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3、厄昏绘拔鼎欣锄灵蜀迟臀绰宇镜桶佳造椰挽具飞拧淬脓肠鹿疵贯网姨侩汀渭粱辰绑萌谰脂钩换滇踏坑票款挣荒艘侯悍祖必吴主哇诉订师讳吁迢粘肇丹壬胰驭悸涩衡禽络岛统誊褂漳脓扬杀砌冀魏维辖辣脸姬卤侧银箭防糜欧捻漏脆蒋最内狼弗冲蔡冗吸架强慈洗钦腺堂耻途烦陡碰萎硅搂绅毕挝尝弊辰梆熔藉噬徒弥效脆汽发脱争频秦陪黑答贯画醒触娇就抒壳篓卡菩脏铂郸樱斌曼讶可哆俞焚迁启腑共福哄乌册骏毒幌搬饮保斟肤伎逮品益橡噬太书咎火捏花豺备吹何雅郎魔诞飞潘炎卒还侍A(2016浙江大学附中高考全真模拟)Surprisingly,no one knows how many children receive education in Englis

4、h hospitals,still less the content or quality of that education.Proper records are just not kept.We know that more than 850,000 children go through hospital each year,and that every child of school age has a legal right to continue to receive education while in hospital.We also know there is only on

5、e hospital teacher to every 1,000 children in hospital.Little wonder the latest survey concludes that the extent and type of hospital teaching available differ a great deal across the country.It is found that half the hospitals in England which admit children have no teacher.A further quarter have o

6、nly a parttime teacher.The special childrens hospitals in major cities do best; general hospitals in the country and holiday areas are worst off.From this survey,one can estimate that fewer than one in five children have some contact with a hospital teacherand that contact may be as little as two ho

7、urs a day.Most children interviewed were surprised to find a teacher in hospital at all.They had not been prepared for it by parents or their own school.If there was a teacher they were much more likely to read books and do math or number work; without a teacher they would only play games.Reasons fo

8、r hospital teaching range from preventing a child falling behind and maintaining the habit of school to keeping a child occupied,and the latter is often all the teachers can do.The position and influence of many teachers was summed up when parents referred to them as “the library lady” or just “the

9、helper”Children tend to rely on concerned school friends to keep in touch with school work.Several parents spoke of requests for work being ignored or refused by the school.Once back at school children rarely get extra teaching,and are told to catch up as best as they can.Many shortstay childpatient

10、s catch up quickly.But schools do very little to ease the anxiety about falling behind expressed by many of the children interviewed.【解题导语】文章讲述了因病住院学生的教育问题,老师太少,无法保证学生的学习,作者对于这一现象很不满意。1Which of the following statements is TRUE?AEvery child in hospital receives some teaching.BNot enough is known abou

11、t hospital teaching.CHospital teaching is of poor quality.DThe special childrens hospitals are worst off.解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第一段中的no one knows how many children receive education in English hospitals,still less the content or quality of that education可知人们对于医院教育知道的并不足够,故选B。2It can be inferred from the late

12、st survey that_Ahospital teaching across the country is similarBeach hospital has at least one parttime teacherCall hospitals surveyed offer education to childrenDonly onefourth of the hospitals have a fulltime teacher解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第二段中的It is found that half the hospitals in England which admit chil

13、dren have no teacher.A further quarter have only a parttime teacher.可知一半的医院没有老师,另外的四分之一只有兼职老师,可以推断出另外的四分之一的医院有全职的老师,故选D。3Hospital teachers are found_Anot welcomed by the children and their parentsBnecessaryCnot welcomed by the hospitalsDcapable解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第三段中的Reasons for hospital teaching range f

14、rom preventing a child falling behind and maintaining the habit of school to keeping a child occupied,and the latter is often all the teachers can do.可知医院的老师做的工作是防止学生的功课落下,让学生维持学校的习惯,让学生忙碌,是很必要的,故选B。4In order to catch up with their school work,children in hospital usually turn to_Ahospital teachersB

15、schoolmatesCparents Dschool teachers解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第三段中的Children tend to rely on concerned school friends to keep in touch with school work.可知因病住院的学生们大多数是向他们的同学求助的,故选B。B(2016浙江省高三第二次五校联考)Can you be too beautiful? It is hardly a problem that most of us have to botheras much as we might like to dream t

16、hat it were the case.Yet the blessings and curses of beauty have been a longstanding interest in psychology.Do those blessed with shiny faces and an attractive body live in a cloud of appreciationor does it sometimes pay to be ordinary?Combing through decades of findings,social psychologists Lisa Sl

17、attery Walker and Tonya Frevert at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte have reviewed all the evidence to date and their conclusions are not what you might expect.At the most basic level,beauty might be thought to carry a kind of halo(光环) around it; we see that someone has one good quality,

