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1、SALE and PURCHASE CONTRACT for MANGANESE ORE锰矿石购销协议Contract No.协议号: Dated 签订日期: Concluded at签订地点: Jakarta, Indonesia印度尼西亚,雅加达THE BUYER 买方: Address地址: . Telephone电话: Fax No传真: Email电邮: Hereafter reffered to as BUYER以下简称“买方”BUYERs Bank Details买方银行信息: Bank Name银行名称: Account Name 账户名: Account Number账号:

2、SWIFT Code银行代码: THE SELLER卖方: Address 地址 : : Fax No传真: Email电邮: Contact联系方式: Hereafter reffered to as SELLER以下简称“卖方”SELLERs Bank Details卖方银行信息: Bank Name银行名称: Address地址: Telephone电话: Account Name 账户名: Account Number 账号 : SWIFT Code银行代码: This contract is made by and between the BUYER and SELLER, wher

3、eby BUYER agrees to buy and SELLER agrees to sell the under-mentioned commodity on the terms and conditions stated in this agreement as below:买卖双方通过和谐协商,签订该购销协议,特达成以下条款:COMMODITY商品Name of Commodity商品名称: Manganese Ore with Total Mn Content of 43% 锰含量为43%的锰矿石Origin of Goods商品货源地: Indonesia印度尼西亚PACKING

4、 OPTIONS产品包装 Cargo in 50 kg Bags in 20ft Containers at Sellers Stockpile/Warehouse for Quantity 500 mt (+/- 10%). 货品每袋50公斤,装至卖方仓库20英尺的集装箱中,总量500公吨(增减率10%)PORT OF LOADING装运港:Kalimantan port, Indonesia印尼加里曼丹港口4. QUANTITY AND SHIPMENT装运数量Total Quantity: The total contracted quantity for Manganese Ore i

5、n Container Total quantities is 500 MT( Five Hundred Metric Tons)=+/-10%. 总量:锰矿协议总量为500公吨 (10%的增减).Shipment Frequency: Shipment will be 500 mt in 30 days after receipt of Buyers Non transferable operative Letter of Credit (LC) at sight 100% in Sellers Bank. 装载频率:卖方确认收到买方不可转让100%即付信用证后,30日内装运500公吨矿石给

6、买方。Partial Shipment: is allowed. 分批装运:允许。5. SPECIFICATION OF MANGANESE ORE 锰矿石规格Mn:43% (最少38 %) Al2O3 :最多8%Fe2O3:最多9% SiO2:最多19 % Sulphur硫磺:最多0.1%Phosphorus磷:最多0.1% Size粒度: 0mm-300mm. Moisture水分:最多8% (105 摄氏度) Rejection: If Total Mn Content below 38% (Thirty eight Percent) or Moisture 10%废品(拒付):假如锰总

7、含量在38%以下,或者水分含量在10%以上,视为废品。6.BASE PRICE PER DRY METRIC TON 每干燥公吨底价The base price shall be USD 235/DMT, for Manganese Ore with Mn Total Content of 43% on basis of CFR, Qingdao port ,China .Dry basis means lumpy dried at 105 degrees centigrade.底价为235美元/公吨,锰矿含量43%采用CFR,中国,青岛港;干矿是在105摄氏度下烘干的。7.BASE PRIC

8、E ADJUSTMENT FOR BONUS & PENALTY建立在奖罚基础上的底价调整7.1 MANGANESE CONTENT (Mn)锰含量In respect to the shipment of Manganese Ore, which does not meet the required minimum Total Mn Content specifications, the base price (L/C) shall then be adjusted in accordance with the total manganese (Mn) content, determined

9、 pursuant to the provisions as follows:锰矿石装货时没有达成最低规格规定,底价将按照锰总含量进行适当调整,调整办法如下:For each 1% unit of manganese (Mn) above 43%, the base price shall be increased by US Dollars 5 DMT (Five united states dollar) as BONUS. This Mn bonus shall be calculated on pro rata basis and paid by Buyer to the Seller

