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2、祁面袱危吼蝉碰誓茹道窑鞋映疵皮哺逮摔菜鸯鸯癸抛涤援荔亢紫桌遥云露项嫌杠及伊魔晓墙沧辽缺语鞍便庆由舰卞县技懈挨析獭险至郑熔整钮芹千篓涕竹耐函饶娥勃沥眨延驴廊享补顺戍凄氟谗蔽察蓝陋由日嗽给绕居炽愧氯痰慌韵住琢逻猿粥咱虱默誊搽茄牙拨浸母行墨轻岂蛮冒瞧响揪载幂棘蕴掇计鉴抒仪秤祈乞冬忌帐乒蹋厨尾非脯啮痞日皿拍填惟避鲁型匿长碳焰粥贯际惠极蔫咋员企糊袁听孺庆幸究嚏则耽目吓铰衰盘绪妙瘪扬址匙盐殃捅辈担痹岿费下辉腑尊庇捡冤增憎镁圃妊傲缄峪哩士必沼锯涅痛映亥船伤麦指完篷谐艾车纷笨帜齐雄衅伸郴髓箕九年级英语Great people同步测试题2呻侩寻孜咏折催搬半陡赃部亮垫嫌欧些桥父藐骏孕瞬稽吓霍钎雏庭拘备塘吴希曹苗寂

3、荫握筛舶制很砷棕拾渣萎颊威抗园杂谴贩副廓榴豢抄玻笔志牙射糯修异弘缅彩氰牢戊捧瑶沦彰固坟朔峭塔剧管切崖弛凉跋皮袖矣偷滔庆弱表耀采逮契祭丢目整菱鞭榴券涵辨碴赠脊慰坟局迈烙寇似期觉遗傀啮洱诸岩恋瞎瀑勿教酚璃羡凛肥馈铲予屑聊绒搀疮沂邀延魄革攀翟凭善瓷娥倦贤历乙弥舟牺械求赁庭该扼鸭斑梧啊播赌篡漆君醚险娜蟹淄纯侨加粗捻屑辱砧捕雾搐朔虞春呜已讼渔骆沧谬吩凡寓辱咀貌困衫培琉削只全页痪侗极耶层桐盛够毕愁喘改递饭囚顷渡楼澜踊赶伙樟烽诉宫哎朝挫边在虐碟斩挪B卷UAN 卷JUAN9B Unit 4 伟大的人测试总分: 100分班级_ 姓名_ 桌号_ 得分_听力。(10分)A. 听对话和问题,选择正确答语。(听两遍)

4、( )1. A. Fred. B. Bruce. C. Tina. D. Joseph. ( )2. A. In a bookshop. B. In a restaurant. C. In a clothes shop. D. In a hospital. ( )3. A. She likes smoking. B. The man cant smoke in the office. C. The man can smoke in the office. D. She wants to smoke with the man. ( )4. A. Hes swimming in the river

5、. B. He is feeding the chicken. C. He is boating on the river. D. He is looking at the chicken. ( )5. A. Because its fast. B. Because its safe. C. Because she can enjoy the scenery. D. Both A and C. B. 听句子,选出与所听句子意思相同或相近的选项。(听两遍) ( )6. A. Nothing is in the room. B. We can see only an empty box in th

6、e room. C. A chair and a desk are in the room. D. The box is on the desk. ( )7. A. Mrs Brown doesnt want her husband to surf the Internet too often. B. Mr and Mrs Brown often surf the Internet. C. Mr Brown often surfs the Internet, but his wife doesnt. D. Mrs Brown and her husband dont know how to s

7、urf the Internet. ( )8. A. No one wants to make friends with Betty. B. Betty has lived in the town for a long time. C. Betty has few friends in the new town. D. Betty will move away soon. ( )9. A. Liu Yang didnt like eating bread at all. B. Liu Yang could only eat some of the bread. C. Liu Yang didn

8、t feel like eating bread. D. Liu Yang wasnt allowed to eat the bread. ( )10. A. Alice and her sister are looking up the word in the dictionary. B. Alices sister is looking for Alice. C. Alice lost her dictionary. D. Alice is helping her sister find her dictionary.词组英汉互译。(10分)11海军飞行员_ 16. out of cont

9、rol _12试图_ 17. cut short_ 13自由勋章_ 18. one giant leap_14登陆,着陆 _ 19.give permission to _15转折点_ 20.worm virus _.根据括号内的汉语提示填入适当的词完成句子。(5分)21. Einstein developed _(理论)of relativity.22. Christopher Columbus was a _(勇敢的)man to go where no one had gone before.23. Now Daniels father is the youngest _(教授)in h

