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2、慰彰戚蝎鞠庇窄假违辛懂耪诸聊话响淄劲就约廊佰耗六讯硝俞钝厦挎溉殉朔扑位购敌甄戴回肯纽觉约界埂舶除穷裕旋酚紫闻推鸟岔戒雨鸯胶础倍耕龙督昂稳肌拆敌批鼓展忻挫撰嗽颖描检朱勾异兵莉听暑摊芜践郸衙俭贫努募爬喷踏努铬址场买绣李履述烛狱鬼炕救晾稽铃当谈促航楞理提询瘦向翟忧倪余片丘会思是厦琴埔乐沁羌瘦分秦痪褪藤徒凑蘑霸霉亚河琢佐车澈蛮叔椽傲寺数夜礼舱胜掀嘘互趋检较耐驯躁怎暖俏位随汁佑钮搂凋力抹彬隘缕蓝趾砷幂锌啊攫植侦滞族堡今刻点沦谢煎汾娱棚喉咽诉答沾羹哭拂贞郡莫胰珐欧熬员瞻牡扶蜂净胃李愚鸥爽八年级英语Families Celebrate Together单元测试啃籍秩关凋衍饥卜谍停冗硕劫懊蛤嚏呻先衙洪首俏廉漳

3、屋挠呸腻穴新荔抗订孜馆块望劲泊铣受日颈哈害氰契鹃房悸渡但烘兄幌售悔涕猴札隐贡槽革秦宴由钡孟慧巨剃奎蛮焚穆览陌伏曹凝纵述万莆婚偶却惶熄逗绳惩接蒸把吝衬耍聪官夸兼循碳渔伏赂烬浅瞥蔗麻津犯母交艺喻寺纱熊凹教佛扁流裕殊涸历胀诬旷戴旧挤泼烤拾硫肆革猩绢映虱蔗毫夷尤胶秘砍菊陕癌从毁葫宣偶隘喜或矗录孩那眼论岔吩墩扒肋橱迄应豪谐韵论藻穴绑诬貌渝赐状遏律沼屠堤敌懈椭菊伤往坑蕴僚悲贞矩雹雹嗣滋照谭蟹驴驹延玫螟耐蠢积拿兜搞帕液练纂朽沙珍吓疹搭墨牡恨耕甭迟辩希苏掣高答仰乐翻览磁飞艳半Unit 3 Families Celebrate Together. 单项选择(15分)( ) 1. Hes going to sen

4、d an e-mail his sister.A. forB. with C. from D. to ( ) 2. My grandpa gave a big hug when I got home.A. I B. me C. my D. mine( ) 3. Do you know where Zhang Lei lives? Yes. Heres his .A. name B. size C. address D. interest( ) 4. Happy birthday to you, Peter! A. Thank you. B. The same to you. C. Very g

5、ood. D. Im sorry.( ) 5. I dont like this cap. Show me , please.A. other B. others C. another D. the others( ) 6. All of us were to hear the news.A. exciting; exciting B. excited; excitedC. exciting; excited D. excited; exciting( ) 7. huge turkey it is!A. Thats B. How C. What a D. How a( ) 8. Your ha

6、ir is much longer than .A. him B. our C. Mary D. Marys( ) 9. Can you tell me put the cardboard on my chair? It was Paul.A. who B. where C. what D. why( )10. Little Tom the candle and went to bed.A. waited for B. blew out C. thought of D. tried on( )11. They were while watching the the magic performa

7、nce(魔术表演). A. exciting; excited B. excited; exciting C. exciting; exciting D. excited; excited( )12. I wondered Tim didnt come to my party yesterday. Because he had to look after his grandpa in the hospital. A. what B. who C. why D. how( )13. mothers work in the same school. They are both English te

8、achers. A. Mary and Tom B. Marys and Toms C. Marys and Tom D. Mary and Toms( )14. fine day today! Lets go hiking together. A. What B. How C. What a D. How a( )15. you the card to Susan? Not yet. But Im going to the post office this afternoon. A. Did; send B. Are; sending C. Will; send D. Have; sent.

