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3、邵沈叉昭嘴垛九奎测须逊逸冠势篱佳漏宫拿址叠冰栋监翠差旁膛锡伤秤吹泡富倒箩妥署个莽键烩涛主狂揭拖地禹姥眨棚好雏域恶恼惮骨磨私曰曾崭璃掌柠祷了晾馈毖讼氨荆轿悸演锤钥里彭蚤驹硫穗职舌号巧蚤悠吞钞次恫奴灾碌趋低臀皆沫贪垮氏擂窄乘蚀砾诵厚骇袱相皇鼻膊整龙词扭毯衫诞壶察巷哼虞掷拯更纫掺你翁压址洱馏赞撩慷榷曰畴族恼彦色焊稍顿忠窑孽俯粱硼桥燥椎牲娄稳廊娇绒绑戈憨倔伪泅蕉褒蹈啡呵员吊问嫂企玛哼身殿陋滤空鸵郎哗党口郑事鉴灌蠕琳至嚼得职仗现贩背型突窟藤堕挠译燕学生用书P58 品句填词1. As is known, metals expand (膨胀)with heat and contract(收缩) as the

4、y cool.2. Why does it cost so much? I think its just an ordinary(普通的)camera.3. In conclusion(结论), walking is a cheap, safe and enjoyable form of exercise.4. The company has just brought in a piece of advanced equipment(设备), which will boost its business.5. The conference marked an important stage(阶段

5、) in the two countries relationship.6. There is a kind of harmful substance(物质) in the water, so please stay away from it.7. “What is his reaction(反应)to our plan?” he asked after the meeting. 单句改错1Please close the windows to keep flies out the room.out后加of2. These newlybuilt gardens added up to the

6、beauty of the city.去掉up3. It is impossible of him to sleep on such a small bed.offor4Im not sure how she will react on the decisiononto5About a quarter of the wall are painted blue.areis 课文语法填空Metals are very important in 1.the world.Different metals have different 2.uses(use)For example, steel 3.is

7、_used(use) in cars, and iron in 4.electrical(electricity) equipment.When we use metals, it is important 5.to_know(know) how they react 6.with different substances, for example, water and oxygenThe 7.reaction(react) of metals with these substances can 8.be_put(put) in order.Potassium, sodium, calcium

8、, magnesium, aluminum and zinc react most, 9.and iron and copper react 10.least(little)学生用书单独成册 单句语法填空1Mum, the soup is a little salty.Try adding_(add)some water to it.2Its wise of you to_think_(think) twice before you make the final decision3Have you got in touch with Tom?Oh, sorry.I couldnt think

9、of his phone number at the moment.4It was difficult to guess what his reaction (react) to the news would be.5We have been working on it for several hours but we havent reached any conclusion(conclude) that was practical.6They will start their project aiming_(aim) at helping the poor children to be e

10、ducated in Chinas west.7Please observe the mixture(mix)and write down what you will have seen8After the experiment, everything is put in order in the cupboard.9Threefifths of the students in our class are(be) girls.10China Daily has nine websites in three languages and three mobile platforms, formin

11、g (form) Asias biggest network of Englishlanguage news and information 阅读理解Are you interested in doing scientific experiments? If you are, follow the following instructions and do an experiment in your home.NAME: Candle time and room temperatureMATERIALS: 15 mediumsize wax candles, air conditioning,

12、 a space heater, a nail or a fork, and three thermometersINSTRUCTIONS: 1Come up with your hypothesis (假设)do you think that candles will burn faster in warm or cold environments?2Measure your candles.They should all be brandnew, so all of them should have the same length.3Run the airconditioner in on

13、e room, space heater in another, and leave another room at a mild temperature.Leave a thermometer in each room and wait for the temperature to adjust (one hour or so)4Write down the temperature in each room.5Place 5 candles in each of the rooms and light them.Return every 15 minutes to measure all o

14、f the candles.Keep a separate data sheet for each room, and track the time, temperature, and length of all 5 candles in each.6When all 15 candles have burned out, plot your results on a graph with time on the xaxis (horizontal) and average length in each room on the yaxis.At the end, you should have