10、 by bonus payment allowance clause in LC. 锰含量在43%的基础上每增长1%,底价相应提高5美元/公吨作为奖金,额外奖励按照一定比例通过信用证作为额外津贴支付。For each 1% unit of manganese (Mn) below 43% but above 38%, the base price shall be decreased by US Dollars 5 DMT (Five United states dollar) as PENALTY. This Mn penalty shall be calculated on pro rat

11、a basis and will be deducted in the final invoice of the Seller to the Buyer.锰含量在43%的基础上每减少1%,底价将减少5美元/公吨作为处罚。这将在卖方的最终发票中扣除。Buyer will negotiate with Seller for goods that are below Mn of 38%, but if no mutual agreement is reached, then Buyer has the right to reject the said goods if the Total Mn Co

12、ntent of the said goods, based on the independent quality certification of SUCOFINDO or is found be lower than 38% Total Mn Content specifically as mentioned in the Independent Surveyors quality inspection report . 买方将与卖方协商38%以下的锰矿石解决办法,但假如无法达成一致,买方有权拒绝接受产品,前提是有SUCOFINDO出具的独立的质量认证,或者有独立的调查方出具质量检测报告证

13、明锰含量低于38%。8.PAYMENT TERMS .支付条款8.1 The Payment will be made for each of shipment by the Buyer to the Seller only by fully funded and Irrevocable, NonTransferable Letter of Credit at Sight, for full 100% of said shipment value. This Letter of Credit shall be opened by the Buyer to the designated bank

14、 account of Seller as per Sellers Bank details stated in this contract. 买方支付给卖方每次装运的款项都应足额并且采用不可撤消、不可转让即付信用证。信用证应由买方在卖方指定的银行开具。8.2 An Irrevocable NonTransferable, Letter of Credit at Sight will be opened by Buyer within 5 (five) banking days after signing this contract. 不可撤消、不可转让即付信信用证由买方在协议生效起5日内开具

15、。8.3 The LC should contain the following terms and conditions 信用证应包含以下条款L/C shall allow for 10% more or less in value and quantity信用证价值和数量应允许有10%的增减。Partial shipment allowed 允许 分批装运Trans-shipment allowed允许 转运Spelling and other Typographical mistakes are not to be considered as discrepancies. but the

16、 mistakes dont affect the original meaning .只要不影响协议原本意图,拼写和其他印刷错误均不视为不符或差异。9. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR PAYMENT支付所需单据Seller shall provide the following documents for the 97% LC Payment:卖方应提供以下文献,占信用证款项的97%:Seller signed Invoice in One original and two copies indicating quantity and value of commodity s

17、hipped, name of carrying vessel, and B/L number卖方签字的发票,一份原件和两份复件,发票上应有明确的商品装运数量和价格、承运船只名称以及提货单。Full set of “Clean on Board” Carriers Bill of Lading, in three originals made out to order of issuing Bank , and marked “Freight prepaid” ,notify to the buyer.完整的已装船清洁提单,一式三份,收货人为指定开证行,标有“运费已付”,告知买方。Full s

18、et of Packing List in One original and two copies 完整的装箱单,一份原件,两份复印件。Certificate of Weight in one original and three copies issued by SGS/Sucofindo at the Sellers stockpile/warehouse before cargo stuffing into the Container.由SGS/Sucofindo在货品进入集装箱之前于卖方仓库签发的重量检查证书,一份原件,三份复印件Certificate of Quality Analy

19、sis in one original and three copies issued by SGS/Sucofindo at the Sellers stockpile/warehouse before cargo stuffing into the Container.SGS/Sucofindo在货品进入集装箱之前于卖方仓库签发的质量检查证书,一份原件,三份复印件Certificate of origin 原产地证书Shipping advice to buyer within 3 working days after shipment advising the shipment deta

20、ils including the contract number,name of vessel, invoice value, and gross weight . 装船告知书送达后3个工作日内向买方送达发货告知,发货信息涉及协议号,船名,发票金额,毛重。9.2 balance amount payable against presentation of the following ducuments:未能提供下列文献,将增长应付款项:(1) sellers final commercial invoice based on certificate of quality and certif

