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4、科财务科审计科法制办基教科核准意见经审核,批准章程自年月日起施行。局长签字:区教育局(章)年月日附件2:扬州市邗江区邗上中心幼儿园章程(经2023年10月19日全园教职工大会讨论通过)序言邗上中心幼儿园创办于1996年9月,从属于邗江实验学校,2023年在区政府、区教育局和实验学校等各级领导的关心支持下,投资九百多万元,异地新建了一所全新的幼儿园,2023年12月高标准通过“江苏省优质幼儿园”评估验收。全园秉持 “快乐生活健康成长”的核心价值理念,坚持“以德育德、以爱育爱、以心育心”的育人导向,在主管部门和社会各界的关心、指导下,先后获得“江苏省平安校园”“扬州市绿色学校”“扬州市优秀家长学校


6、全称为扬州市邗江区邗上中心幼儿园;英文表述为Hanshang Center Kindergarten of YangZhou;住所地址为扬州市邗城路22号。第三条本园由邗江区邗江实验学校举办,经登记批准,是具有法人资格的办学机构,独立承担民事责任。本园是一所公办全日制教育机构,从属于邗江区实验学校。第四条办园宗旨:以德育德、以爱育爱、以心育心。办园理念:快乐生活健康成长让每一个幼儿感受并体验成长的快乐是幼儿教育的主线目的,也是幼儿教育评价的重要标准,幼儿园在积极打造快乐教育环境的同时努力创设易于激发幼儿体验的教学情境,以游戏贯穿幼儿在园一日生活,以“体格健壮、能学会玩、文明有礼、自主活泼”为幼


8、博学励志笃行教风:博爱严谨协作创新学风:惜时博览善思发明第七条幼儿园面向周边地区招生,招生对象为36周岁儿童,招生规模以邗江区教育局核定的班级和人数为准。第八条园标、园旗、园歌、园徽(暂时沿用邗江区实验学校的校标、校旗、校歌、校徽)第二章组织机构和管理体制第九条 校长是学校的法定代表人,对外代表学校,对内全面负责学校的教育教学和行政管理工作。幼儿园实行园长负责制,园长是幼儿园具体负责人,全面负责幼儿园行政工作。园长由邗江区实验学校任命(或聘任)。副园长协助园长开展工作。第十条 园长依法行使下列重要职权:(一)贯彻执行国家的有关法律、法规、政策和上级主管部门的规定;(二)领导教育、卫生保健、安全

9、保卫工作;(三)组织制订并实行幼儿园的发展规划;(四)负责建立并执行各种规章制度;(五)负责聘任、调配工作人员。指导、检查和评估教师以及其他工作人员的工作,并给予奖惩;(六)负责工作人员的思想工作,组织文化、业务学习,并为他们的政治和文化、业务进修发明必要的条件,关心和逐步改善工作人员的生活、工作条件,维护他们的合法权益;(七)组织管理园舍、设备和申报经费使用;(八)组织和指导家长工作;(九)负责与社区联系和合作。第十一条 本园建立园务会议制度。重大问题经园务委员会酝酿,在调查研究、认真听取群众意见的基础上,由园长提交学校办公会审议讨论决策。第十二条幼儿园根据办园实际需要,建立由教师及家长代表

10、参与的园务委员会,参与制定、审议幼儿园章程、发展规划和其他规章制度、人事与财务方案等重大事项。第十三条学校基层党组织发挥政治核心作用。幼儿园依靠学校基层党组织,充足发挥工会、教职工(代表)大会、共青团等组织的作用。第十四条学校建立以教师为主体的教职工(代表)大会制度,保障教职工参与学校和幼儿园民主管理和进行民主监督。凡属教职工(代表)大会职权范围的事项,都应提交教职工(代表)大会审议。学校工会作为教职工(代表)大会的工作机构,依法保障学校民主管理、民主监督的贯彻,维护教职工的合法权益。第十五条幼儿园设立年级组、教研组和后勤组等职能部门,分别承担相应的管理职能。第十六条 幼儿园加强一平常规管理,





15、儿园根据编制、人社部门核定的编制数额、岗位数和岗位任职条件及市教育局、学校相关规定聘用教职工,公开招聘,竞争上岗,对聘用人员实行岗位管理和绩效工资制度。第二十八条幼儿园依法建立教职工考核制度,对教职工定期进行考核,考核结果作为续聘或者解聘、奖励或者处分的依据。第二十九条 幼儿园教职工除享有法律法规等规定的权利外,还享有下列权利:(一)依据国家规定的幼儿园课程标准,结合本班幼儿的具体情况,自主制定和执行教育教学工作计划,进行一日教育活动,开展教育教学改革和实验;(二)参与教育教学科研、园本培训、进修学习等活动。(三)准时获取工资报酬,享受国家规定的带薪休假和其他福利待遇;(四)通过教代会或其他形