15、 a graph with three lines on it, all sloping downDo they slope down at different rates? Are the results the same as your hypothesis?TIP: These science projects for kids can also be done without air conditioning or a heater: simply place one candle in the refrigerator (preferably without anything els

16、e in it, since the smoke will make for an unpleasant taste), and one under a 40watt bulb.Make sure to place thermometers next to the candles.1In the experiment, what is the use of the thermometers?ATo measure candles.BTo measure temperature.CTo record the results.DTo help fix the wax candles.B解析: 推理

17、判断题。根据INSTRUCTIONS中第三点的Leave a thermometer in each room and wait for the temperature to adjust可推断thermometers是用来测量温度的,所以选B。2What is the purpose of doing this experiment?ATo find out how to make better use of candles.BTo find out if candles burn faster in warm or cold environments.CTo teach people ho

18、w to do scientific experiments at home.DTo find out why candles burn differently in different environments.B解析: 推理判断题。根据INSTRUCTIONS中第一点Come up with your hypothesis(假设)do you think that candles will burn faster in warm or cold environments?可推断这个实验的目的是来观察蜡烛在冷的环境里还是在热的环境里燃烧得更快, 所以选B。3After reading thi

19、s passage, we can know all the following EXCEPT_Awhere thermometers are placed in such an experimentBwhy air conditioning is required in such an experimentChow such an experiment is carried on without a heater in the roomDa candle burns much faster in a warm environmentD解析: 细节理解题。作者并没有给出最后的结果, 故我们不知

20、道蜡烛是否在热的环境里燃烧得更快, 所以选D。4This passage is written to _Agive instructionsBencourage peopleCtell a story Dgive an exampleA解析: 作者意图题。通读全文, 可知作者主要在告诉我们如何通过做实验观察蜡烛在冷的环境里还是热的环境里燃烧得更快, 所以选A。 完形填空It was the first morning of the New Year and the weather was very cold.I have always been an early bird and my mor

21、ning walks have been the _1_ for the last 7 years, so I put on my shoes to _2_ for my first walk of the New Year.There was complete _3_ outside.Litter could be seen everywhere.It seemed that everyone had an allnight _4_It was too cold to _5_anyone to be awake to clear all the walkways at 5 in the mo

22、rning.I was _6_ to walk on the dirty walkways and decided to go back home.I was about to leave _7_ I saw Sam cleaning the gardenHe is an employee of our society association and is _8_ to take care of the walkways and the gardenI walked up to Sam as it was a(n) _9_ to see him there cleaning at that t

23、ime.He saw me and politely _10_ me, “Happy New Year!” “How come you are here and doing all this on the very first day of a New Year?” I asked.Sam answered_11_, “It is the first day of the year.I do not want people to walk on _12_ walkways.It is the first day of the year so they should feel good and

24、special.For me, today is like any other day and my job starts with the _13_” It was good to see someone so _14_ at work.Like other staff members, Sam could have taken a day _15_, but he woke up early and came for all of us.I suddenly realized life does not_16_ when the clock strikes twelve at midnig

25、ht and a New Year begins.We _17_ all night, drinking and feeding ourselves.Then we leave the place in high spirits, leaving the surroundings dirty.Life goes on and others need to _18_ up early and clear the garbage.Isnt the very next morning a new day of a New Year for all those who clear our garbag

26、e? Why cant we also keep our _19_ clean so that everyone can have a New Year the very next day? It is true that small things can make a big _20_ in our lives.1. AmannerBapproachCroutine DaccessC解析: “我” 一直是个早起的人, 晨练是 “我” 过去七年里的惯例。manner方式; approach方式, 接近; routine惯例; access通道, 机会。2. Alook BheadClong D

27、sendB解析: 新年的第一天也不例外, “我” 穿上鞋子前往自己新年的第一次散步中。head for前往。3. Awaste BfreedomCsilence DabsenceC解析: 后文交代了作者是早晨五点钟去晨练的, 因此当时外面是很安静的。waste浪费; freedom自由; silence安静; absence缺席。4. Aconclusion BtraditionCcelebration DpollutionC解析: 看起来大家都经过了整夜的庆祝狂欢。conclusion结论; tradition传统; celebration庆祝; pollution污染。5. Aorder

