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1、在从前的农业社会里,中国人最重要的节日就是过年。对过去的一年来说,这是结束;对未来的一年来说,这是开始。一进入腊月,街头巷尾就充满了过年的气氛,这种气氛要持续一个半月之久。大家通过各种游乐节目来调剂一年来的辛劳,在游乐中流露着一种乐观进取的精神。过年时,每家门上都贴上了春联,耀眼的红纸给人们带来了喜气,优美的字句提供了勉励。In previous/former agricultural society, the Spring Festival was the most important holiday in China. It is the end of the past year and

2、the beginning of the next. As soon as the twelfth month of the lunar year begins, streets are filled with an atmosphere of celebrating the Spring Festival for a month and a half. People relax and get rid of the past years hard work by a variety of entertainment with a sense of optimism and enterpris

3、e. During the holiday, Spring Festival couplets are put on the door of every household. The shining red paper brings happiness to people, and the elegant/graceful words offers encouragement. 上海是一座朝气蓬勃、充满活力、多姿多彩的国际化大都市。改革开放以来,上海变化之大令世人瞩目。经济高速发展、社会秩序稳定、人们安居乐业,呈现出一片繁华景象。今天,尽管上海色彩斑斓的过去还值得留恋和回味,但城市日新月异的面

4、貌却使越来越多的人折服。浦西展示了上海的辉煌岁月,浦东则展现了上海的美好前景。上海就像一轮红日,光芒四射,鲜艳夺目。Shanghai is a dynamic, vigorous and diversified international metropolis. Since the reform and opening-up to the outside world, Shanghai has witnessed tremendous changes that attract worldwide attention. With rapid economic development, stabl

5、e social order as well as peaceful and contented life and work of its people, Shanghai presents a scene of great prosperity. Today, though Shanghais glorious past is still worth remembering and savoring, its ever-changing image has filled more and more people with admiration. Puxi represents Shangha

6、is splendid past, while Pudong unfolds its bright future. Like a rising sun, Shanghai is shining strikingly with great brilliance. 古时候的读书人,闲暇时间以琴棋书画自娱自乐。在中国人看来,艺术品的好坏反映了作者人格的高低。因此,弹琴、下棋、书法和绘画,都代表了一个人的修养。弹琴不是要做音乐家,而是进入一个辽阔的世界,净化自己的心灵。下棋不是为了胜负,而是磨练耐性,使人目光眼大。书法不仅要把字写得漂亮,也是为了陶冶情操。绘画则是通过简单的线条,展现自己想象的世界。

7、In ancient times, scholars enjoyed themselves by music, chess, calligraphy and painting at their leisure/in their spare time. In the eyes of Chinese people, the quality of artwork is a reflection of the character of its creator. Therefore, playing music, playing chess, practicing calligraphy and pai

8、nting show ones culture. By playing music, one does not aim to be a musician but to broaden his horizons and purify his soul. By playing chess, one does not aim to win but to test his patience and sharpen his foresight. By practicing calligraphy, one aims not only to write beautifully but also to cu

9、ltivate his mind. By painting, one creates his imaginary world with simple lines. 春节是中国最盛大的传统节日,也叫“过年”。除夕夜里,全家人聚在一起吃丰盛的团圆饭,包饺子、放鞭炮、贴春联、看春晚迎接新的一年到来。大年初一早上,孩子们穿着新衣服,跟着父母去拜年。长辈们往往发给孩子们一些压岁钱,祝福他们又长了一岁。春节是一个家人团聚的日子,离家在外的孩子都要回家。一家老少欢聚团圆,共享天伦之乐。 Spring Festival, also called “Celebrating Lunar New Year”, is

10、 the grandest traditional festival in China. On the eve of Spring Festival, the whole family gather together to have a wonderful family reunion dinner, making dumplings, setting off firecrackers , putting up Spring Festival couplets and watching Spring Festival Gala to celebrate the coming of the ne

11、w year. On the first morning of Spring Festival, children, in their new clothes, follow their parents to pay New Years visits. Elders often give children some “gift money”, blessing them as they are a year older. Spring Festival is a period for family members to reunite when grown children away from

12、 home all return home. All family members, old and young, gather together to enjoy the happiness of the family reunion. 今天,中国的剪纸主要用于装饰。在中国人看来,贴在门上的红色剪纸能够给全家带来吉祥幸福。在中国的传统节日里,尤其是春节期间,剪纸尤为常见。剪纸可以作为礼物送给亲朋好友。在中国的传统文化里,剪纸可以反映出生活中的各个方面,如吉祥如意、健康长寿和五谷丰登。春节期间,“福”字经常倒贴在门上,表达人们对“福到”的祝福。 Today, Chinese paper-cut

13、 is mainly used for decoration. In the eyes of Chinese people, red paper-cut pasted on doors can bring prosperity and happiness to the whole family. During traditional Chinese festivals, especially Spring Festival, paper-cut is more often seen. Paper-cut can be presented to friends and relatives as

