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1、WEIK Stone Industry Sales Contract Contract No: _Date: _Party A:_Address:_Postal code:_Tel:_Party B:_Address:_Postal code:_Tel:_Article 1 :Agreement Projects and Purpose11 Through consultations, in line with the principle of mutual benefit, party a shall apply for Quanzhou VEIK stone group, Hereinaf

2、ter referred to as VEIK stone, agents, preliminary eligibility audits meet the agents by Party B, signed the cooperation agreement. 12 This agreement was established between both parties for the purposes of distribution of products or services to ensure that sales of Party A .Party B provide channel

3、s of quality authentic, legitimate. Party A can pursuant to this agreement to use trademark, business name, domain name and other related information to explain sources and quality of products or services. Behalf Party B, Party A shall not to face a third person, signed foreign contract, as well as

4、the party performing any act in the name. After this agreement enters into force, Party A promise to grant Party B the_ agent qualifications of VEIK Stone,From Party A to direct the customer (hereinafter referred to as customer ) distribution Party B domain name registration, website hosting, and ot

5、her business launched in the period of validity of this agreement(Delegate business items above basis on the price of services and products of the Quanzhou VEIK stone industry company )。Article 2: Rights and Obligations of the PartiesNo2.1 Rights and Obligations of the Party A2.1.1 Actively promote

6、this business of article No.1 of the agreement, maintenance of Party Bs corporate image and quality of service, truthfully to clients is provided by the product and the basic price, must not be shoddy, Party B for free project fees and other damages and interests or customer behavior 2.1.2 When Part

7、y A run the first business by the owner signed a contract with the customer, all the rights and obligations of the contract by the owner to undertake, and to provide the necessary services to the customer and technical support, and answers to customers problems.2.1.3 in accordance with submitting ad

8、vance Party B ¥RMB_ (¥RMB Total_), Party A recognized cash advances for performance that must be completed for the first time, these advances of Party A is not complete and terminate this agreement, shall not claim a refund of the advance payment balance.2.1.4 In accordance with the provisions of Pa

9、rty B, on the first business, enjoying specifies price of gold agent which was designates by Party B. Party A itself agreed with the customer service price, the fee shall not be less than Party B public offer.2.1.5 Provide customer information, and to pay related fees in a timely manner to ensure th

10、e smooth progress of the business2.1.6Ensure the quality of service, shall not damage to the overall market presence, or engaging in other acts of damage to the interests of the Party B2.1.7 Party A can in their company promotional material and business cards, and advertising content using “VEIK Shi

11、ye” finds gold in agents and a unified identity, without the written authorization of the party, Office of the party A are not allowed to Party B, or agent, such as monopolies, exclusive and others without party authorization on behalf of the advertising and commercial activities. And VEIK industry

12、and the owner shall not be any substantial link, its corporate name must not appear misleading to VEIK industry party branch or the branch or agency of the words. And VEIK industry and the owner shall not be any substantial link, its corporate name must not appear misleading to VEIK industry party b

13、ranch or the branch or agency of the words2.1.8 Party A shall ensure all its business activities fully in line with Chinas relevant laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the regulations. As a result of acts in violation of the foregoing to Party A and provide Party B any damage, Party A

14、 shall assume all legal liability and compensation for damage caused by the lessee.2.1.9 After officially signing the cooperation agreement, during the term of this agreement, Party A shall not corporate any constitute commercial competition , businesses or organizations for the same or similar to t

15、he cooperation agreement, otherwise, Party B has the right to cancel their qualifications and the right to request compensation for the loss of Party A. During the term of this agreement and this agreement after termination or dissolution, Party A commitment not to compete with Party B constitute co

16、mmercial enterprises, businesses or organizations on the relationship between Party B ,such as business, technology and all information, otherwise willing to take the related responsibility.2.1.10 Party A and party Bs other agents shall not be carried out between malignant competition unfair competi

17、tion2.1.11 And B referred to in this agreement constitutes commercial competition between enterprises, business entity or organization is a means of enterprise, business or organization, one of the following circumstances:(1) In the same or similar fields of business, technology with Party B(2) In t

18、he same scope or approximate scope business with Party B(3) In the same or similar products or service and Customer - oriented group with Party B have (4) The other situation of the laws and regulations2.1.12 If Party A is non - authorized representative of VEIK stone industry, it shall not conduct

19、activities in VEIK authorized agent name, otherwise Party A take the whole responsibility. Losses caused to the VEIK industry, should be compensated. Right at the time of expiry of this agreement, and Party B to renew this agreement take precedence.No2.2 Rights and Obligations of the Party B2.2.1 Al

20、though this contract services referred to in the first article of the subject business may become the owner of specified service in the contract with the customer service standard, in accordance with this contract, Party A to establish contractual relationships with customers, on behalf of your own

21、and independent contract responsibility, Party B has no relationship between customers and stakeholders to establish a service contract2.2.2 Party B provide Party A the products, detailed provisions specific business contract by both A and B determine (include electronic version of the contract).2.2

22、.3 Party B provide Party A a complete service, detailed provisions specific business contract by both A and B determine (include electronic version of the contract), Party Bs service is only to the Party A, not client - oriented.2.2.4 Inform Party A the Price rules relating to the distribution and c

23、hanges of Party A, and market trends guide timely.2.2.5 Provide Party A within the business scope of technical support and technical training to help improve the technical capacity of Party A, widening the scope of business.2.2.6 Caused by Party a breach of this agreement customer or loss of Party B

