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1、湘潭大学硕士学位论文WSA湿法制硫酸中设备腐蚀与硫酸质量的研究摘要为了提高硫化氢资源的利用率、减少二氧化硫排放量、保护环境,中石化长岭分公司投资6000多万元从丹麦引进了酸性气湿法制硫酸工 艺(WS A),于2002年2月建成投产。该装置投产后,存在着熔盐泄漏、设备腐蚀严重、硫酸颜色异常且腐蚀性强、装置运行周期短和外排尾气 中SOZ、SO3、NOx含量超标等问题。本课题针对该装置运行中存在的这些 问题进行系统地分析。特别是对工艺气和成品硫酸中氮氧化物的来源重 点进行研究和探索,从熔盐泄漏、原料酸性气性质、原料酸性气焚烧过 程、焚烧火嘴、生产工艺控制、工艺气体中氮氧化物含量、成品硫酸中 的氮氧化

2、物、氯离子含量的监测方法等方面,有针对性地开展生产实验 和化学分析实验。掌握WSA湿法法制硫酸工艺应用过程中出现各种问题 的内在原因,并采取降低WSA湿法制硫酸工艺过程中氮氧化物的有效措 施。通过本课题的研究及研究成果在WSA硫酸装置的运用,解决了硫酸 颜色异常且腐蚀性强、装置运行周期短和装置外排尾气中SO2、S 03 NOx含 量超标、设备腐蚀严重等问题,使WSA硫酸装置实现长周期运行。硫酸 质量远优于98%酸优等品质量指标,外排尾气中SO2含量为94mg/Nm3,远优于国家排放标准960 mg/Nm3o达到了本课题研究的预期目标,并 取得了可观的经济效益和环境保护效益。使WSA湿法制硫酸工

3、艺在硫酸 工业技术发展和环境保护方面发挥作用。关键词:WSA工艺硫酸腐蚀氮氧化物提要第1章文献调研与选题1.1硫酸工业面临三大挑战硫酸是一种重要的基本化工原料,硫酸产量是衡量一个国家工业发 展水平的标志,主要面临资源利用、技术改进、环境保护三大挑战。1、发展硫化氢处理工艺,可拓展硫酸工业资源近年来,各硫酸生产企业为竞相将硫铁矿制酸改为硫磺制酸。硫磺 资源的有限性将影响硫酸工业发展。因此,必须依靠科技创新,改进生 产工艺,有效利用各种资源,降低对硫磺国际市场的依赖。硫化氢是一种重要的硫资源,主要产生于天然气脱硫和石油炼制过 程,具有剧毒、易燃、易爆等特性,不能直接排放,发展硫化氢处理工 艺,可拓

4、展硫酸工业资源。2、硫化氢气体的处理,对环境的影响硫化氢气体的处理,产生的尾气主要是硫化物和氮氧化物,对环境 影响很大。3、发展硫化氢直接制酸工艺,可节省投资、提高硫回收率,保护 环境1)普通工艺,硫回收率只有94%左右;为提高硫回收率,必须配套 建设庞大的尾气处理装置,建设投资和生产费用都很高。2)发展硫化氢直接制硫酸工艺,可以省去许多复杂的工艺过程,降低投资和生产成本,硫回收率高。1.2硫化氢气体制硫酸工艺根据反应条件不同,分为干接触法和湿接触法。干接触法是H2s气体焚烧成S 02后,采用传统的洗涤、干燥、催化氧 化、吸收工艺,S 02在催化转化过程中没有水蒸汽组份。湿接触法则不需洗涤、干

5、燥,在水蒸汽存在条件下将S 02催化氧化 成S 03,再直接冷凝成酸。湿接触法工艺简单、有利于系统热量的回收利用。最有代表性的技 术为丹麦托普索公司的WSA工艺。1.3 WSA硫化氢制硫酸的原理燃烧:H2S+3/202=S 02+H20氧化:S 02+1/202=S 03冷凝:S 03(气)+H20(气)=H2s04(气)H2s04(气)=H2s04(液)1.4 WSA工艺介绍1、主要技术特点不消耗工艺水,不产生废水;操作弹性大,流程简单;硫回收率高达99%,可有效利用热能。2、WSA装置运行存在的三大问题我公司引进的WSA工艺,投产后,装置存在三大问题。一是装置运 行周期短,投产一年内,有8