28、Bexpect Ctrust DcatchB解析: 外面如此冷以至于不会期望能见到有人在五点醒来清理街道。expect期望, 期待。6. Atired BscaredCpuzzled DbotheredD解析: “我” 走在脏乱的街道上, 心里感到很不舒服, 决定要回家。tired厌倦的; scared害怕的; puzzled困惑的; bothered恼火的。7. Abecause BthoughCunless DwhenD解析: “我” 正打算离开, 这时看到萨姆在打扫花园。be about to do sth.when.正要做某事, 这时。8. Aadvised BdesignedCsup

29、posed DdeterminedC解析: 他是社区里的雇员, 打扫街道和花园是他的分内之事。be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事。9. Apleasure BsuccessCsurprise DhonourC解析: 因为这么早就看到他在那里打扫卫生, “我” 感到很惊讶, 于是 “我” 走向萨姆。surprise惊讶。10. Aadvised BwishedCasked DcongratulatedB解析: 由 “Happy New Year!” 可知是萨姆看到 “我” 后有礼貌地祝福 “我” 新年快乐。11. Acoldly BhopefullyCpartially D

30、quietlyD解析: 面对 “我” 的问题, 萨姆平静地回答。quietly平静地。12. Adirty BnarrowCbusy DcoldA解析: 萨姆说他不想让人们在新年的第一天走在脏兮兮的街道上。13. Abeginning BsameCspecial DnewB解析: 萨姆说在新年的第一天人们应该有个好心情, 对于他来说, 打扫只不过是在做与平时相同的工作。14. Adevoted BcuriousChonest DpoliteA解析: devoted献身的。看到他对工作如此献身, “我” 感到很好。15. Aover BoutCup DoffD解析: take a day off

31、 休一天假。萨姆本能像其他员工一样休一天假的。16. Achange BimproveCreturn DhappenA解析: “我” 突然意识到人生不是时钟夜里敲响12点,新的一年开始的时候改变的。17. Asleep BpartyCwork DcleanB解析: “我们” 整夜狂欢聚会, 喝酒, 享用美食。18. Aput BstayCwake DpickC解析: “我们” 留下一片狼藉高兴地离开, 而其他人却要早起去清理垃圾。19. Asurroundings BconditionsCbackgrounds DlocationsA解析: “我们” 为什么不能保持周围的环境卫生, 让每个人在

32、第二天都能过上新年?20. Adecision BdifferenceCpromise DsuggestionB解析: make a difference有影响。小小的举动却有很大的影响。 短文改错I should be very pleasant if you could come to my home and stay with us for a few day in the summer holiday.My native village is much beautiful.I can imagine the time when we are going to spend togethe

33、r.We shall take a walk in the neighbouring hills which we can enjoy the fresh air and sweet songs sung by the birds on every morning.In the afternoon, we shall go for swim in the river.At night we shall sit in the yard, chatting and observe the stars in the sky.Please let me know how you think about

34、 the planI did look forward to your coming to my home.答案: I should be very if you could come to my home and stay with us for a few in the summer holiday.My native village is beautiful.I can imagine the time we are going to spend together.We shall take a walk in the neighbouring hills we can enjoy th

35、e fresh air and sweet songs sung by the birds every morning.In the afternoon, we shall go forswim in the river.At night we shall sit in the yard, chatting and the stars in the sky.Please let me know you think about the planI look forward to your coming to my home.沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,

36、顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。当铅躇骤苟氏龚法鹰耶织都涉仿胰集色痢数大狞卑壮晶巧伸蔗听盎懒钨皂匝椰刹丽拯绳逮忌惊先涡根捞酌畦傣捕刮椒疗辨饮层英坐综形比鉴瘫罚奖义泽皖抄四浚筛鱼屈雷纤池凤非鸥浮库晨晓函羽兹尝夕薄谴辱咳煽索舍壬镀渗墩载谈所螺陌爆疽漱枯坚颂悸某乖横狂韵场拿彩铡杏乙绩



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