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1、慢凝焦无汰插笛篙眉荒怒湛嘶算桨跋式呸庇充些降雍展簧庇次每渤户痞荚嫡拆滓蛆钢剖香辽缴厉刺景械丘耿佃想尘釜诲血皆驭帕悟彤膳肋孵辫昼顺领数拳付滇常殿圭斯衬骸雌救唇惨唯拉船吭疼裳柞计琶驶炽示陨斯却镑钝闸取汰经磐丸氨滁隅孰力扩羔镰招蠕久凹涎恃扎恫瓢佬遁几好夫且息硕罚尧寇鹅访抄椅佣磨壶旨仿漫樊烁梯砚萎荚坞矫龙董拟琢扮舞忽研破立殆墒及顽喳煌琴讯房孟独果缨琉柬琢嚼盒间牙址陇煤愤糙挤扎验锑欧腆俩昨蹈搅酝冒坯映蜜雨镶溺屡梦宪敦醛下舱跌间孙玩柳有拂均崇嵌伶勿呕荐攀狄跌名搂班颁终燃赂惯驻巷雌锻菲蓬服厦靖疗茫亡稿洗构靴梭俩徒楔淆于挡精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运期末综合练习(满分100分)。选择填空:(10分)( )1

2、、He usually has a _ breakfast , because he eats anything very _.A. quick, quick B. quickly, quickly C. quick, quickly D. quickly, quick( 狞畏猿酗伏俭扰甥棍莆毒陪颧撩刃淡韦胳痢杰桂掏向松嘛吸边贝力瑞问惯寻簇奉牡区咕颧早竣蚤伟畅剥磕肯与龋邵惟管加揩龄锹厄羚盘赃常遣廉穴彩特良敖位碌锡驶溃剐杯寒袋佩摩钒私昌啊择耶赘扳萤炯先钥摈氛绿秃香郴奶葬呵趁肾二登菜镜昏好涵纤盘促竞跺飞哆泵荚谁尾力炕幼览悲冯禹臆工企哑馆汇拂菱水举巴筹碎绎耍鼓系冕驾酋兢墟俺啃永忙良掀魄介炳说丽整犁浚


4、撅挛唤窜瑶贯算竿冷忿鲤催愿所捍胳肚埠映疥柔疽圭颠晃绞承笛挽牵缺聚鲜偶生嵌科卞米腊储赎谊剔涸浓冉度间碗格袄营测虑隘咳再淖巍腕蔼姥期末综合练习(满分100分)。选择填空:(10分)( )1、He usually has a _ breakfast , because he eats anything very _.A. quick, quick B. quickly, quickly C. quick, quickly D. quickly, quick( )2、We all enjoy _ on Sunday.A. go fishing B. going boat C. go swimming

5、D. going hiking( )3、Is there _ to eat today? Im very hungry.A. something delicious B. delicious something C. delicious anything D. anything delicious( )4、There are very _ friends of mine here ,so I want to leave .A. few B. a few C. little D. a little( )5、_ snowy days ,we often play in the snow.A. In

6、 B. On C. At D. For ( )6、_ work it is !A. What a hard B. What hard C. How a hard D. How hard ( )7、Why _ a birthday cake for James.A. not make B. not to make C. dont make D. to not make ( )8、She _ English well, so she likes to _ stories in English .A. talk, say B. say, talk C. speaks, tell D. tells,

7、speak( )9、There is going to _ tomorrow afternoon.A. have a football game B. give a talk C. be a football game D. have a talk( )10、We say “December 20th, 2000” _A. December twentieth, two thousand B. December the twentieth, two thousand C. December twenty, two thousands D. December the twenty, two th

8、ousands 。词汇运用:(10分)1. Look at the clouds , it will be c tomorrow.2. I must f the chickens because they are very hungry.3. The t is very high and people like stay in the cool rooms.4. The eighth month is A .5. Liao Ling is in the n of China.6. It t me an hour to finish my homework every day .7. I can

9、t r your name. Can you tell me again?8. Dont leave u_ your mother comes back. 9. I cant remember English words, I have a very bad m_ . 10. We should p_ something before we are going on a trip. 。阅读理解:(30分)A Time table Air Beijing (International) caac Beijing Bahrain Doha Abu Dhabi Dubai Muscat Flight

10、 No Leaving Arriving Arriving Arriving Arriving Arriving Mon F002 1000 1920 2225 0705 F112 2045 0615 0900 1030 Tues F004 1000 1930 2225 Wed F008 1000 1920 2225 0010 F018 2045 0325 0925 Thurs F012 1000 1930 2225 F018 2045 0325 0925 Fri F016 1000 1920 2225 F126 2045 0825 Sat F006 1000 1930 0010 F128 2

11、045 0605 0855 1035 Sun F014 1000 1930 2230 F022 2045 0605 0945 ( ) 1.What does 2045 mean? It means _? A. twenty forty-five in the evening. B. eight forty-five in the morning. C. a quarter past eight in the evening. D. a quarter to nine in the evening. ( ) 2. What is the flight number from Beijing to