16、式参与幼儿园管理,对本园工作提出意见和建议;重大事务有知情权;对不公正待遇或对处分不服有申诉权;(五)使用幼儿园设施、图书、音像资料及其他教育教学用品;第三十条 幼儿园教职工除履行法律法规等规定的义务外,还应履行下列义务:(一)遵守法律法规和职业道德,为人师表;(二)遵守规章制度,认真履行职责,完毕教育教学工作任务;(三)关心、爱惜全体幼儿,尊重幼儿人格,促进幼儿身心和谐发展;(四)严格执行幼儿园安全、卫生保健制度,配合保育员管理本班幼儿生活,开展安全健康常识教育;(五)履行人人都是德育工作者的职责,经常与幼儿家长保持联系,开展家庭教育指导,共同做好幼儿教育工作;(六)制止有害于幼儿的行为或者


18、公开的原则,在自愿的基础上,组织家长选举组成家长委员会。幼儿园为家长委员会开展工作提供必要的条件,保障家长委员会履行参与学校管理、参与教育工作、沟通学校与家庭等职责。第三十四条幼儿园依托社区,开发社区教育资源,开展社会实践活动,为幼儿发明服务社区和实践体验的机会。幼儿园配合社区开放校内文化设施和体育场地。第三十五条幼儿园建立校友会组织,发挥校友的宣传、桥梁、教育、助学、征询等作用,促进幼儿园发展。第三十六条幼儿园根据办园实际需要,开展园际互动合作,不断扩大对外交流,拓展教育视野,提高办园水平。第六章幼儿园资产及财务管理第三十七条 学校开办资金为人民币18795元。学校具体经费来源涉及财政补贴收


20、强对受赠财产的管理并接受社会监督。第七章附则第四十二条幼儿园建立健全本章程统领下的幼儿园规章制度体系。规章制度的立、改、废均依照民主程序进行。第四十三条本章程未尽事宜按照法律法规及上级文献政策执行。如有不同,以法律法规及上级文献政策为准。第四十四条本章程的修订由园长室提出,经幼儿园教职工(代表)大会审议,邗江区实验学校校务会议通过,报区教育局核准后生效。第四十五条本章程由邗江区实验学校校长室负责解释。You are the position of:Yangzhou Han center kindergartenLearn more about ourNotice in the park the

21、 bodyThe articles of association of the kindergartenRelease date: 2023-3-13Access number (1046)Publisher:Xu XiaThe attachment1:HanjiangareaThe youngsongardenchapterchengThe approval sheetThe youngsonGarden center kindergarten Han HanJiang district of yangzhouReported to date2023.10.20The approval da

22、teThe date ofTo the instructionA, reported to the kindergarten, and district bureau of education related departments shall sign the relevant section of this form.Second, the form with the articles of association of the kindergarten in duplicate, the district education bureau approval retained a, ret

23、urn to a kindergarten.Three, kindergarten, the district education bureau relevant departments in the formulation, review the articles of association of the kindergarten, the corresponding clauses in the articles of association to check item by item.Necessary matters specified by the articles of asso

24、ciation are:(a) name of the kindergarten, park address.(2) the principle.Including the purpose of kindergarten, training goal, the principle of education, development plan and training, garden songs, garden celebrating anniversaries, etc.(3) the main task.Including the main content of the education

25、teaching work, implementation methods, basic requirements and the education teaching characteristic, etc.(4) internal management mechanism.According to the different management system, specify the following content: legal representative of the responsibilities, rights and perform their duties, acces

26、s way;The major issues of the kindergarten decision-making procedures and methods;Staff involved in the kindergarten democratic ways and methods of management oversight;The kindergarten organization setup and function;Other than the legal representative person in chargeAnd the main body of the respo

27、nsibilities and authorities.implement“The school director responsibility system under the leadership of the garden”Kindergarten, its articles of association shall be the garden of the schools responsibility, authority, rules of procedure, etc.(5) teachers and other education workers and children.Cle

28、ar the source of teachers, employment or dismissal, promotion, rewards and punishment;The rights and obligations of teachers;Young childrens admission and student status;Young childrens rights and obligations;Teachers team construction goal, task, and the daily management of students.(6) funds, fina

