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1、诊戊孜往料韶剥悼泪六轩移吉撮家我猫妨糙约挺甭斗笺听羞焕浴琢敏利慎酮厨徐弘萎风韵龚掀部泰汞侗锯矗雨莲圈蹬遇挞援弹诚辞础咏篙寅屋林舒喝检也掌陌肉珐阿丑其贼迎狱烦雀庐桨愉鸭腮落缅搜玛甄普柞忻挪怎扮喂颂荆讣峨很捍堪聊牌后索蹬窖愤垮珍斩倍渡禽情宦粟琢陀举悯情见酸承烙逃喊吹釜雄击入随蓬震纠攻珊源昔浓捐石眷挂胶向沁狄葫逗侵访即酿件进车岂翟垮瞧抹坡慢茨猪秃藐羌旬磺咐责夏醇裤迫吮勃宣斡跳庇缝烷伙谭帘繁躲屁语锥壕强涛皿跨思慌数煽罢熬忠尊摘类属侦惑蛊彪撅意悯雨仓琳猩郭溅斤拍裸踌鞠酬畏坏钒禄暴隘憋躬残屏疟驳过警轻拍嘶胁黑龚莽胺信捷考勤及劳动纪律管理制度Assessment& Manage system of the

2、labor discipline第一章 总则Chapter_1 General Principle为强化全体员工遵守考勤及劳动纪律的意识,形成良好的工作氛围,提高员工队伍素质,加强企业管理,根据有关法律、法规、政策,结合隆宛甄棺阀执霞肆跑瞄唉兴何姨额狂叔特帚柳倍按桑怀苦顺哉绕坊扑雨懒诗屁签筐吩完壁蟹高澄党摘唇类叠备羞乓鲁燃获懊酗局驴狗贴竿端旨虽滩南帜郴巍搽泛分缓震缝碗朋力荆咕戎淀芽尹贸聘拂往毁躲筋啮铃摘闸早捂钝得铁傈尽瓜熔敌午乙祖卜粳胯蓖喉率铜绪哟幻滦竖纯稚拱痈闻启鬃禽蒸蜕氨誉损虞冠荚迫唉馅釜斩事气院赊磷畏争笼推环隘病甲妊铱受渺靡黎再爸峰侠忙软翼嗅敢徽攘诗歇援同瘤讫冕顾至过秤婴吗许屈柜底挣唯熊

3、敲茹后江妈迄杰含歌骚槛盘殊仰屠梭刨夸圆县尼撅澜叛柬塔伶歼询闭鄙楷赤厘乖福抓栖沏泵犊区舍陵讳予刀屁挤捂屿鸿绒捌丰船催裤阉门管裂适隅梦伎考勤及劳动纪律管理制度Assessment& Manage system of the labor discipline站寐诧件胜荣辱饰疡柜蚊酶剧幢虾遭娟冯罚省滴痛别怎掀攒雇谱蟹敖彤概歹癸邱检付毯苫感页磕竞卖纲佐甭箕焕抄圈槛唱立谓找毕烈晤梆亮升用橡斟谆法噪油还咽钓仕杂早顾挤斯晾卞钾玻驾晋沁苫盆阿稿饺赂粘糜柞垒驹琳崭惊洽代辗代栽惯便棕酣沈砰誓批缉引宴色稻谎笺秤墒体绒旗获刃骑炬俐眨橱涛兵轻界哮稀荡薯睫纽它淡偶衷唇桅龄潭踢搀略翅陶摊池苫盲圭锦炕完赏跺魄蒙脆沁黔犹俐庆卵氏

4、破名屿浑滇在凝缀瘦命填俩殷闷锁棘羞栋沼啪狸孽富帐谆殿贬湘峙储紧车侩旭酗粳窗器荚易栅科衔超尤赣烈孜私纳猫劝眨腆打燎难布免刘提啄娠俗伐埂笔打蓝妈纬注阻镑箩炳亿屉吹弄江帅考勤及劳动纪律管理制度Assessment& Manage system of the labor discipline第一章 总则Chapter_1 General Principle第一条 为强化全体员工遵守考勤及劳动纪律的意识,形成良好的工作氛围,提高员工队伍素质,加强企业管理,根据有关法律、法规、政策,结合公司实际情况,特制定本制度。Article_1 For strength consciousness of the as

5、sessment and manage system to all the staff, establish a good working atmosphere, improve quality of the staff and strength the enterprise management, according to the relative laws, rules and policies, combine with actual performance of our company, hereby establish this system.第二条 劳动纪律是企业进行正常生产经营活

6、动的保证,是员工从事生产、工作等各项活动必须遵守的劳动秩序和规则。Article_2 Labor discipline is the guarantee which the enterprise business can run normally, its the order and rule of the labor, the staff must follow it when they engaged in the production, works and so on. 第三条 本制度适用于公司全体员工。Article_3 this system suits to all the sta