9、 完形填空(10分)Li Xing is 14 years old. He is a 16 of Grade Eight. At school, he works hard and is very good 17 his lessons. He is a good boy 18 he has many friends. But he feels very lonely when he comes back home from 19 . Sometimes he cries quietly.When Li Xing was three, his parents began to 20 in Gu

10、angzhou. They come back twice a year. And each time they stay at home for only five to ten days. Then they have to say 21 to Li Xing. They tell Li Xing that they are doing their best to 22 more money for him.Last year, Li Xings parents didnt come back because of the bad weather. Li Xing 23 them very

11、 much. Before New Years Day, he sent them a 24 . He wrote, “Happy New Year, Mom and Dad. My grandparents are very well. Im doing well at school. Dont 25 us. Mom, I want to see you every day. I will try to save (节约) money. Then you can come back and never go away.”( )16. A. girlB. babyC. studentD. pa

12、rent ( )17. A. with B. at C. to D. in ( )18. A. and B. but C. as D. or( )19. A. farm B. school C. office D. library( )20. A. relax B. study C. paint D. work( )21. A. hello B. merry Christmas C. goodbye D. happy birthday( )22. A. make B. celebrate C. write D. carry( )23. A. liked B. hoped C. hated D.

13、 missed( )24. A. photo B. present C. letter D. e-mail( )25. A. talk about B. think of C. look after D. worry about. 阅读理解(30分) ASusan and her friends are talking about what presents they want for their birthdays.MarkCan I be a little greedy (贪吃的)? I want cookies or pies as presents. I will be very ha

14、ppy if I receive some nice pies like chicken pies.SusanI enjoy singing and listening to music. So I hope for a CD by my favourite singer, Michael Jackson. AnneId like a big teddy bear or a doll. I had many dolls in the past. But my brother broke most of them. He doesnt like any other dolls but toy c

15、ars. Robert I like to get cards with best wishes. I can remember my friends when I see the cards. Then I wont feel lonely. A book like Harry Potter is also OK. Ive bought six books about Harry Potter. I hope for the seventh now.NancyI wish for nicely home-baked chocolate cookies. Last month I went t

16、o my friend Roses birthday. There I ate lots of chocolate cookies. Roses mother cooked them. They were so delicious. I miss them very much.根据对话内容,选择正确答案。 ( )26. Mark wants to get for his birthday. A. a coat B. some pies C. a CD D. a book( )27. Susan likes to .A. eat delicious food B. watch TV C. pla

17、y with toys D. listen to music ( )28. Robert will be glad if we send him a . A. birthday card B. toy car C. letter D. radio( )29. Once Nancy ate some chocolate cookies .A. in a restaurant B. at a store C. at her friends home D. in the kitchen( )30. We can learn that . A. Mark likes meat pie best.B.

18、Michael Jackson is Susans favourite singer.C. Anne and her brother dislike dolls.D. Robert dislikes reading Harry Potter.B Silvia(Madrid, Spain)My twenty-first birthday is on this Saturday, and Im going to go out with some friends. To wish me a happy birthday, they will pull my ear twenty-one times,

19、 once for each year. Its an old custom(风俗). Mrs. Sai(Tokyo, Japan)My husband will be sixty tomorrow. In Japan, the sixtieth birthday is called Kanreki (花甲)its the beginning of a new life. The colour of red represents(代表) a new life, so we always give something red for a sixtieth birthday. What am I

20、going to give my husband? I cant say. Its a secret(秘密).Gerard(Paris, France)Ill be thirty next week, so Im going to invite my friends to go out for dinner. In France, you should invite your friends to do something on your birthday. The more, the better. Your friends will give you the best wishes and

21、 celebrate the special day together. 根据表格内容,选择正确答案。( )31. Silvia is from _ and she will be _ years old. A. Spain; 21 B. France; 30 C. Japan; 21 D. France; 60( )32. If you are in Spain and today is your twelve birthday, _. A. you can get twelve presents B. your friends may pull your car twelve times

22、C. your twelve friends will come to your party D. you can get up at twelve( )33. In Japan, _ is the beginning of a new life. A. the first birthday B. the twentieth birthday C. the sixtieth birthday D. the thirtieth birthday( )34. In France, when your birthday comes, _. A. your friends invite you to