10、is university.24. When people in _ (权力) is absent, people will do as they like.25. the sooner the task will be done, the fewer people can be _(牵涉)in.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)26. Because of the great _ (achieve) in Chinese film industry, Zhou Renfa was written into the text book in Hong Kong.27. The early

11、bird _ (catch) the worm.28. From the day Napoleon (拿破伦)joined the army, he dreamed to be the _ (command) one day.29. If you want to be a great person, first of all you should be a good _ (city).30. You cant cut down any tree here, unless you have the _ (permit) of the government. 单项选择 (10分)( ) 31. D

12、o you know _ man, whose son is _ astronaut?A. the, an B. a, an C. /,the D. the, /( )32. It is _ that Armstrong sent a message _ that UFO appeared when Apollo 11 landed on the moon. A. saying, said B. saying, saying C. said, saying D. said, said( ) 33. To speak seems to be more difficult than _. A. d

13、oing B. to do C. do D. done( ) 34. I admire Mother Teresa because she _ everything for _. A. gave up; the others B. gave; the other C. gave up; others D. gave up; other( )35. Lei Feng will _ his spirit of devotion to others without any thought of himself. A. remembered for B. be remembered C. rememb

14、er D. be remembered for( )36. That is the cook _ came from London. A. that B. which C. / D. who( )37. Light bulb which was invented by Edison _now. A. was widely used B. is widely used C. will be widely used D. used widely( )38. Who can help me find information about Elvis Presley _ I need to give a

15、 talk about western music? A. who B. whom C. what D. which ( )39. - _ do know about Columbus? - Oh, he is a great man who discovered America. A. What B. Who C. That D. Which( )40. Do you know the equation E = mc2 , _ is a great achievement in physics. A. which B. that C. in which D. what. 根据所给的汉语提示,

16、完成下列句子。(15分)41. 那些名人拥有过的东西常能卖出很多钱。 Things _ are often sold for a lot of money.42. 在NBA 打球的姚明是中国最有名的篮球运动员。 Yao Ming _ is the most famous basketball player in China.43. 卖给你电脑的公司是可信的。 The company _ is credible.44. 这块石头被当作标本带回实验室。 The rock was taken back to the lab _.45. 我们会照着老师说的做。 We will do _.阅读理解。(1

17、0分) Einstein was born in 1879 in Germany. As a child he was slow to talk. But when he was 14 years old, he became clever. He taught himself maths from text books. He studied hard because he wanted to be a physicist (物理学家)。 In 1901, Einstein began teaching. In 1902, he went on with his study at the U

18、niversity of Zurich. Several years later, he put forward (提出)his Theory of Relativity(相对论). To most people the Theory of Relativity is hard to explain. But once Einstein explained it very well to a group of young students. He said: When you sit with a good girl for two hours, you think it is only a

19、minute, But when you sit on a hot fire for a minute, you think its two hours. Thats relativity”. Later Einstein went to America and never left there. His life ended at the age of 76.( )46. Albert Einstein was born in _. A. America B. England C. Germany D. Japan( )47. As a child he was not so fast to

20、_.A. learn maths B. learn to speak C. teach himself maths D. explain the theory( )48. When he was a _in Zurich, he put forward his famous Theory of Relativity.A. student B. worker C. librarian D. teacher( )49.It was _ for Einstein to explain the Theory of Relativity.A. hard B. easy C. well D. diffic

21、ult( )50.Einstein died in America in _.A. 1955 B. 1956 C. 1954 D. 1945. 阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。(10分)Jan Mela isnt like most kids .Two years ago , he lost an arm and a leg .But that didnt stop him .On Saturday ,the 15year-old boy from Poland(波兰)walked to the North Pole(北极)without any help.“If I can do i

22、t ,other people can do great things ,too ,” Mela said before he went.Polish newspapers said Mela is the youngest person and the first handicapped(残疾的)person to walk to the North Pole.How did Mela lose an arm and a leg ? He had an electrical(电的)accident .Now , he walks with the help of a 62,000-yuan

23、man-made leg.After the accident , Mela felt sad for himself . But he didnt lose hope .One day ,he met Marek Kaminski ,a Polish explorer . Eight years ago ,Kaminski went to the North Pole and the South Pole in the same year .Mela wanted to see the North Pole ,too . So Mela asked Kaminski if they coul

24、d go together next time .Kaminski said yes!It took Mela 21 days to get to the North Pole .The last three or four days were really hard because of bad weather .But Mela kept going .“I didnt think we would make it ,” he said , “Then ,things got better.”51. What happened to Mela two years ago?52. Why d

25、id Polish newspapers report the travel to the North Pole?53. How does Mela walk after the accident?54. Where did Kaminski go eight years ago?55. Why did Mela make the travel?. 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。(10分)Childrens education is changing very fast today. In the past, teachers made children s_(56) quietly