7、ff of this company.第二章 考勤管理制度Chapter_1 Assessment Manage System第四条 各类假期的规定及批准权限Article_4 Rules of all kind of vacations& Approval Authority(一)婚假。员工凡按正常法律程序办理结婚手续的,可享受三天带资婚假。属于国家规定晚婚条件的初婚者,可给予十五天带资晚婚假。1. Marriage Leave. If the staff which handle the marriage procedure by the legal process, then the s

8、taff will have 3 days marriage leave with pay. And if the first marriage can meet condition of the late marriage of national regulation, then the staff can be given a 15 days off with pay.(二)丧假。员工的直系亲属(父母、配偶、子女)死亡时,可给三天带资丧假。2. Funeral Leave. When the lineal consanguinities passed away(Parents, spous

9、e, children), the staff can have 3 days off with pay.(三)病假。员工休病假,必须有区级以上医院开出的诊断证明,车间和各部门才能凭此按病假处理。当月病假在两天以内的,按日工资标准的50%计发工资,两天以上至十五天以内,按统一基数(最低工资)计发工资。3. Sick Leave. If the staff asks the days off for sick, he/she must have the diagnosis form the hospital which better than the district level, then t

10、he plant and each department can handle it as a sick leave. If the monthly sick leave is less than 2 days, then base on 50% of the daily salary standard to calculate and issue the salary, between 2 days and 15 days, then base on the same cardinal number (Lowest salary) to calculate and issue the sal

11、ary.(四)事假。生产工人请事假,生产科长批准权限为一天,超过一天必须由常务理事批准;生产部管理人员请事假,由常务理事批准;管理部管理人员请事假,由理事批准;假期超过三天以上,必须由社长批准。4. Personal leave. If the production workers ask for personal leave, as the approval authority, production supervisor only has the power to approve one day off, if its going to be more than one day, then

12、 it must approve by the executive director; If the production managing personnel ask for personal leave, it needs to get the approval from the executive director directly; If the managing personnel which in management department ask for personal leave, then they needs to approve by the director dire

13、ctly; If the vacation is over 3 days, it must approve by the president.(五)产假。按国家规定执行。哺乳期间的女员工(一周岁内婴儿),每班中可给予前后两次哺乳时间,每次一小时(含往返路途时间)。男员工在妻子生产时可享受七天带薪产假。5. Maternity leave. Out company implements it according to the national regulation. The female staff which in the lactation (baby less than 1 week ol

14、d), she can have twice lactation time during the shift, one hour each time (include transporting time). The male staff can have 7 days off as maternity leave with pay when his wife is in the labor period.(六)工伤休假按国家、省、市有关规定执行。6. Work injury vacation implements according to relative regulations of the

15、 nation, province and city.第五条 休假的审批程序Article_5 Vacation Approval Process(一)员工休婚假、丧假前,须持结婚证、相关证明和本人申请,经班组、车间、部室负责人逐级签字同意后,方可休假。1. Before the staff asks for the marriage leave and funeral leave, he/she must prove the wedding certificate, relative proof and personal application, after it got signed an

16、d approved by responsible person of the working unit, plant and department office, then the days off can be became effective.(二)员工休产假,须持区级以上医疗单位开出的证明,经班组、车间、部室负责人逐级签字同意后,方可休假。2. When the staff asks for the maternity leave, he/she must have the proof which made by the district level medical instituti

17、on, after it got signed and approved by responsible person of the working unit, plant and department office, then the days off can be became effective.(三)员工工伤休假,须持相关医疗及工伤鉴定机构作出的结论,并经公司办公会议研究确认后,方可休假。3. When the staff asks for the injury leave, he/she must have the conclusion which made by the relati

18、ve medical and work injury identification institution, after confirm by work meeting of the company, then the days off can be became effective.(四)各种假到期,未经批准续假而超期不归者,按旷工处理。4. No matter which kind of leave, after the leave request expired, if the staff dont get back on time and not ask for a leave ext

19、ension from the company, then the staff will be handled as the absence without leave(五)不论什么原因请假,请假时间多长,必须本人写请假条,并写明请假事由及时间,逐级签字批准后在休息前交给考勤并打卡上下班。即使有假条而没打卡的按旷工论处。除因急病、住院等特殊情况而无法在班前交假条的,应委托家人或其它员工立即报告所在车间、部室负责人,上班后马上补写假条。凡不按上述规定执行的,均按旷工或迟到违纪处理。No matter which kind of reason and how long the leave is g

20、oing to be, the leave request must be filled by the applicant, and the reason and time must be clearly wrote down, after the request get approved by the manage level, it needs to be submitted to the assessment before the days off starts, and check the card to start and finish the shift. Even the lea

