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1、METHORD STATEMENT FOR CABLE TRAY INSTALLATION电缆桥架施工方案版本Rev.编制Prepared by审核Reviewed by批准Approved by认可Accepted byContents目 录、 工程概述1General1、合用范围1Scope of work1、 编制依据1References1、 施工准备2Preparation for construction25、 桥架安装技术规定4Technical Requirements for Cable Tray Installation4、 桥架施工工序8Cable tray instal

2、lation procedure8、 施工具体描述8Installation description8、 施工注意事项及措施11Construction precaution and measurement to be taken119、施工特别措施13Special measurement to be taken in construction1310、 脚手架搭设描述及注意事项15The procedure of setting up scaffold and precaution1511、(JHA)25工作安全分析25、 工程概述General为了保证电缆桥架安装工作正常有序地进行,力求

3、施工周期最短、保证技术、安全可靠的方案编制原则,根据国家、业主的规范规定,特编制此电缆桥架安装施工方案,以说明安装过程中施工方法、施工用料、施工顺序。In order to ensure normal and proper field installation for electrical and instrument cable tray safe successful completion of the work, this installation procedure is specially prepared as per the national standards and the

4、Owners specification requirements in the principle of lowest construction cost, shortest construction duration and safe reliable technology to elaborate the installation construction method, construction materials and installation sequence、合用范围Scope of work 本方案合用于拜耳聚碳酸酯SPCII/LOGII项目桥架施工,涉及管廊桥架、B204区

5、域、B244区域、B209区域、B252区域、B221区域、B222区域桥架施工及其它区域桥架施工。This scope describes the activities to be performed by the Contractor for the Works and Services as specified below for Bayer SpcII/LogII cable tray installation, including outside pipe rack area, B204, B252,B209,B244,B221,B222 area and other area wh

6、ich need to be constructed.、 编制依据References3.1 设计图纸及及相关技术文献Design drawing and Relevant documents3.2 国家及BAYER公司相关规程、规范、标准National codes & standards, relevant Bayer specifications3.3 建筑电气工程施工质量验收规范GB50303-2023Code of acceptance of construction quality electrical installation of building3.4 电气装置安装工程爆炸和

7、火灾危险环境电气装置施工及验收规范GB50257-96Construction & Acceptance Code for Electrical Device Installation in Explosive and Fire Hazard Environment3.5 自动化仪表工程及验收规范GB50093-2023Construction & Acceptance Code for Automatic Instrumentation Works3.6 自动化仪表安装质量检查评估标准GBJ131-90Quality Inspection & Assessment Standard for

8、Automatic Instrumentation Installation、 施工准备Preparation for construction4.1、 技术准备 Preparation for technical method4.1.1 熟悉图纸和相应的国家标准规范,会同设计及业主较早完毕对图纸问题的澄清,并完毕施工方案和特殊技术措施的编制;Be familiar with drawing and relevant national specification, timely clarify any question about drawing jointly with AKC and co

9、mplete construction plan and special technical measures;4.2 人员准备Preparation for person 4.2.1进入施工现场作业的人员应具有相应的施工资质;Personnel preparation: after entering onto site and prior to working, carry out safety training to all construction personnel and clarify all technical details;4.2.2 对进入现场作业人员进行安全培训和施工技术

10、交底;The person who enter into site and do construction work will be trained in the safety and accepted technical clarification.4.3 材料准备Preparation for material 4.3.1根据协议内容和施工图纸资料,准确的提出施工主材和消耗性材料用量以及时开展采购工作;Material preparation: since short construction period and tight time, it shall accurately work

11、out primary construction material and consumptions according to contract and drawing to timely carry out procurement;4.3.2 本工程中,管廊上电缆桥架(600mm以上)采用热镀锌钢质托盘式,B204厂区内电缆桥架(600mm)采用热镀锌钢质托盘式,电气桥架(300mm)采用热镀锌钢质梯架式,仪表桥架(300以下)采用不锈钢格栅式。B252厂区内电气桥架(300mm)以上使用梯架,以下使用隔栅式桥架,仪表桥架(300mm)以上使用托盘式桥架、以下使用隔栅式桥架。其中电缆桥架(6

12、00mm及以上)由业主供应, 电缆桥架(600mm以下)由承包商供应;In this project, equal to and more than 600mm hot galvanized steel cable tray will be adopted on the outside pipe rack and 600mm hot galvanized cable tray will be installed for electrical and 300mm hot galvanized cable ladder will be installed for electrical, 300mm