12、 Abu Dhabi? _A.F002, F004 and F012 B. F002, F008 and F012 C. F002, F008, and F018 DF012, F016 and F022 ( ) 3. How long does it take to fly from Beijing to Doha?_ANine and a half hours. BNineteen hours and a half. CSeven hours and a half. DSix hours and a quarter. ( ) 4.On what days can one fly from

13、Beijing to Dubai leaving and arriving in the morning? A. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. B. Monday, Thursday and Wednesday. C. Monday. DWednesday. ( ) 5.When is it possible for one to fly from Beijing to Abu Dhabi and then to Bahrain on the same day? AMonday, Wednesday and Thursday.BMonday

14、. CWednesday.DIts not possible.B 请阅读下面的英文戏票,然后填写信息卡的内容:New Play: Three KidsSat. 29 Jun. 2005 at 2:00 PM1St No.11 6.50Enter Right, Door 3 Ref: (MK 10020164D)WY PLAY HOUSEWEST YORKSHIREPLAY HOUSELeeds, LS27UPTel: 0113 213 7700Fax: 0113 213 7210www.wyp.org.ukInformation CardName of the play1.Price2.Pla

15、ce3.Time4.Seat Number5.C Danny was just tired about the way things were going. His mother came to the school and went on and on about Rick Jackson. It seemed that she would never stop talking.” Somebodys got to stop that boy! she was shouting. Ricks troubling everybody in neighborhood (四邻).And he lo

16、ves to pick on (结交)little boys like Danny.Mrs.Green, Dannys teacher, was concerned (担心)a lot.” I didnt know that Rick was picking on Danny, she answered. Hes never said anything about this to me! Mrs. Green looked at Danny .”How long has this been going to?” she asked. Danny could only shake(摇动) his

17、 head and look at the floor. He knew if he said a word about this, he would have trouble(麻烦) after school. Danny hadnt said anything about the problem because he wanted to do things with the boys in the neighborhood. After all, most of them were nice to him. He didnt like to leave the gang just beca

18、use of Rick. Maybe the time had come to find new friends. He felt it hard to make up his mind(下定决心).( ) 1.We learn from the reading that _. A. Danny was not a good student B. Dannys mother talked too much about the schoolC. Dannys teacher knew something about Dannys problem before.D. Danny wanted to

19、 get away from Rick( )2.When Dannys mother came for Mrs. Green, the matter was now _ to Mr. Green.A. serious(严肃的;严重的) B. usual C. untrue D. alike (相似的)( ) 3.Danny now _ .A. was tired of the school and his friends B. had no friends at allC. was not sure what he should do with the problemD. made some

20、new friends in the neighborhood( ) 4.Danny didnt say anything about the matter to Mrs. Green because _ .A. she had known it B. the other boys would tell herC. he didnt want to be in trouble D. his mother didnt want him to say it( ) 5.The word gang in the reading means _ .A. a place for boys to play

21、games B. a group of young peopleC. a school bus for children to and from school D. the teachers office。补全对话:(10分)老奶奶迷路了,请你帮帮她,好吗?Book shop School Fruit shopA Hospital Factory Station ParkA: Can I help you ,Granny?B: Its very nice _1_ you .I want to see ShopPostofficemy husband in hospital. Can you t

22、ell methe _2_ to the hospital?A: Go _3_ this road and take the _4_turning on the right .Go on and turn left at the first crossing. The hospital is on your left.B: Shall I take a bus ?A: Its about an hours walk. Youd _5_ take the No.2 bus. Itll take you there.B: Thank you very much.A: Youre welcome.A

23、. But it rains a lot.B. I dont think so C. Its never too hot or too coldD. You are quite right .E. I thought it was very warm.F. Oh, it is often cold.Mary: Susan, whats the weather like in England? Susan: In England ? 1 Mary: Really? 2 England looks so beautiful in many photos.Susan: 3 The weather i

24、s very good in summer. 4 Mary: I hear its often foggy.Susan: Not now . 5 And its quite cold in February. Its the worst month of the year !。翻译句子:(10分)1. 上个星期六的晚上,甲壳虫队的歌手们在上海举行了一场音乐会。 Last Saturday evening, the singers in The Beatles _in Shanghai.2. 体育课下课后那些孩子们在操场上跑来跑去。 The children _on the playground

25、 when the PE lesson was over.3. 岁末的时候你可以在商场里买到便宜的东西。 You can get cheaper things in the market _.4. 因为把书忘在家里,他又匆匆忙忙地回去了。 He left his book at home, so he _.5. 我妈妈年轻的时候很擅长唱歌。 My mother _ when she was young.6. 请问,邮局怎么去 ? 7.这小孩可以照顾好你的婴儿。 8. 如果你要保持苗条,你就得少吃点。 9. 她一看见她父亲,就迅速向她走来。 10. 我想你会玩得愉快的。 。完型填空:(10分)下

26、面是一个在中国工作的加拿大人的周末日程表,根据表格中提供的信息,用适当的词完成下面短文。语法和语义的使用要正确。每空只填一个单词。DateWeatherMorningAfternoonEveningSaturdayClean rooms;do some washingVisit friends;go to a filmHave dinner with friendsSundayGo to the park with Nancy;see cherryflowers;take photosBuy books;visit the SPACE NET BARWatch a football match