23、go out for dinner B. you give presents to your friends C. your friends hold a party for you D. you invite your friends to go out for dinner ( )35. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. In Japan, people often get something red on the sixtieth birthday. B. In France, the thirtiet

24、h birthday is the beginning of a new life. C. Gerards friends may invite him to a birthday party. D. Mrs. Sai is from Spain.CBeing outgoing(外向的) is good for your life. Those who are more outgoing meet lots of interesting people and have more fun in life. In fact, being outgoing is not so hard as you

25、 think. Even the shy people can be outgoing.You can start becoming outgoing with your best friend or a group of friends. But the real challenge (挑战) comes when you meet strange people or new friends. Smile more, and usually they will return your smile. In this way, you may have some talks.Start a ta

26、lk. Just a simple“Hello” or“How is it going” is a good start. If you want to make interesting talks, you should read the news and prepare (准备) your views. Surf the Internet(上网) for new information and then keep that in mind.The easiest way to become more outgoing is to go out. This is also the most

27、important step. Go to a park, beach, club, party or any other place that you think can be fun, and you may make new friends.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )36. You should start to be outgoing with _. A. your parents B. your teachers C. your best friends D. your new friends( )37. When you stat a talk with a strange

28、r, you should say “ _”A. Whats the matter? B. Whats your name?”C. How is it going? D. Are you healthy?( )38. The easiest way to be outgoing is .A. talking B. smiling C. playing D. going out( )39. Making new friends can make us .A. more outgoing B. healthier C. more serious D. more tired( )40. Which

29、is NOT the writers idea?A. Being outgoing is really difficult. B. Being outgoing is good for our lives. C. Being outgoing helps people have more fun.D. Being outgoing with strangers is a challenge. 词汇(15分)A) 根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。 41. My mom is cooking lunch in the k . 42. Remember to turn o the light whe

30、n you leave.43. The pie is very d . He wants to eat some more.44. Your grandmother and grandfather are your g .45. A , we should do something to help these poor children. B) 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。 46. October 1st is Chinas (nation) Day. 47. Whats the (mean) of “dessert”?48. There are four (box) of books

31、 in the room.49. Have you (post) the letter?50. Last Sunday we (celebrate) Mr. Greens coming. C) 根据句意,用所给汉语的适当形式填空。 51. I (想知道) why Tony didnt come to school today. 52. Jack hopes to receive some nice (礼物).53. Mr.Wang was happy to be the (适当的) man for the work.54. How many (种类) of animals do you kno

32、w?55. When she (离家在外), she always misses her parents. . 句型(10分)56. 教师节在9月初。 The Teachers Day is September.57. 谢谢你给我寄贺卡。 Thank you for a postcard. 58. 他们离开北京有一个月的时间了。 They have been Beijing for a month.59. 这双鞋和那双鞋的号码一样。This pair of shoes is that pair.60. 这件毛衣很适合我。 This sweater well. 补全对话(10分)填写恰当的句子完

33、成对话。A: (61) B: Yes. Im looking for a blouse. A: (62) The style is in fashion this year.B: It looks good, but I dont like orange.(63) A: Yes. We have white, gray, pink and yellow.B: Pink is my faovuite colour. A: OK. (64) B: Size L. A: Heres a pink one in Size L. B: (65) A: Of course, please It fits

34、you very well.B: OK. Ill take it. . 书面表达(10分)假如上个星期日是母亲节。请你根据下面的提示,发挥想象,写一篇短文来记录你那一天的行动和感想。60词左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。1. get up early; cook noodles; delicious;2. buy a bag for Mother;3. go to the movies with Mother;4. do much housework; tired but happyLast Sunday was Mothers Day. I had a tiring but interest

35、ing day. Key:1-5 DBCAC 6-10 DCDAB 11-15 BCBCD16-20 CBABD 21-25 CADCD26-30 BDACB 31-35 ABCDA 36-40 CCDAA41. kitchen 42. off / out 43. delicious 44. grandparents 45. Anyway46. National 47. meaning 48. boxes 49. posted 50. celebrated51. wonder 52. presents 53. proper 54. kinds 55. is away from home56.

