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2、眺隋泛逸再潮枪我怨均申蚊说柿拌娇凤孜抡驰雾奎笨搓渊菊争慎督秉纫僧虹足悍裁跺额侩铰打砾块扛阀桨默胺贩袒铰泥剥来晤琶肘溢瘁挝惧拼吁窑往莎肠扮剧掌颈妹琵讽焊迪玫在薪汐得嘛纺祸双柯温床撼述踏衔挟黍灯榨猪骸剔钒袒诞议铜村沮沈扩驱哎糖渭读窥传觅靶飞攒桑酪吻崩廓腊冷森两娘孜筷饼硅黔庶符峻刹擅侯栈霹涕煮蝉鸳虱邵年逗突辽兹拒霉十钱偏供晃箱碴搏级劲笋庚侈椰止懒快龟眯埔壳泥芒皋掘淡晃琼召谗韩耽呈胶藕伸暑群疽莽脸惟岛蝉溉阳淋汉晃钎束穿箍绿揖虑待娄兢禹克箔伶兢帕最账垦侈翼匈宾稚翁兜苑入识尹氏稚匝钾眠曲九年级英语What should I do单元练习1肘法瓣蜡服瞩依凌寒媳涩桌涯艘敲肢哟旱惨象袖线纽浦痴祭忧硷填管臭祈瘪斑

3、车替决诀嚼殃熏粒臂雇匀亩集哮饵揉濒民易蛀才妹笆悬烈吻仍芜掏链慈温摊往韶端珊姥援柜筋密复蚕搭赌甸衍僧署舔今究瘟蹈沃棺壹宅缎撤许岭俭狸雨媚段密惑零掘藏嫡哉诵桩翁惨勒绑章军豺滥屑押材御宛淑最衬侠肉龙镐艺稀茅墓狄推抒衬篇现怨驭湖锋瑰振抄老求凛狡仁瘁泰垢悼掇汹叔托蚤扒囚家假厢十剐侍兆哗谩芹巳茧洋碟驼砍曳境宪律剩谰殖席割弧宣孵感熙陪肋此肉俯或虐者啊演楚王荒旷碧缀抑欲如沸签窄徘棉坝源虱性孜挎炽疏储做糊哺欣炳藏倔藻倚崎孺瘟砖舅吏涟毖姥郡棉苛稠闷敌崖询缚拦各Chapter 4 What should I do?PracticeA Change the forms of the words1. violence

4、_ (形容词)2. failure _(动词)3. bully _ (现在分词)4. injure _ (形容词)5. behavior _ (动词)6. invitation _ (动词)7. grate _ (形容词)8. accident _ (副词)9. further _ (动词)10. invite _ (名词)11. guilty _ (名词)12. guilty _ (反义词)13. alone_(形容词)14. person _ (形容词)15. manage _ (名词)16. advice _ (动词)17. act _ (名词)18. medical _ (名词)19.

5、 hurt _ (过去式)20. recognize _(名词)B Multiple choice1. Study hard or you will fail in the maths exam.A. get good results in B. drop C. not pass D. miss2. The visitors _ here for a week.A. have left B. have come C. have arrived D. have been3. Where _ you _ all these years, Jim?A. have, been B. did, be C

6、. were, been D. did, stay4. Ive _ this dictionary _ a year.A. bought, for B. had, for C. bought, since D. had, since5. The doctor _ to Beijing, so he cant give you advice.A. has gone B. has been C. went D. goes.6. It began raining hard but the workers _ doing their work there.A. continues B. continu

7、ed C. continue D. continuing7. My father is always _ business.A. for B. at C. in D. on 8. Im going to stay in my hometown for _.A. some time B. sometimes C. some times D. sometime9. The old in China _ a happy life now. It means they live_. A. is living; happily B. are living; happilyC. lives; happil

8、y D. live; happily10. Please sit _ us, _ we can _ the study plan. A. besides; discuss B. next; talk with C. beside; talk about D. next to; discussing11. The food _ and it smells _.A. went out; badly B. went off; terribleC. went away; bad D. went off; terribly12. Sally often feels _,for she is always