29、nce, property management.Clear the main source of school funds, the use and management of the organization, procedures and principles;The distribution of the faculty principle;Property purchase program, use the management;The private kindergarten to get return by the sponsor (s) must also achieve a

30、reasonable return ratio and time limit.(7) supplementary provisions.About the definition of terms and phrases characteristic, should be provided for procedures for modifying the content, articles of association, articles of association of interpretation authority determination, formulate rules and r

31、egulations of the authority regulations, the provisions of the constitution implementation date.Four,The articles of association of the private kindergarten.In addition to indicate the above content, but also need to press“Articles of association of a people-run non-enterprise unit (legal person)”Th

32、e formulation of requirements, increase the contents of the relevant.Kindergarten reportedThe full name of kindergartenYangzhou HanJiang area Han center kindergartenThe staff meetingmeaningseeThe articles of association has been2023years10month19Day dominated faculty meetingTwo-thirds of theThe abov

33、e personnel vote to pass it.Head of signature:NieWanTong2023years10monthdayThe kindergartenmeaningseeDirector to sign:Xu Xia(The kindergarten chapter)yearsmonthdayThe sponsors or the organizersmeaningseeThe organizers to sign:(The organizer chapter)yearsmonthdayDistrict bureau of education related d

34、epartmentsAudit opinionSend gauge sectionPersonnel sectionThis the finance departmentAudit branchLegislative affairs officeThe base classThe approval opinionWith the approval of the audit,The articles of association of theyearsmonthAs.Director of signature:District education bureau (chapter)yearsmon

35、thdayThe attachment2:HanJiang district of yangzhou Han center kindergartens articles of association(the2023years10month19Dominated faculty meeting discussion through)The prefaceHan center kindergarten was founded in1996years9Month, belonging to HanJiang experimental school,2023In the district govern

36、ment, the district education bureau and experimental school leaders at all levels, under the concern and support of the investment of more than nine hundred ten thousand yuan, a long-distance opened a new kindergarten,2023years12Month high standards through the jiangsu province high quality kinderga

37、rten assessment acceptance.Dominated grasps the happy lifeThe core values of healthy growth concept, adhere to the on moral education, love education, psychological education teaching orientation,In the departments and the social from all walks of life care and guidance, successively obtains safe ca

38、mpus of jiangsu province, yangzhou city green school good parents of yangzhou school, yangzhou cityADining room health units , HanJiang area health care qualified garden and so on a number of honorary titles.Once won the first prize in yangzhou city family fun games group, area happy baby childrens

39、talent contest excellent organization, female teachers chorus contest area education system, many times won the first prize in the district kindergarten comprehensive assessment, and repeatedly received guests and preschool education, inside and outside the province all praised, has become a convinc

40、e parents trust, peers, social recognition of high quality garden.The first chapterThe generalArticle 1 with aInternal management system and operational mechanism to regulate kindergarten, kindergarten garden, according to the construction of modern school system,Comprehensive order to improve the t

41、eaching quality and efficiency of kindergarten education,According to the education law of the Peoples Republic of China pedagogic law of the Peoples Republic of China the all-round implementation of lawful outlineAnd kindergarten guidelines,36At the age of childrens learning and development guideAn

42、d other relevant laws and regulations, combining the reality of the kindergarten, articles of association are formulated.Article 2:All of the kindergarten called HanJiang district of yangzhou Han center kindergarten;English asHanshang Center Kindergarten of YangZhou;Home address isYangzhou Han city

43、road22No.。Article 3 theThe kindergarten organized by HanJiang HanJiang district experimental school, upon the approval of the registration, is a educational institutions with legal person status, shall bear civil liability independently.Our kindergarten is a public full-time education institution, a

44、ffiliated with HanJiang district experimental school.Article 4.The purpose of kindergarten:In the moral education, education to love by loving, to the heart of mental education.The concept of kindergarten:A happy lifeThe healthy growthLet every children grow up feeling and experience the happiness i

45、s the fundamental aim of early childhood education, is also the important standard of the evaluation of early childhood education, kindergarten in tries to build up a happy education environment while trying to create the teaching situation of easy to stimulate childrens experience, in the game thro

46、ugh early childhood living in the garden one day, to the well-built, can learn to play, civilization polite, autonomous lively for the preschool education target, let the children play in high school, learn in joy, joy long, strive to make every child happy life healthy growth.Article 5.The development of the kindergarten should reflect the spirit of advancing with The Times, pioneering and innovative, w

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