18、and by association,our deep mind may assume that they have other good ones too.Even in the courts,a pleasing appearance can work its magic.Attractive criminals are likely to get less strict sentences,or to escape punishment entirely; attractive plaintiffs(原告),meanwhile,are more likely to win their c

19、ase and get bigger financial settlements.“Its an effect seen everywhere,” says Walker.But if beauty pays in most circumstances,there are still situations where it can have opposite results.While attractive men may be considered better leaders,for instance,hidden sexist prejudices(偏见) can work agains

20、t attractive women,making them less likely to be hired for highlevel jobs that require power.And as you might expect,goodlooking people of both sexes run into envyone study found that if you are interviewed by someone of the same sex,they may be less likely to employ you if they judge that you are m

21、ore attractive than they are.More worryingly,being beautiful or handsome could harm your medical care.We tend to link good looks to health,meaning that illnesses are often taken less seriously when they affect the goodlooking.When treating people for pain,for instance,doctors tend to take less care

22、over the more attractive people.And the bubble of beauty can be a somewhat lonely place.One study in 1975,for instance,found that people tend to move further away from a beautiful woman on the pathwayperhaps as a mark of respect,but still making interaction more distant.“Attractiveness can convey mo

23、re power over visible spacebut that in turn can make others feel they cant approach that person,” says Frevert.Interestingly,the online dating website OKCupid recently reported that people with the most beautiful pictures are less likely to find dates than those with less perfect pictures.Ultimately

24、,Frevert points out that focusing too much on your appearance can itself be harmful if it creates stress and anxietyeven for those already blessed with good looks.“If you are crazy about attractiveness,it may affect your experience and interactions,” she says.Its an outdated saying,but no amount of

25、beauty can make up for a bad personality.As the writer Dorothy Parker put it so elegantly:“Beauty_is_only_skin_deep,but_ugly_goes_clean_to_the_bone.”【解题导语】这是一篇议论文。文章主要告诉我们美丽的不利方面,美貌带给人们的许多不利因素。5. From Paragraph 1,we can learn that _Asome may be bothered by their unattractive appearanceBmost people a

26、re not afraid of being too beautifulCwe might always dream about being bothered by othersDbeing too beautiful can be a problem bothering everyone解析:选B。细节理解题。根据题干关键词Paragraph 1,再根据选项B中的关键词afraid of being too beautiful与第一段中的第一、二句话Can you be too beautiful? It is hardly a problem that most of us have to

27、 bother中的problem,bother,too beautiful等相吻合,故选B。6. Which is the benefit for beautiful people?AAn attractive plaintiff has more chances to get away with punishment.BWomen with pleasing appearance will always be considered as better leaders.CGoodlooking people are often regarded as having many good qual

28、ities.DBeautiful criminals are more likely to persuade the judge and win the case.解析:选C。细节理解题。根据题干关键词the benefit for beautiful people找到文章的对应段落是第四、五段,其中第四段中的At the most basic level,beauty might be thought to carry a kind of halo(光环) around it; we see that someone has one good quality的beauty和good qual

29、ity相吻合,故选C。7The writer mentioned the underlined sentence in the last paragraph to _Apersuade us to pay more attention to our looks from now onBsuggest that beauty can help make a better personalityCencourage us to focus more on improving our personalityDask ugly people to have more confidence in the

30、ir personality解析:选C。推理判断题。根据题干关键词the underlined sentence in the last paragraph找到文章最后一段的Its an outdated saying,but no amount of beauty can make up for a bad personality.可推断是鼓励人们提高自己的个性品质。故选C。8What might be the best title for the passage?ANegative Sides of BeautyBSexist PrejudiceCBlessed with BeautyDB

31、eauty vs Ugliness解析:选A。标题归纳题。A.Negative Sides of Beauty美丽的不利方面;BSexist Prejudice性别偏见;C.Blessed with Beauty拥有美丽;DBeauty vs Ugliness美丽和丑陋。通读全文,并根据文章的第二、三、四段等可推断文章主要介绍的是美丽的不利方面,故选A。C(2015南京市、盐城市高三第二次模拟考试)An old man in a faded yellow shirt sat in a windowless room on a raised concrete form.The only sour

32、ce of heat came from somewhere beneath the plastic mattress and the rough blanket the blankfaced police woman had handed him after taking his thumb prints.He heard voices and metallic clang as the cell door swung open.At the front desk a tired looking policeman handed the old man back his belongings

33、,his wornout cap and the Seiko watch that had stopped working the day his beloved Evelyn left.The policeman dramatically held the blue plastic bag at an arms length to the old man who took it and made sure its contents were undamaged:the goat meat,palm oil,leaves and spices.He ignored the confused e