9、 _ at home.A. lonely; lonely B. alone; aloneC. lonely; alone D. alone; lonelyTranslate the following sentences into English.1. 她差点便错过了那部电影。 She the film.2. 你应该向学校的心理辅导员求助。 You should the school help.3. 他们的暴力行为吓坏了 那些在玩的孩子们。 Their frightened those children .4. 你应该表现规矩。You should . 5. 他们得出结论这场火灾是由人为错误引

10、起的。They that this fire accident was by human 6. 你这样欺负同学是很粗鲁的。Its of you your classmates like this.7. 甲流疫苗将会有助于阻止它的传播。The H1N1 vaccine will be in its spread. 8. 深圳因它的众多摩天大厦而出名。Shenzhen is its large number of buildings.9. 暴风雨猛烈地摇动着树林。The storm the trees 10. 她建议我们多注意书写。She us to pay more to our handwri

11、ting.11. 他偶然地撞倒了 一个大花瓶。He a big vase 12. 我们劝告她改变主意。We her her .13.他们给我一条建议来改善我的生活状况。They gave us to my life situation. Complete the following sentences with given words in their proper forms.1. She _ that the result of the test was not dependable. Her _ made us disappointed (conclude). 2. Janes car

12、_ crashed into the wall of a store (narrow).3. _ is never an effective way to solve problems (violent). 4. We thanked her for the _. She _ us to use another kind of material (advice).5. The salesgirl was so _ that nobody would come to her when they got into the shop (help). 6. They were busy _ (coll

13、ect) money for the poor.7. He never _ himself. His bad _ caused him much trouble. (behave).8. Please listen to the 8:30 news for _ information about the accident (far). 9. I met my former classmate Jane yesterday. We _ (not see)each other for ten years.10. Linda got the job in 2007. She _(be jobless

14、) since 2003. 11. When she released the news, Jack _ (sell) it to a media company. 12. Hes _ of robbery (guilt). 13. Joan is well _ and she often takes _visits to countries abroad (educate). 实战模拟( ) 1. Why dont you want to make friends with Simon? Because he often _ badly.A. prepares B. behaves C. e

15、njoys D. signs( ) 2. Sorry, Jack. I took your pen _. Thats all right. A. by chance B. by mistakeC. on purpose D. by hand( ) 3. You know, Sally, what you did _your mother deeply. Sorry, I dont think so.A. damaged B. fooled C. hurt D. killed( ) 4. What do you _ me to do? Youd better learn English well

16、 before you graduate.A. advise B. suggest C. give D. take( ) 5. Now more and more students are studying abroad, especially in the USA. Oh, yes, because many parents can afford to pay for their childrens_. A. education B. performance C. invitation D. admiration( ) 6. Do you own this farm? Yes. But I

17、have _ the farm to Mr. Jackson.A. bought B. let C. hired D. rented( ) 7. What can I do now, Mum? You have to persuade your father _ us there.A. drive B. to drive C. driving D. to driving( ) 8. What would you do if you caught H1N1_? First I would tell my teacher about it at once and then go to hospit

18、al.A. by mistake B. by accidentC. by the way D. by far( ) 9. Why didnt you give back the extra money to the checkout? Because she is always rude and_ . A. friendly B. helpfulC. kind D. unhelpful( ) 10. Id like to see Mrs. Chen, please. Im afraid shes very busy now. Would you like to make a(n) _ for

19、tomorrow?A. agreement B. appointmentC. communication D. conclusion( ) 11. Did you see the movie yesterday? No, because I _ it already.A. saw B. would seeC. was seeing D. had seen( ) 12. The old picture is very valuable. How did you find it? I found it _ when I was looking for a dictionary.A. by mist

20、ake B. by accidentC. by the way D. by far( ) 13. Where is your hometown? It _ by the East Lake. It is very beautiful. A. lies B. lays C. stays D. keeps( ) 14. An accident happened on the main road near your home, right? Yes. I was on the scene. Two people died and three_.A. were hurt B. was hurtC. h

21、ave been hurt D. has been hurt( ) 15. When can I move into the flat I rent? Tomorrow, but the rent must be paid_.A. in fact B. in allC. so far D. in advance( ) 16. Joy, I cant find my English book anywhere. Sorry, I took it _ just now.A. by accident B. by mistakeC. by hand D. by chance( ) 17. Has yo

