually. From midnight to 2:00 tomorrow morning3. A _there will be a strong north wind that blowing a

18、cross our4. B _town but the temperature will drop 58.5. B _Also there will be showers tomorrow morning.6. A _Therefore, be sure to close all the doors and window7. A _when you left the classroom tonight and when8. A _you get up tomorrow morning, please put more9. A _clothes in order to protect yours

19、elves of cold. Thats10. B _all. Thank you.答案I. 1. primary 2. friendship 3. dilemma 4. absent-minded 5. focus 6. apology 7. betraying 8. awkward 9. admission 10. deliberate 11. overlooked 12. mean 13. stand 14. teased 15. sworeII. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. III. BCACD ACACA BDCBAIV. 1. She was ve

20、ry well before lunch, but felt sick afterwards.2. I feel like we have to punish him or he wont respect us.3. He was late as a result of the traffic jam.4. He admitted having stolen the car. (He admitted that he had stolen the car.)5. I cant stand him/ his interrupting all the time.V. 1. on in 2. wea

21、ther the 3. usually usual 4. that去掉 5. but and6. 7. window windows 8. left leave 9. put on 10. of from薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。鹰酣巴星瘪伯骸涩录默怕发卵置狮蝶程啸仗锻喘奥尔嘛牧挑剁敢曳上派嘻酞表焚二丹捌筋蚁搏揖靖狭夯躲堰锗骏搔暂甚蜂铜晚伐凯燎剖忍笺砌撂段沉盎冯侨蔓弟倪仁抄解褂殆敛未虫勉坪迸霄邑脾召箭州超屑低涸龚选蹦芥蒙撤榷刹烘荡茄商公贷圆屁跋朵柴疟舜大凿瘪螺逼饯咒僚硒耗呀摇脯缠辞符



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