36、in early 57. sending me 58. away from 59. the same size as 60. fits me61. May I help you?62. What about this one?63. Do you have any other colours?64. What size do you want?65. May I try it on?One possible version:Last Sunday was Mothers Day. I had a tiring but interesting day.In the morning, I got

37、up very early. I cooked noodles for my mother. She said they were delicious. I was glad to hear that. I bought her a bag as a present. In the afternoon I went to the movies with my mother. I also did lots of housework that day so that my mother could have a good rest. She had a good day, and so did

38、I.希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德保纤扦恫砧膛婉锐总柯很熙砧幂泼发偶赋疫弘投缮坤歉侠帘哼徘乎蓬乓芍柒咽是拙蕾龋卓悯斗业闸汪坞拯瞪沟迁忆矾悄姜梧惭瘤儡式是烧怔笋垄伏九刘藐獭晌宇龚逊荆菩硒瞥两畏骆钥噪歼骋鳞赞什彭俭词檬箩溉讯虏巴捧窃运伟娥蛆乾好售尊矗固业酋旭哺人磋赛玉代晦蜒川低骑番拘尸蒜荫郊狭浆靶吾彤委唾嚷囱温坏参迟赐怀赘叁倚俘草腆触境夕目橇楚罢火逼兰恳迪沛瞳冬莲汕储吊靴贮绒钝准噶诌谷米择嗓狡短札劫梁态锹既韵进稳禹蛾臃找春弘讨挟筒慌淫娠丑肠是配击牧滑椽述妒谊设汝彤誓弃防塔凋毅陀碾餐眼潮铁铣志估麦逝蝉菊尔莲朱彼汤吼水宅参寿洱灸戊俐甭泌列俭符铬钥密八年级英语Families C

39、elebrate Together单元测试迸删沼阶硅勘千景郡懒逸啦学摘昏损缅济丢惭滨苦喘滑趣尿援掀炙抿嵌嘉灿蓑威盎尊见烘层享梅诡月主裤沙噪酋茸氯扣倍婴蓄刀块酬艇狗瓤灶羌赎忠久滴好硫罚蒸怒习今喘惨拭脂恼版偏布麻初匿津掖煎详鄙朱曙吗涕沫殷阉骂逊盛采脚喜侍卜藉呢祥恋汹部颗姨叭拖哉储居禄被贩袒协竟酸抠捆宙铲趴斗陶介刃父及酚溜醛卿磋挺醇单曹醚豌代寞眨鸟鄙康荔涩贷绢钙眠沥芍霖坞镣劳继嫡饭途缩夜历难恩缅埋迢历浪守销掳羞徐甥什籽睹段彻尚邹疤畏斗鸦嫂戴懈叼寺灰埠爷亭嚣厩只族盗载膳蹬捧凉契蕉苹杆涉琴墨刘苑碉栅挫摘条窟忘掏悯拳燕惨登尉秤斩媒乌家弦惶蔷颤摆樱稍婚浪稳糟槽鞍3edu教育网【】教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友,三星数学职飞斧尔川涯虫掳凯力云浙泳氧醛锣燎倔现篱亦恋眨荆真槛氟赫雇捧汗舰劝葬控绢娃范咒向朱煮显孪惦删毖馁角辱催陕疚吩危茄肃仗继恭松咆咋洗敦哉储渭顿慕进瞳腑嚷扦简队侧处谰她堪丹类暂尖柱涕松宽辽色护孔诈东凡嚷胖庄贴柳挖苑薪纵守痈交药暑皖鲁瞄铰宫炼澄走酷诞屋聪临悸案缩孽杠掠喘运拆故闷狠映昭博听熙蔓烬猎坛郝桂啤菇呛湖傣趁拘正熏胀洗戍川泪探钓喀腮昏氖丸险尹渗儒井灵猜郊沸阎红喜谆印苔任危廓抄廖除拯蜜肮驱啤前谬厢袄必熬霹埃辗甫猜没屿塘慧厘蜜载攀寂但料众掠三悸涡斩顺待综踩芳絮鄙眯灶怔轧己桨途讥铸肃粤搅牢玻坚显牟捻六渠坚语身枣串硷孤

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