13、 stainless steel grid cable tray for instrument inside room in B204 area; cable ladder will be used in more than 300mm and stainless steel grid tray will be used in equal and less 300mm for electrical in B252 area; channel tray will be used in more than 300mm and stainless steel grid tray will be us

14、ed in equal and less 300mm for instrument in B252 area; cable tray(600mm and above) will be supplied by the owner, less 600mm cable tray will be purchased by contractor. 4.3.3 电动工具、测试仪器应符合BAYER的使用规定,工机具的使用应有效期内;Machinery, tool and test instrument preparation: the electric tool and standard test inst

15、rument shall be in compliance with AKC requirement and within valid period;4.4 验收及保管Acceptance and keeping4.4.1 电缆桥架到场后应及时进行材料验收; Materials acceptance shall be done in a timely manner for cable tray after delivery to site.4.4.2 检查厂家技术文献、合格证和质保书是否齐全。出厂产品数据是否符合设计规定;The manufacturers technical document

16、s, certificates of compliance and quality certificates shall be checked for completeness and the product data be checked for compliance with the design requirements;4.4.3 桥架及附件齐全、表面光滑、不变形,型号规格符合设计规定。The cable tray and accessories shall be complete and have smooth and undeformed surface. The type and

17、 specification shall comply with the design requirements. The cable tray section at the bends and joints shall be smooth and free of burrs;4.4.4 验收合格的材料应分型号、规格摆放,便于材料领用。 Qualified material by acceptance will be stored by type and specification in order to convenience for using.4.5 施工重要工程量及重要施工材料Main

18、 work load and materials in construction序号No.名称Description规格及型号specification单位Unite数量Quantity备注Remark1热镀锌钢质梯架Hot galvanized steel ladder600150米 m2002热镀锌钢质梯架Hot galvanized steel ladder300150米m5003热镀锌钢质梯架Hot galvanized steel ladder400150米m1004不锈钢隔栅桥架Stainless steel grid tray300150米m15005不锈钢隔栅桥架Stainle

19、ss steel grid tray200100米m10006不锈钢隔栅桥架Stainless steel grid tray 10050米m25007热镀锌钢质托盘Hot galvanized steel tray600150米m1008热镀锌钢质托盘Hot galvanized steel tray900150米m309热镀锌钢质托盘Hot galvanized steel tray400150米m6010C型钢C steelP4141米m20235、 桥架安装技术规定Technical Requirements for Cable Tray Installation5.1 严格按设计图纸

20、施工。安装前与工艺、设备等专业图纸进行会审,以免发生碰撞后,二次拆装;The construction shall be performed strictly as per the design drawings. The drawings for process, equipment shall be reviewed before installation to avoid interference and re-work;5.2 桥架及其支架和引入、引出的网格桥架必须可靠连接且应符合下列规定:Cable tray and its supports and its branch grid

21、tray shall be reliably connected and comply with the following specification:5.2.1 电缆桥架直线段每隔30米应安装一膨胀节,并且在膨胀节处增长桥架跨接线;Expansion joint will be added in strait line segment at interval of 30m when cable tray be installed and jumper wire will be connected from one cable tray to another in the place of

22、expansion joint.5.2.2 电缆桥架在弯曲处的弯曲半径,不得小于桥架内电缆最小弯曲半径;电缆最小弯曲半径见下表: The bending radius of cable tray at the bend shall not be smaller than minimum bending radius of cable inside cable tray;Minimum bending radius of cable sees the table as follow: 序号No.电缆种类Cable description最小允许弯曲半径Minimum bending radius

23、1聚氯乙烯绝缘电力电缆 VV cable10D2交联聚氯乙烯绝缘电力电缆 YJV cable15D3多芯控制电缆 multi wire control cable10DD为电缆外径 D- outside diameter5.2.3 电缆桥架支架水平安装时支架间距不大于2.5米做一次固定,垂直安装的支架间距不大于2米做一次固定,在有弯通或三通的地方则必须单独增长支撑点; For the cable tray support, if no requirements, the spacing for horizontal supports shall be 2.5m and that for ver