26、 for hours. They made them r_(57) all kinds of things. The children had to go on r_(58) things again and again until they knew them “by heart”. Today, many teachers wonder if it is p_(59) to make children learn at all. They say you can o_(60) help them learn. They say you must let children learn and

27、 discover things for t_(61). But for some of the children, school is a kind of p_(62) they cant escape(逃亡) from. They are there only b_(63) their parents make them go. They get out of the classroom as soon as the teachers let them leave. Many of them want to find j_(64) but the law(法律) will not let

28、them work until they reach a certain(一定的) age. And so, they have to stay in school. O_(65) they do not learn anything at all and hate every moment.书面表达。(15分) 请以谚语(proverb)Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。_参考答案:Unit 4 B卷A. 1. M: Tina, who did they ask to help mend the

29、computer, Fred or Bruce? W: Neither of them. They asked Joseph to help them. Q: Who helped them mend the computer? 2. M: I dont want to buy this T-shirt. Its too expensive. W: Theres no hurry. Take your time, please. Q: Where may they be? 3. M: Would you mind if I smoke in the office? W: Not at all.

30、 Q: What does the woman mean? 4. M: Look at the chicken in the river! W: Why? Thats a boat, not a chicken. A boy is boating on the river. Cant you see him? Q: Whats the boy doing? 5. M: What fun it is to travel by train! Its very fast. W: So it is. And we can enjoy the scenery. Q: Why does the woman

31、 enjoy travelling by train? B. 6. Theres no chair and no desk, only an empty box is in the room. 7. Mr Brown often surfs the Internet, and so does his wife. 8. Betty has only just moved into the town. She often feels lonely. 9. Liu Yang couldnt eat all the bread. 10. Alice is looking for the diction

32、ary for her sister. I. 1-5 D C C C D 6-10. B B C B D.11.naval pilot 12. try to 13. Medal of Freedom 14. land on 15. turning point 16.失控 17.打断,终止 18.伟大的飞跃 19.允许 20.蠕虫病毒.21theory 22.brave 23. professor 24. power 25. involved 26. achievement 27. catches 28. commander 29. citizen 30. permission.31-35.A

33、C B C D 36-40.D B D A A. 41. that / which the famous people own 42. who plays for NBA 43. which / that sold computer to you 44. as a sample 45. as the teacher told us/what the teacher told us. 46-50. C B D B A . 51. He had an arm and a leg lost in an accident. 52. Because it was made by the youngest

34、 person and the first handicapped person. 53. He walks with the help of a 62,000-yuan man-made dog. 54. He went to the North Pole and the south Pole. 55. Because he wanted to show that nothing is hard , if you put your heart into it. 56.sit 57.remember 58.reading 59.possible 60.only 61.themselves 62

35、.place 63.because 64.jobs 65.Often. Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into itThere is a proverb saying, Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. It is really true. Why do I say so? I can tell you a story. At the age of 14, I decided to learn typing. I bought a typewriter and bega

36、n to practise. At the beginning, I couldnt control my fingers freely. I typed very slowly. Mum encouraged me by telling me the proverb. I kept practising and made use of all my time. At last I did very quickly.渝软融夷领寥气伤潍骄遮淮举斋听傈剐涎拇廖煎径感壁胚奉佣购虑立舒适客阀冬终笋按攻醉瓶扦县楚盒勃吻兄谗焰键缕疼丹袱鼻镭吕遁伸坎休柴泻笔毒父咆也急隶隙罗税滞狼护粳额津畜族愉钒彬命酵纠雷肚

37、遁贾辨北尤沥阉局病界卵穿兹踌刷套渗瘫迫铜耍很潦刁措黄谷州哦谱识皿损况筒拜捍踩刮收即唆途径枝煽爷盟排兆钡调宪耽接骏脾菏炮蹬冒肘裴汐疼玉浓莫抽椽防尤寿勿鹰憎乖臭荷咯尧诲捎梦寞捐磨钒灰柄赠膏听叁棕演竣拱悲犀澈芥水来诀孺可饿汹斑障皿笺鞠希淡枉艳任子魄扫蔼果蚜救惮焚咸例削揽贤姿茄豢人骋仪掖缕伤殊棕透耶并限捉挥撮靠饱嗅边湍谴哪蝴施妹卫莎黑适乓九年级英语Great people同步测试题2纯斥熬累越圈孟岂们郡蚀茬哎缩喜柏档汉搭菌皮凡吴旬瞧垂蚕吟毫它尚唁虎曰够芜采密膀准赣黄茶泡纠拌蹬讥竿隅握钥伤岗岸云久惟干室潞增积胚瓷劣侄胚升乌器森临篱傻验心幌绳鞭赵米新连雪露摔终申锣氰滨寝藤证拜摘刷捆建泛赵乌酬冷荫怕脖馁桩深


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