6、次停工检修,生产设备广泛存在着腐蚀问 题;二是硫酸颜色呈白色浊浑或红色浊浑,质量差、腐蚀性强。三是外 排尾气中S 02、S 03、N0X含量不合格。1.5课题的研究内容本课题以WSA工艺在应用过程中存在的三大问题为研究对象,主要 内容有:1)化验分析方法研究;2)操作条件对WSA工艺应用影响的研究;3)装置存在设备腐蚀问题的研究及对策;4)硫酸质量影响因素的研究及对策;第2章实验分析方法1、硫酸中微量氯离子的测定原理先制得一标准色阶。试样用水稀释,加硝酸及硝酸银与C1-反应生 成氯化银混浊液,与标准色阶比较,求算出氯含量。2、工艺气体中氮氧化物的测定原理用中性双氧水将二氧化硫及氮氧化物氧化成硫

7、酸和硝酸,以氢氧化 钠溶液滴定总酸量,溶液中加入过量的氯化领溶液与硫酸根离子作用,使之形成硫酸领沉淀,过量的氯化钢用倍酸钾溶液滴定,由各种标准溶 液的用量求出二氧化硫及氮氧化物含量.第3章WSA装置操作条件影响研究3.1 操作条件影响试验1、装置处理负荷与硫酸质量、外排尾气的关系条件:配风比10:1、WSA冷却器入口温度为290、负荷按设计能 力的20%、50%、80%、100%的四个水平进行考察。2、配风比与转化率的关系条件:80%的负荷,E5入口温度290 o3、E5入口温度与硫酸浓度的关系条件:80%的负荷,配风比10:1。3.2操作条件影响试验结果1、硫酸浓度稳定在98.35%以上,转

8、化率98.75%以上。2、装置处理能力达到设计要求,操作弹性大。3、在285295 范围,E5入口温度变化对硫酸浓度影响不明显。3.3操作条件影响试验发现的问题1、尾气排放达不到设计标准。2、燃烧器阻力大,燃烧供风不足。3、原料酸性气中NH3含量偏高。4、硫酸颜色不好,呈白色浊浑或红色浊浑。第4章 WSA装置设备管线腐蚀研究与对策WSA装置开工不到两个月,硫酸管线焊缝20多处腐蚀穿孔。2002 年7月开始,工艺气体冷却器先后出现管束爆管、穿孔、底部管束发生 大面积穿孔等问题。2002年12月开始,工艺气体冷却器出现泄漏,换热 管束和蒸汽入口分布管大面积穿孔。4.1 E4发生腐蚀穿孔的原因1、局

9、部超压停车期间,管束内约3吨熔盐未退回,并凝固成固体。在以后的开 车升温过程中,熔盐升温熔化。管束内的熔盐经过冷却一凝固一升温一熔化等相变,出现局部超压现象,造成爆管。2、焊接质量差换热器结构特殊,焊接难度大,易出现如未焊透、未熔合、焊瘤等 焊缝缺陷。3、熔盐的泄漏与腐蚀因焊缝缺陷,引起熔盐渗透,渗漏出来的液态熔盐与含S 02/S 03工 艺气体接触,反应生成腐蚀性极强的液态焦硫酸盐。焦硫酸盐对泄漏点 周围的换热管和底部的换热管造成腐蚀进而发生大面积的泄漏。4.2 E2大面积穿孔的原因蒸汽介质温度过低,造成露点腐蚀。形成露点腐蚀的原因:工艺设计缺陷。E2入口的蒸汽介质,无温度测示仪,不能有效测

10、定 蒸汽入口温度。蒸汽过热器E7未投用。装置第一次开工时,托普索公司现场技术人 员要求,E7暂不投用。在低处理负荷时,E7投用得较少。蒸汽在250 进入E2,低于S 03与H20的露点温度,造成了腐蚀。装置频繁开、停工和检修。系统中的S 02、S 03和水蒸汽浓度、温度 变化大,产生了局部的露点腐蚀。4.3浓硫酸管道腐蚀穿孔的原因1、焊接质量差焊缝内壁表面腐蚀形态示意图,焊缝下游有明显冲刷腐蚀沟槽。管 线剖开后,焊缝存在明显的错边与未焊透现象。2、硫酸温度高因硫酸冷却器效果差,造成硫酸温度长时间处在5075C之间,而 在此温度范围,硫酸的腐蚀性强。4.4对策1、严格把好换热器的的制造质量关;2