21、icate of weight issued by CIQ at port of discharge基于CIQ签发的卸货港口质量和重量检查证明,卖方最终商业发票(2) certificate of quality issued by CIQ at port of discharge CIQ签发的卸货港质量证明书certificate of weight issued by CIQ at port of discharge. CIQ签发的卸货港重量证明书If buyer cant supply certificates of weight and quality at discharging p

22、ort (CIQ) within 45 days after discharging date, the seller has the right to present the Certificate of quality and weight issued by the Independent Surveyor at loading port for final payment.假如买方未能在卸货后45日内提供CIQ签发的重量和质量证明书,卖方有权规定由独立检查机构出具卸货港重量和质量证明以便最后结算。10. TAXES, DUTIES, LEVIES, DUES, etc关税等各种款项Al

23、l import duties, levies, taxes, surcharges, etc, (if any) at the discharge port, on the shipped goods, will be the responsibility of the Buyer and will be fully paid by the Buyer. 卸货港的所有进口关税、税收、附加费等费用,由买方支付。All taxes, export duties, surcharges, etc, in the country of origin of goods and/or at the po

24、rt of loading, will be the responsibility of the Seller and to Sellers account. 在起运国和/或装货港口产生的所有税收、出口关税、附加费等费用,由卖方负责。All taxes, fees, duties and other similar claims or charges (however denominated) imposed on, or arising out of the sale of the said Manganese Ore before the passage of goods over the

25、 rails of Buyers vessel shall be to and for the account of and payable by the SELLER. 在锰矿石运至买方货船之前由铁路运送等因素产生的所有税、费、关税以及其他类似的费用支出(无论有无特定名称),由卖方负责。11. TITLE AND RISK所有权及风险Title and risk of loss or damage to Manganese Ore shall pass from SELLER to BUYER as the Manganese Ore passes over the ships rail a

26、t the Loading Port.自锰矿石于装货港口越过船舷起,所有权及风险由卖方转移至买方。12. Force Majeure不可抗力In the event that either SELLER or BUYER is affected by an event of Force Majeure, the affected Party shall forthwith (within 24 hours) give written notice (wherever possible) or verbal notice through phone to the other Party stat

27、ing the causes and/or circumstances of the Force Majeure event, clearly specifying the nature of the event, together with an estimate, in good faith, of the degree to which and the period for which its performance will be affected thereby. The affected Party shall, upon request by the other Party, p

28、rovide evidence as to the occurrence of such event(s) and the period of duration thereof.任何一方受到不可抗力的影响,须立即(24小时内)书面告知(尽也许)或通过电话口头告知另一方,说明不可抗力的因素和/或情形,并且给不可抗力事件进行明晰的定性和估测,估计事件的受影响限度及影响期限。受不可抗力影响的一方应当应另一方的规定,出示事件发生及连续时间的相关证明。13. ARBITRATION仲裁In case of any dispute which may arise between BUYER and SEL

29、LER in connection with this Agreement or the interpretation, performance or non-performance of this agreement, which cannot be settled by mutual accord between BUYER and SELLER, such dispute(s) shall be settled under the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce,

30、 by three arbitrators, appointed in accordance with the said Rules & Conditions. 双方在协议达成或解释、执行或违约方面若有争议,不得协商解决,应按照国际商会调解和仲裁规则进行解决。The arbitration proceedings will be held in Indonesia, irrespective of whether the SELLER or the BUYER initiates the Arbitration and the same arbitration to be held as pe

31、r Arbitration Laws and Guidelines of Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and according to International law. The language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be in English. The decision of the majority of the arbitrators shall be final and binding on all the Parties hereto, including the decision to allocate of the costs of such arbitration, in Indonesia. The loosing Party will pay all costs involved in such arbitrations or legal litigations.不管哪一方发起仲裁,仲裁诉讼均在印度尼西亚进行,同样按照印度尼西亚仲裁法和商会条令以及国际法进行仲裁,语言一律采用英语。以多数仲裁人的决定为双方最终极具约束力的决定,涵盖仲裁费用的分派。败诉方将支付仲裁或法律诉讼所涉及的所有费用。SELLER卖方:BUYER买方 :

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