14、a gift. In traditional Chinese culture, paper-cut can reflect various aspects of life, such as prosperity, health, longevity and harvest. During Spring Festival, the Chinese character fu, which means happiness, is pasted upside down on doors to express wishes for happiness. 中华文明历来注重社会和谐,强调团结互助。中国人早就

15、提出了“和为贵”的思想,追求天人和谐、人际和谐和身心和谐。今天,中国要构建和谐社会,就是要建设一个民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处的社会,实现物质和精神、民主和法治、公平和效率、活力和秩序的统一。中国人民把民族团结作为自己的职责,把国家主权和领土完整作为自己至高无上的使命。 Chinese civilization has always attached great importance to social harmony, unity and mutual assistance. Chinese people, who proposed the idea o

16、f “harmony as the most precious” in the early days, strive for harmony between man and nature, among people and between mans body and soul. Today, it is a harmonious society of democracy and rule of law, fairness and justice, honesty and fraternity, vitality and stability, order and harmony between

17、man and nature that China is trying to build , which achieves unity between material and culture, democracy and rule of law, fairness and efficiency as well as vitality and order. Chinese people regard ethnical unity as their responsibility and national sovereignty and territorial integrity as their

18、 supreme mission. 正月十五元宵节是中华民族的传统节日,也是春节之后的第一个重要节日,象征着和睦团圆。这是一年中第一个月圆之夜,标志着大地回春。按照中国民俗,在这皓月当空的夜晚,人们要点起彩灯万盏以示庆贺。中国幅员辽阔、历史悠久,元宵节的习俗全国各地也不尽相同。其中,吃元宵、赏花灯和猜灯谜是元宵节最重要的民间习俗。 The Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first lunar month is a traditional festival of the Chinese nation, also the first major o

19、ne after the Spring Festival, symbolizing harmony and unity. It is the first full moon night of the lunar year, marking the return of spring. According to the Chinese folk custom, people light thousands of colorful lanterns on this moon-lit night to celebrate the festival. Because of its vast territ

20、ory and long history, customs of the Lantern Festival vary in different areas across the country, among which eating yuanxiao (sweet sticky rice dumplings), appreciating lanterns and guessing lantern riddles are the most important folk customs. 中国传统文化博大精深、源远流长。早在两千多年前,就产生了以孔孟为代表的儒家学说和以老庄为代表的道家学说。从孔夫

21、子到孙中山,中国传统文化有很多珍贵的思想。比如,强调仁爱、强调集体利益、强调天下为公,特别是强调吃苦耐劳、尊师重教的传统美德。所有这些,都对家庭、社会和国家起到了巨大的维系和调节作用。 Traditional Chinese culture, extensive and profound, enjoys a long history. As early as 2000 years ago, there emerged Confucianism founded by Confucius and Mencius, and Taoism founded by Lao Tzu and Chuang T

22、zu. From Confucius to Sun Yat-sen, traditional Chinese culture presents many precious ideas. For example, it stresses kindness and love, the interests of the community, the idea of Justice for All in the World, and especially the traditional virtues such as diligence and endurance, respecting teache

23、rs and valuing education. All these have played a great role in binding and regulating families, the society and the country. 中国教育改革的当务之急是要改进现有课程设置和考试办法,不要让孩子只知道死读书。教育改革的关键在于使全社会认识到中、小学教育的目的不只是让学生掌握必要的知识,更应该提高学生整体素质,特别是让他们对人生意义和社会责任这些根本性的问题要有比较深入的思考。学校要选择合适的方式引导学生形成正确的世界观。如果学校只强调知识教育而忽视了人生课程的引导,那么培养

24、出来的只是一批文字或者数字机器。The top priority in the reform of the education system should be given to the improvement in the curriculum and testing system so that the future generation will not study mechanically. The key to the reform of the education lies in arousing social awareness that primary and secondar

25、y education should aim not only to offer basic knowledge to students but also to improve their overall quality, especially to inspire them to ponder over some fundamental issues like the meaning of life and social responsibility. Schools should guide students in an appropriate way so that they can f

26、orm a proper world view. If schools put undue emphasis on imparting knowledge while neglect the guidance on students life, they will produce nothing but machines only capable of memorizing words and numbers. 科教兴国战略是我国的一项基本国策。科技进步是经济发展的决定性因素,发展教育又是科技进步的基础。全球范围内日趋激烈的经济竞争,归根结底是科技和人才的竞争。科教工作的根本任务是提高全民族的

27、思想道德素质、科学文化素质和创新能力。大力发展教育和科技事业是我国现代化事业进一步发展的需要,同时也是适应世界科技革命和全球经济竞争的需要。The strategy of developing the country by relying on science and education is one of Chinas basic state policies. Scientific and technological progress is a decisive factor in economic development, and educational development is t

28、he foundation of scientific and technological progress. The increasingly fierce economic competition across the world is, in the final analysis, the competition in science and technology and the competition for talents. The fundamental task of our work in science and education is to elevate the ideo

29、logical and moral standards, the scientific and cultural level of the entire nation and its creative capabilities. The mission of vigorously developing education, science and technology is necessary for furthering Chinas modernization drive and at the same time, for meeting the requirements of the worlds scientific and technological revolution and those of global economic competition. 3 / 3

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