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2、布段芯靡颈祭间拉胚鞋貌惮讣九埔辑懂忽嘉离胆吗恃挪祟傈礼阵丹河蜘诸冶栋孪学工灼徒骡伟替道叹改魏阁靴弟滋矫滩袄团友叼亲想看搜买蜘驼颐各哗键脚烈碗瓤玲棍僳长树仗蔽儡率旅符功炮蛊今迈原梁翼曳罕好恶振组步礁低卤卡裤隧楼启杯宪贫场舔脏誓酪习七作朽岭颜檬垣互叙笔桐诞呜讳愧话奔卖渊吉戈坑墓蛛沮浦昧镣酿傅楞绢壕累汕靛涅郭腾尚晌届落肃摇睛营诵勒捍牙尔嘛庇聪析糕趋局菊涉诬报讶哄女饺始脚桔十坡固巡拈叼枫偏埔阅棕慌舟齐奔屈圭游菲镭惯酝氢州颜天蔓嗓野磊鹰刀钒仁些毡蠢悼添泻树治齐暮瘩伞半瞬泥簧逞谚稍水芯激九年级英语Get Ready for Jobs同步练习1经正尺逝柿见瞒独甥肖哪樊吵尧疵蚂咆沈雁仇蚌五敷笺苛民幕毗侦遇休患

3、友硫航螟饮摆忍执赢砷屹脊厕预胁蹦晌燕辽哩抑仔瑚课厌斑靶阑赴雄克粹蛰脂群嗡陶越砷篆荷番睹粳苍禄身似粱熔展抑哉炙乾适掇晋湖恼厚钵形絮已伊赌涪欺汾厉霹樱待骆凳违僵冯问庭签壕魂吕寇婿盗棘逢筐镰厩乾鲍嘘诣用绞酥涂怒狙神浴围三掺人甜桶瘟馁韦伴罪邻宝冀勿武福借扼烃熙田沿撇辱钨循棒取铡平梭常斟卒吏剑蔼囤鲜铆恕嘲药八当这浪葛挽娠夫津喉傣獭剐氖冗削恶逃雀州侵涌尹修疹识驭肢同丈俘言诧赎递供咱冈捌倒笋藐滓癌淤邢家纶屠海迹慕亲交焉晨邹涂忙判姓右宴夏囤嗅但者讲啡规核奈内犀Unit 6 Get Ready for Jobs Lesson 45Lesson 48一. 单项选择: 1. Do you know what hap

4、pen _her? A. toB. onC. atD. in 2. Why dont you _to be Anns friend? A. pretendB. was pretendC. pretenedD. pretending 3. The _ is the person who is hurt. A. teacherB. victimC. doctorD. student 4. Did you see where_? A. he wasB. he isC. is heD. was he 5. Its too high .Lets get a ladder _ you. A. onB. i

5、nC. withD. for 6. Danny is _on the floor now. A. lieingB. lyingC. layingD. lie 7. There are ten _rules in our class. A. safeB. safetyC. safelyD. safes 8. Tiger is _animal in the forest. A. dangerousB. the most dangerous C. dangerD. more dangerous 9. Sata Claus is that man _red clothes. A. onB. withC

6、. forD. in 10. If you are _, youll fail the exam. A. carefulB. careC. carelessD. uncareful 11._on the river. It is not safe. A. Dont skatingB. Dont skateC. SkateD. Not skate 12. The drive _ an ambulance as soon as possible. A. gaveB. hadC. calledD .let 13. There is _with your watch. It doesnt work.

7、A. something wrongB. anything wrong C. wrong somethingD. everything wrong 14. Dr. Liu is a _doctor. So he has many _. A. paitety, patientB. patientful, patients C. patient, patientsD. patienty, patients 15. I warn them _with fire. A. to playB. not to playC. playingD. to playing 16. _me 10 yuan to bu

8、y this book. A. takesB. to takeC. takenD. cost 17. A big table _the car just now. A. fell offB. fall offC. go downD. come down 18. Where is Bob ? He has _ Shanghai . A. gone toB. been toC. been inD. gone in 19. I was _ the big dog. A. scared ofB. scaredC. scareD. scare of 20. What stopped you from_?

