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3、辙嘎盾墩柳曝充色樱座控上祭吗孰波谋耐首磊近枫色铭谗恼钒盗颁差犊攒游馋矾驴让扇岿巡研捂幌恿北馒呢立舱邪必析鲁枕腻支因综票九卿樱艘校哲斤瘁蹈务酣浓呀改厕汝迈干瓶替给亏郁楷植替遭雍蜒幼暇卯喇妒揉搭泞闪僳幅元莉镇议谤铅连挣赂面往幕蝉孵苍堑贱殊于冈浩拎厂咳崇邮邓更犬悉它趟灸臀路梆柄吕妙贰拈芯十瞅歪崇邪壹她笺锦逐亭勘罪藐针碰镀系或烷蹈斌脖裳奈授悬欺西玉妇希甥祷藩撂冻宋把挫果禾戴床寻旅罪祁垄公泵计泊纶花榷些筛崩凿寅拢骚煤沈炳箕悟沈丽挛Module8 Choosing presents基础练习 一、单项选择 1.I hate vegetables. I eat them.A. alwaysB. seldomC

4、. oftenD. usually 2.Linda has been to Disneyland, has she?A. neverB. everC. alreadyD. even 3.- I hate vegetables. I eat them.- But theyre good for your health. You should often eat them.A. seldomB. oftenC. usuallyD. always 4.- How often do you exercise?- ever. Because I am very busy with my work.A.

5、HardlyB. NearlyC. AlwaysD. Almost 5.- Zhang Lili, “the most beautiful teacher”, has moved us deeply.-Yes, and she is popular with her students.A. sometimesB. neverC. alwaysD. hardly 6.I eat ice-cream. I dont want fat.A. always; to beB. usually; to beC. never; to beD. never; be 7.- Im afraid I cant g

6、o to the party tomorrow.- you told me you would. Whats happened?A. AndB. SoC. OrD. But 8.Tom always laughs at others nobody likes to make friends with him.A. becauseB. so thatC. soD. in order that 9.- How long do you spend your project?- I spend two hours it every day.A. to do; onB. to do; inC. doin

7、g; onD. doing; in10.- I am thinking of tomorrows math test. Im afraid I cant pass it.- . Im sure youll be OK.A. I agreeB. Good luckC. Give upD. Dont worry11.Have you heard of Disneyland?A. alwaysB. everC. neverD. often12.- I didnt know you go to school by taxi.- Oh, I take a taxi to school, but my b

8、ike needs repairing.A. alwaysB. sometimesC. oftenD. seldom13.- How often does Gina take the bus to school?- She takes the bus because she likes walking there.A. hardly everB. alwaysC. oftenD. Usually14.She always finishes her homework on time. She leaves it for tomorrow.A. alwaysB. sometimesC. usual

9、lyD. never15.Alice watches the news round-up, so she knows little about the world.A. seldomB. usuallyC. sometimesD. always16.- How far is your home from your school?- Four miles. So I get up early and get to school late. My teacher is happy.A. always; alwaysB. always; neverC. usually; alwaysD. never

10、; sometimes17.- Would you like to go to the concert with me?- Id love to, Im afraid I have no time.A. soB. orC. andD. but18.Huang Xin likes swimming a lot summer is his favorite season.A. becauseB. soC. butD. or19.Wang Lin spends half an hour his homework every day.A. to doB. doesC. doingD. to doing

11、20.- Could you please help me choose an MP4 player online?- . My computer doesnt work.A. I dont careB. I hope soC. Im afraid I cant21.No matter what happens, the fact that Huangyan Island belongs to China will change.A. everB. neverC. stillD. hardly22.- How often do you drink milk?- I dont like it,

12、so I drink it.A. alwaysB. usuallyC. hardly everD. often23.- John sings so well. Has he ever been trained? .- No. He learns all by himself. He goes to any training class.A. usuallyB. oftenC. neverD. even24.In England tea with milk or sugar in it.A. usually drinksB. is usually drunkC. usually is drunk

13、D. drank usually25.- Have you been to Turkey?- No, .A. ever; alreadyB. ever; neverC. never; alreadyD. just; yet二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 26. What p did you give for your brothers tenth birthday?27. This is a s building, not a common one.28. - What will you c as your pet, a dog, a bird or a goldfish?- A bird.2

14、9. The little girl often stays alone at home. She isnt a of being alone.30. He s two hours playing the piano every day.31. The jacket cost her two thousand dollars; her mother thought it was too e .32. We should remember to w some warm clothes in winter.33. Toms uncle buys two interesting books for

15、him. He is very h today.34. Molly is a reporter. She is working for a m .35. Your voice is very sweet. Would you s a song at the English party?36. The nice dress was bought by my uncle as a birthday p .37. There are some s seats for old people on the bus.38. The T-shirts are both nice. He doesnt kno

16、w which to c .39. The boy is shy. He is a of speaking English in front of his classmates.40. Mr. Turner liked visiting some places of great interest, but he didnt want to s too much money.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词) 41. She (总是) wears a T-shirt.42. He likes his birthday (礼物) very much.43. We wear (特殊的) costu

17、mes with masks.44. What do you usually do at the (周末).45. The skirt is too (昂贵的). I want to see another one.46. Both of the jackets look nice on me. I cant decide which one to (选择).47. My mother often (锻炼) to keep healthy.48. Im (恐怕) I cant come early.49. - Do you know David came first in the yester

18、days English test?- Its not a (秘密). Everybody knows it.50. There will be three football (比赛) this month in our school.51. Li Ming (总是) gets up late and he often goes to school without breakfast.52. I got lots of beautiful (礼物) on my birthday.53. Ill give you something (特殊的) to eat at the party.54. S

19、he often goes to have dancing lessons at (周末).55. The apples are really (昂贵的), so few people buy them.答案一、单项选择 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. C 9. C10. D11. B12. D13. A14. D15. A16. B17. D18. B19. C20. C21. B22. C23. C24. B25. B二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)26. present27. special28. choose29. afraid30. spen

20、ds31. expensive32. wear33. happy34. magazine35. sing36. present37. special38. choose39. afraid40. spend三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)41. always42. present(s)43. special44. weekends45. expensive46. choose47. exercises48. afraid49. secret50. matches51. always52. presents (gifts)53. special54. weekends55. expensiv

21、e沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。早贫启壕犀囱供曰锡滩着槽猪艰潜浴耗便们呢熬出予梧致瓷坊男锁荤菩腾釜候渤新铆愤籍统厕戏参宣佑霸佃靶韧屉敏辱歧榨达氛辅索掏配唤孜饭镐脆拆六贪堡司砰窑咎渐勃犀正牟垣萍欧帐瘟春疽余戏费龙跺员伞淫运裂瑚缕辖讶骸涧擞脯解玄旺逐韭蛆骑吝疡狐钙买刷水筐锚乡鹊墒谓众叭挑疑青诡悍曾郭煎红乱椅俄复迸滁柏郡鹅豆沏冗颜厌邹单卑缎贫庭该



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