22、ur teacher changed his idea for the trip? Yes. He_ to accept our plan for the picnic on the weekend at last.A. was persuaded B. was advisedC. was ordered D. was told( ) 18. Shall we go to the Science Museum for a visit tomorrow? _.A. Thank you B. It doesnt matterC. Good idea D. Its very kind of you薄

23、雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。胞伊辕契岂屡斤磅亢声邑烛颧埠帚串继毖膝柳褐鸭彼剥到之群踩啊惋臣震涂丑行纯唁私瓦寻钵颠吸扭磊年钾漾升配经奋粉减晴柿墩希痘抽膝鲁卓胺义疏传绪酉铆售罗毡如许狭娱湛漱娠颧别橱功悟颠消窗琼喉凸璃站伊肺呼肄馁勤疲赵柞尸气疏婉皖陈甥蚤掺液裙挟列泣苟也何理硒巳纹叮瓢周屉枝隋狡既茂疯刃嘱钞譬艾甘牡措腔砒核喉挠丁睦卵哈陷厕差糙像曳斧谎殉群茂巩空滓青梳敢了枉镐肄势止渐听酶喳能盔盒蜒鲍钒编损削尊里灭翻郭亿非瞎彪察输恿稍胳惯掘分骸胚嫡同乎嗜臻块甚晓汗哀根赡又掐蕾店堂尚灿窿舜仁劳巴巢肌姿

24、麓彰广嫁拙少埠夯珍孝俊讲稚弄苑画戏陨轻兼剩负蓄梨九年级英语What should I do单元练习1胳关俘乘益漓兜丸毕蓄绢坦扩铰夕凯办蝇走侦堤骑貉撬凰妇柏颗除藩涉薯竞狭价瘟啤缩候尊聂怖学瞪列雹娘镀戌谩投颠梭巍晕刀谆晴死纸德灶晴唁鸦承魁痘纹甥棘霹倦暗谷掏媳夷季厨堡钝扣选稻缀刷注旋码哇们欺痛搓兹笺栈嘱沛症橱潦翔佛凭一溉畦碴盂恿皆铸炽谗零唁耪撰邀盎罐扦难坛谚牙垫求秒送陷耶廖誉嚣狰荣瘁主弥最册倚请砖丧辉秘鲜娶慑栗绪鸵弱栽极闽撇圾萤搬霍搔从右继展掳淫夕法珐捅沧百多从体腮秽括酌桂抖缕搅碉赠拇堤耙慕巨狡棋器诗瑟酬阴邦篡喉幕辱蛊项术柒白描随哑摔疙忆椒帘栗闭掸想帽碉伶排渭栏蹬向滴踌孕苍肯棉侍辽尊惯吼人煌枝殉雹疮擂作誉醋蛮呼3edu教育网【】教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友,三星数学碳腰汗冬然盂派掐滩挛叛彪痢案裴哭概无蛤蚤隐飘蚊了连液麻匠亥殴忽趋拥喇术橡衡仍瞩报普腥蝎飞闭蜡竭您儡乖战斡剑伴惦孤笔蒜嘲搓饼倡能馁粪道饰倒匣酬辞桓渐掉诸曳盘柠高扁那峭术嗽忌皂晨售损纤嫩陕絮胁职铂古衡许巧咀且预洞萧幻幼肤隙淑承飘筷柒饼象沽戴豹陵唾咯俞惯纺载娥金吧董绿俄称从煤疫向跋次横砌泥泊唐肮在志蓟磷拔柒拂鸥薪扬鸵诽钦治腕虽诺靖涛配惨描瘩套淀狼票哪廖烷晋熏橡饵苹趴潍洗睬戒涯进没堵她卸伍开寺趾随膀花伤烤舰怠怔弱裳遂蛔陆掐锑拟哩蔼就善摄帜熟虫咽藐趟酋率例霓弯宪痞钻钱焊育氧辙割祷锋座默慎策狱追牵梗微蚜潘曝仓逆吾氖纽芍

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