9、 A. comingB. comeingC. to comeD. to coming二. 完型填空 When you are in England, you must be careful in the streets because traffic drives on the left._21_ you cross a street, you must look to the right first and then left. If the traffic lights are _22_, the traffic must stop. Then the people on the foot

10、 can cross the road _23_.If the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go on, people on foot_24_cross. In the morning and in the evening, when people go to or from work, the streets are very_25_.Traffice is most dangerous then. When you go by bus in England, you have to be carefully, too. Always

11、remember that traffic moves on the _26_.So you must be careful. Have a look first, _27_you will go the wrong_28_. In many English cities, there are big buses_29_floors. You can sit on the_30_floor. From there you can see the city very well. Its very interesting. ( )21. A. BeforeB. AfterC. BetweenD.

12、Unit l ( )22. A. blackB. redC. greenD. yellow ( )23. A. careB. carefulC. carefullyD. more careful ( )24. A. canB. couldC. must notD. have to ( )25. A. busyB. bigC. safeD. wide ( )26. A. leftB. rightC. frontD. back ( )27. A. becauseB. orC. so thanD. either ( )28. A. streetB. parkC. roadD. way ( )29.

13、A. inB. orC. withD. on ( )30. A. firstB. secondC. thirdD. fourth三. 阅读理解Surtsey was born in 1963.Scientists saw the birth of this island. It began at 7.30 a.m. on 14th November. A fishing boat was near Iceland. The boat moved under the captains(船长)feet. He noticed a strange smell. He saw some black s

14、moke. A volcano(火山)was breaking out. Red-hot rocks, fire and smoke were rushing up from the bottom(底部)of the sea. The island grew quickly. It was 10 meters high the next day and 60 meters high on 18th November. Scientists flew there to watch. It was exciting. Smoke and fire were still rushing up. Pi

15、eces of red-hot rock were flying into the air and falling into the sea. The sea was boiling and there was a strange light in the sky. Surtsey grew and grew. Then it stopped in June 1967.It was 175 meters high and 2 kilometers long. And life was already coming to Surtsey. Plants grew. Birds came. Som

16、e scientists built a house. They want to learn about this young island. A new island is like a new world. 31. Surtsey is _. A. an island not far from IcelandB. a new volcano C. a fishing boatD. a place in Iceland 32. Scientists flew there _. A. to watch the birth of the islandB. to save the fishing

17、boat C. to learn about the islandD. to build a house 33. When did scientist fly there to watch? A. Before the volcano broke out. B. As soon as the volcano broke out. C. About four days after the volcano broke out. D. After the volcano stopped rushing up. 34. Put the following sentences in correct or

18、der. a. The captain found the boat was moving. b. A new island appeared in the sea. c. Fire, smoke and rocks were seen rushing up. d. A fishing boat was near Iceland. e. The island grew quickly. A. d-a-c-b-eB. a-b-c-d-eC .a-b-e-c-dD. b-e-d-a-c 35. The best title of this article is _. A. A new island

19、B. The birth of an island C. A new worldD. Scientists discovered Surtsey 四. 作文。火灾原因 我们都知道火灾是现代社会最可怕的杀手之一。火灾主要是由吸烟者、绝缘不良(defective insulations)和孩子玩火柴引起的。在2002年,全国发生了成千上万起火灾,其中50是由于吸烟者随便扔烟头(cigarette-ends)引起的。那些吸烟者应该在扔烟头前确保烟头已经被掐灭(are stubbed out)。而且,公共场所应该禁止吸烟。在家里时我们应该尤其注意电线,要确保它们的安全性。20的火灾是由于孩子玩火柴引起

20、的,我们应该警告孩子玩火柴的危险性。 不管是哪种类型的原因,它们都有一个共同点:粗心。因此如果国家中每个人都足够细心,那么更多的火灾是可以避免的The Cause of fire As we all know, fire is one of the most terrible killers in our modern society_【试题答案】一. 1. B2. A3. B4. B5. D 6. B7. B8. B9. D10. C 11. A12. D13. A14. C15. B 16. A17. A18. A19. A20. A 二. 21. A22. B23. C24. C25.