24、tical supports shall be no greater than 2m;individual support will be added in the elbow and tee.5.2.4 桥架支架与各种钢结构的连接都采用卡接方式,不得焊接,如若需焊接必须事先获得业主的批准认可,方可施焊,焊接必须牢固可靠,且要对施焊的部位采用防腐解决;The support of cable tray connect to all kinds of steel structure with bolt , not allow to weld. The welding of brackets an

25、d supports with structural steel shall be approved by the Owner ahead of time and the welding shall be reliable and will be done anti-corrosive treatment for the welding point.5.2.5 桥架连接应使用桥架厂家的连接片通过螺栓连接。螺栓应带有平垫片和防松垫片,The cable trays shall be bolted with each other using the connection pieces suppli

26、ed by the cable tray manufacturer. The bolt shall have flat washer and spring washer;5.2.6 桥架与桥架支架的连接用专用的桥架压板,通过螺栓连接紧固; Special compressed plate will be adopted to connect cable tray and its support fastened by bolt.5.2.7 所有用螺栓紧固的材料、设备,在紧固前必须在螺杆上涂层放防卡剂; All kinds of material and equipment with bolt

27、fastening should coat anti seize agent in the screw before fastening.5.3 电缆桥架敷设在易燃、易爆气体管道和热力管道的下方,与管道的最小净距应符合下表:The minimum clearance between the cable tray laid under the inflammable and explosive gas piping & thermal piping and the piping shall comply with the following table:Piping Classification

28、管道类别Parallel Clearance (m)平行净距(m)Overlapping Clearance (m)交叉净距(m)Common Piping一般管道0.40.3Inflammable, Explosive Gas Piping易燃、易爆气体管道0.50.5Thermal Piping热力管道With Insulation有保温0.50.3Without Insulation无保温1.00.5不符合上述规定期必须加装隔热板;Thermal baffle will be installed if not in line with above requirement.5.4 不同防火

29、区的桥架,应按设计规定,采用防火、隔离措施;Fireproof and isolation measures shall be taken for the cable trays laid inside vertical shaft or across different fireproof areas;5.5 对于SPCII厂房内部所有600mm宽的桥架,必须在桥架内敷设一根95mm2的裸铜绞线作为接地线,然后分别与SPCI主桥架内95mm2的裸铜绞线相连接,对于主管廊上的桥架,应在最上层电缆桥架内敷设一根95 mm2的裸铜绞线作为接地线,并且分别与全厂接地网连接。电气桥架必须有良好的电气通

30、路,桥架两端并且每隔30m做一次接地线;95mm2 bare copper stranded wire as a earthling line will be laid in all 600mm cable tray inside the SPCII workshop and connected to another 95mm2 bare copper stranded wire in the SPCI cable tray. A piece of 95 mm2 bare copper stranded wire as a earthling line will be laid in the

31、top cable tray of outside pipe rack and connected to main earthling net of factory. All cable tray should have good electric conductivity and earthling wire will be installed in each 30M in the cable tray.5.6 安装结束后保证桥架不应有明显的波形弯或蛇形弯。在电缆安装结束后,主管廊最上层桥架应盖上盖板,厂房内部600mm宽的电缆桥架需加盖板,300mm宽度及以下无需加盖板;After com

32、pletion of cable tray installation, it shall be ensured that there is no visible wave or snake type curve. After cable installation, the top cable tray shall be covered with plate;、 桥架施工工序Cable tray installation procedure施工准备Preparation for installation支架预制Support pre-fabrication支架安装Support installa

33、tion 桥架预制Cable tray pre-fabrication桥架安装Cable installation接地线安装Earthling wire installation 、 施工具体描述Installation description7.1 施工准备详见第4条;Preparation for Installation see above item 47.2 桥架支架预制Support of cable tray pre-fabrication7.2.1 根据桥架施工图,合理安排桥架支架安装位置,标注好桥架支架安装的具体位置,计算出每根支架的尺寸,在事先选好的C型钢材上标出相应的位置;

34、标出后统一拿到预制场地加工,严禁在现场加工支架.对于装纳电缆容量大的桥架应选用背靠背叠在一处的C型钢支架,增强支架强度;We will arrange the reasonable location of support of cable tray and make label when we install it according to cable tray drawing, We will also calculate each support size and draw detail position in the C steel we selected in advance. Aft

35、er finishing position in the c steel, support will be made in the pre-fabrication shop and avoid making support in the installation site. Double C steel support of back against back installed is adopted for heavy load cable in the cable tray in order to reinforce strength. 7.2.2 切割时用砂轮切割机切割,严禁动用气焊、电