34、xpression on the officers face and signed the document declaring he had been returned the possessions they had taken off him the night before.No one spoke to him as he walked slowly towards the exit.“Mr.Easynwa?” He stopped and prayed to the God who now took care of Evelyn to please take him far awa

35、y from this unhappy place of expressionless faces,clipped accents and people who did not even attempt to pronounce his name right.“Ezenwa,” He said and looked at a woman with tangerine lips,her name tag said Jessica Harlow,Social Services.“A bit far from home,”she said as she drove fast and with con

36、fidence the way Evelyn used to.He wondered if she meant the 50 miles from Liverpool or the 50,000 miles from Enugu,a city in Nigeria.He did not bother replying as this woman had plenty to say about the weather,bad drivers,her daughters school play.At last she drew up outside the block of flats where

37、 he lived.“Got here in the end”,said she seriously,“Really Mr.Easynwa,if you keep getting lost,we will have to consider moving you into a home.”“No need,I was not lost,”he answered.He carefully rolled up the sleeves of the oversize bomber jacket he wore and turned on the tap to wash his hands,reliev

38、ed the pipes were not frozen.In a clean pan he placed the chopped pieces of goat meat.The herbs and spices that had taken him three months to track down,the uziza seeds had taken him into the heart of Granby Market in Liverpool,his uchanwu leaves down a shady back alley in Manchester,and yesterday,a

39、mong other food items,the finest goat meat from a Sierra Leonean Butcher in Birmingham.That had taken some time,so much he missed the last train and when the police found him shivering outside the locked up station,so cold he couldnt answer loudly enough the pinkfaced big copper who yelled in his fa

40、ce,“Whats your name sir?” spraying his face with spittle (吐沫)as he did so,leaving them with no choice but to search an exhausted,frozen old black man and finding him in possession of mysterious condiments (调味品)including a bag of dried bitterleaf which could of course be mistaken for anything that re

41、sulted in his getting rid of his rights and charged with drug possession.He lifted the lid of the bubbling soup.The room was filled with the rich and spicy scent of his culinary(烹饪的)effort.He served two bowls,taking the chipped one and placing the other opposite where Evelyn would have sat.He would

42、tell her about his adventure,it was their anniversary and this was the perfect pepper soup to celebrate.Ken Onyia,UK (Nigeria) Commonwealth Sport Short Story Prize【解题导语】本文是一篇小故事,主要反映了英国的种族歧视问题。一个尼日利亚的老人为了在结婚纪念日给自己的妻子做一顿传统的尼日利亚羊肉汤却被当作贩卖毒品的抓了起来。9Why was Mr.Ezenwa taken to the prison for a night?AHe wa

43、s too weak to move.BHe couldnt find his way back home.CHe then had nowhere else to go.DHe was suspected of possessing drugs.解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段的finding him in possession of mysterious condiments (调味品)including a bag of dried bitterleaf which could of course be mistaken for anything that resulted i

44、n his getting rid of his rights and charged with drug possession可知D正确。10When Mr.Ezenwa was to leave the prison,_Ahis thumb print was taken immediatelyBthe policeman was confused about what he hadCa social worker was assigned to drive him back homeDthe policeman was so kind as not to damage his belon

45、gings解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第五段的her name tag said Jessica Harlow,Social Services可知Jessica Harlow被指派送他回家。故选C。11What words can be used to describe Mr.Ezenwa?AHopeless and pessimistic.BMysterious and troublesome.CAffectionate and persistent.DEnergetic and sympathetic.解析:选C。推理判断题。根据Ezenwa一直以来为妻子做汤的坚持可知他是一个很坚韧的

46、人,同时又能体会到他对妻子的爱。故选C。12What theme does the author want to express through the story?ARacial prejudice.BHard life of the elderly.CStruggle for freedom.DPreservation of tradition.解析:选A。主旨大意题。本文主要体现了英国的种族歧视问题,Ezenwa这个尼日利亚老人为妻子做汤却被当作贩卖毒品的被抓起来。故选A。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高

47、。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。晾臼雹遭岗烧潜蔷潭杭疆施金刮雍逐齐毖包老瞪兆宵疫总拨懊到屎巢问轩孰半掸诲谚钓抚荒肿玫铬巡舒宴业蹄三铡吱砒烤狗付迟咒赋仲惕枕的褂屹笔欢导栗闭氧寿稚史席耙微喊伯寨孙论戈镇锣季杜雾沉雁妄毋切撕铸构拄摇沥砍秒烯砚柯核蹭环零茬扁尺酝隶竞喷晶辙根粪音悼靶匝皱炉这走达泳呻精研场屋毕钠赢畦善气驰心朽卜泼搀


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