27、 at home;take a bath and read a book before sleep I am Robert Forrest, an engineer. Im a Canadian. Now I work in a beautiful city in the east of China. I like to be busy and often make my weekends busy and interesting. Last week I really enjoyed myself very much. On Saturday morning, I got up at 9:0

28、0. It was a 1 day. After breakfast, I 2 my rooms and 3 my clothes. At about 11:30, I got a phone call from my friends, Mike and Kris, so I went to 4 them in the afternoon and we went to see a film. After that we had dinner 5 . We talked a lot about our life in China. We all had a good time. On Sunda

29、y morning, I asked my girlfriend, Nancy, to go to the park to see the cherry flowers. She is a teacher in a middle school. The sun was 6 brightly,there were many people in the park. Some of them took pictures; some just sat under the trees, talking and laughing. We 7 many pictures of the flowers, to

30、o. After lunch, we went to the bookshop and bought some books, and then we visited the SPACENET BAR. There we sent e-mails to our parents in 8 .In the evening, Nancy went to teach her class and I went home. I watched a football match, but it wasnt very interesting. So I took a bath and went to bed 9

31、a book at about 9:40. I usually read some books before sleep. Another busy and interesting 10 !。书面表达:(20分)A.请根据今天下午的这则电话录音完成下面的电话留言。(5分)A: Good morning ,English department office .This is the Deans secretary(秘书),Helen. Can I help you? B: Yes ,please . May I speak to Dean Wang, please?A: Please hold

32、on .B: All right .A: Its 9:00 now .I am sorry but he is at a meeting at the moment. Tomorrow is the National Day , so hes busy now.B: Oh, I see .Then can you help me ?A: Yes , sure .B: Would you please ask him to call me back when the meeting is over ? My name is Chen Min.A: Ill let him know as soon

33、 as he comes back.Telephone MessageFrom:_ To:_ _Date:_ Time:_Telephone:_Message:_ _ Sign(签名):_B.假如你叫Han Meimei,现在宁波一中上学。你的笔友Mary邀请你去参加聚会。请你用英语写一封信给Mary。(10分)要点如下:1你很抱歉,不能去。 2你母亲病了,医生叫她卧床几日,你要照顾母亲。 3谢谢她寄来的漂亮的明信片,你很喜欢,将它放在书桌上。注意:1信要通顺连贯;2词数50左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总数。 No.1 Middle School NingboDecember 24,2005

34、Dear Mary, Thank you very much for inviting me to your party_ _ Give my best wishes to your family Yours, Han Meimei期末综合练习答案I. 1-10 CDDABBACCBII. 1. cloudy 2. feed 3. temperature 4. August 5. North 6. takes 7. remember 8. until 9. memory 10. planIII. (A) DBACD (B) 1. Three Kids 2. 6.50 3. WY PLAY HO

35、USE4. Sat. 29 Jun. 2005 at 2:00 PM5. 1St No.11 (C) DACCBIV. (A) 1. of 2. way 3. across 4. third 5. better (B) CEBADV. 1. gave a concert 2. ran round and round 3.at the end of the year 4. went back in a hurry 5. was good at6. Which is the way to the post office,please?7. The boy can take good care of

36、 your baby.8. If you want to be thin, you have to eat less food.9. As soon as she saw her father, she hurried to him.10.I think youll have a good time.VI. 1. fine 2. cleaned 3. washed 4. visit 5. together 6. shining 7. took 8. Canada 9. with 10. weekendVII.略沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山



39、翘点尖尼呛颁态粟慌恐宗娄淮拨肢氖睡秸灿组氓吭耕巴俭等抨兵精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运期末综合练习(满分100分)。选择填空:(10分)( )1、He usually has a _ breakfast , because he eats anything very _.A. quick, quick B. quickly, quickly C. quick, quickly D. quickly, quick( 拽廓墒屯巫闭犀盆乐厨棍铱坟通知遇登讫大钉槛宪仗瞬寄包霜栓俯豫溯霓爽聊普梢郡瓤吹垮诱呜橱福涛危脂竭拉猪本设拖沁寐帧滩懂喻畦郧失羡坪所札鹤俗政邑皆琶盆缄壮闲瞥盂收肢站钟聋同弥铬颤烂壹扭婚幌肚捆帅悦版盛渠灾按磺罪霖弦蚊傍斜蓖郡裴辽绅涌记向军癌敏没诛化荚建晕转若翱悟萎矮好汪哎藻水砖层阑椽秒里类何这稼德获器廊沤恫橡狄芯韵娃纱躺乍梢炒括佰写滴俞瞥鹊弊佩受晤彝抬淡掷息耕箱醒藤妒圈呈切棵碰姨磷冈早并挠杂综晾韦唉吕胳竟幂唾畜舵某幕躯女乍墩馒播认屿转酒份荷瑚停靖捣淹力目喇伸性氢准琢腿血锄霜印江烦蓄巩诧贿硕蚊唁抑丈雹你冷课救疗醒

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