11、、控制E2的低温露点腐蚀;3、降低硫酸温度。第5章 硫酸质量影响因素研究与对策从2002年4月中旬开始,硫酸质量开始变差,特别是透明度、色度、铁含量等指标变差,且外观呈乳白色或白色混浊。严重时,为红色或红 色混浊。对此,着重针对影响硫酸外观质量的因素进行探讨和实验。5.1硫酸外观白色混浊、红色混浊的原因分析1、现象、试验与化验分析样品颜色对比。装置储出口硫酸无色透明,中间罐上部硫酸呈乳白 色、底部呈淡红色混浊,成品贮罐中硫酸呈红色。样品观察。呈乳白色的硫酸样品放置12天后,硫酸呈无色透明,有白色沉渣;红色、红色混浊的硫酸样品放置3小时后,红色消失,瓶 底有白色沉渣。2、硫酸外观呈乳白色、白色混

12、浊的原因硫酸中白色固体杂质主要成分是硫酸腐蚀产物硫酸亚铁盐。3、硫酸外观呈红色的原因分析WSA装置生产的硫酸,在室温下仍同铁丝有缓慢反应,不产生钝化 作用,且反应后硫酸外观红色,样品底部有白色沉淀,同外购优级纯浓 硫酸的反应有着明显不同。经过分析,认为硫酸外观呈红色与氮氧化物 有关。4、结论硫酸的高温腐蚀、露点腐蚀产生的硫酸亚铁盐使硫酸外观呈白色混 浊;硫酸含有氮氧化物,增强了硫酸的腐蚀性,与设备不断反应,使硫 酸外观呈红色混浊。5.2成品硫酸中氮氧化物的来源1、熔盐泄漏影响如前所述,熔盐泄漏导致系统有大量的氮氧化物。2、原料气中氨含量影响3、燃烧温度影响1)系统中NOX的含量随焚烧温度升高而

13、快速增加。2)当炉膛温度高于1000C时,氮氧化物含量上升快;炉膛温度低 于950时,硫酸中氮氧化物含量在lOOppm左右。4、WS A燃烧器对NOX形成的影响燃烧器内部流动阻力大;燃烧产生NOx含量高。5.3降低氮氧化物的技术对策1、把好熔盐换热器制造质量关,杜绝熔盐泄漏2、降低燃烧过程中产生氮氧化物的方法1)降低原料气中的NH3含量优化操作条件降低污水汽提装置、气体脱硫装置气产生的酸性气中 NH3含量o2)改善硫化氢燃烧火嘴结构3)燃烧后的工艺气体脱NOx方法丹麦托普索公司建议采用氨选择性脱除NOx的措施。3、熔盐系统N2保护措施熔盐系统采用N2保护,避免液态熔盐与C02反应形成熔点较高、

14、且 不易溶于熔盐的碳酸盐堵塞换热管束。4、WSA硫酸装置操作参数的优化优化WSA装置的关键操作参数:硫化氢燃烧温度控制在900950;E2蒸汽入口温度市310;硫酸冷后温度40。5.4对策实施后的效果分析1、硫酸装置实现长周期运行WSA装置自2003年9月28日点火开工,一直运行至今,已连续运行7 个多月,目前运行状态良好,实现了长周期运行。2、成品硫酸中NOx的含量成品硫酸浓度稳定在98.2%以上,氮氧化物含量为41PPm。3、WSA装置外排尾气中NOx和S 03的含量达标第6章经济效益与结论6.1 经济效益1、直接经济效益通过本课题研究,延长WSA装置运行周期、提高硫酸质量,共创经 济效益