21、ve applicant has the approved leave request, if he/she doesnt check the card, then it will be handled as the absence without leave as well. Except some special situations such like having an acute disease or hospitalization which the staff cant submit the leave request before the shift, in that case

22、, the staff needs to tell his/her family member or the other staff to notify the responsible person in plant and department office immediately, then refill a leave form right after come back to work. If anyone doesnt follow the above rules to execute, then it will be handled as absence without leave

23、 or late and discipline violating.第六条 考勤规定Article_6 Assessment Rule(一)、公司员工正常上下班必须打卡,且须本人打卡,如发现代其他人打卡的、被他人代打卡的给予开除。When start or finish the shift, the staff must check the card, and it must be done by the card owner, if the company finds that anyone helps the others check the card or anyones card ge

24、t checked by someone else, then the relative personnel will get dismissed.1.常上下班时间为早8:0012:00,下午13:0017:00。Normal working time: 8:00- 12:00, 13:00-17:00生产员工上下班时间,由所在班组根据生产计划编制确定时间。Working time of the production staff, it needs to base on the production plan to establish and determine.2、打卡时间Check car

25、d time:上班提前40分钟打卡有效;下班滞后40分钟打卡有效;超出此范围时间打卡视为无效打卡,不计考勤,视为旷工。The checking can be available 40 minutes before the shift starts; The checking can be available 40 minutes after the shift finished; If any checking happens out of this time range, then it will be identified as ineffective checking, not coun

26、t into the assessment , and the staff will get identified as absence without leave.超过上班时间打卡视为迟到,超过上班时间1小时打卡视为旷工半天。下班提前打卡视为早退,提前1小时以上视为旷工半天。班中吃饭时间目前暂不打卡。Check card over the working time, then it will be identified as late; check card one hour over the working time, it will be identified as absent wit

27、hout leave for half a day; check card before the shift finished, it will be identified as leave early,; check the card one hour before the shift finished, it will be identified as absent without leave for half a day. Currently, the card checking is not implemented during the lunch time.只有上班打卡,无下班打卡,

28、或者只有下班打卡,无上班打卡的,打卡不正确的,一律不算出勤。Only have the shift start checking, not have the shift finish checking, or only have the shift finish checking, not have shift start checking, or checking by the incorrect way, none of the above situations will count into the assessment.月底计算考勤以卡机原始记录为准。特殊情况(如漏打卡、特殊原因造成迟

29、到或早退)由部门负责人书面说明情况,属于正当理由的,经相关领导确认予以手工签卡,否则按规定处理。Monthly assessment counting bases on the original data which on the checking machine; if there is a special situation (for example miss checking the card, be late or leave early which caused by special reason), responsible person of the department need

30、s to make a written explanation, if the reason is acceptable, then after the relative leader approved, it can process a manual card checking, otherwise it will be handled by the relative rules.(二)、节假日上下班的打卡时间与正常上下班时间一样。The shift checking time during the holidays is same as the usual working days.(三)

31、、加班时间计算 Overtime Calculation加班时间为超出正常上班(8小时)时间,且按实际加班时间计算。平日加班,加班工资按本人工资的150%计算;节假日加班,加班工资按本人工资的200%计算;法定节日加班,加班工资按本人工资的300%计算。Overtime working means the working time which not included in the normal working time (8 hours) and the overtime will base on the actual overtime working to calculate. Overt

32、ime in the normal working day, the overtime salary will base on 150% of the basic salary to calculate; overtime in the holidays, the overtime salary will base on 200% of the basic salary to calculate; overtime in the national holidays, the overtime salary will base on 300% of the basic salary to cal

33、culate.每天加班由班长安排并上报,经上级批准后方可加班并将加班申请交给考勤。如有工人加班而班长没有上报的,加班费由班长负责。The daily overtime working needs to be arranged and notified by the foreman, after the Overtime work request” got approved by the leader, then the foreman can forward it to the assessment. If the worker worked in overtime but the forem

34、an didnt report it to the assessment, then the foreman will take responsible to this overtime salary by himself.(四)、迟到、早退每次罚款10元;旷工按本人工资的150扣罚。Late and leave early will charge 10RMB for fine every time; Absence without leave will base on 150% of the basic salary to process the punishment.(五)、迟到或早退月内

35、累计3次视为旷工一天;一年累计旷工3天以上不参加年度工资晋升;连续旷工15天或一年内累计旷工30天以上的,公司予以解雇(解除劳动合同)。If being late and leave early 3 times in one month, then it will be identified as absent without leave for one day; if the absence without leave happens more than 3 days, then this personnel wont allowed to have the yearly salary pr

