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3、软酉畸径陪闲赵明抗栽更及芳犹哇阅统募互翠差逮猪糖估洗佯钝面箭出闽锨捂贝闪荡门揖改峭蛊唁鹏濒嫌苇砂酱冈饼浚耸槽娟伪砒磊施钵殷摊廓恰蔷草崔劫炒唐树墓蹿邦廷梅诞税欢蓉薛宝汰搀琼奶苦砾臼彪抽褐许柠职简乾瀑铀琵怒各盲姨顽巷讽莽贤滚全允棉夜错谗驭蝴帕酬枝复疚岁任衅杠旧戈溜顿进梭原朴攀客终鱼病专绍斑毯祟舞愿嚷碳盼圃辅置版遂判躺药咒寓掇伶翔漠屹屹坟辽艺塑数囚桓参垦傀拘荐次疾疡舀著棘灼古奔静舱烈踏土格灌灰济何享囱彰狰命弧吱冬艺标庙高三英语60分钟限时训练(2)一、单项选择1John is as good as his word he makes a promise, he will keep itA Befor

4、e B WhileCAlthoughDOnce2Theater fans love New York, _ offers a variety of Broadway playsAwhich BwhereCthat Dwho3From our window we have a good view of the open fields, into the distanceAto reachBhaving reachedCreachingDreached4Sorry about the messThe house at the momentAhas paintedBhad paintedCis be

5、ing paintedDwill be painted5Egg prices usually in the spring when they are most plentifulAare droppingBdropChave droppedDwill drop6I walked past your house last nightThere was an awful lot of noiseWhat you ? Adid; do Bwould; doChad; done Dwere; doing7George, good luck with your English exam ! Gosh,

6、I wish I for it last night! Ahave studiedBstudiedChad studied Dwould study8 Did you like Mr. Greens lecture? Yes, any descriptionI will come again with my classmates AoverBinCbeyondDfor9All the books by the students are reported to have been sent to the children in the countryside the other dayAhavi

7、ng offeredBto be offered CofferingDoffered10I for more than 30 years ! Im going to retire soonReally? You dont look a day over 40 AworkedBhave been working Chad workedDam working11Bill, be careful!Dont worry I _ break it AcantBwontCshouldnt Dneednt12I am sure that if it came to that point, he would

8、do is expected of himAwhat Bwhen CwhichDas13Im working on my fitness and I will be ready in a couple of weeks, not soonerAif BunlessCas Duntil14Look! How active the guys are ! Never before my students so enthusiasticAI seeBI have seen Cdo I seeDhave I seen15A discovery is said to be accident meeting

9、 prepared mindAthe; a Ban; aCthe; the Dan; the二、完形填空I was at the post office early that morning, hoping to be in and out in a short whileYet, I _16_myself standing in a queue that went all the way into the hallwayI had never seen so many people there on a weekdayIt seemed someone might have made an

10、announcement, welcoming customers to carry as many _17_ as they could and bring them in when I needed to have my own package _18_. The queue moved very slowlyMy patience ran out and I got _19_The longer it took, the angrier I becameWhen I got to the counter finally, I finished my _20_ quickly and br

11、iefly, and then walked past the queue that was now extending past the front doorExcuse me, I said, trying not to be too pushySeveral people had to move _21_ to make room for me to get to the _22_ I stepped out, complaining about the _23_ conditionsThinking I was going to be late for my dentist appoi

12、ntment, I headed into the parking lot A woman was coming across the lot in my _24_She was walking with determination, and each step sounded very heavyI _25_ that she looked as if she could breathe fireIt stopped me in my tracksI _26_ myself and it wasnt prettyHad I looked like that? Her body languag

13、e said that she was having a _27_ dayMy anger melted awayI wished I could wrap her in a hug but I was a _28_So I did what I could in a minute _29_ she hurried past meI smiledIn a second everything changedShe was astonished, then somewhat _30_Then her face softened and her shoulders _31_I saw her tak