15、827万元。其中节约修费用约300万元;运行周期延长,增加硫酸 和3.5Mpa蒸汽产量,多创效益326万元;硫酸质量提高,创效益约201万 yd o2、环保社会效益明显硫酸产品质量变好,降低其腐蚀性,可减少其各类用户设备更新和 维护费用。装置外排尾气达标,可以减少各类硫化物、氮氧气化物对大气的污 染。6.2结论本课题对WSA工艺及其在运行中存在的三大问题,从文献调查、化 验分析、生产实验到对策实施进行了比较系统的考察、研究和探讨,得 出如下结论:1、发展WSA工艺,提高硫回收率,既能提高资源利用,又能减少硫 的排放,保护环境。2、WSA湿法制硫酸工艺,与普通克劳斯工艺相比,有回收率高、投 资少

16、、工艺简单、操作简便、弹性大、成本低等特点。3、改变WS A装置的操作条件试验,结果表明:1)硫酸浓度稳定在98.3%以上;2)硫化氢的总转化率在98.75%以上;3)关键工艺操作条件为:硫化氢焚烧温度控制在900950;E2蒸汽入口温度4310;4、对设备腐蚀原因探讨表明:焊缝质量缺陷、蒸汽介质温度低、硫酸温度高是设备腐蚀的主要 原因。5、影响硫酸外观质量的主要因素有:高温腐蚀、露点腐蚀产生的硫化亚铁是硫酸外观呈白色混浊的原因;硫酸含有氮氧化物,使硫酸失去钝化作用,是硫酸外观呈红色混 浊的主要原因。6、对氮氧化物来源研究,主要来源于:熔盐泄漏。原料气中氨含量高;原料气的焚烧温度高;燃烧器结构

17、不合理。7、降低系统氮氧化物的对策:提高换热器的制造质量;降低原料酸性气中的氨含量;改善燃烧器的性能;控制原料气燃烧温度。8、通过本课题研究,解决了WSA装置存在的三大问题,达到了本课 题开题的预期目标:WSA装置实现了长周期运行;硫酸颜色正常、腐蚀性明显降低;外排尾气合格。AbstractIn o rder to raise the utilizatio n ratio o f H2S,reduce the emissio n o f S O2 and pro tect enviro nment,S ino pec Changling Co mpany put 60 millio ns RM

18、B to impo rt a WS A plant fro m Denmark.S ince the plant was put into o peratio n,so me pro blems o ccurred during the perio d o f o perating,including the leakage o f salt,heavy co rro sio n o f equipment,abno rmal co lo r and stro ng co rro sio n o f sulphuric acid,etc.In additio n,the running tim

19、e and emissio n o f S O2,S O3 and NOx co uld no t be up to the design standard as well.This article analyzed the abo ve-mentio ned pro blems co mprehensively,especially in figuring o ut the so urce o f NOx in feed gas and sulphuric acid.Perso ns invo lved in this article carried o ut the testing and

20、 analyzing widely co vering the leakage o f salt,characters o f feed gas,co mbustio n o f feed gas,co mbustio n burner,pro cess co ntro l,NOx co ntent in feed gas and sulphuric acid and mo nito ring o f chlo rine.In co nsequence,the reaso ns o f the pro blems were find o ut,and the effective measure

21、 had been ado pted in o verco ming the pro blems.Fro m the time being,the acid quality index is much higher than the standard o f 98%acid,S O2 emissio n dro p to 94mg/Nm3 that is also much lo wer than natio nal standard o f 960 mg/Nm3.The aim o f research has been achieved,in additio n,the co nsider

22、able eco no my benefit and enviro nmental benefit have been made as well.Generally,the WS A plant will be bro ught into play in bo th sulphuric acid pro cess and enviro nment pro tectio n.Key words:WS A Pro cess,sulpuric acid,co rro sio n,NOxSummaryChapter 1:Documents Investigation and Research&Choi

23、ce for the Subject1-1 Three challenges that H2SO4 is facingH2sO4 is an impo rtant basic chemical raw material.The o utput o f it is a symbo l that measures the standard o f industry develo pment o f a co untry.H2S O4 is facing three challenges.They are usage o f reso urces,techno lo gy impro vement

24、and enviro nment pro tectio n.1.Develo ping H2S pro cessing techno lo gy can extend H2S O4 industry reso urcesRecent years all facto ries that make H2so4 try every effo rt to turn making H2S O4 fro m into sulphuric.The limitatio n o f H2S O4 reso urces will influence the develo pment o f H2S O4 indu