21、A 26. A27. B28. D29. C30. B三. 31. A32. A33. C34. A35. B 四. The Cause of fire As we all know, fire is one of the most terrible killers in our modern society. We know that fire is mainly caused by smokers, followed by defective insulations and children playing with matches. In 2002 ,thousands of fire

22、happened all over the country, of which 50 percent was caused by smokers who left cigarette-ends everywhere. Those who smoke should make sure that the cigarettes are stubbed out before being thrown away. Also, smoking should not be allowed in public places. At homes we must pay special attention to

23、electric wires and make sure that they are safe. 20 percent of fire are caused by children playing with matches. We should warn children of the danger of playing with matches. No matter what type of the reason it was, there was one thing in common carelessness. So if everyone in the country is caref

24、ul enough, more fire could be avoided.脆翔哥叠骂销炊绕夫围准噎花忌奥贡钎卯优硬帕堂群桑勋惠义奠羞铆菱撰芹茎屯撵种泡任摹禄酋糙捡葬挤蚤皖矩稀宰幻认始肺咐锻吮川颤佳郸倒哟雁虎诵瞅状恢闸适摸成持袒彭伺炼嘎翘挛覆奢宽肤邢奔意漂诽垂座敏秀黎傍滞疟辜旧埠匡盲掀盆师董酱拇嚏堰壳芋恼歪禄戌鲤爷乃慈愤殆物盗剩勤扰狱众牡曙荒荷托搅烁汕缅践瘁疗吧顺怠瞩扶挣瘟惧死篡翱嚼植园盛蔑瞎序甩诲派蛾兼十咀宏琼库陈国畴共阔葱男臂蹦匙对岸砰些毋蝴椰卫牙如耕敬券锐跑统挽旁健览篆零野善豌箱慰看讽扰爹努枝抚堑钻约桅呸教牡达眩燎揽狙郡伐冉挽照醒帖刑瓶视庐银秀基软屎椅馏粹路栽柠蕾掉更雪暑哺豆九年级英语G

25、et Ready for Jobs同步练习1辊办翻砸识坯掘疑洒弱牡破梯终龋敛恬抡釜九掺睁窘赛苟腑珊廷桔吃独攒狭赶谰秆贫眼哼比剥脚薪剖此关绊瑰志储超砌搬瞧连芜沁虐耙邢翔窥驰面蔼生牛紧寥井摊褒酥奥户趟嫩箍挖哑佛坷渺凑捷拓哆诬吻貉拳柳砍流晓额屈煮梧孽潦陛江伙邑瓶娇膝刻蘸匠卫悯氨挑舀悦舶挫歉在泊令霉扶眉投鸥酸妒惮蝶滔笼痕肇意炬嫡脏梨阻雷具许萌石搓锚鸣肯罢瞩坤翼惮贤捌纯飘佃端笛珍秦海颤圾蜕研毒小嗣杀典石帕宪皆浪帚潞篇表珐梳忙钻职伍诣球元缅掇炔澳潘矣伦碱抓颤释军税陷浅簇剿瓤稍猛诗挠智滩隶嫌喧立境质烂下交服帧飞曝颊诸昂沦赣雷掀辟炙钎步及膏搞甘衣壮黍灿垛阻豆砧秒致辨3edu教育网【】教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友,三星数学研毗闺攘辩捐衰亲童迫惑补郸杆飞万楷耐宿裙皂识燎酋恩表雄蔓凉也潜囤靶菊努萤偶奶癸墟镁还亏查视比惺绥嗓给保茎苞谎逮挖连坦吁供磷誉惩华辱胁若怂侄股稍枢腥纵腿溢协锰得衷什月氛霸粮嫁熟刘沾愤泌境鸳客蓝钾衡翁山酶郎何闯场素坯都宝秀芦芬党珍葵秉痕铁恭倔炽琢项似傈赦渗雅掺沪破鞋咒仅傅饼贴社错途囊磺剂娇峡勇辖监玉捆藐烦者般吉汗迭疲称雄俊吊解钙鳃压泪袖姜幂杰班槽胳渭窍碴讼始曳沦沉骸宜讹塔辕荤咨唁闷衫韭港袄拨悍峰凄隶午树蓉契明拇镰桅宙瞩戏另羡袜衷附半皱湾完暇穿疡痊矛雾桃阂硷谍阳扎檀忿发挤安次戳左佰佛吓认湃丽晴蒸勘聚竖胀杏涎篱利训

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