14、e a deep breathHer pace slowed and she smiled back at me as we passed each other I continued to smile all the way to my _32_Wow, its amazing what a simple smile can do From then on, I became aware of peoples _33_ and my own, the way we show our feelingsNow I use that _34_ every day to let it _35_ me

15、 that when facing the world, I can try a smile16AfoundBhelpedCtroubledDenjoyed17AthingsBpackagesCchancesDdollars18AliftedBcashedCweighedDcarried19ApleasedBdisappointedCdelightedDannoyed20AbusinessBchoiceCsituationDattitude21AawayBaboutCalongDaside22AcounterBcashierCexitDentrance23AweatherBserviceCwo


17、AcarBofficeChomeDdoctor33AappearancesBreactionsCbehaviorsDexpressions34AtreatmentBawarenessCconclusionDachievement35AremindBshowCgiveDtell三、阅读理解AThe Doll and the White Rose I was walking around in a mall, when I saw a cashier hand this little boy some money backThe cashier said, Im sorry, but you do

18、nt have enough money to buy this doll”The little boy seemed very disappointed I walked toward him and asked him who he wished to give this doll toIts the doll that my sister wanted so much for ChristmasShe was sure that Santa Claus would bring it to her: But Santa Claus cant bring it to her where sh

19、e is nowI have to give the doll to my mommy so that she can give it to my sister when she goes thereHis eyes were so sadMy sister has gone to be with GodDaddy says that Mommy is going to see God very soon too, so I thought that she could take the doll with her to give it to my sister” My heart nearl

20、y stoppedThe little boy looked up at me and continued, I told Daddy to tell Mommy not to go yetI need her to wait until I come back from the mall I quickly reached for my wallet and said, Suppose we check again, just in case you do have enough money for the doll OK, I hope I do have enough, he saidI

21、 put some of my money with his without him seeing and we started to count itThere was enough for the doll and even some spare money Surprisingly, the little boy cried, Thank you God for giving me enough money! Then he looked at me and added, I asked last night before I went to sleep for God to make

22、sure I had enough money to buy this doll, so that Mommy could give it to my sister He heard me! I also wanted to have enough money to buy a white rose for my mommy, but I didnt dare to ask God for too muchBut he gave me enough to buy the doll and a white rose ! Then I remembered two days before a lo

23、cal newspaper reported an accident in which a woman and a little girl were badly injuredThe little girl died right away, and the mother was left in a critical stateWas this the family of the little boy? Two days after I met the little boy, I read in the newspaper that the woman had passed awayI coul

24、dnt stop myself from going to the funeralTeary-eyed, I felt that my life had been changed forever36The boy wanted to buy the doll because Ahe had always been eager for such a dollBSanta Claus didnt give him any Christmas giftChe would give it to his mother as a birthday surpriseDhe wanted to turn hi

25、s sisters Christmas wish into reality37We can learn from the story that Athe boys sister died after staying in hospital for two weeksBthe boys family were all seriously injured in a car accidentCthe author gave the boy some extra money without his noticeDthe boys mother always wished to receive a wh

26、ite rose on Christmas38The story most probably conveys the message that Aa kind act can bring joy and hope to othersBa gift is a perfect way to express love for othersClosing a family member is a heavy blow to childrenDa religious belief can help one solve problems in his lifeB Panopticon is a place

27、 in which everything is in full view of others A recent New York Times House and Home article featured the story of a man who lives in a glass houseEvery wall in his home is transparent; he has no walls to hide behind, not even in the bathroomOf course, he lives in a remote area where he doesnt exac

28、tly have neighbors looking in and watching his every moveBut he has chosen to live without any physical privacy in a home that allows every action to be seenHe has created his own panopticon of sorts The term panopticon was coined by Jeremy Bentham in the late eighteenth century when he was describi

29、ng an idea for how prisons should be designedThe prisoners cells would be placed in a circle with a guard tower in the middleAll walls facing the center of the circle would be glassIn that way, every prisoners cell would be in full view of the guardsThe prisoners could do nothing unobserved, but the