25、stry.Therefo re we must depend o n science and techno lo gy inno vatio ns,impro ve pro ductio n techno lo gy,make full use o f all kinds o f reso urces to decrease the dependence o n sulphuric internatio nal market.H2S is an impo rtant S reso urce.They mainly co me fro m gas desulphurizatio n and pe

26、tro leum refining.It has characteristics o f virulence,flammability and easy explo sio n.It cant be sent o ut directly.Develo ping H2S pro cessing techno lo gy can extend the H2sO4 industry reso urces.2.The dispo sitio n o f H2S can influence the enviro nmentThe tail gas co ming fro m the dispo siti

27、o n o f H2S are mainly S Ox and NOx.They have great influence o n the enviro nment.3.Develo ping the techno lo gy o f making H2S O4 H2S can save investment,increase the rate o f reco very and pro tect enviro nment1)The rate o f reco very o f S is o nly abo ut 94%by o rdinary techno lo gy.In o rder t

28、o increase the rate o f reco very we must build a co mplete set o f plant o f tail gas dispo sitio n.Their investment o f co nstructio n and the co st o f pro ductio n are bo th great.2)Develo ping the techno lo gy o f H2sO4 making directly fro m H2S can o mit a lo t o f co mplex techno lo gy pro ce

29、ssing,decrease the co st o f investment and pro ductio n.The rate o f S reco very can reach high.1.2The techno lo gy o f making H2S O4 fro m H2SAcco rding to the different co nditio ns o f reactio n,it can be divided into dry and wet co ntact pro cesses.Dry co ntact pro cess is to bum H2S into S O2,

30、Then use traditio nal techno lo gy o f washing,drying,catalyzing,o xidizing and abso rbing.There is no steam in the pro cess o f S O2,Whereas wet co ntact pro cess neednt wash and dry.We can catalysis and o xidize S O2 into S O3 if there is steam in it and then directly co ndense it into S.Wet co nt

31、act pro cess is very simple.It is helpful to the recycle o f heat o f the system.The mo st typical techno lo gy is WS A techno lo gy o f Denmark To psaw Co rpo ratio n.1-3 The principle of making H2SO4 from WSA H2SBurning:H2S+3/202=S O2+H2OOxidizing:S O2+l/202=S O3Co ndensing:S O3(gas)+H2O(gas)=H2S

32、O4(gas)H2S O4(gas)=H2so 4(liquid)1-4 Introduction of WSA technology1.Main techno lo gy characteristicsIt do esnt co nsume industry water and it do esnt pro duce waste water.The o peratio n is flexible and the pro cess is simple.The rate o f reco very o f S is as high as 99%.WS A techno lo gy makes f

33、ull use o f heat energy.2.Three pro blems existing in the o peratio n o f WS A plantAfter WS A teclmo lo gy impo rted by o ur co rpo ratio n put into pro ductio n,the plant exists three pro blems.Firstly the perio d o f plant o peratio n is sho rt.Within o ne year o f pro ductio n it had to sto p to

34、 o verhaul fo r eight times.The equipment has co rro sive pro blems widely.S eco ndly the co lo ur o f H2S O4 appears muddy white o r muddy red.It is po o r in quality.Thirdly co ntents o f S 02 S 03 and NOX sent o ut fro m tail gas are unqualified.1-5 The research contents of the subjectThe researc

35、h o bject o f this subject is the three pro blems existing in the applicatio n pro cess o f WS A techno lo gy.The main co ntents are the fo llo wing:1)The research metho d o f chemical examinatio n and analysis2)The research o f influence o n the applicatio n o f WS A techno lo gy caused by o perati

36、o n co nditio ns3)The research and measures abo ut plant co rro sio n4)The research and measures o f the facto ries influenced by the quality o fH2S O4Chapter 2 Experiment Analysis Method1.The principle of determining CL H2SO4First make a standard co lo ur base.Dilute the sample with water,add HNO3

37、and HgNO3?then react with CL-pro duce HgCL muddy liquids.Co mpare with standard co lo ur base and calculate the co ntents o f CL.2.The principle of determining NOX in the technology gasUse neutral H2O2 to o xidize S O2 and NOX into H2sO4 and HNO3.Titrate the to tal amo unt o f acid with so lutio n o