24、, Party B has the right to terminate this agreement and Party B is entitled to terminate this agreement and to require Party A compensation for the loss.2.2.7 Damage caused by the fault of Party B, Party B is only take responsibility to Party A. The liability of this responsibility is between the bo

25、th sides of A and B to a maximum of the total amount of the specific business.2.2.8 For disputes between Party A and its clients, disputes, damages, infringement, breach of responsibility, are resolved by Party a and the customer. Party B do not intervene the owner and the customer disputes, dispute

26、s, and is not responsible for any loss of customer.2.2.9 In the period of validity of this agreement, Party B has the right to revised pricing and gold agent management specification based on the market. Once the amendment is made, Party Bs e-mail will be sent 15 days in advance or inform Party A no

27、tice in the Party B site to amended provisions from the date of entry into force.2.2.10 If the price changes, price on the Web site is subject to Party B, Party B has an obligation to use e-mail to send the quotations to Party As electronic mailbox.Article 3: Distributor of rewards and punishments3.

28、1 According to the price system, give party A the distribution business offers3.2 After Party A becoming agent of Party B, if Party A do not comply with the specifications in the standard, or a contravention of the gold agents credibility, or breach of this agreement, and caused serious harm to the

29、customer or Party B, Party B has the right to cancel the gold agent qualifications, investigate its legal liability, and termination of this agreement.Article 4: Term of the Agreement 4.1 This agreement is valid for _ years, from_ year_ month _ day to _ year _ month _ day.Article 5: The Change and T

30、ermination of Agreement and Default Liability5.1 The Party A and B both sides should be in line with the principle of honesty and credit of the performance of this agreement. In the performance of any party used means of fraud, coercion or violence, the other party may terminate this agreement and t

31、o demand compensation for losses5.2 Found in the discharge of any party or there is evidence that the other party has been, is being or expected to be the default, any party can terminate this agreement. And it should be notified in a timely manner. If the other party to this agreement without imple

32、mentation, performance does not legitimate or breach, that party may terminate this agreement and request compensation for loss5.3 During the implementation of the agreements, if one or both party necessary to terminate this agreement, it should be notified one month in advance, both sides in the co

33、nclusion of the financial settlement, after clearly fulfills their responsibility before the termination of this agreement. From the termination of the contract without authorization in violation of this agreement, a party of this agreement, to the loss of the other party, should compensation for ot

34、her losses. At the time of expiry of this agreement, if both sides agree, this agreement may be renewed.5.4 In the case of 5.3, the each party shall continue to complete the current month of the financial settlement, each clearly defined responsibilities.5.5 Agree by mutual consultation, both sides

35、can change the terms of this agreement; it should be confirmed in writing.5.6 Enter into this agreement is based on the changes in the laws, administrative regulations, rules, this agreement shall change content ; enter into this agreement is based on the objective situation changed significantly, r

36、esulting in this agreement to fulfils, both parties agreed, it can change or termination of the performance.5.7 Because of the major difficulties, on the verge party operations entered a period of statutory reorganization or liquidation in bankruptcy, the other party may terminate this agreement.Art

37、icle 6: Dispute Resolution6.1 If the two sides are in the event of a dispute during the execution of this agreement, both sides should be a friendly solution. If security negotiation, the parties agree to submit to Arbitration Committee for arbitration, and accept its arbitration rules. The arbitral

38、 award is final and both parties are unconditionally subject to the arbitration ruling.Article 7: Force Majeure and Accidents7.1 Due to force majeure or other unexpected events made it impossible for the fulfillment of the agreement, unnecessary or useless, either party may terminate this agreement.

39、 Suffer unexpected events of force majeure, if all or part of a party is unable to perform this agreement, cancellation or delay of the agreement, should be from the date of force majeure, unforeseen events occur in the 5th, will be notifying the other party in writing of events and 20th on the date

40、 of the incident, submitted to the other party resulting in whole or in part cannot perform or delaying the performance.7.2 Party of the subjected to force majeure shall take all necessary measures to reduce losses or loss responsibility that should be expanded. 7.3 This agreement refers to the unfo

41、reseen events that force majeure, accident, cannot be overcome and could not avoid and the party or parties materially affect the objective of the event, including but not limited to natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, plague and turmoil, as well as social events such as war, riots, Gover

42、nment control.Article 8: Supplementary Provisions8.1 Formation, validity, interpretation, and performance of this agreement and disputes resolved are application of the law of the Peoples Republic of China.8.2 Except as expressly provided by law itself, subsequent legislative or legal changes to thi

43、s agreement does not have a retroactive effect. Under subsequent legislation or change laws of both parties, to modify or supplement this agreement by consensus, but it should be made in written form.8.3 Change notice by either party to this contract, mailing address or other contact information, fr

44、om the date of change in the 10th, after the change of address, contact information notifies the other party, otherwise changes should take responsibility for all consequences of this.8.4 Understanding should be interpreted according to the agreement, the purpose of this agreement and the text liter

45、al, Title of this agreement is provided for ease of reading only, should not affect the interpretation of this agreement.8.5 Any party to this agreement and the content of commercial secrets of the other party shall have a confidentiality obligation.8.6 Since established in this agreement, in terms

46、of product templet provided by Party B, Party A should follow the rules what Party B is established on the .8.7This agreement in duplicate, each Party shall keep one copy, after being signed and sealed by the entry into force; two agreements have the same effect.Party A: _ Party B: _(Seal): (Seal):Representative Signature :_ Representative Signature :_year_ mouth_ day _year_ mouth_ day

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