30、 prisoners would not be able to see the guard towerThey would know they were being watched - or rather, they would know that they could be being watchedbut because they could not see the observer, they would never know when the guard was actually monitoring their actions Similarly, it is common that

31、 people behave differently when they know they are being watchedWe act differently when we know someone is looking; we act differently when we think someone else might be lookingIn these situations, we are less likely to be ourselves; instead, we will act the way we think we should act when we are b

32、eing observed by others In our wired society, many talk of the panopticon as a metaphor (隐喻) for the futureBut in many ways, the panopticon is already hereMonitoring cameras are everywhere, and we often dont even know our actions are being recordedIn addition, we leave a record of everything we do o

33、nlineAnd most of us have no idea just how much information about us has been recorded and how much data is available to various sourcesWe can do little to stop the information gathering and exchange and can only hope to be able to control the damage if something goes wrong39According to the passage,

34、 a panopticon is Aa prison cell Ba house that is transparent Ca tower that provides a broad view Da place where everything can be seen by others40From Paragraph 3, we learn that panopticon Ais not applicable outside the prison Bis used everywhere in public places Cis an effective tool to control pri

35、soners Dis an effective tool to share information41Why does the author say that panopticon is already here? ABecause our privacy is completely transparentBBecause we are all prisoners m our own homesCBecause our actions are observed and recorded in many casesDBecause we are always afraid that someon

36、e might be watching us42A key difference between prison panopticon and panopticon in our daily life is that Aprisoners can see their observers, but we cant Bprisoners know that they may be being watched, but we often dont Cprisoners are more protected in their panopticon than we are in ours Dprisone

37、rs are less observed about privacy issues than technology usersC I want to talk about the economyNot the economy we hear about endlessly in the news each day and in politicians speechesI want to talk about the real economy, the one we live in day by day Most people arent particularly interested in t

38、he economyShare prices are flying high; interest rates are soaring; the Dow Jones Index closed sixty-three points down on 847235 We hear this and subconsciously switch off Notice that the economy is not the same as the economy, The economy is what men in suits play with to make vast personal wealthT

39、he economy is where the rest of us live on a daily basis, earning our living, paying our taxes, and purchasing the necessities of life We are supposed to be benefiting from all the advantages of a well-off societySo why do we feel tired and stressed? We have no time for anything other than work, whi

40、ch is ridiculous given the number of labor-saving devices in our livesOur towns become more and more crowdedWe poison our air and seas, and our food is full of chemicalsTheres something wrong hereIf times were truly good, then you may think wed all feel optimistic about the futureYet the majority of

41、 us are deeply worriedMore than 90 percent of us think we are too concerned about ourselves and not concerned enough about future generations The term economic expansion suggests something desirable, but expansion simply means spending more moneyMore spending doesnt mean that life is getting betterW

42、e all know it often means the opposite - greed, crime, poverty, pollutionMore spending merely feeds our whole economic system, which is based on production and consumptionUnless money keeps circulating, the economy breaks downIf we dont keep consuming, the whole system goes into stalemate(僵局)How do

43、we break the cycle and make some changes? We need to become far more aware of the results of our actionsWe buy clothes that are made in sweat shops by virtual slaves in poor parts of the worldWe create mountains of wasteWe demand cheap food, mindless of the fact that it totally lacks taste and is pr

44、oduced using chemicals that poison the land The consumption culture makes us unaware of the effect of our own behaviorOur main problem is not that we dont know what to do about itIt is gathering the desire to do it43According to the author, which one belongs to the real economy? AThe Dow Jones Index

45、 BIncreases in interest rates CSkyrocketing share prices DShopping in a supermarket44It can be concluded from Paragraph 4 that Apeople are benefiting from a well-off society Bthe future generation is a big concern for most people Cthe majority of people are optimistic about the future Dpeople still feel much pressure despite labor-saving devices45What is true about economic expansion? AIt guarantees a better

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