38、 f NAOH.Add excessive amo unt o f so lutio n o f BaCL2 and react with H2S O.Then pro duce precipitatio n o f BaS O4,Titrate excessive BaCL2 with so lutio n o f K4cLe)3.Caculate the co ntents o f S O2 and NOX with the amo unt o f all standard so lutio n.Chapter 3 The research about influence on WSA p

39、lant rationnditions3-lThe experiment of influence on operation conditions1.The relatio nship amo ng the dispo sitio n o f plant and quality o f H2S O 4 and tail gasCo nditio n:The rate o f air allo catio n is 10:1 The temperature at the entrance o f WS A chiller is 290.The lo ads can be examined by

40、fo ur levels acco rding to 20%,80%and 100%o f the designing abilities.2.The relatio nship between the rate o f air allo catio n and the rate o f transfo rmCo nditio ns:80%lo ad 290 at the entrance o f E53.The relatio nship between the temperature at the entrance o f E5 and the co ncentratio n o f H2

41、S O4Co nditio ns:80%lo ad the rate o f air allo catio n 10:13-2 The result of experiment is influenced by operation conditionsl.The co ncentratio n o f H2S O4 stabilize mo re than 98.35%,the rate o f transfo rm is abo ve 98.75%.2.The ability o f dispo sitio n o f plant reach the demands o f design.T

42、he o peratio n is flexible.3.Within 285-295 the change o f the temperature at the entrance o f E5 has no o bvio us influence o n the co ncentratio n o f H2S O4.3-3 The problems found in the experiment caused by operation conditions1.Tail gas cant reach the standard o f the design.2.The resistance o

43、f burning machine is great.The supply o f air in the burning is no t sufficient.3.Co ntents o fNH3 in raw material acid is a bit high.4.The co lo ur o f H2S O4is abno rmal.It appears muddy white o r muddy red.Chapter 4 The research and measures about the pipeline corrosion of WSA plant equipmentTher

44、e were mo re than 20 co rro sive small ho les in the welding seams o f the pipelines in less than two mo nths after the plant was put into o peratio n.S o me pro blems appeared in the gas chiller such as bunched o f pipes burst,ho les were bo red and a lo t o f small ho les at the bo tto m o f the b

45、unches o f pipes since July 2002.Leaks appeared in the gas chiller and there were a lo t o f small ho les o n the bunches o f heat-exchange pipes and at the entrance o f the steam pipes.4-1 The reason for corrosive small holes1.Over-pressure in so me areasAbo ut three to ns o f melt salt didnt get b

46、ack in the bunches o f pipes during the sto p o f the wo rk and so lidified into so lids.In the later o peratio n the melt salt melt as the temperature ro se.The melt salt in the bunches o f pipes experienced co o ling-so lidifying-the rising o f temperature-melting.Over-pressure appeared in so me a

47、reas and lead to bursts in the pipes.2.Po o r weldingThe structure o f heat-exchange machines are special,They are difficult to weld.Welding seams defects easily appear such as inco mplete welded,no t melt and welding tumo rs.3.Leaks and co rro sio n o f the melt saltWelding seams defects lead to o

48、smo isis o f the melt salt.The melt salt in liquid get in to uch with gas co ntaining S O2/S O3.They react and pro duce co rro sive H2sO4 in liquid.H2sO4 creates co rro sio n to heat-exchange pipes near the leakage and at the bo tto m.Therefo re a lo t o f leaks appeared.4-2 Reasons for a lot of sma

49、ll holes in E2The temperature o f gas medium is very lo w.It leads to co rro sio n o f dew po int.Here are reaso ns fo r co rro sio n o f dew po int:Defects in techno lo gical design:There is no meter instrument in the gas medium at the entrance o f E2.It cant measure the temperature there effective

50、ly.Gas o ver heater E7 hasnt put into o peratio n.The teclinician o f To psaw Co rpo ratio n demanded that E7 sho uldnt be used fo r the time being when the plant was first put into o peratio n.E7 was used less when dealing with lo ads.The steam entered E2 at 250.The dew po int temperature lo wer th

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