36、焊切割,然后清除毛刺,并打磨光滑;Abrasive cutting machine will be used to cut support of cable tray and it is forbidden to use welding machine to cut. after finishing cutting, removing burrs and make it smooth.7.2.3 对预制加工部位喷上镀锌漆,并对预制好支架做好标记;Galvanized lacquer will be sprayed in the processed part of support, sign w

37、ill be made and put in the processed support.7.3 桥架支架安装;Installation for support of cable tray7.3.1 对于建筑物内安装的桥架,应在桥架末端和变高处先安装桥架支架;The end and elbow position of cable tray as well as the place height varied will be installed support first according to design requirement.7.3.2 然后在同一水平长度段,以不超过20m为一间隔先安

38、装首尾两个立柱,然后拉一直线,以此线为参照安装中间其他立柱;Each 20M of cable tray firstly install two hanging bracket for the both end in the same horizontal length of cable tray , then draw a straight line, refer to this strait line, other support can be installed between these two hanging bracket.7.3.3 对于安装在钢结构上的支架,直接用卡扣卡在钢结构

39、上,用螺栓紧固,不得焊接;Support installed in the steel structure will be used clamp and bolt to install not allow to welding.7.3.4 吊顶安装在楼面的支架,先标出需要打眼部位,用冲击电锤钻出合适的孔洞,通过内膨胀螺栓固定预制好的支架;If bracket need to install in the structure ceiling, firstly draw hole position and make hole with electric punch hammer drill, th

40、en bracket be fixed by expansion bolt.7.4 桥架预制Cable tray prefabrication7.4.1 桥架预制都在预制场地进行,预制桥架过程中,只允许用切割机进行切割,严禁用电焊、气焊切割,切割完后清楚毛刺并打磨光滑;the cable tray will be prefabricated in the prefabrication shop. abrasive cutting machine will be used to cut prefabricated cable tray and it is forbidden using weld

41、ing machine to cut. after finishing cutting, removing burrs and make it smooth.7.4.2 Galvanized lacquer will be sprayed in the processed part of cable tray.对于镀锌桥架,应在预制处喷涂镀锌漆;7.4.3 不准用电焊直接把两段桥架焊在一起;It is forbidden to connect two cable tray with welding method.7.5 桥架安装Installation for cable tray7.5.1

42、桥架安装前应尽量在地面进行预组装;对于管廊处大跨距桥架,直接在支架上安装;The cable tray will be assembled in the floor as best as we can before installation.7.5.2 在地面预组装完后,将桥架架上托臂,把桥架调整水平,然后用压板固定;After finishing assemble, cable tray will be put on the bracket arm, then make leveling and fixed by clamping plate.7.5.3 桥架固定应牢固,连接无错边,连接板螺

43、栓应紧固且螺母应位于桥架槽的外侧,螺帽应安装在内侧。The cable tray will be firmly fixed, there is no change in the connection joint; bolt will be tighten in the connection plate and nut will be outside in the cable tray, head of bolt will be inside in the cable tray.7.5.4 连接螺栓前应在螺栓上喷上防卡剂;Before connecting bolt, anti block ag

44、ent will be sprayed in the bolt.7.5.5 同一水平面桥架水平度要一致、无变形,多层桥架间距应保持一致;The horizontality should be the same in the same horizontal and no deformation; The distance of cable tray between layer should keep the same.7.5.6 桥架穿越楼板洞、墙洞,应用防火胶泥密封;Cable tray through floor hole and wall hole,fire proof clay will

45、 be used to seal hole after cable to be laid.7.6 桥架接地线敷设Laying earthling wire of cable tray.7.6.1 桥架安装完后,应对桥架做接地解决,详见第5.5条After cable tray be installed, earthling of cable tray will be done according to technical requirement. see item 5.5、 施工注意事项及措施Construction precaution and measurement to be taken

46、8.1 SPCII电缆桥架安装大部分是在生产与施工的环境下同时进行,务必规定所有进入生产区域现场施工的人员不得接触任何与施工无关的设备,并且严禁碰撞生产设备、管线,施工用的材料只能堆放在指定的场合,当天施工结束后,必须清扫干净;In SPCII project, cable tray be installed is under production and operation environment in the same workshop, It is required that all construction people can not touch any irrespective equipment with construction and forbidden to hit any production equipment and pipe. The material using for construction only put appointed site. Wor

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