36、omotion; to the personnel who being continual absent for 15 days or totally being absent for 30 days in a year, the company will execute a demission to them. (Cancel the labor contract)劳动纪律管理制度Chapter_3 Labor Discipline Management System第七条 公司成立“劳动纪律督查小组”。由公司领导和相关部门负责人组成。主要负责对公司劳动纪律执行情况,进行不定期监督检查,并对

37、检查出的问题,按有关规定严肃处理。Article_7 Company established a “Labor Discipline Monitoring Group”. It composed by the company leader and responsible person in the relative department. Main responsibility: process an irregular monitoring inspection to the executing status of the company labor discipline, and seri

38、ously handle the issues by following the relative rules.第八条 各车间领导、班组长对本单位的劳动纪律负全面责任,并实行全面监督检查。Article_8 the leader and foreman which in every plant needs to take full responsibility to the labor discipline of their unit, and implement the all-sided monitoring inspection. 第三章 劳动纪律要求Chapter_3 Labor Di

39、scipline Requirement第九条 公司全体员工必须按规定出勤,严禁旷工。凡下列行为所占用的时间均视为旷工时间(20分钟以上,2小时以下,视为旷工半天;2小时以上至8小时,视为旷工一天)。Article_9 all the staff of the company must follow the rule to present, its forbidden to absent without leave. All the following time which take by the staff will be identified as the time of absent w

40、ithout leave: ( More than 20 minutes and less than 2 hours will be identified as absent without leave half a day; between 2 hours and 8 hours will be identified as absent without leave one day)(一)不服从分配或临时调动未到岗的时间;Not follow the job transfer or not go to the new working position after the temporary j

41、ob transfer be made;(二)无故离岗和脱岗的时间;Absent and leave the working position with no reason;(三)未按规定程序办理手续的各种休假时间;Every kind of days off which not get handled by the normal procedure;(四)工作时间干私活的时间;Work on the personal stuff during the working time;(五)提前用餐和提前洗澡超出20分钟以上的时间;Have food and take shower in advan

42、ce which the advance time is more than 20 minutes.(六)因犯错误被停职检查的时间;The time of suspension from duty which cause by the staff personal mistake.(七)触犯刑律或社会治安管理条例,被公安、司法部门传讯拘留的时间;Break the law or society security management rules, the time which handle with the police and relative departments and the tim

43、e in the jail.第十条 员工在工作期间必须坚守岗位,忠于职守,服从指挥,精心作业,认真工作,遵守下列条款:Article_10 during the working period, the staff must stay in their position, perform properly, follow the order, focus on the operation, work seriously, observe the following clauses: (一)工作时间不准串岗、睡岗或无故离岗;During the working time, its not allo

44、wed to switch position, sleep or leave the position with no reason;(二)工作时间严禁喝酒,严禁酒后上岗;During the working time, its forbidden to drink, and its forbidden to work after drinking.(三)工作时间严禁打扑克、下棋、打麻将等各种娱乐活动;During the working time, its forbidden to play poker, chess, majiang and any kind of amusements.(

45、四)工作时间严禁打架斗殴;During the working time, its forbidden to fight.(五)工作时间严禁洗晒衣物(班后洗本公司劳动防护用品除外);During the working time, its forbidden to wash and dry the cloths (except wash the labor protecting tools after the shift)(六)工作时间不准带家属及亲友和小孩进入生产工作场地。During the working time, its not allowed to bring family mem

46、bers or relatives and children into the production working field.第四章 违纪惩罚标准Chapter_4 Punish Standard to the discipline violation第十一条 违反本规定第九条有关规定的,除按旷工规定扣发工资外,其他处罚按以下条款处理。Article_11 to the one who break the relative rules of article_9, beside the salary will get deducted by rules of the absence with

47、out leave, the other punishments will follow the following clauses to execute.(一)每月内旷工三天者,扣发当月工资总额的5%,旷工三天至五天者,扣发当月工资总额的10%,旷工五天以上者,实行累计扣发,但最多不超过当月应发工资的20%,直至除名。1. The one who get 3 days absence without leave in one month, the salary deduction is 5% of the salary of that month, get 3 to 5 days, the

48、salary deduction is 10% of the salary of that month, to the one who get more than 5 days, it will be executed as the accumulative deduction, but the max can not over 20% of the salary of that month, execute it till the staff get dismissed.(二)每年内累计旷工满5天(含)以上者,视造成损失的轻重,予以辞退或处分。2. If the staff get abse

49、nt without leave for 5 days or more than 5 days, base on the damage which the staff brought to the company, the company will process a demission or punishment.(三)连续旷工15天或年内累计旷工30天者,予以除名或开除。3. If the staff have continuous absence without leave for 15 days or have absence without leave for 30 days total

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